The Spiritual Meaning of Water Baptism by Keith Malcomson

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praise god here this morning turn into romans chapter 6 and i just want to change and do an individual message here on water baptism as we prepare to do our water baptism service here this afternoon i want to preach a specific message from romans chapter 6 on this and this is my title here this morning the spiritual meaning of water baptism the spiritual meaning of water baptism reading from romans chapter 6 and verse 1 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein know ye not what a question know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into jesus christ we're baptized into his death therefore we are buried with him in baptism into death that like as christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin for he that is dead is freed from sin now if we are dead with christ we believe that we shall also live with him knowing the christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him for in that he died he died on the sin once but in that he liveth he liveth unto god likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the lust thereof neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as unto as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god for sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace let's pray together father thank you for the word of god this morning and the simplicity of this gospel the power of this gospel and the truth of what has happened to us in christ when we were born again lord god saved by the grace of god lord god i thank you for the lord jesus christ that in him we have been crucified we have been buried and we are risen again we are new creatures in the lord jesus christ all things have passed away behold all things and become new and to christ be all the glory and all the praise no resolution could have done this no religion could have done this no tradition could have done this but the living person of christ did do what no man could do we love you this morning lord jesus amen my message the spiritual meaning of water baptism you see the bible does have various symbols here this morning we broke bread we had the lord's table we had the juice and the bread representing they're symbolic they're symbolic they symbolize something and you know what they symbolize a powerful truth in the bible the christ died for us on the cross that his body bear our sin also under this uh pulpit here i've got a little bottle of oil the bible says if you're sick call for the elders and they'll anoint you with oil and pray for you now that oil isn't even special i think we had one from jerusalem or israel or somewhere it's not special i can assure you it represents it's symbolic so that oil symbolizes the power of the holy spirit so when we pray when we anoint them with oil it's not the oil that does anything this this little bit of juice that we take this morning cannot wash away your sins or forgive your sins it is symbolic and yet there's a powerful dynamic truth if you'd partake of this table wrongly you could get sick you could die that's what the bible teaches that's why it's so serious when you anoint someone with oil they could instantly get healed and we know as well we practice head covering here in this church it's symbolic there's an entire biblical teaching it's only a symbol it is nothing in itself it's not it it is representative but also we know that water baptism the act of being baptized in water is symbolic we know that in acts chapter 2 acts chapter 8 acts chapter 9 acts chapter 19 and various other verses that when someone got saved born again they knew it they knew that they'd been saved they knew they were born again as soon as you get saved you get baptized in water that's what happens but that baptism in water it is a symbol it doesn't have the power to change you water cannot wash away your sin the water cannot change the nature of a man i watched lots of people be baptized in water that never changed them they're as big a rogue afterwards as they were before it is symbolic and yet it has a powerful dynamic truth that when you understand it and you believe it there is power there now when we come to the book of uh romans we actually see that from chapter 3 to chapter 5 we are dealing with justification by faith through the blood of jesus or through the finished work of the cross what jesus done on the cross he died for me he justified me i receive it by faith i am forgiven by faith and so chapter 3 4 and 5 it is dealing with this experience i'm washed in the blood i am saved by grace but when we come to chapter 6 that we read here this morning we are moving from salvation by faith through grace in christ we are now moving in chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 to discipleship and this area of sin in the christians life you see water baptism today i'll take about three minutes or less for someone to be baptized in water it takes no time at all but what i'm about to preach to you takes a lifetime of working it out yes it's true of the person who's born again i have been crucified buried and resurrected in christ but also i'm going to live this out over an entire lifetime and so we symbolize it in baptism and water but there is an entire lifetime of truth it began a conversion but it continues until we meet and face the lord jesus christ again and so when we come to romans chapter 6 it's not dealing with water baptism some people make this mistake colossians 2 or romans 6 it's not talking about water baptism it is talking about the true spiritual meaning that's symbolized by water baptism water baptism does not crucify the flesh it does not deal with sin it doesn't it cannot do we know that but you know what the truth of what water baptism symbolizes is contained in romans chapter six in verse one this word baptism is issues as we begin to go into this chapter we begin to see in verse 3 baptized into his death we see this word baptism is used in this chapter in a very real way it is the greek word baptizo it is a greek word and i want to explain it to you here this morning baptizo issues 77 times in our new testament thirteen of those times are used concerning john the baptist's baptism in water of repentance six of the times that this is used it's spoken of the outpouring of the holy spirit on individuals or groups of believers and so we begin to understand this john's water baptism then we see the outpouring of the holy spirit it is called a baptism as well but i want you to see what does the word baptizo actually mean now there's different greek words that mean different things that's obvious and so if we talk about sprinkling water on someone that is the word rantizo it's a different greek word you never speak about baptism in relation to sprinkle it's utterly impossible neither is it the word ekio that means you pour water it's not that word it definitely isn't then there's luther it is to wash the body now i'm not a greek speaker okay so forgive me for my greek i i barely can keep up with english here this morning but you know what baptizo doesn't mean to sprinkle it doesn't mean the poor it doesn't mean to wash your body with water what does baptizo mean this greek word actually is totally different from all of them let me explain it to you one of the meanings for baptizo means to dip repeatedly to immerse completely to submerge under liquid or water it is that new part of the body is above that water that's what baptism means you are plunged in beneath the water it also means to moisten our soak if you're not soaked you haven't been baptized to sprinkle on your head you're not baptized you haven't been baptized but you know what to be saturated or soaked this word was used in the first century concerning dying garments you would take a garment and you would submerge it in the water so when it's left in the water what is in the water goes into it this is how they used to dye garments so you would have purple dye in the liquid you've got a nice white garment what do you do you actually moisten it or you want the purple in the white garment what do you do you submerge it that's what it is to get what is in the water you want to get in the garment and there's a symbolic truth here what the truth is when you're baptized in christ you want some of that to get into you you want to be saturated soaked died by the reality of the lord jesus christ it also means to cover totally with fluid to plunge beneath and it was used of a drowning man if a man's drowning you go going he's baptizo he's veneto i'm telling you we're not going to see him again someone better pull them out of there and so we see that baptizo is the strongest word possible to explain year and i identification with the lord jesus christ when we're born again and when we get baptized in water we are identified you're being baptized into the lord jesus christ there is a spiritual experience and so notice with me in romans chapter six here there's three truths i want to give you this morning that are mentioned here number one baptized verse three baptized into his death number two in verse four baptized into his burial number three we find it in verse four and five baptized into his resurrection these the three things bury sorry crucifixion burial and resurrection is what it is the spiritual meaning of water baptism when we see water baptism today it represents three things that are happening now notice these three things of the death burial and resurrection of christ there are three historical facts they happened at a point of time in a place they are literal three historic facts they are factually true they actually happen christ was crucified outside of jerusalem he did get buried for three days and his body lay in the grave on the third day he was raised from the dead triumphant and ascended on high to the right hand of the father these are historic facts also they're three simple facts of the basic gospel in 1 corinthians 15 paul says in verse 1 concerning the gospel which i preach what was the gospel what is the definition of the gospel what did paul preach well in verse 3 he says for i delivered unto you first all that which also i received so christ gave it to him paul wrote it and gave it to us what are the facts of the gospel that he preached either christ died that's the first fact for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and so we see this is not his only historic fact it is also the gospel message these three points of reality but you know what when we come to romans chapter six and we see that we have been justified by faith i've been forgiven i've been washed for my sins i am saved i'm born again i'm a new creature it's by faith i've been saved do you know you go straight into discipleship this is now the message of discipleship for those that have come to faith in jesus christ what is the true spiritual meaning of water baptism anybody can get baptized in water most of them don't understand it they've got no concept it means nothing to say well you just do that very few i mean even mature christians have little understanding about the true meaning that's a symbol that is the outward act we do but it's got an entire truth an entire lifestyle that comes out of that let me show you here this morning the first one the first spiritual meaning of water baptism is the death of jesus christ and our crucifixion with him look at verse three it says know ye not and underline that word no no ye not what a question do you not even know this don't you understand this know you not that so many of us as were baptized into jesus christ were baptized into his death and look again in verse six he says knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin may be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin notice in verse 3 and verse 6 he uses this word to know don't you know that you're crucified with christ what does water baptism symbolize you've been crucified with christ not only did jesus die on a cross i was crucified with them and so when you respond say i want to be baptized i've been born again you know what you're saying i know i know that i have been baptized i'm getting baptized into the death of jesus to know it means be conscious to become very aware to perceive or to resolve i don't care how long ago it is that you got baptized in water can i say don't you know that you were baptized into the death of christ don't you know that you died with him don't you know this i'm not saying do you feel it you see some christians say i don't feel dead i don't feel crucified i don't feel that's reality i don't feel that i died to sin who said this had anything to do with feelings you see too many christians they're ruled by what they see and feel and think by their personal experience oh but i i sinned against god oh i can't get victory over this thing i don't know how to go forward you know what you're ruled by something you should never be ruled by he says do you not know to know is with the mind it's to know facts to no details to know truth to know what the bible says you say but sure it's not a reality in my life i i don't know this thing but a real christian has to come to know that they know they've been crucified this isn't something you feel or you merely imagine or you confess in the being you've got to know it what does the bible teach are you born again what does the bible teach you've been crucified with christ oh but i can't feel it who said it had him to do with that it says if your faith is in the lord jesus christ you have been you know now that you're a christian you've got to come to know this i told you i said this as an entire life right at the beginning you get baptized in water and you go that's all there is to know about that really do you realize you're going to spend the rest of your christian life finding out the power i have been crucified with christ just like let me ask you did you see christ died did any of you in this re i hope none of you is respond i hope none of you will talk later but did any of you see jesus die on the cross were any of you there did any of you feel it did any of you touch it with your hands do any of you have uh uh iphone pictures of it or a video of it none of yous have that none of you how do you know jesus died see you're sitting here go i know he died i know he was crucified no one could talk me out of this why is it different with your crucifixion when it comes to are you crucified did you die have you died to sin you go i don't know i don't know you know why because you're doing it somewhere else you're trying to perceive this you need to go back to word of god and say i know i perceive i understand i believe the word of god i have been crucified with christ know ye not you see it says here that it is your old man that has been crucified or he goes further here he says he calls it the body of sin now what is the body of sin it is the whole original principle of sin it is sin expressed through the body and it is also called the flesh in romans chapter 7 verse 5 verse 18 verse 25 and other verses it talks about flesh what is flesh it is the body of sin it is that body that sin operates through that's why paul as a believer in romans 7 he says i i there is sin that flesh that old nature that body of sin it does sin it is very real and so we know that it's not paul says he says it's not me sin and it's my flesh that wasn't an excuse you know we've got lots of christians who too that blame everybody apart from themselves paul wasn't doing that you know what he realized he's got a new creature he's born again he's alive in christ but he's saying there's a problem here that i'm trying to work through you know what it's called the flesh the body of sin sin comes through that old nature but notice the truth here that is represented by water baptism when you plunge down into the water when you're actually put down into that water you know what it represents spiritually there's a truth you were crucified if you're a christian if you're in christ to be baptized into christ what does it mean i'm getting baptized into christ what does that mean baptized into his death immersed lost saturated that death is going to impact my entire life there's lots of people who claim christ they're not dead to themselves or the sin or to this world you know what they're very alive they don't have any desire to experience this crucified life it says in chapter six verse two we that are are what word will be no are we that are dead it's the arrows greek tense it means consummated finished a once for all act in other words you're not trying to kill yourself you're not trying to be crucified most christians are sin i hope to be crucified and trying to attain onto this i'm not sure i've got the energy or the power that old nature boy have you ever met him down a dark alley have you ever met him when you went home and you closed the door and you just been with people and you get angry or whatever else and you meet that old fallen nature i want to tell you it's a very very real thing and yet here it's not tran crucifam the bible says you were crucified 2 000 years ago i was crucified not cross i haven't seen it i wasn't there it's not a feeling i know it to be true it is as factual and as real as jesus dying upon the cross it actually says here in verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with christ so what does that mean that the body of sin might be destroyed notice how we're destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin are you serving sin there's a way through this you've got to realize the old nature your flesh has been destroyed if you begin to know this and understand it and grip it and believe it and stand on the word of god you know what you no longer serve sin it's a very real thing what does the word destroy mean it's used 26 times in our new testament 25 of those times the apostle paul uses it it doesn't mean eradicated it doesn't mean it put out of existence it doesn't mean to pull up by the roots that there's no more evidence of it it doesn't mean that this is what the greek word for destroyed means it means to render it entirely idle to render it inactive to make of no effect to make an operative you know a car you can make it an operative just take know how to take a few certain things out it's the car's still there oh it's still in its place all the parts are there but if paul being a mechanic knows that certain thing to take out and if you remove that one little item you know what all day long i i could fiddle with it not do any harm to it but he could go in there and take one thing out the car becomes inoperative it means to become without power to put out of use to put out a business to fire any has ever been fired well brother clinton used to say as a preacher pastor if you haven't been fired two or three times in your lifetime you're not much of a preacher at any rate well thank god i haven't been fired yet so i'm just holding on here but this destroying the old man or the body of sin means to fire him it means to unemploy him in other words he was employed i rely on him i expect him to operate i am looking from the function i allow him but you know what to destroy remember it's this experience of being crucified with christ it fires him it actually puts him in prison he's not dead in the sense of annihilated but it said you've got a death penalty hanging over you you know one of these days i'll never have this flesh life again it is gonna be eradicated i'm not gonna have to fight sin again i won't be tempted again i won't fail god again i wish i hadn't failed them but i have i have failed them but i know that the truth of this and the power of this is the secret i want to tell you this morning this is what water baptism symbolizes anyone can look at what a baptism say i'm just getting baptized because i believe in jesus no it means something i have been it's screaming on to us today you've been crucified with christ 2 000 years ago so that you will no longer be a servant of sin it says in verse six to not serve sin verse seven freed from sin verse 17 delivered from sin it's a very real thing in verse five it says that we're planted together in the likeness of his death to to mean grown up with closely united with see we want to be identified with christ but not his death real biblical christianity is baptizo it is immersed it is saturated with this death of christ his death became my death he died for my sins but also i was crucified with them this is the answer to your sin problem are you fighting sin you're trying to defeat it up there down the road one of these days i'm gonna get the better of you one of these days flesh i'm gonna wrestle you to the ground john bunyan writing pilgrim's progress he met this old nature on the road the christian he went praise god i'm born again i'm walking my god it wasn't too long until he met his old nature he was called the old man do you know what he started doing nipping them you ever had a donkey nip they're horrible they're horrible i i tell you i've done it once or twice the candice it's horrible she runs when she thinks i'm going to give her a dunky nap it's the worst thing imaginable you know what that old man was doing to christian and pilgrim's progress he'd come and he nipped him and he wrestled him to the ground have you ever had that experience are you all so perfect a real born again christian makes that old flesh i tell you sir it's a terrible thing and yet remember you've got to know this you were crucified you've been planted in the likeness of his death it's in him you're in his death there's power in this death you're not going to defeat it up the road you need to look back to calvary to the cross to his work to his work in your heart and you know what the secret is is knowing it oh but i don't feel it i know i know oh but i got i i got defeated along the way i know i know but you know what you need to go back to calvary and go i know you gotta know this second of all the spiritual meaning of water baptism is burial in christ not only to be crucified but to be buried look at verse four therefore we are buried with him this isn't something that you do apart from him it is in him or with him by baptism was he buried his burial was a historic fact 2 000 years ago you're not trying to bury your old man you're not trying to get rid of it along the way that happened two thousand years ago you were buried with him by baptism or by immersion into his death so a lot of people only had a sprinkling of this baptism oh it might affect my life i know i know i only want immersed sprinkled maybe a little pouring of the death of christ no no no no this is far more what about the burial oh but i want to be seen i want to be at the forefront i i i want to live my life for christ i want him to use all my gifts maybe he'll say i never want to use that stinking gift to yours you keep saying look at this you can use this lor i give this to you so i don't want that i want this over here so we done with the rich young ruler master what must i i'll keep any commandment all the commandments i keep wonderful just deal with this one issue oh no not that issue master why don't you tell me to do all the others i don't want all the others i want this one thing it says he turned around walked off sad he didn't want to be buried with christ you know it's okay to have theology and doctrine and statements on your lips and to go through the ritual of baptism or lord's table but you know what there's a power with us have you been buried with christ it means the putting a way of the whole life you're being crucified you know you understand you've been crucified and so you're buried how do you bury do you bury dead people living people do you bury someone who's walking about have you ever tried to grab someone who's very much alive and say i'm going to bury you i think you're going to see them run at the speed of a thousand gazelles you go where did he go he went that way he's running you don't bury living people you bury dead people i heard about a lady once whose husband died but she refused to allow him to be buried she wouldn't let them her mind was a bit off she had problems but he died and says no no i know he's alive she had him sitting in the seat she sat down and talked to him but she said you're not going to bury him i talked to him every night i i haven't had this little trouble with them there's 50 years it's wonderful you're not burying them this is the best times i've ever had with them he agrees with everything i say you know that lady she was not convinced her husband was dead therefore she would not let him be buried some of you because you're not convinced you are not convinced that you're crucified you are not convinced that you're dead you've never you've never walked through this burial burial is immersion buried with christ if a dead body only has some soil sprinkled on it it's not buried if you lay a body in the graveyard it's not buried you've gotta literally go down six feet put the body down cover all the soil back it's gone it's gone you'll never look at that body again it's gone it is buried what is the key to this if being crucified with christ the secret is knowing this and looking back to the cross what is the secret of burial it is reckoning in chapter 6 verse 11 it says likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead you've got to reckon this that you're dead this term reckon is used 41 times in the new testament 19 of those times it's in this book of romans it's an important word in the book of romans it also means counted it's a mathematical term so working in the bank now not not sure if he'd still be working there if he would have been the old so i think the new sofa can manage to hold things down the way the old so you know when so first come in he never got out of bed before two in the afternoon that that was the old man i want to show you i never tried to drag him out of that bed i wouldn't have dared i i i would have it would have taken dynamite to change that guy he is a guy a limerick guy he is saturated in this world i would have been a fool to try and have changed his life but you know what i do know if a man gets born again there's going to be a burial of that old life here drugs were sold here djinn it's gone it's gone you heard a man who's buried the old life where is the drug seller where's the drug bar where's the dj he's buried you know what someone become convinced that old life's dead no it needs to be buried how do you do that you reckon it to be true to put to one's account nor would you say this is in my bank account i'm buried it's gone i'll never see it again some of you leave the doors open that door's open that door's open not doors open and then you you go just pop over here and then i'll just pop back in and then you'll pop back over there sure you've never closed the door you you've never buried you've never reckoned before those stories are closed i'll never go back through them again since i'm telling you the power the simplicity of this gospel it means you have to not only know that you're crucified you've got to reckon that you're buried you've got to counter to be true you've got to impute it that that life is gone it's buried you know when we talk about something being buried we mean it's gone it's never going to be revisited you've got to estimate again not feel it not understand it but you've got to believe it and act upon it acting upon effect remember what candace taught the kids about facts two never becomes one three can never be one it's utterly impossible with mathematics we deal with numbers and numbers are always facts soon when we come to romans six we're dealing with facts it was a fact if you're born again you're baptized into the death of christ into the burial you are submerged into his burial i don't have the power to bury myself i don't i know i know i would hate to try and bury you i assure you i i i don't have the power to close this old life of i don't have a the power to turn away from all that i know but the power is in christ christ was buried it's with him you say you need to understand your christian mass biblical mass i hated master school i mean i i utterly detested i couldn't understand why they taught science at school chemistry biology physic i i i went who in their right mind would ever want to study they said i couldn't understand mass was maybe above all of them it was worst of all i went who would ever want to sit in a classroom and learn times tables you'd have to be demented there's something wrong i want to go draw pictures i want to play handball out in the school yard who would want to learn mass but i tell you what when i come to this bible i learnt my mass i am buried i believe it to be true it is a fact that old life is gone believe that you died in christ and we're buried verse 3 it says know ye not that so many of you as were baptized into jesus christ were baptized into his death then notice verse 4 therefore because of this fact because of this therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death not reckoning future i am trand berry i hope it will happen one day one of these days i'm going to see the back of this flesh you're looking in the wrong direction i was bearing my entire old life of sin was buried with jesus christ in the tomb and it doesn't empower to come alive again it is buried there christ put it there it is a finished work you remember abraham in romans chapter four it was an impossible act god says you're going to have a child abraham you're an old man and see with this girl of yours that has followed you about all these years married all these years neither of you both of yous are dead neither of yous can have a child now you're very old what does it say in romans 4 19 it's the same principle on being not weak in faith he considered not now his own body dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb some of yous are consumed with that old nature you're saying but it's alive i know it's alive i i can't do anything about that you know what you need to get into the realm of faith i'm telling you like abraham he could have looked at that old girl and said no no chance not a chance in a million god's saying you are gonna have a child from that girl it won't be by some servant girl you can do all you're gonna do that's not my plan it's through her but that would take a miracle yes it would take a miracle and you've got to be of faith it says he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god and being fully persuaded since there's a lot of thing i am fully persuaded i haven't attained on everything i haven't uh walked into everything but i know it's true i know it's true when those doctors told my wife in june last year you you have six months unless you go through all of our treatment but if you go through all of our treatment you're gonna be stuck in that bed in that house in that room you'll never come into this church again you'll never play in that piano even with all the treatment you're finished you're a goner there's nothing you can do you know what my my my natural mind screams are for five days i cried for five days i'm in utter shock i i can't even think i'm numb but you know what i do know what the word of god says i do know what the word of god says i i i do have feelings i have fears i have thoughts of imaginations i've got all of that i'm not free of those things but i do know who my god is i do know that he can raise up the sick i know that it is such a real thing a very real thing you see your besetting sins defeat you a time comes when you you say maybe one day i'll get the victory but you know what there is a reckoning when are you gonna get to a point where you go it's finished it's buried you only bury what's dead and if you're not convinced that all life is dead you'll leave it land on top of the ground you know what this water baptism is today should not sure it's your it's your burial oh no forgot to tell your dad he's only fine a night this morning he didn't realize you're coming to a burial it's a this is a burial third and lastly resurrection crucified with christ even so we also should walk in newness of life like as christ was raised can i ask you is it a historic fact are you convinced christ raised from the dead is he still in that tomb did he remain dead or on the third day did he rise up it's a miracle it's impossible it's resurrection it was an act of god the father did he come out of that grave you know if he's still dead all of our faith is in vain that's what paul said he said if christ didn't rise from the dead then all of our believing oh it's good to have a bit of religion that makes you a nice guy and you want to help people it makes you kind and you want to love people it's very good new paul said it's utterly in vain if there is an eternal life if christ wasn't raised from the dead if this isn't real if there isn't a future life this is absolute vanity what we're doing this morning i i would throw this book away i'd have nothing to do with these lies if christ didn't rise from the dead it's all game i don't want a deception i don't want lies i don't want churchianity i don't want religion i want christ i want to live in christ not a historic christ on that third day jesus rose from the dead by the glory of the father he didn't do it himself he laid down his life but it says that he was raised from the dead by the glory of the father oh there's somebody who's waiting sorry to be personal you know i get criticized for making it so you personal real i get criticized times that then others they go that's what helps me but i i'm telling you this is very personal you know christ could not have done that some of yous are waiting for some great power to raise you up you don't you're trying to raise yourself up into this life i wish i could live this christian life i wish i could experience the resurrection like a new life what is resurrection it's a new life walking out a new christian life that's radically different from the old but most of you you'll say oh but i can feel it i i don't understand it i've tried that i wish i could walk this christian life out but i don't have the power who raised jesus from the dead it was the glory of the father that raised them up you see you've got it wrong you're trying to do it don't you realize it's impossible to get out of a burial to get out of a grave you cannot do it it takes an action of god it is supernatural that's why when i preach to people a heroin addict on the street i'm not filled with unbelief i go god can change your life they're doing deals around the corner they do them out this front door all the time that's our mission field friday night we're praying lord turn not that that drug den right beside our church turn it into a place where christ is going to be glorified i believe this i believe that it's so real we're talking about resurrection verse 4 we also should walk in newness of life there's a new life a new beginning a new christian way there's sinners who say i can't live the life i feel i can't do it i really love it i believe it i know it to be true but i could never keep it do you think i keep it just ask the christians you think i've got the power to live this to walk this out to walk in holiness to go through the you honestly think i can face this i can't face it i'm the weakest man in the room i'm the most hopeless case sitting here pamela might say no no i'll argue with you for that one pamela you've lost hands down i am the most hopeless the most worthless the most unable but there's a part i know something you see there's a resurrection life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death if you don't go the way of the death you don't go the way of life maybe this is why so many in the church never experience the new life they resent the cross they resent death to self they do not want to be barry hi here i am boy but if you've been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall also in the likeness of his resurrection they go together resurrection always follows being planted in his death firstly we live with them verse 11 alive with god verse 13 alive from the dead it's so so real it says in colossians 2 and 12 buried with them in baptism wherein also ye are risen with them notice this how does this happen talk about the spiritual meaning of baptism ye are risen with them through the faith of the operation of god how does this new life operate by faith but it's the operation of god you believe it and the power of god the operation of god comes in earth raised him from the dead why am i living a new life it's by the power of god but i believe it yes lord live your life in me live through me what is the key of experience in this resurrection life if we're to know that we're crucified if we're to reckon that we're buried what is the key to this resurrection life it is yielding that is the key to yield it says in verse 13 neither yield ye your members or parts of your body as instruments of unrighteousness onto sin but yield yourself unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness under god give me two minutes and i'm closed to yield means to stand beside how do you experience this new life this resurrection life how do you experience it you stand beside yourself and you yield up it means to stand beside yourself to exhibit or to come on you stand by yourself and you're saying do this eyes stop looking there my you better shut up right now this is what yielded means your stand commanding you know maybe you don't speak to yourself i speak to myself why thou down cast my soul do you ever get discouraged and depressed do you ever feel like throwing in the towel see like david and the psalms i stand by myself and say so why thou down don't you know the goodness of god don't you remember that he died for you don't you know you're going to have eternity with them so wired thou don't cast well that's what yielding the members of your body you're standing there a new creation in christ you're saying nobody knowledge you're not walking in there arms you're not going to clench that fist you're not going to do that you are yielding the members of your body present your bodies as a living sacrifice romans chapter 12 what do you do you stand beside and you present your body up this is the secret to yielding i'm a christian i'm a christian i don't get drunk you say don't you struggle with it i did it 16 and 17 i couldn't stay away from it not for a night not for a week it nearly destroyed my life i would have been in the grave now it would have utterly destroyed i couldn't help it i was driven i'd come in at night i'd go in the toilet i'd cry say oh god i'm so sorry and i'd be panting for it first thing next morning i i made a ruin of my career i should have been at the top of my career i end up right at the bottom the the guys the bosses shook their heads said what a fool you are drink done that to me i couldn't help it but i tell you the power of god come what a battle i had to yield up my body the untie was a fight it was a fight against hell but i did say i'm a new creature i am a new creature in the lord jesus christ and i offered up my body that body must not rule you that body is lazy it's greedy you're not gonna eat anymore but i wanna no you're not you're not gonna i wanna sleep no you're gonna get up and go to church you're lustful it's gonna dominate you or you're gonna take command over it either it gives you orders and ruins your life or you stand up and say i'm fed up with this i am fed up with this don't think any of us are different we're not we're absolutely not verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace grace is not an excuse grace is the paragon to make me live out this christian life so that you can be a servant of god and not a slave of sin what are you gonna do continue as a slave of sin are you gonna serve sin to the day you die and then go to hell are you gonna allow sin to destroy you are you gonna say there is a salvation in christ that gives me power and dominion not on my own so i can't do this i can't keep it and finally galatians turn 20 i am crucified with christ i am crucified i am no you're not yes i am no you're not yes i am i know none of you go through that i'm letting out my secrets here i am crucified with christ i am crucified nevertheless i live yet not i but christ liveth in me and the life which i now live in the flesh in the body i how do you live that by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me saints this is the true spiritual meaning of water baptism it is just an outward observance that somebody has been truly born again but it is the beginning of an entire life of making this a part of your christian life sometimes it's not easy the flesh is very real sin is a real problem but i want to tell you there's three answers to know to reckon to yield and to believe i was crucified with them i was very i was not future was buried i was and i am risen from the dead will you stand with me as we close in prayer here thank you lord god hallelujah oh we bless you we praise you we love you thank you for the word of god father i pray for the spirit of revelation will you move in every single heart in this room will you draw us to the lord jesus christ our salvation is in him our deliverances in him our crucifixion is in him our burial is in him and our resurrection is in him i have nothing outside of him this church can never save you this preacher cannot save you but i want to tell you there's a real christ a real heavenly father that loves you there is a christ who died for you and as he died his crucifixion became yours his burial became yours and his resurrection became yours is it not true that the resurrection of christ is one of the greatest events in world history it's the most miraculous the most powerful the most world-changing but if you can believe it and if you will yield to it that resurrection is your resurrection in his resurrection you were right there's power there is power in this if only you know it if only you reckon it to be true and if only you yield your life accordingly god bless you here this morning let's just sing this song
Views: 1,404
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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