The Blood of Jesus and the Last Days - Part 3 by Keith Malcomson

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praise god we're coming here to this third part and i'm so glad to be here this morning because i've been meditating and thinking on the blood of jesus uh uh when i went to bed when i woke up in the middle of the night and when i got up this morning thinking about the precious blood of the lamb how can a man not be glad on a sunday morning when he went to bed thinking about the blood and he woke up thinking about the blood i can assure you i'm a sane man this morning i have all my faculties about me i've got all my senses i am in my right mind because i know the lord jesus christ i'm so glad to be saved this morning washed in the blood of the lamb ready to meet the lord jesus my heart is yearning as i see everything happening in our world my heart yearns all the more saying come lord jesus aren't you getting more and more tired of this world aren't you feeling more and more out of place in this old world of ours in this world system aren't you beginning to thirst and long and to say i am so tired of all that this world is becoming but while we're here we're going to preach the gospel to every sinner we're going to exhort every backslider to repent please turn with me this morning to revelation chapter 12 and i'm going to preach my third and my last message on the blood of jesus and the last days the blood of jesus and the last days reading from revelation and chapter 12 and i'm just going to read here from verse 7 down to verse 11. verse 7 and there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth all world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and i heard a loud voice don't you hear it today i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast on which accused them before our god day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lies unto the death let's come to the word of god this morning the third part of this message the blood of jesus and the last days let's pray together father i pray for my friends who are in this gathering in this church in this meeting this morning i pray for my friends in other nations now they're going to listen to it later we love you lord jesus we're so grateful as we broke bread this morning for the precious blood of the lamb for your broken body that you said do this in remembrance of me lord god thank you that we have a table of remembrance even in the midst of our enemies even when enemies surround us even when they rage upon us you have set a table before us you have prepared a feast you have laid a table of good things that we might feast upon the lord jesus christ and that we might drink his blood indeed not as a mystical thing not as a religious tradition but daily by faith we partake of the precious blood of the lamb give us a victory in this meeting this morning in jesus mighty name amen amen my message the blood of jesus and the last days and i want to finish here this morning the third and the final part again it says in verse 10 the accuser of our brethren is cast on which accused them before our god day and night then verse 11 and they that's speaking about you and i the church of this last generation make it very personal here this morning as we conclude this message and they overcame him the accuser of the brethren by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they love not their lies unto the death revelation chapter 12 is not concerning a constellation in the heavens from september 2017. there were many back then and i weren't warned against it before it came that day who said the rapture was going to take place when it didn't they rewrote their theory and said no it's the beginning of the seven years why would i listen to such men like that i denounced it as an heir and very dangerous others in this hour right now last year and into this year and it'll happen in the year to come there are others of some intelligence they they seem to love jesus but they're getting caught up in this they're beginning to say that the corona virus is the beginning of the opening up of the seals in the book of revelation some actually say that back in march last year almost one year ago was the beginning of the opening of the seals some of them say that it is the opening of the first seal of the white rider on the white horse and the a because he has a crown on his head and because corona virus means crown then the first rider on the white horse is the coronavirus that's what they say so they say the seals are beginning to open up then some say no it's a fourth seal because you find the spread of pestilence in the for seal others say no it's a sixth trumpet because there we see locusts release out of the pet and on their heads or what seems like a crown or a coronavirus and it seems this is the foolishness concerning bible prophecy that gets streamed out over youtube that gets spread in emails than intelligent people they seem intelligent though an awful lot of intelligent people can tie their shoelaces but this is the sort of thing they spread but since like i've always preached i've always warned of these things and i warn against them again this is utter nonsense and i'm being nice about it you know what when you come to revelation chapter 12 you ought to see the power of jesus blood we don't want to take this and we we've already said what this chapter is depicting the woman is israel the dragon is the devil prior to being cast on on the earth and empowering that last world government we've already dealt with these things it is yet to happen revelation has not begun the countdown the seals have not been open no seal has been opened as yet no trumpet has blown no vial has been outpoured we're not in that era we are at the end of the church age before bible prophecy begins i assure you these events have not hidden our earth yet the coronavirus if you want to put it anywhere put it in matthew 24 concerning pestilence the beginning of sorrows but don't get caught up in all of this foolishness or you'll get distracted here this morning my message the blood of jesus in the last days revelation 12 shows us a unique hour the last contestant of satan or the devil as the accuser of the brethren that part of his function is suddenly going to come to an end we are watching satan's last attack as the accuser of the brethren of the church when you go to revelation 13 you see satan as the dragon we know that the dragon represents the persecutor the one who comes to attack the church with the sword or to stir up world governments to persecute the church that has happened many times in history many times the devil has come as the dragon against the church it's happened all through history from the first century but you know what in revelation 13 you see something different you are seeing something utterly unique the devil is going to come down in the earth as the dragon in the greatest most widespread manifestation of him as the dragon in all of history he has always been the dragon but at the end of time for a short three and a half year period there is going to be a manifestation of the dragon the like which this world has never seen but prior to that before that leading into that i believe satan is going to come as the serpent he is going to come as the accuser of the brethren he has done that for 6 000 years 2 000 years of church history but right at the end there's going to be a unique onslaught of the accuser of the brethren that is going to be more than we've ever seen in all of history there is going to be a last period of time where satan reveals himself as the accuser of the brethren and if you think you've ever seen that in church history you've seen nothing we are entering a time where i believe satan is going to be manifest as the accuser of the brethren it's his last dash at this ministry of accusing the brethren you see the dragon will empower the world government of the great tribulation but first prior to that the serpent of the last day will rise up and come against the church the redeemed of the lord those that are blood bought and as a serpent he will come as the accuser of the brethren let me just show you a picture here that reveals the strategy of the devil all through church history as well as in our individual personal lives and in revelation 12 it shows the dragon coming against the woman the woman is israel it's for a period of three and a half years but i'm using this to show you the nature of the devil with us individually even now in revelation 12 and 15 it says and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood no notice the serpent is symbolic it's a vision it's a picture the serpent isn't literal he is actually that's his nature of the real devil out of his mouth comes a flood of water or a mighty gushing river after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood notice out of his mouth comes this raging torrent of a river the river becomes a flood and you know what a flood is when rain intensifies when rivers break the bank out of his mouth notice it's a mouth of the serpent the accuser of the brethren here we see symbolically satan pouring out of his mouth accusations against the woman or let us use it to apply it to the church here a mighty outpouring of a river that becomes a flood his intention is all of this accusation becomes such a flood that it will carry the woman away that it will carry her in a certain direction verse 16 says but the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth notice the same person the serpent the dragon this flood is coming out of the same person sometimes he comes as an accuser sometimes he comes as a dragon or a persecutor but notice this river this flood begins in the serpent then we see it and after it fails we see it coming out of the dragon it is the exact same person the exact same devil now think about this for this hour whether it's this church your church in some other nation that the accuser pours out a mighty torrent a ferocious river what is that that is symbolic of the accusation that i believe is going to come in this last star it's going to come as a mighty river out of the mouth of the serpent it's going to become a mighty flood to try and carry the woman away but you know what that world out there that secular political economic world it's going to open its mouth and that river that's meant to wash away the believers in christ is going to be digested by this world don't we say don't you realize pornography on the internet was created by satan he targeted the church he's already got that world he's after the church do you realize that many of the things that have sprung up in our generation through technology things that are unique do you not realize they are aimed at the church what is happening in our world right now it's not aimed at the world out there it's aimed at the church but it's not going to have its way the serpent comes to deceive he comes to life he comes to tempt he comes to seduce but there is going to be a bride of christ that rises up out of this do you know when the serpent doesn't get his way with deception without accusation and lies he becomes a dragon that's why in verse 7 and the dragon was wrath with the woman why she escaped the flood of accusation i believe this is what the devil has been like all through church history with individuals with churches with movements with revivals if he can't get that woman if he can't get her with seduction we it with temptation or with false accusation then he'll come after with persecution since here this morning i bring you to this last message and i've got four key points i want you to bring you here today as we show that in this last hour there's going to be a last unique hour where satan is going to come after the church as an accuser greater than any iron history he knows his time is short he knows that he's going to be blocked from bringing any accusation again and so we're going to have a unique unusual period of time i'm in a short period of time in which satan is going to accuse the church in fact in such a way that it has never happened in any of our lifetimes he's going to come to accuse this has always happened he comes as an accuser but he is coming in an utterly unique way the blood of jesus and the last days you better know the power that's in the blood for what is beginning to rise up and come against the church and i assure you the only way of escaping that flood that's been sent out after the bride of christ is the blood of jesus christ my first point here the overcoming church the overcoming church in verse 11 it says and they that is the church the redeemed of the lord overcame him that is the accuser of the brethren by the blood of the lamb it was through the blood by the blood because of the blood it was by virtue of that precious blood of the lamb of the lord jesus christ by his blood that was shed on calvary's tree it wasn't spilt it was shared it was a deliberate act of god it was a deliberate willing act of the lord jesus christ it wasn't an accident he didn't have his life taken from him he laid down his life as the lamb of god that blood that was shed there the bible says the church of this last hour that's going to face this last onslaught of the accuser of the brethren only by this means they're going to overcome by the blood of the lamb if you think this is an old-fashioned message or just something that you know it's old hat that you knew at the beginning of your walk you're in grave danger there is no greater truth than the blood of jesus christ by the blood of jesus i overcome by the blood of jesus i'll reach my destination at heaven's gate only by the blood of jesus do you realize it says here that they in that are it's not taught about all of history it's not talking about just you here this morning it's taught about the last church in the last hour who has to confront the last attack of satan as the accuser of the brethren they that church and not our it's a unique test it's an unique trial at a unique time prior to the tribulation prior to the last days and all the prophecy coming up past that church is going to overcome the accuser of the brethren by the blood of the lamb that is our victory here this morning i want to tell you where you find the real church i'm in the real church it is it is an overcoming church it is found that the victory is in the precious blood of the lamb not only salvation but their daily victory their victory over the devil you'll only find it in the blood you can bind and loose all you want you can rebuke all the demons that you want you can have all manners of strategy of spiritual warfare most of it is hogwash a load of rubbish a load of make-believe people having dreams and visions and special revelation i want to tell you an overcoming church is known by its revelation of the blood of the lamb they refuse to move from the lamb they know the victory is in the lamb of god they stand close to the blood daily in all of their warfare they don't need special teaching on spiritual warfare they go back to the blood of jesus christ they say i'm redeemed by the blood i'm saved by the blood i'm justified by the blood by the blood of jesus i overcome listen they overcome hep and satan he's a real person this is gonna happen in real time it's gonna be a period in history at the end of church history i believe we're either already there or we're just on the verge of this happening what i'm telling you i believe this is the hour and we must hide betw uh beneath the cleansing blood they overcome by the blood of the lamb the word overcome there is the greek word nikeo where they they they get nike trainers it was one of the old gods of war do you know what this word niko to overcome means in the greek language it means to conquer to be victorious to triumph over your enemy to prevail against the devil that's what it means that satan comes to accuse you he's on the attack he takes the initiative he comes as the accuser of the brethren but you overcome him you triumph you win a victory since this word over came actually denotes a battle christians who are having ice cream parties in this hour don't have a clue what's happening the church that is asleep and doesn't realize we're called to be soldiers of the lord jesus christ only by the blood of the lamb do we fight effectually this greek word is actually used 28 times in the new testament 24 of those times john the apostle uses it it means to denote a battle you are going to be in a battle since if you don't want to be in a fight for your eternal soul then you're in the wrong place the church is a battlefield the christian life is a battlefield the devil hates you if he can't uh stop you from getting saved he wants to hinder you in your walk he'll accuse you he'll bring a cloud of guilt and condemnation he'll point out every fault he'll tell lies about you i assure you you are in a battlefield you are in a raging war and you know what that war is just about to intensify since the christian life isn't always easy but it's always simple and i'm telling you the blood of jesus christ is the key by the blood of the lamb shed at calvary i will over come i have overcome that's my personal experience the overcoming church is a church that's discovered the secret of overcoming by the blood it's not by deliverance ministry it's not by inner healing it's not by counseling it's not by all the gadgets of psychology that is streamed into the church it's not by a worship team it's not by all the latest intellectual arguments that are out there it's not by compromising with evolution and trying to fit it into genesis one i assure you an overcoming church a victorious church in this hour is a church that goes back to the blood of the lamb it believes in the power of jesus blood you see listen to me carefully and i believe this this what i'm just about to tell you is the most vital thing that i say in these three messages if you miss everything else don't miss what i'm about to tell you or you won't understand why this is gonna happen you see in this last hour why is the accuser of the brethren going to come uniquely in this way in this hour at this time to accuse the church why has it been saved for this hour you see i believe there's got to be a church in this hour worth a chosen like jew in the old testament and i want to draw a parallel here i'm in a church beyond accusation a church that can walk through the accusations of the devil a church that will be victorious against this onslaught of the serpent you see there is going to come a challenge satan as the accuser is going to challenge god listen this satan is about to accuse the god like he never has in 6 000 years he's gonna point the finger at god and he's going to say you don't have a real church in this hour you don't have a church of integrity of holiness of uprightness you don't have a church that's faithful you don't have a church that will walk with you and obey your commandments he is about to come with the same accusation that he came against job you see satan is going to provoke and stir things up in this last hour he is laughing at the church of our generation he is pointing out the failure of leaders he is pointing a finger at all the worship teams he is pointing at the confusion the departure from the blood the departure from the written scriptures the move away from the centrality of christ and he's going to go to the throne of god just one last time and after this conflict he's going to be cast under the earth and he'll never raise his voice again do you understand what the entire book of job is about it's not just understand the righteous suffer neither is it just to understand why the righteous suffer that is not the central message of the book of job the central message of the book of job is concerning the accusation of hell against god concerning his people on the earth that there's no integrity there's no uprightness and that it's all a sham you realize in revelation 12 when we read about the cast and dawn of the accuser of the brethren that shows that that same accuser that came in the book of job is going to approach the throne of god and he's going to accuse the church of this hour to god himself saying you just touched this church you just allow certain things you allow trouble to come and i assure you they won't follow you since we are actually there previous to revelation chapter 12 satan has been accusing god's people on a regular basis but the specimens have been very poor and the accusations have mostly been true but it is time for a unique time in church history very like the hour in jube's life you see jube was a mature man of god he lived many years he had served god faithfully he had proved god through many things he served him he obeyed him he was a man of prayer a man of blood sacrifice a man who had experiences with god a man who feared god a man who followed after god a man he knew the character of god the man who had remarkable experiences with god a man who'd walked through many dark nights of the soul that's who tube was and yet there was going to come had the devil accused him before of course but do you realize there came a very unique hour in jube's life i mean like nothing he'd experience experienced in his entire life in fact in these latter days you would have thought that jubitz seen everything proved himself in everything and yet here comes the devil to accuse this man tube he is about to attack him about to lie on him this is a unique hour of accusation we don't know how long it lasted in the life of jew at least several months at any rate but it was an utterly unique attack of the accuser of the brethren unparalleled either before in his life or after in his life it was an utterly unique one-off event in the life of job lasting for a whole period of months at the very least and saints i believe the church is here now why had satan not been focusing on job before this why wh was he blind to job had he ignored job why was he silent about you why is it in june one and verse six and let's say carefully it's i'm talking about the victorious church in revelation 12 that's gonna overcome by the blood of the lamb that's gonna come out of this victorious that's what i'm talking about but listen jude one and six now there was a day a certain time a unique time when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them the sons of god here are the angels gathered before the lord to present themselves do you know what every angel fallen and elect is responsible to god even satan has to present himself in the presence of god to be held accountable for all of his actions for all of his movements for all of his attacks he is restricted in what he can do with every individual believer or against any specific church he is utterly restricted here is the day he comes in amongst the sons of god doesn't he do it in the church he just comes walking in but this is in heaven in the presence of god and the lord said unto satan where when's comiston then satan answered the lord and said from going to and through in the earth and from walking up and down in it it means in in a fury of activity in a confused state going heather here there everywhere running about in a rage that's what it means he's not going about calmly he is trying to stop the work of god and the lord said unto satan hast thou considered have you set your heart upon my servant job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and excuse evil we knew from job chapter one and two we knew that you that satan had encountered you before he found that there was a fence a protection invisible spiritual put there by god in iran tube and he found he couldn't touch two he couldn't touch the wife he couldn't touch the children couldn't touch his possessions oh yes he'd seen this man tube i want you to see for this unique hour of accusation it was under the control of god not out of his control the timing was under the control of god god says to satan have you set your heart in other words to focus to pour out all of your attempts don't just attack and move on have you set your heart have you thrown everything at him god is actually chain challenging satan don't just think this is the accuser who comes to god to challenge us oh no it's all in the hands of god he challenges satan have you considered my servant tube what a statement that god has drawn the attention and listen to what he says my servant job he calls him his servant he said there's none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and a skewed evil or he goes in round the block to avoid sin that's the certain man job was you know what god is saying look at him do you know what god is gonna do to bring about revelation chapter 12 he is when satan comes as the accuser of the brethren there is an hour and a time when god knows things are in the right place and he knows who he is dealing with he is going to go have you considered my servant job you see there's many bad specimens in the world claiming the name of christ but i want to show you right across our entire globe and i believe that's why it's going global in this heart everything has gone going global because this is the hour i believe there is a jew church in this hour it is a victorious church oh it may not look like it in the midst of a battle i knew that i knew that i knew there may be things arise in the heart in the midst of the battle that he'll have to repent of i knew that but you realize there is a church in the world today scattered across the nations it is a jew church all of the church is not a jew but there is a duke church and god is about to say have you considered my servant tube have you looked upon him have you seen a church like this oh it's not all in one place it's not all in the same church or the same denomination but i assure you it is a victorious church they have proved themselves over the years they are upright they are godly they walk in the in the fear of god i'm not talking about the compromised church i'm not talking about the false grace message or all of that foolishness that comes into the church i'm talking about the jew church the real church of jesus christ and god is drawing attention to it i believe in this last star the lord is going to say they've got integrity have you considered them they've got uprightness they've got holiness they've got a life of prayer they will not bend the knee they will not compromise he stirs up satan to come with mighty accusations against you just let me have my way against him and he will deny you he will curse you to your face you're gonna find that this jew church that you're asking me to consider oh yes i've noticed them in the past i couldn't do much to them i was hindered in in killing them i was hindered in how i could test them but now god draws his attention since i believe he's been preparing you and i for such an hour as this i believe that's why we have walked through the fire that's why we've been tempted in certain ways that's why we've been offered certain things this will no longer just be an hour of false accusations against the false compromised church god does have a real church do you see what tube is all about not just about the righteous suffering it's all about god having a real people god does have a real church in this art it will not compromise it will not sell out its precious savior it will not be a judas church it will not not not be a compromiser since i tell you there's a real church and this is going to be the great thing of this hour suddenly we're going to see that all across the world the same hour of accusation is coming i believe satan right now is being prepared to be an instrument in god's hand to see a job church raised up in this last hour i'm not talking about the compromised church out there i'm sick to death in my lifetime of seeing across the uk and in ireland the discos the worship leaders worship leaders that are famous and yet they're breaking their marriage voice and they're committing fornication and sin they that is not worship that is not worship i'm tired of the themed preachers who can preach on american television and yet they are not the message that they preach many years ago some 25 years ago one of these famous preachers i heard him in his younger days of ministry preaching teaching on the fear of god i said now that man's different preaching on the fear of god also his wife looked half normal no pink hair or anything else she just looked normal i listened to him on the fear of god now when it's a real man he was coming to northern ireland uh to preach at a convention pentecostal convention i couldn't go there but i told all my friends make sure you go listen that young preacher preaching on the fear of god i believe he's a real preacher or a real man of god well all my friends come back to me said you're not going to believe this they phoned me and they said when he got up on the stage that first time preaching in northern ireland the very first meeting he stood up and he began to rebuke the leaders now they looked after their preachers i will assure you they put them in nice places he said is this how you look after your preachers i booked out of that lousy place booked my team into a nice five-star hotel how dare you treat your preachers like this what a shame what a shame one of the top television uh preachers betraying preaching about the fear of god there is no fear of god there is no fear of god i watched all through the years the betrayal amongst genuine christians i'm talking about real believers in christ they're like jews friends oh yes they're real believers yes they know a lot about god but you know what they're not a job don't compare them to job they'll be used by god and by the devil to show that this man is the real and the genuine thing i've watched so many in the church the spirit of betrayal unfaithfulness lacking in brotherly love no biblical order no ability to judge righteous judgment they condemn those that are innocent and they let those that are guilty go off scot-free as i look at america i've listened 15 20 years ago i stood with good brothers i mean genuine believers listen to what they said to me god will never allow the church in america to suffer because we have financed world missions all over the the world and in fact we're the greatest contributors to world mission god will never allow he'll allow the chinese church the sudanese church but he won't let the church in america i i told those christians 15 20 years ago what the bible said was coming and you know what when i heard that rise up from the best of preachers and the best of christians i said watch this space you're you're going to see the fall of america and you're going to see suffering in america the like of which christians never even thought of you know why we need to find out is there a real church in america is there a real church in ireland is there a real church in england is there a real church in germany since this is the hour that we come from i come to it's not about your comfort it is about the testimony of god the testimony of god my first point there is the overcoming church they overcome by the blood of the lamb i'm going to tell you there's a church that knows how to overcome my second point the blood washed church not over not only an overcoming church but a blood washed church verse 11 again and they overcome them by the blood of the lamb they overcome them by the blood of the lamb do you realize this overcoming church is a blood washed church they overcome by the blood of the lamb that's why we preach so much about the blood listen i'm not going to preach everything in this series about the blood i'm simply exhorting you and showing you the necessity of the blood but back in 2016 i i preached a series called the blood of jesus christ 10 messages only on the blood of jesus week by week go back and listen them and when we go in depth to it in 2017 i preached 15 messages on justification by faith dealing with what the blood accomplished for us in 2018 i dealt with the divine exchange at the cross seven messages concerning what happened at calvary even one year ago the sunday mornings as we let in not realizing the shutdown the lockdown of our nation was gonna come back in march last year for seven sundays prior to that i preached every sunday on the blood of the everlasting covenant here is a church every sunday every lord's day we break bread together we don't push it off into the side and say we'll wait for the spirit to lead us or we'll do it once every three months no we do it often we do it frequently on the lord's day we gather together and we break bread we we drink the cup remembering the precious blood of the lamb you know most churches in this hour you know what they do every sunday they'll have a 10 minute 15 or 30 minute exhortation on giving your ties and your offerings in my lifetime i've never seen one pastor you go to the church where's the offering basket and he says well we're just being led of the holy spirit maybe we'll have an offering once every three months or just as the spirit of god leads us no they say we've got to do it every week but you know what there's very few churches will say we've got to remember the death of jesus christ his shed blood his broken body it used to be popular in the pentecostal churches used to be prop popular in the brethren churches used to be popular even in anglican churches but not today you know why there's a move away from that if they do have it they'll say just have it on the way out the door we don't want you to feel condemned if you're not in the right place to take it oh where have we come to church we are a blood washed church the overcoming church of this art i want to tell you this is the key this is a secret you better make sure you're drenched in the written truth the scripture the biblical teaching of the blood of the lamb study the blood sing about the blood last night this morning i'm singing i'm shaving i'm singing about the blood of jesus i met candace coming down the corridor she's singing about the blood of jesus oh how glorious to sing to pray to preach about the blood of jesus christ i'm not saying the church that's going to be a jew church is a perfect church it's not a sinless church it's not a totally sanctified church but it is a blood washed church i'm glad to see candace reminded us last night that 15 years ago today she got born again see prior to that she was about i think 34 35 then and just prior that she was raised in a good christian home she was raised loving and disarmed jesus christ as a child she asked jesus to come into her heart she grew up tithed and given to god being faithful in the house of god reading her bible she would be ministering in a worship team she went through the waters of baptism spoke in tongues all of this she was doing all of this but you know what 15 years ago in the school of christ here in the city of limerick as i'm running that bible school we're doing that series on the blood of jesus and that person who's sincere who thinks that she is righteous who is very sincere and genuine in her heart she's not playing games with god for the first time the spirit of god comes and deeply convicts her of the sin of her heart she went down to that chapel lay on her face she wept her way through to god repenting as the holy spirit letter to the blood of jesus she gained a victory through the blood of the lamb since what a remarkable thing it takes it takes more of the grace of god to save someone like that someone in the church who thinks they're born again than some drug addict from off the streets of limerick i can assure you do you realize the job in that trial there was only one place of deliverance against the accuser of the brethren you may not have noticed it before but job in his trial in his hour of accusation he'd been a righteous man god says it in chapter one he fears god he obeys me he is a servant he asks or he he he runs the other direction from sin what a godly man but when he faces the accuser of the brethren and satan is there speaking of god saying there's no integrity in this man there's no faithfulness in this man do you realize the tube was driven to the blood of the lamb to the redeemer the lord jesus christ his righteousness would not save him his fear of god in past days would not save him looking after the widow and the orphan down over the years wouldn't we wouldn't wouldn't meet the hour do you realize he was only left with one answer in the whole book of job as you read that remarkable story of job do you realize there's only one answer he didn't bind the devil he didn't rebuke the devil he didn't cast down spiritual powers in high places he realized there was only one answer and he found it in his redeemer it says in juke 9 and 33 as his three friends actually sat with them and said there's sin in your life that's why this is happening or you're you're undermining the word of god they brought all their accusations you you've actually brought this curse on yourself a serpent won't bite you without a reason no curse comes without a cause i can just see all the blessing and curses teachers coming and sitting all the deliverance ministry all the inner healers all the christian psychologists all of them are there speaking the true you know what they've got all of their arguments all of their learning all of their intellect but they don't know what the spirit of god is saying listen how jube responded to them in job 9 and 33 neither is there any days man betwixt us in other words he's saying there there's no in between man between all of your arguments and me and my situation there's nobody to stand between us what's a daze man someone to be your advocate someone to argue on your behalf someone who put a hand on their head and a hand on your head and actually bring the true answer you know what he's saying amongst you there's no days man but he was looking for a daze man he said god is my daze man my mediator my art fighter my umpire my judge none other than god himself you see in you in his arab trial i need a mediator i need someone all these arguments these accusations of those you know where most of those arguments came from the devil himself you know the bi the devil knows this book better than any christian than any preacher i assure you he can get in a mouse of these friends of job and hurl the accusations they don't have a clue what they're taught about they're dealing with a righteous god-fearing man a man that's gonna prove there's integrity still left amongst god's people the integrity wasn't with them but you know as well in the book of jew it says in juke 19 25 for i knew that my redeemer liver sinks in the midst of a trial when he didn't have an answer to everything one thing he knew i have a redeemer a redeemer means there's blood shed you can't have redemption to redeem means to pay a price by the price of blood again in june 33 we have a young man who kept quiet a wise man he kept quiet and he comes near the end in june 33 24 and he says then he he that is god is gracious unto him job what a young man of wisdom some of these young men much wiser than the theologians in the church of our day and the pastors and preachers some of those young men are praying have a lot more wisdom i can assure you and they can hear from god they can hear from god said god will be gracious and he will deliver job from his going down to the pit for i have found a ransom what's a ransom a price paid it's the blood of jesus christ saints i want to tell you the victory is in the blood of the lamb there's going to be a real church in this hour and you know where you find the answer it's in a ransom of blood sacrifice it goes on to say his flesh shall be fresher than a child's he shall return to the days of his youth elihu how did you know that this man joke his skin was going to return to its original form that he was going to have baby skin and that he would return to the days of his youth because there's a ransom because jesus died at calvary saint i want to tell you here in this second point the blood of jesus christ has satisfied all of the charges against you and i the blood of jesus christ has provided us with the basis for our victory the blood of jesus not your righteousness not that you've done everything perfectly not that you fear god fear and god does not give you the victory saints i know that my redeemer liveth praise god satan is coming against the testimony of christ's victory in our lives and we overcome by the blood thirdly the testifying church the victorious church the blood wash church but certainly the testifying church verse 11 and they overcame them by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony let me breathe brief here by the word of their testimony they not only overcome by the blood of the lamb since i'm telling you about something that's about to hit the church get ready get ready you know in the army if you knew the enemy are going to send a bombs over and attack you you you dig in you prepare you make ready you know why you're not so foolish to stand out there and say let them do their best we better take refuge in our ransom the blood of jesus the work of the cross but the testifying church they not only overcome by the blood of the lamb but by the word of their testimony don't separate these two you may know this morning yes i know it's the blood yes i believe in what he done with the blood but what about your testimony what about the testifying church that's going to overcome by the blood in this hour what is your testimony are you going to say you're broken of curses and that's why you have your victory because you realize you forgave your father because of something he said to you as a child or is it going to be by the blood what is your testimony one of i don't know why i'm getting on this this morning but but i i sure am one of these inner healers came to a ministry house we were at she was staying there for a few days but she she is a trained inner healer counselor you name it walks with the holy spirit in her back pocket well she turned to me this young man whippersnapper she thought um she didn't know me at all but she was sitting beside me and she started trying to minister to me i recognized it immediately i i know there's stratagems i assure you and she tried all of this i was rejoicing in the blood i went my testimony jesus blood has given me the victory you know what after about 20 minutes she got so frustrated so annoyed with me that she huffed turned her back on me and refused to speak to me again you know why that inner healer counselor trained site apologist who ministers to all these per-christians she lost the battle my god her her weapons of ministry didn't work on this person she must have walked away sin he's a hopeless case all he can talk about is the power of jesus blood of the victory of the lamb at calvary since i'm telling you we overcome satan by the word of our testimony of their testimony since what does the word word of their testimony mean word is lugos a spoken word listen to what it means in the greek it is the ground the plea the opinion the expectation the speech the account the reason the proportion or the discourse in the greek language this word lugos means a reasoned argument or a reasoned discourse it's logical it's thought out it's clear and listen this is what the greek word means logos means beyond all opposition on a global scale in other words when you get a logos nothing can contend with it this is the word of their testimony it is a spoken dialogue a clear argument you can discourse on it that's what this word of their testimony they overcome the accuser of the brethren they defeat him they triumph over him how do they do it by the word of their testimony their testimony is well thought out it is logical it is clear since is your testimony is your victory over satan when you look at the blood of you saying i know i'm justified i am redeemed i am sanctified i am set apart i am clean i am forgiven here this morning do you have a clear testimony i know the day that i was washed in the blood candace looks back from the day 15 years i know the blood of what wash me i have a clear testimony it doesn't mean just saying about how the lord saves you it's the whole basis of your salvation some of you are undermined with insecurity the devil plays games with you and you're your own worst enemy we ought to call you sometimes the accuser of yourself because you do a whole lot better job than the devil will ever do you know what your problem is why you don't get the victory it is this issue you are not a testifying believer you're not getting victory over the devil by the word of your testimony this word testimony in the greek listen to what it means evidence a true record the facts a personal report this word testimony in the greek is used 37 times in the new testament 30 times john the apostle uses it it means the final word the final testimony of an individual the last spoken word that summarizes their entire life or their entire christian experience that's what the word of my testimony is since it's not just the blood that gives me the victory it is the word of my testimony some of you listening to me today you say i know the blood gives me victory why do i not have victory it's because you're not testifying you you're not speaking forth you're not able to settle it you're not building on the facts and the evidence of scripture i want to tell you look at you when the accuser of the brethren came do you know what happened when satan came and took everything from him he said naked i came out of my mother's womb i'm naked i shall return heather the lord gave the lord take us away blessed be the name of the lord now many people will say job was wrong there listen the next verse written by the holy spirit in all this job sinned not nor charged god foolishly this was the word of his testimony this was his word of his testimony and he was going to overcome the accuser of the brethren by it he did not sin he did not accuse god foolishly he did not curse god to his face in chapter two and nine it says then said his wife phantom do thou still retain thine integrity curse god and die it says in in verse 10 but he said unto her thou speakers as one of the foolish women speaketh what shall i not receive good at the hand of god and shall we not receive evil and listen again what the holy spirit says in all this did you not sin with his lips you know what he says in jude 19 25 for i know that my redeemer liveth that's a man who wished he'd been aborted as a baby died in his mother's womb but yet he still said with his lips i won't curse god i know that my redeemer liveth you know in isaiah 59 19 it says when the enemy shall come in like a flood and we see that here in revelation chapter 12 when the enemy comes in like a flood and he's going to come as an accuser like a flood what happens when the enemy comes in like a flood against god's people the spirit of the lord shall lift up a standard against him since many people preach this verse pray this first talk about this first claim this verse and they don't know what it's saying you have to read the text and think and consider what does it mean that when the enemy comes in like a flood the lord will raise up a standard what does that mean it's all in the context of this third point listen the next verse says so god's going to raise up a standard and the redeemer shall come to zan and unto them that turn from transgression and jacob saith the lord so here you have the enemy coming in like a flood the lord's gonna raise up a standard how does he raise up the standard the redeemer comes near to his church to his people then listen the next verse and this never gets quoted in the same context as for me this is what the redeemer says this is my covenant with them with who with those who satan is coming in like a flood against them as the accuser accusing them before god and the church of this hour as that happens the redeemer says this is my covenant with them saith mice saith the lord my spirit that is upon me and my words which i put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy saint nor out of the might of thy seed seed your grandchildren saith the lord henceforth and forever when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will raise up a standard what is the standard it is the redeemer who's made a covenant with you and blood it is him saying those words the word of god will not depart out of your mouth when all hell comes against you god's word is gonna be on your lips i know my redeemer liveth i i don't understand all of this my heart is painting i wish i'd never left but you know what i know that my redeemer liveth i will not curse god i will keep my contact integrity i will not accuse god falsely and i i assure you saint god's covenant with the church he'll put his word in the lips of our children and our children's children fourthly and finally as i close here the sacrifice in church the overcoming church the bloodwash church the testifying church but lastly the sacrifice and church and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their life unto the death you don't overcome the devil by not loving your life unto death you don't do that it's by the blood and by the word of your testimony but those that carry these two things a precious faith in the blood of jesus and a personal experiential testimony by these two things they overcome the accuser do you know what's in their heart they love not their lies unto the death that word love means a gappy it's a greek word of gapio which means more than natural they are not there holding on to their life they're not using god's spirit god's kingdom supernatural power to hold onto their life it's not their life it's not their comfort it's not their personal will they're not using this divine power to love their own life and to make it comfortable they're not lovers they're not using the things of god and the word of god and the testimony of god to preserve their own lives that's what it actually means they love not their lives unto the death they're not so protective of their life it's jesus that they love with all of their heart it's jesus that they a gabby that's what it mean means here saint i want to tell you that the real church of god is not its own it is a sacrificing church what do i mean by that it only cares about the glory of jesus christ you can do anything to me take anything from me say anything about me but i'm a sacrifice in church i'm here to lay down my life if i get terribly hurt as a preacher because of my love for the saints and my desire to raise up a church am i longing to preach the truth if i get terribly hurt lied on ridiculed hurt and uh by the words of man and the lies to men since let it be i don't love my life that much to hold on to it i'm not using the ministry of god to love my own life you know what i love the church i love you in this church i would lay down my life i would lay down my life for my wife that's that's my basic duty i so love her that i'd laid on my life i would suffer for her i would deny things for her but i'd also do it for this church i love this church i don't love my own life i don't know happy my own life i have got to be the church of christ and you know what you can always tell someone who loves their life you can't get them uh to release their money or give to church they're not interested in sacrificing to give to god's work they're not interested in being in the house of god are gathering with the church of god they they are selfish they are lazy they're focused on themselves do you know if you're that type of person you love your own life you're gappy your own life you don't let god be the truth of god you don't again be the lord jesus christ you think more about money and hearts and possessions your own comfort not being disturbed you love your own time but there's no sacrifice in you i want to show you no wonder the devil defeats you no wonder that you you don't know what this battle is all about forsaken not the assembling of ourselves together do you know who they are they're never in the church gathering never hear the preaching they say i can have church at home and i know we're in hard days but i tell you we're called to gather together to be of one mind on one heart those who aren't here this morning who ought to be those claiming the name of christ who aren't here this morning you know what they're not they don't have that spirit of sacrifice they love themselves they love themselves since i'm closing here but let me tell you as i close this meeting this morning i'm telling you of the great onslaught that's about to come i'm telling you that we overcome we're going to be an overcoming church this church by god's grace it's not because we're great or mighty or noble or because of our great faith we're going to overcome we're going to be an overcoming church because we know about the blood we're a blood washed church we are a blood washed church we're a testifying church we're going to make the message clear the testimony is clear our personal witness is going to be real and experiential don't play around with the things of god here in this church we're going to be a sacrificial church you're already in this church i know maybe not all of yous but most of yous have sacrificed and you're given to put this church here now many people in other nations are being blessed because you sacrificed you you you weren't stingy on your offerings you tithed you gave well everyone else is arguing about whether someone should type you're faithfully given you've faithfully given the house of god you you purchase that video camera that we have in that church that building you you've done all of this you laid down and there's people being blessed bad this morning let's pray together father we thank you for the precious blood of the lamb as we come to worship here as we close this gathering to sing about the blood of the lamb lord god i thank you that we only overcome by the precious blood of the lamb not because i fear you not because of great faith not because of years of ministry not because of my preaching but only by the blood of jesus christ we do want to be a victorious church a blood washed church we want to be a testifying church and a testifying church and a sacrificing church in the name of the lord jesus christ amen let's come back and just worship sister candace is going to lead us it's her birthday she's remembered when jesus christ washed her in the precious blood of the lamb and as she just leads us in worship saints it's the blood it's the blood it's not your works of righteousness come back to the blood this morning make right with god the overcome the the accuser of the brethren can't stand before you in this hour amen
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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