One Torah

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well great to see all of you here today shabbat shalom are you ready to get into y'all's word amen I am - I want you to open your Bibles with me to Exodus chapter 12 we're gonna begin in just a moment with verse 43 and I've entitled this message today one torah everybody say one torah and it's interesting that religion says there are different paths there's a certain path for believing jews and there's a different path for believing non-jews the believing jews follow the torah the believing non-jews well they abolish the torah there's two ways to get to the father but i'm not so sure the scripture says that as a matter of fact i know for a fact it doesn't say that and that's what we're gonna study today so we're gonna begin today by starting here in exodus chapter 12 verse 43 this is the tour of the passover and we talked about this a little bit last week but i want to really open it up to you today as we begin in our message so Exodus chapter 12 beginning with verse 43 it says and yah said to Moshe in our own this is the law or the taurah of the pay saw or the passover no son of a stranger now that word in the original hebrew is talking about a heathen and an alien someone that's not interested in joining himself to israel so no son of a stranger is to eat of it but any servant a man has bought four silver all right in other words a servant of an israelite who's been bought with silver when you have circumcised him then let him eat of it now this is a wonderful fact that we find here in scripture Yeshua is an Israelite is he not and the scripture tells us that you have been bought with a great price with his blood with his life 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 or do you not know that your body is the dwelling place of the set-apart Spirit who is in you which you have from Elohim and you are not your own for you were bought with a price you're a servant of your shoe are you not and you were bought with a price therefore a steam Elohim in your body and in your spirit which are of Elohim so you as a servant have been bought by an Israelite he paid a great price so the scripture implies that once we're circumcised then we can eat of the Passover all right that's one way of looking at it now look back at Exodus 12 beginning with verse 45 it says a sojourner all right this is talking about a temporary dweller one who's not interested in joining Israel but he's in the midst for a while and a hired servant okay a temporary hired hand does not eat of it does not eat of the Passover okay verse 46 it is eaten in one house you are not to take any of the flesh outside of the house nor are you to break any bone of it all the congregation of Israel are to perform it now what does this imply this implies that both native and non-native when circumcised are a part of the congregation of Israel alright so if you're born as a native you're part of the congregation but if you're a servant bought with silver then you're a non-native but once you're circumcised then you can eat of it so you become a part of the congregation of Israel alright verse 48 and when a stranger this is where it gets interesting that word stranger is gare in Hebrew it means a guest it means someone with a connection someone with a meaningful relationship one who desires to join himself to Israel this is a different type of person alright this is someone who loves Israel who wants to be a part of Israel the Hebrew word is GERD alright so when a stranger a Guerre so germs that word means abides abides with you and shall perform the Pesach or has the desire to perform the Passover now remember that word sojourn stand that word abide if you abide in him right then all his males are to be circumcised then let him come near those two words are very important because they the Apostle Paul uses these words in the book of Ephesians alright then let him come near or draw near and perform it and he shall be as a native of the land all right so what's his status he's a gare he's he's not a native born but he has a desire to be connected to Israel he wants to protect of the Passover when he's joined himself with Israel through circumcision himself and all the males in his household then he can come near he can draw near and he can eat of the Passover and notice it says and he shall be as a native of the land not a second-class citizen but a native of the land but let no uncircumcised eat of it now go with me over to Ephesians chapter 2 beginning with verse 12 and here Paul is saying something really wonderful about the believing non Jew all right it says at that time in other words when you were a Gentile you were without Messiah but I say without Messiah excluded from the citizenship or you could say from the congregation of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no expectation or hope and without Elohim in the world so that was your status then so this is a that was then this is now statement okay that was then look at verse 13 but now everybody say but now but now in Messiah Yeshua now that's a very important status because things change when you're in Messiah Yeshua but now in Messiah schewe you who once were far off have been brought near remember what the Torah of the Passover says once the gare is circumcised that he can come near and enjoy the blessings of the Passover all right so when you were a Gentile you were far off but in Messiah schewe you have been brought near by the blood of Messiah for he is our peace who has both made one alright who has made both one both what both believing Jew and believing non Jew have become at HOD they've become one it's like they're married in Messiah Yeshua and having broken down the partition of the barrier the wall of separation having abolished in his flesh Yeshua's flesh the enmity that which causes division he goes on to say the Torah of the commands in dogma all right this is simply talking about the man-made laws of the rabbis that prohibited Jews from having fellowship with non-jews who hadn't yet converted to Judaism all right it's the oral law the Oral Torah and the rabbi's forbade Jews to enter into the home of a Gentile or to have a meal with a Gentile and yet the scripture says they were to be the light to the Gentiles how can you be light if you are unable to have fellowship so in Yeshua this wall comes down folks in Yeshua this oral commandment of the rabbi's is destroyed in his flesh praise yah so now we can come together the to becoming a cod the two becoming one alright notice it says so as to create in himself one new man from the two thus making peace and to completely restore to favor both of them both of them were out of favor folks you need to keep that in mind both of them were out of favor so the playing field has been leveled in Yeshua all right they're both restored to favour unto Elohim in one body how many bodies is it one body for believing Jews and a different body for believing non-jews know they come together as a hide like a married couple one in one body all right through the stake having destroyed the enmity by it verse 17 and having come he Yahshua brought as good news peace to you who were far off non-natives the Gentiles right and peace to those near now this is an interesting verse because this is simply a quotation of another scripture this is Isaiah 57 verse 19 it says the exact same words that peace has been brought to those who were near and to those who were afar off verse 18 because through him Yeshua we both have access to the father by one spirit now one doesn't have a greater access they both have equal access to the father by one spirit so then you you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners that's the exact same language that was used in the tour of the Passover in Exodus 12 but what fellow citizens of the set-apart ones that's talking about believing Israel you are a fellow citizen you you are a co-equal member with Israel as a believing non Jew you've become a hard with believing Jews can you say men but fellow citizens of the set apart ones believing Israel and members of the household of Elohim so in the Torah of the Passover how does the gare become as a native of the land he's circumcised in that right you say well how have I been circumcised as a believing non Jew how have I been circumcised now we know that that many children today are circumcised whether they're Jewish or not Jewish all you have to do is check the box on the on the form at the hospital right all right so so this is not about circumcision of the flesh look at cautions chapter 2 verse 11 it says in him in Yeshua you were also circumcised who you believed in non Jews were circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands in the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Masaya so as they believing non Jew who circumsized you let me I said again as a believing non Jew who circumsized you Messiah Yeshua that's what the scripture says all right as I mentioned last week you know it's a point of pride to be able to say well rabbi so-and-so circumcised my son well if anybody ever asks you how did you get circumcised you let them know that Yeshua circumsized you amen and it's both it's both male and female you were circumcised because you were circumcised in your heart and by the way folks the circumcision of the heart is a Torah principle it's not a new concept something that Paul came up with in the quote New Testament it is a Torah principle you can be circumcised in the flesh and disobedient to the Torah and the Almighty sees you as uncircumcised now we'll get to that here in a moment in him you were also circumcised with the circumcision not made with the hands in the pudding off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Messiah don't belittle or demean that having been buried with him in immersion in Baptism in which you also were raised with him through the belief in the working of Elohim who raised him from the dead so you were circumcised when you were water baptized that's why the almighty said if you're gonna if you're gonna draw near you have to believe and be baptized alright you could say it this way believe and be circumcised amen and then let's continue any in Exodus chapter 12 and this is where I want to get to today verse 49 right on the heels of saying all that it says there is one Torah for the native born and for the stranger that word again is gare that one who has a love for Israel he's a non-native as a love for Israel he wants to draw near he's circumcised so that he can enjoy the the Passover he becomes a cod with believing Jews amen and the scripture says there is one Torah for the native-born and for the stranger remember when you're circumcised and you draw near to enjoy the the Passover it the scripture says that you are as a native in the land well there's one Torah folks there's not a Torah for believing Jews and some other set of instructions for believing non-jews remember Torah means instructions the Almighty has not given believing Jews a certain set of instructions a certain way and believing non-jews a different set of instructions or a different way it's the same way one Torah amen now if I was just telling you my opinion you could argue with me but I'm showing you the scripture hallelujah there is one Torah for the native born and for the gear who sojourned that word also means abides remember that that's important who sojourned or abides among you in other words who has joined himself to you through circumcision there is one Torah all right now go to first John 2:6 this is a verse that we quote a lot but now that I've opened this up to you I hope that it really has a much deeper meaning to you okay first John 2:6 the one who says he stays or abides or sojourned in him in whom in Yeshua ought himself also to walk even as he walked well Yeshua was a Torah keeper so if you say as a gear that you want to join yourself to believe in Israel and you're circumcised with the circumcision of Messiah and you draw near you want to abide or sojourn in him the scripture says then you're gonna need to walk even as he walked one tour for the native-born and for the non-native one Turin we're to walk just as Yeshua walked hallelujah amen well let's get a second witness we know out of the mouths of two or three witnesses we have to establish everything so Leviticus chapter 24 verse 10 here's the second witness says and the son of an Israeli woman whose father was a miss Ryung or an Egyptian man went out among the children of Israel and this Israeli woman's son and a man of Israel strove in the camp now this is out out in the wilderness and the Israeli woman woman's son blaspheme the name and cursed so this is this is a man who was born of of an Israeli and his father was an Egyptian right so you think oh well he's not fully then you know an Israelite so so maybe there's a different strategy for him maybe there's a different set of instructions for him maybe a different path a different way for him alright well let's see and the Israeli woman's son blaspheme the name and cursed so they brought him to Moshe now his mother's name was Shelly Meath the daughter of debris of the tribe of Dan and they put him under guard that it might be declared to them at the mouth of yah so they weren't really that certain either what to do with this guy so they put him under God under guard until it was declared by the mouth of yah what to do verse 13 and y'all spoke to Moshe a saying bring the one who has cursed outside the camp and all those who heard him shall lay their hands on his head and all the congregation shall stone him and speak to the children of Israel saying anyone who curses his Elohim obviously Elohim was offended he felt like this guy had cursed him right anyone who curses his Elohim shall bear his sin and he who blasphemes the name of yah shall certainly be put to death and all the congregation certainly stone him the stranger that's that same word Gare the non-native who's joined himself to Israel as well as the native when he blasphemes the name he's put to death and a man who strikes the being of any man shall certainly be put to death and he who strikes a beast repays it body for body and when a man inflicts a blemish upon his neighbor as he has done so it has done to him fracture for fracture eye for eye tooth for tooth as he inflicts a blemish upon him so it has done to him verse 21 and he who strikes a beast repays it and he who strikes a man to death is put to death verse 22 you are to have one right ruling for the stranger the gare the non-native who's joined himself Israel and for the native for I am yah your Elohim now is that two different paths two different sets of instructions no the same one tour everybody say one Torah and Moshe spoke to the children of Israel and they brought the one who cursed outside the camp and stoned him with stones and the children Israel did as y'all commanded Moshe all right go with me over to no numbers chapter 15 we're gonna begin with verse 29 we're gonna get a third witness here the same judgment is given to both the native and the non-native in this situation as well numbers chapter 15 starting with verse 29 for him who does whatever by mistake there is one Torah everybody say one Torah both for him who is native among the children Israel and for the stranger same word dare the non native who's joined himself to Israel who sojourned Tsar abides in their midst but the being who does whatever defiantly whether he is native or a stranger again that word gear he reviles yah and that being shall be cut off from among his people now notice this implies that the non native is also part of the people part of the congregation of Israel because he has despised the word of yaa and has broken his command that being shall certainly be cut off his crookedness is upon him I have not found in the scripture anywhere where yah makes a concession for the gare where he where he allows him to go a different path to live by a different set of instructions he's in the camp with the people he's joined himself and there's one Torah for both the native and the non-native amen now let me take you to Romans chapter 2 I hope you're tracking with me because this is where it really gets deep alright Romans chapter 2 beginning with verse 12 this is where Paul says that the Torah is the standard of judgment for both the Jew and the non Jew now this really will rock your Christian theological world because this is hardly ever preached as a matter of fact in all my years in the Christian Church I've never heard Romans chapter 2 preached in its proper context alright and this is going to tell us that the Torah is the standard of judgment for both the Jew and the non Jew all right Romans chapter 12 excuse me Romans chapter 2 verse 12 for as many as sinned without Torah who's he talking about they're talking about the Gentiles those who didn't have Torah shall also perish without Torah so so what does sin mean what is the Bible definition of sin transgression of the Torah so what is he saying if you transgress the Torah even though you don't have the Torah you will perish without the Torah and as many as sinned in the Torah who had sin in the Torah the Jews who had the Torah shall be judged by the Torah so what is the standard of judgment for both the Jew and the non Jew the Torah verse 13 for not the hearers of the Torah the Jews who possess the Torah that's what this is talking about our righteous in the sight of Elohim just because you hear the torrent you have the Torah and even your circumsized physically doesn't mean that you're righteous in the sight of Elohim but the doers of the Torah shall be declared right verse 14 for win nations or the Gentiles who do not have the Torah well we do now come on you can say better amen for when nations who do not have the Torah by nature do what is in the Torah although not having the Torah they are a Torah to themselves who show the work of the Torah written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness so your conscience is bearing witness to what the Torah the Almighty puts a conscience in every person to help you like a GPS system or our compass to know true north to know the difference between right and wrong now when you when you haven't allowed it to become seared with a hot iron it works really well you know when you've done wrong all right when you're allowed to come seared with a hot iron it doesn't work anymore all right but the conscience is a witness to what Torah have you ever seen that folks have you ever heard that your conscience witnesses to Torah one path one set of instructions not to Amen for win nations who do not have the Torah by nature do what is in the Torah see there's something in them inside of them guiding them although not having the Torah they are a Torah to themselves who show the work of the tore written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and between themselves their thoughts accusing or excusing in the day when elohim shall judge the secrets of men through Yeshua Messiah according to my good news now that's a powerful statement if you let it sink in that your conscience is going to bear witness to Torah so if you abolish the Torah what does that do to your conscience if you throw out the Torah what does that do to your conscience it has nothing to witness to no wonder the world's gone crazy look at verse 17 see you were called to Yehudi a Jew he's talking to the Jews here and rest on the Torah and make your boast in Elohim and know the desire of Elohim now that's an important point because how do you discover the desire the will of Elohim in the Torah if you don't have the Torah are you going to be able to fully understand the desire of Elohim so if you throw out the Torah how are you gonna know the will of Elohim if you don't see the Torah is the foundation of all scripture how are you going to interpret what Christianity calls the New Testament you end up making stuff up and that's what religion has done over millennia it has made stuff up okay verse 18 and no the desire of Elohim and approve what is superior we're talking about the Torah being instructed out of the Torah so where do you find what is superior in the Torah and our trusting that you yourselves are a guide to the blind I mean somebody that's truly following Torah can be a guide to the blind a light to those who are in darkness an instructor of foolish ones a teacher of babes having the form of knowledge and of the truth in the Torah where is the truth the scripture itself says that taurah is truth does it not read psalm 119 amen your torah is truth the scripture says so if you abolish the torah what are you doing you're abolishing truth verse 21 you then who teach another you Jews having the Torah that's what he's talking about did you not teach yourselves you who proclaimed that a man should not steal that's Exodus chapter 20 verse 15 and Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 19 do you steal you who say do not commit adultery that's Exodus chapter 20 verse 14 and Deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 18 did you commit adultery you who abominate her to test idols do you rob temples in other words do you commit desecration verse 23 you Jews who make your boast in the Torah through the transgression of the Torah do you disrespect Elohim so what is Paul doing here he's saying that all have sinned including you Jews who have the Torah amen do you disrespect Elohim verse 24 for the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the nations because of you what is what is that this is Paul quoting Isaiah Isaiah 52 verse 5 verse 25 first circumcision now in context here he's talking about being a Jew they the Jews were called the circumcision the non-jews were called the uncircumcision all right indeed prophets if you practice or obey the Torah but if you a Jew are a transgressor of the Torah your circumcision has become uncircumcision again what have we been teaching don't follow religion follow your schewe and Jews who think well we've got the Torah and we go to synagogue do we listen to the tour every week and we're circumcised we're all right with the Almighty well Paul is laying the foundation here he's making it very clear that if you're following religion you're on the broad way that leads to destruction that if you're disobeying the Torah as someone who circumcised and who has the tour as a Jew then your circumcision is nothing more than uncircumcision that's the way the Almighty sees it verse 25 for circumcision indeed profits if you practice or obey the Torah but if you add you are a transgressor of the Torah your circumcision has become uncircumcision well did he divorce a bunch of people that were circumcised he sure did threw him right out of his house right out of the land so circumcision can't save you circumcision in the flesh a circumcision of the heart is a different matter look at verse 26 so if an uncircumcised one talking about a Gentile by birth watches over the righteousness of the Torah again the Torah is the standard for both the Jew and the Gentile so if an uncircumcised Gentile watches over the righteousness of the tour shall not his uncircumcision be reckoned as circumcision and the uncircumcised by nature the Gentile by birth who perfects the Torah same torez the Jews have shall judge you Jews notwithstanding letter in other words who have the Torah and circumcision are a transgressor of the Torah so if you have the Torah and you're circumcised but you transgress the Torah the uncircumcised one by Nature will judge you if he perfects the Torah if he's obeying the Torah now he's going somewhere with this and I'm gonna take you there so you can see it clearly for he is not a Yehuda a Jew who is so outwardly neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh but a Yehudi a Jew is he who is so inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in spirit not literally whose praise is not from men but from Elohim now this whole discourse is simply laying the foundation that all have sinned and fallen short of the esteem or the glory of Elohim and your religion is not going to save you your paganism is not going to save you or your irreligion if you don't have any religion at all you're not going to be saved look at Romans chapter 3 verse 21 so Paul is leveling the playing field here building the case that both Jew and Gentile have transgressed the Torah and fall short of justification in the eyes of yah Romans chapter 3 verse 21 but now apart from the Torah a righteousness of elohim has been revealed being witnessed by the tore in the profits and the righteousness of elohim is through what belief in Yeshua Messiah to all and on all who believe for there is no difference have I say no difference for all have sinned and fall short of the esteem of Elohim so the point of all this is to show that the Torah is the standard of judgment for both the Jew and the Gentile and that they both fall short of justification both Jew and Gentile need a Savior and that saviours name is what Yeshua Messiah so go with me over to John chapter 14 we're going to look at verse 6 Yeshua says something really important here John chapter 14 verse 6 Yeshua said to them I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me so this folks is a reference a direct reference to psalm 119 how many of you believe your schewe new psalm 119 he said i'm look the way i want to put the emphasis in the right place i am the way he didn't say i'm one of two ways he didn't say believing jews have this part of me and believing non-jews have that part of me he said I am the way he said I am the truth he didn't say there's one set of instructions or truth for believing Jews and a whole different set of instructions or truth for believing non-jews he said I am the truth and he said I am the life he didn't say well I'm gonna give life to the Jews as they follow a different way and I'm gonna give life you know to the non-jews as they go a different way that's not what he said he said I am the way the truth and the life no one no one comes to the Father except through me it was a direct reference to psalm 119 go to psalm 119 beginning with verse 1 Yeshua said I am the way so I'm 119 verse 1 says the Torah is the way and in psalm 119 every letter of the Hebrew alphabet entitles a certain portion of the scripture so in verse 1 it starts with Olaf alright what did you schewe say he said I am the olive and the taw so The Aleph is the first letter and the TAWS the last letter the Hebrew alphabet so what's he saying well we see right here in psalm 119 it begins with olive it ends with talk he's saying I'm everything that's written about in psalm 119 now we know he's all of it he's all the word from the start to the finish but psalm 119 talks about the Torah and how the Torah is truth and you're going to see that it says the Torah is the way psalm 119 verse 1 blessed are the perfect in the way who walk in the tour of yah so if you're walking in the tour of yah you're in the way blessed are those who observe or obey his witnesses well Yeshua said the Torah then never even the cat to him all witnessed of me in other words the original Hebrew Scriptures witnessed of me so blessed are those who observe his witnesses who seek him with all the heart yes they shall do no unrighteousness why because you're walking in his ways they shall walk in his ways how many of you want to walk in his ways well then don't abolish the Torah if you abolish the Torah you end up walking in your own ways in religious ways the scripture says they did what was right in their own eyes how many of you know if you set yourself up as God now you'll be judged by the Almighty later the tour is the way Yeshua said I'm the way then look at psalm 119 verse 29 the tour is the truth removed from me the way of falsehood that ought to be every sincere Christians prayer today remove from me the way of falsehood why because we've inherited lies an error in falsehood and worthlessness the Prophet said remove from me the way of falsehood and favor me with your torah well if you have the Torah here you're walking in favor verse 30 I have chosen the way of truth and what is the way of truth the way of Torah you're right rulings I have held level that means I have a published your write rulings I have clung to your witnesses Yeshua said the Torah the prophets and the Psalms all witnessed of him are you clinging to his witnesses oh yah do not put me to shame well you won't be put to shame if you walk in the Torah and then psalm 119 142 says your righteousness is righteousness for ever and your torah is truth now if you abolish the Torah you have to make excuses for these scriptures the scripture says I am yah I changed not the scripture says of Yeshua he's the same yesterday today and forever he is the living Torah he is the embodiment of the word he doesn't change all of the Bible is one continuous agreeing revelation if you ever have to make excuses for certain passages of scripture because you don't understand them you're in a bad way well we just don't live by that that's the old decrepit Testament and so you end up having to make excuses for passages of scripture when you tear down that wall and realize that all the Bible is one continuous agreeing revelation you don't ever have to making excuses again it's all truth all of it so the tour is the way the tour is the truth and psalm 119 49 says the tour is the life says remember the word to your servant on which you have caused me to wait this is my comfort in my affliction for your word has given me life now when the psalmist wrote this what word was available had the quote New Testament been written well if you're gonna say this is true you're gonna have to make excuses for your word has given me life people that say well that's abolished well you'll have to make an excuse for that verse the proud have utterly scorned me I did not turn aside from your Torah I remembered your right rulings of old oh yah and I comfort myself it says your word has given me life psalm 119 92 says this if your torah had not been my delight i would have perished in my affliction let me never forget your orders for by them you have given life to me or me life let me never forget your orders for by them you have given me life now do you think Yeshua knew these verses do you think that when he spoke to his disciples they knew these verses so what was he saying he's saying I am the embodiment of the Torah I am The Living Torah I am the way there's only one way I am the truth there's only one truth I am the life there's only one way to have life and he came to demonstrate how to live out the Torah in spirit and truth well if your schewe is the living Torah and you abolish the Torah what have you done you've abolished Yeshua how many of you feel all strong and proud and able to pull something like that off religion feels that way so is there one Torah for believing Jews and a different Torah for believing non-jews if your shoe is the living tor and he is is there one Yeshua for believing Jews in a different issuer for believing non-jews is there one way for the believing Jew in a different way for the believing non Jew is there one truth for the believing Jew and a different truth for believing non-jews is there one life for the believing Jew in a different life for believing non-jews the Torah itself says there is one Torah for the native and the same Torah for the gare who has joined himself to Israel how many of you believe what's written in the book of Romans that when you receive your schewe you were grafted in to believing Israel hallelujah you'd you weren't grafted in to a Roman rooted Gentile Church you say well I'm not a Catholic well the question is where do your roots end if your roots end and Rome that ought to tell you something if your roots end in Israel you blessed alright go quickly to Deuteronomy chapter 30 we're gonna look at verse 11 and following the Torah tells us that it was given to bring life and blessing so those people that think that believing Jews follow the Torah but believing non-jews don't what are they saying that the believing Jews get to life in the blessing and the believing non-jews don't Deuteronomy 30 verse 11 for this command which I'm commanding you today it is not too hard for you so when religions says well who can do that who can who can keep the written tour it's too hard well they don't even try they've abolished it I've had people say well you know you're just dragging people into bondage well it's not bondage when you want to and the spirit gives you the want to and the power to and that was prophesied in the original Hebrew Scriptures that he'd give us a new heart and put a new spirit in us and give us the desire to obey His commandments and the power - amen it says in the Torah that the tour is not too hard for you nor is it far off it is not in the heavens to say who shall ascend into the heavens for us and bring it to us and cause us to hear it so that we do it nor is it beyond the sea to say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it to us and cause us to hear it so that we do it for the word all right or the Torah and who is Yahshua the Living Torah he's the Word made flesh for the Torah is very near you in your mouth and in your heart to do it now in this interesting this is the this is the portion of the Torah that Paul uses he quotes it when he's teaching justification by favor through belief and you may have heard it taught justification by grace through faith Paul actually quotes the Torah when he teaches that that is a Torah principal justification my favorite through belief came right out of the Torah and people say well you know Paul wrote the book of Romans so that he could abolish the Torah well if he did that he abolished the very Authority that he was using to teach the principles he taught in the book of Romans verse 15 see I've set before you today life and good and death and evil well what what did he really set before them he set the Torah before them if you obey the tour it brings life and good if you disobey it brings death and evil in that I am commanding you today to love yah how do you love yah by keeping his Commandments and that what your schewe said if you love me keep my Commandments in that I'm commanding you today to love y'all your Elohim to walk in his ways you don't even know his ways unless you read the Torah and to guard his commands and his laws and his right rulings and you shall what live he said I am the life and you shall live and increase and y'all your elohim shall bless you in the land which you go to possess so the Torah brings life and blessing look at verse 19 I have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you I have set before you life and death and blessing and the curse therefore you shall choose life when you choose life what are you choosing you're choosing to obey the Torah so that you live both you and your seed - love y'all your Elohim - obey his voice and to cling to him for he is your life and the length of your days again I have to think you know what I'm when I'm reading about what I didn't have as a Gentile and I was without Messiah and I was a stranger to the congregation of Israel and and I didn't participate in the covenants of promise and all those things that Paul writes about and then when I think about what I have in your schewe and the life and the blessing that comes to me I have to scratch my head and think now can I find it in the scripture anywhere where it says believing Jews get to enjoy the life and the blessing that comes through the Torah and believing non-jews don't and why would anybody abolish what brings life and blessing well they do it when they want to establish a new religion something different look at first John chapter 5 verse 3 for this is the love of Elohim in other words this is how we love Elohim that we guard his commands and his commands are not heavy that's a direct reference to Deuteronomy chapter 30 verses 11 through 20 and this is found in the Brit hadashah or the opposite writings or what's called the New Testament we are to love elohim by obeying his commandments his commandments are not heavy it's exactly what the torah says some 119:105 says this your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path Christians would say well that's just talking about the New Testament for us but when the psalmist wrote it there was no New Testament he's saying your word is a lamp to my feet see how many have you ever walked around in in darkness I live out in the country and it can get pretty dark out there and there's all kinds of things that you can step on in the country we have every kind of venomous Viper out there where I live all kinds of animals that o possum that likes to come and eat the dog food amen all kinds of things you can step on if you don't have any light religion has stepped in a lot of things because it's abolished the light your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path proverbs 6:23 for the command and as a lamp and the Torah is alike and reproves of discipline a way of life is there one light to believing Jews and no light to believing non-jews or is there one light to believing Jews in a different light to believing non-jews can you support that in Scripture anywhere if it's there you'd think I could find it but I'm still searching and I hadn't found it one torah for the native-born and for the gare the one who has a love for Israel and has joined together with Israel John chapter 8 verse 12 therefore Yeshua spoke to them again saying I am the light of the world the Living Torah he who follows me shall by no means walk in darkness but possess the light of life he who follows me notice he doesn't say he who follows religion he doesn't say he who follows Judaism he doesn't say he who follows Christianity he says he who follows me so how are you safe by following him by walking in his ways there's all kinds of made-up traditions regulations rules on both sides Yeshua rebuked the scribes and the Pharisees for their made up laws and precedents especially those that ran contrary to the written Torah and religion gets all proud Christianity will say well we're not like those old scribes and Pharisees and I want to say yeah you mean you don't have any traditions that are made up you don't have doctrines that are not scriptural I mean you changed the Sabbath put it on the wrong day how many of you know when you change the Sabbath from the seventh date of the first day you completely destroy the prophetic picture that the Almighty wants the Sabbath to represent what about all those Roman holidays Christianity likes to ki are they scriptural so what do we need to do in these last days when the Spirit is making the bride ready for the bridegroom we need to passionately search the scripture when Yeshua says follow me Yeshua followed the written Torah he challenged the oral torah through oral traditions and certain aspects in regards he challenged those man-made laws he challenged religion and they hated him for it and that's what will happen when we walk with your schewe but how many even know our reward is going to be great our reward is going to be awesome he's with us he empowers us amen his favor is upon us we're determined to discover how you schewe walked and walk in his ways if we say that we are by in him we sojourned in him then we must walk even as he walked not the way religion depicts him but the way the scripture depicts him amen how many of you are ready to walk in the light of his schewe amen hallelujah let's pray
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 5,083
Rating: 4.9227052 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Torah, Bible, Truth, Law, Religion, Jews, No-Jews, Believers, THE WAY, Teachings
Id: SLo-T2arWaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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