Will The Antichrist be a Jew? by Keith Malcomson

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we're going to continue on our series the heavens rule and uh although these are uh the appendix really that i've added on here this is still our theme that the heavens rule in the two previous weeks we've looked at the two biggest religions in our world we looked last week at roman catholicism the week before we looked at um and the week before that we looked at islam these are the two biggest religions and in both of those messages we looked and we saw how there's gonna come an end to those two religions before the rise of antichrist i believe islam is going to fall on the mountains of israel um in ezekiel's war i believe roman catholicism is going to be destroyed by the 10 world leaders that are going to rise in a revived roman empire this is going to leave the way open for a devastating hour in human history but here tonight please turn with me to daniel chapter 11 and this is our 17th message and my title here tonight will the antichrist be a jew will the antichrist be a jew reading from daniel chapter 11 and verse 36 and it says there and the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done neither shall he regard the god of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all but in his estate shall he honor the god of forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and pleasant things thus shall he do in the most strongholds with a strange god whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain will you pray with me here tonight as we come to this bible study father we thank you for this precious book the bible tonight nor god it's a revealer of secrets and hidden things it tells us the past a past that no man can know they can't dig up the evidence of it nor god we have a perfect history of eternity past and not only eternity past but creation itself and all that happen in the garden of eden we have a remarkable book that looks into the future and tells us just what is about to happen but my god more than that it's a revealer of men's hearts it's a revealer of the very secrets of their mind even here tonight you're a god that knoweth the hearts of all men you prove the hearts of all men even as we look at these practical things these things of prophecy and what is going to happen in our world yet you still prove the hearts of men challenging them about the new birth about their walk with god where they will spend eternity nor god thank you for this remarkable book that searches our hearts lord god that unveils things that are hidden from our natural eyes and makes us wise unto eternal salvation we bless you tonight let christ be glorified in this last hour of human history be exalted above islam be exalted above catholicism be exalted in the nations bring to naught every device of world government of man's plan lord god we know what's going to happen nor god we have a book that predicts it reveals it it gives us the details of it and my god it shows us what is going to happen beyond that in jesus name bless this time together amen my message here tonight will the antichrist be a jew last week we looked at will the antichrist be the pope the week before will the antichrist be islamic you may ask why am i dealing with these things it's because if we don't there is confusion this is an hour where people are aware dramatic things are happening there are a thousand teachers that will rise up to teach some newfangled angle and truth and so we must deal with these things to bring an end to error you see if you're looking for an islamic antichrist or if you're looking for a catholic papish antichrist or if you're looking for some other kind and it's not true you're going to be looking in the wrong direction there will be a consequence of that as we've already said there's about 1.8 billion muslims in our world that's about 24 of the world's population in other words one out of four people will probably be a muslim even if it's only born that way then we also saw that 1.3 billion people in the world claim association with the catholic church with its headquarters in the city of rome that's about 18 of the world's population are one out of five people in our entire world please don't tell me that we're dealing with things that don't affect us here tonight they do in a very real way and we want to evangelize the nassar we want to do the will of god in this r and it's essential that we understand these things never has the world's population been so big we are now approaching 8 billion people in our world do you realize in my lifetime alone the world's population has doubled in size never has the harvest feel being so great never has this size or the amount of those that are gonna quickly go to hell be revealed like in this hour never has the opportunity to see so many one to jesus christ being available to us as this hour do you realize if we see revival right now in the church we will win more to jesus christ than any other revival in human history but if we don't the consequence are terrible no revival no great missionary movement no great evangelism of the lost no piercing of darkness with the light do you realize that eight billion people most of them will go fast on their way to hell i do want to assure you the stakes are so high tonight our world is hanging on a thread and we must seek jesus christ your life is limited you're here for a short time and then you're gone you're off the scene of time this church will not be here in 70 years time i mean you sitting here we we're our chance to reach this world is over we've got a short opportunity our days are numbered the days are numbered i want to assure you tonight that we want to go a bit further in looking into the person of antichrist i've rarely touched on this in 30 years of preaching i've been a preacher 30 years almost in churches and on street corners but i want to tell you this the first time i've dealt with the antichrist like this so don't think i'm laboring it are that i should be ignoring this i need to teach this in this hour and at this time but our message tonight from daniel 11 will the antichrist be a jew as we look at the size of catholicism in islam judaism is very small there are less than 15 million jews in the world less than 15 million the nation of israel that claims to be their national homeland is only a third of the size of southern ireland in fact it's actually smaller than our province of munster and ireland it's smaller than this this is their only homeland in the entire world and there's 15 million jews that claim some sort of connection to that little bit of land what a remarkable thing only 9 million uh people live in that small uh land of israel and yet only six million of them claim to be jewish of those jews 49 almost half of them claimed to be secular atheists not believing in god not believing in the bible or prophecy or anything else and yet they've been gathered to that small land about 10 of the jews within israel are of the radical orthodox persuasion they really believe their old testament now the bible says and we've read it in daniel over these weeks in daniel 9 and 24 concerning the 70 weeks it says 70 weeks are determined upon my people and upon thy holy city it's not talking about any other city in the world not berlin not london not new york these prophecies that are given in daniel were about specifically about a certain group of people a certain nationality the jews the people of daniel's race and also a specific city the city of jerusalem it also says in daniel 10 14 now i am come this is the angel gabriel speaking of daniel now i am come to make thee understand what shall befall like people in the latter days notice that gabriel came to speak about thy people the jewish people and what will happen to them in their latter days or at the end of history for the vision is yet for many days so we see that in the book of daniel there's many prophecies about the city of jerusalem about the jewish people and about the last days all these things all these things point to a certain time and to a certain place to a certain city under certain people since we cannot lose that the bible is specifically revealed something about the future history of the city of jerusalem and of the jewish people there are very small people they have a very small bit of ground and yet there are such a significant people in the entire world it is remarkable that amidst eight billion people that the finger is placed on them amidst their small tiny little bit of land yet god predicts more about that bit of land than any others the name israel occurs about two thousand six hundred times in the bible who are these jews they are the direct descendants of abraham isaac and jacob that's who you are it's not just a religion it's an ethnic group within the world's population those that go directly back to abraham via isaac and jacob are a people that are specifically spoken about in the bible the city jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in our bible do you know how many times it's mentioned in the quran not even once not even once is jerusalem mentioned in in the quran we know that jerusalem is the third holiest site for muslims they claim it as their city they want to possess it that's why they built the doom of the rock they're claiming it for themselves they say that muhammad ascended from jerusalem to heaven on the back of a horse and yet in their holy book it's not even mentioned one single time and yet our bible the jewish bible the christian bible it is mentioned time after time the bible prophesy about jerusalem in the end days says in zechariah chapter 12 and verse 2 behold and this is god speaking i will make jerusalem a cup of trembling unto the people round about and they shall be in the siege both against judah and against jerusalem what a remarkable thing god speaking specifically chapter 12 to chapter 14 is in the context of the last generation or the last days he goes further in the next verse and says in that day will i make jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people all about all the burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it what a remarkable thing that these prophecies concerning a little small city called jerusalem and a little small bit of land called israel and a small group or population within the world called the jews and yet the bible has connected prophecy to them in such a unique fashion that if they were annihilated our bible would be proved to be untrue no wonder the devil has thrown everything against this small ethnic group they're not believers in god most of them reject a knowledge of god the orthodox jews reject the lord jesus christ and yet the bible speaks specifically about them i would not defend all that israel does i would not defend judaism but i want to tell you they're god's chosen people and that's his physical land almost 4 000 years ago god spoke to abraham and he said i have given you this land for almost 1900 years from uh the year ad70 israel was scattered across all nations almost half of their entire history they were scattered persecuted downtrodden and yet in 1948 they restored themselves as a nation with a national identity religion culture language and the same dna code and that people gathered out from all nations it's today israel is the most multicultural and multilingual country in the entire world that's remarkable but here tonight as we begin to look at the jews jerusalem and israel my question is will the antichrist be a jew with the jews being so central to the bible prophecy will he be a jew it's not a strange question it's an important question from about five weeks ago i started to get a few messages on youtube by other means people send me videos on how to respond to it these videos said that rabbi ben david a jewish rabbi who was from spain had been pronounced the messiah in israel they said on the 27th of march this year on passover that the jewish messiah had been revealed the one they were waiting on much talk went on this all over the internet videos have gone up and 50 000 people have watched one eighty thousand another a hundred thousand another people are putting out videos saying this 33 year old rabbi has been proclaimed anointed and he's about to be crowned as the new jewish messiah and the christians have been saying actually this is the antichrist the jews are about to receive him and he'll begin to do signs and wonders and he is going to bring in these last days that the seals are being opened up and it took me about five minutes to find out you see most people who spread these ideas do not research they don't even ask questions they don't know how to go to their bibles they prove themselves very ignorant and i'm sorry if you believe this but there's no other word for it to get caught up in these things videos start going out in youtube and you listen them and give them some credence i'm afraid it's your own fault if you get deceived by these things no one should be that ignorant and that's just one reason why i must deal with it tonight will the antichrist be a jew took me five minutes to research it and to find out how ridiculous it was what they were saying took me five minutes to find out it was an absolute lie what these christians were saying about this rabbi called ben david absolutely ridiculous be very careful what people say in this hour see already in our studies we've come to believe that the antichrist will emerge from a revived roman political economic system but he won't be italian he'll arise in the middle east and be an arab but he won't be a muslim he'll probably be drenched in greek education and thinking in a western manner of thinking and education but he won't be greek by birth he will be intimately connected with israel but i do not believe that he's gonna be a jew and this is what we're gonna look at tonight you see if you go back in church history from about the second century through to the fifth century a number of early christian writers actually taught and that's a very early point they actually taught that the antichrist would be a jew that he would be from the tribe of dan within israel that he would present himself to the nation of israel as their messiah in the last days and that he would then initiate the great tribulation it's not only early christian writers that thought this but more recent ones there's a great bible teacher called a w pink now dead who wrote many books he actually taught that the antichrist would be a jew another bible teacher grant jeffrey that's taught much in bible prophecy he also has thought the same thing and the third man called chris white has been the most predominant in recent years and spreading this idea that the antichrist will be a jew now a w pink was a great bible teacher but listen to what he says when he come to teach that the antichrist would be a jew and i'm gonna quote from him here this is what he says quote it should however be pointed out that there is no express declaration of scripture that says in so many words that this daring rebel will be a jew nevertheless the hints given are plain the conclusions which must be drawn from certain statements of holy writ are so obvious and the requirements of the case are so inevitable that we are forced to believe he must be a jew not was a great bible teacher and yet he admits himself there's no explicit verse or teaching that the antichrist is true a jew or will be a jew but he goes on to teach it no explicit verse but i'm going to show you tonight in fact the opposite is true there are other verses that totally contradict the idea that antichrist will be a jew many people are spreading this um in this hour and we do want to deal with it i want to give you seven reasons tonight why i believe that the antichrist will not be a jew and to prove this i'm gonna take seven of their best statements and i'm gonna give you a response to it seven reasons why i don't believe it and all it is is an answer to seven of their claims saying that the antichrist will be a jew do you know why this is so dangerous because the bible prophesies that israel jerusalem and the jews will be the center of controversy in this hour they will be the center of persecution they will be the very focus of all of satan's attack and so we need to be very very careful of what is said on this front let me give you the seven comments they make and i'll respond to them number one he will worship the god of abraham the antichrist will worship the god of abraham they actually teach that the coming antichrist is going to be a worshiper of the god of israel the god of abraham isaac and jacob are the god of the old testament they actually say that will be his religion his worship his system that he brings in when he is first revealed listen to this daniel 11 where we read tonight daniel 11 verse 37 it says neither shall he the antichrist or the little horn regard the god of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all those that teach this the reason they say he will worship the god of abraham is because of this first sentence neither shall he regard the god of his fathers this statement the god of his fathers listen to what they say they say the word god here is elohim it is the term used for god we know it was the first name of god used in genesis when you go to the book of genesis the first name ever for god where we realize uh read there in the beginning god that is the name elohim it is the name of god himself the first revealed name of god in genesis and this name elohim is a plural name yet it can be used in the singular it is plural yet singular that's what elohim means it can mean an individual person or a number of persons and that fits in with our understanding of who god is he is plural yet he is singular now that name um god is one but he's also more than one that name elohim is used 2 601 times in the old testament but it's not only used for god it's also used for false gods at times as well it depends on the context what they say is the god of his fathers so the antichrist is going to worship or he's going to come with this religion of his father's what is the god of his fathers they say it's elohim and this term god of his fathers is only used five times five other times in the old testament and each time it talks about the god of abraham on the basis of this scripture they say the antichrist religion will be judaism that he will be a jew that his parents will be jewish that will be his religion and they say that the god of his fathers is elohim now what do i believe about this the god of his fathers his ancestors is different than the god of heaven let me show you this remember when we looked at daniel 11 we see there's five things it talks about god concerning the antichrist you you remember we give five clear statements and this is only one of them he will not regard the god of his fathers in the verse before it talks about this being different than the god of heaven so the god of heaven is not just the same as the god of his fathers there are five statements given here concerning his gods it says he shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods that's who the real god is antichrist is going to speak against the god of gods he will not be a jew or a christian or a muslim the god of his fathers is different and distinct from the god of gods elohim is often used of a general name for the gods the gods worshipped by the gentile nations or any god specifically if he is a middle eastern arab or if he is from syria or iraq it means he won't serve the god of islam if he was a jew and i don't believe he what he will be i i'm gonna prove it in my other point if he was a jew he will not follow judaism he will not in any way or at any time promote judaism do you notice there it actually says he will not regard the god of his fathers if he was a jew he'll never claim to be a jew he'll never practice judaism he'll have no respect for the god of the bible you see they say that when antichrist comes he's gonna come as a jew worshiping the god of abraham promoting the keeping of the law and that's how he's going to deceive the nation of israel but in fact this bible says the direct opposite when antichrist comes he will not respect if he was a jew he would utterly reject judaism so the jews wouldn't accept someone rejecting judaism there's no way he would he would do that at all in the light of this we're told that he will not regard he will not consider he will not gain knowledge he will not promote he will reject the worship of his own family and his culture he will reject islam if he was from an islamic culture he would reject judaism if he was a jew he would reject christianity if he was a christian and notice that if he was a jew he will never claim to practice judaism he's going to speak against the god of god so we see that he will not promote himself as a false jewish messiah that's utterly impossible now just hold that that's not all my argument that's only the one they say he will worship the god of abraham i say that's utterly against scripture second of all they say he will be from the tribe of dan the early christian writers often said this they said he will come out of the 12 tribes he will come out of the tribe of dan now let's look at their best argument on this point it's it won't take me very long i assure you and in genesis 49 we have jacob prophesan over each of his 12 sons listen to what he prophesies over dan dan shall judge his people in other words the other tribes of israel as one of the tribes of israel dan shall be a serpent by the way an adder in the path that bideth the horse horse's heels so that his rider shall fall backward i have waited for thy salvation o lord first of all the reason that the old riders and some contemporary ones believe that um the antichrist will be a jew or from the tribe of dan is because of this verse because it mentions that he's going to be like a serpent in the way like an adder biting the horse's heels but notice this verse isn't condemning the tribe of dan the verse before it says he shall judge his people when did dan ever judge the other tribes of israel it was when samson arose as an anointed man of god he was one of the judges of israel and in fact he judged all of the tribes as a judge this was a fulfillment of this so in other words this prophecy about dan being a serpent isn't a bad thing you'll remember from a few weeks ago we said that christ actually instructed us we sheep going forth in the midst of wolves we need to be as wise as a serpent you can't take this prophecy about dan concerning them being like a serpent whenever there's no um condemnation of him because the verse after says i have waited for thy salvation o lord it seems to be the heart cry of dan now as well they also say when you get to the book of revelation and you go there to chapter seven you you see the 144 000 from the from the tribes of israel but an interesting thing is the tribe of dan is not mentioned there not at all joseph is split in two and becomes a twelfth his two children but dan is not there so from this they say dan is an apostate an idolatrous tribe it's a tribe rejected and the antichrist will arise now i hope you realize for those that teach that the antichrist will be a jew and he'll be from the tribe of dan the bible doesn't say that there's no way you can prove that these two bits of evidence they provide say nothing of the cert about antichrist there's no mention of antichrist here also the old writers say that he'll be born in babylon there's no verse for that can i challenge you when men start making youtube videos pointing at some per rabbi call david 33 years old and claiming that something is happening when it's not you need to be very careful we need to wake up as a church and begin to judge righteously don't make false accusation i wouldn't even falsely accuse pope francis i'm gonna check everything out someone puts a video up i check it i never just post it afresh i never go um giving out the information if i don't research it if there's not solid evidence i'm not going to falsely accuse pope francis i'm not going to falsely accuse benny hen i've got no time for benny hen he's not a friend of mine but i want to assure you i will not falsely choose those men and so we've got to become very very careful if you hold a belief you better be able to defend it from scripture you've got no right to spread ideas that you've picked up in youtube videos and yet there's no biblical evidence for it please i beg you as we come down to the end of this series be very careful what you believe what you listen to what you spread what impresses you when people say the vaccine is the antichrist please be very careful that is not true i'm not going to take the vaccine i'm against the vaccine but i want to assure you i i i it is not the mark of the beast as soon as you start going down that line you're going to make mistakes you you can reject the thing without trying to fit it into scripture my third point here they claim the jews will accept them when the antichrist comes they say israel as a nation the jewish people the jewish religion are going to accept them where do they get that they base it on one scripture john chapter 5 verse 43 and this is jesus teaching his disciples he says i am come in my father's name and ye receive me not if another shall come in his own name him ye shall receive they say this is a prophecy about antichrist but it doesn't mention antichrist they're assuming it they're applying it but it doesn't say that look what it says jesus said i've come in my father's name but you receive me not you will not accept me you don't accept me as the messiah you don't receive me my authority my teaching my doctrine you've rejected me but he then does make a statement if another and him saying if another come is not him saying when the antichrist comes we cannot add to scripture you cannot add an entire theology to a statement like this you've got to be very careful where the scripture is silent be silent where the scripture speaks clearly then speak clearly but don't add to it don't add presumption don't just use logic allow the scripture to speak loudly you see there's some teachings in the bible which are explicit there are other ones we have less information then be very very careful but you can't pull out a scripture like this and build a theology on it or make this a key scripture one of seven points have proven that the antichrist would be a jew this is one of their main arguments that the antichrist will be a jew and that the jews will accept him they base it on this scripture jesus said if another shall come another another means one totally different from me that word another means not another like me not one common like me the word another there means someone radically different than me you will receive him isn't it true there's many who have come to abuse the nation of israel in their history i mean men not with the heart of christ and they've received them they tolerated politicians great men great leaders they were not like christ they were utterly different than christ but they received those men it's happened all through church history this verse has nothing to do with antichrist it's not even talking about the last days christ does not apply it he's not making a prophecy he's making a general statement you reject the real messiah the one that loves you the one that's going to die for you but also your history you'll receive men that come in their own name in their own authority with their own teachings with their own ideas that's my third point i do not believe the jews will accept the antichrist i don't believe they'll accept him at all i don't believe they'll receive him at all when he comes and yet some are dogmatic that the jews that the orthodox jewish believers will accept the antichrist as messiah when he comes point four they say he will present himself as the jewish messiah not just that he'll be received but he presents himself that he claims to be the messiah the jewish messiah the one prophesied in the scriptures where now where do they get this look at daniel chapter 9 27 and it speaks we know this is about antichrist and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the ablation to cease and for the over-spreading of abomination now we've already taught that when the antichrist does come he will confirm a covenant a seven year covenant a contract a legal political agreement with many with many in the nation of israel now who are these many so antichrist when he comes he's going to make a covenant with many i believe the context reveals exactly who they are because this many has a connection to the reestablishing of blood sacrifice in israel jerusalem and then the third rebuilt temple in jerusalem it says he will make a covenant with them but listen in the midst of the wake are three and a half years into it he that same person that confirms the covenant shall cause that the sacrifice and ablation cease for the over-spreading of abomination in other words the abomination comes in at that point so here you have the antichrist he signs a covenant for seven years halfway through he's gonna break it and when he breaks it at that three and a half point he stops the blood sacrifice in israel amongst the orthodox jews in the temple in jerusalem he'll stop the blood sacrifices and the ablations that they offer up now it's very obvious from this that the antichrist when he comes he's going to be a political leader he's going to have negotiations with israel he is going to have a strong alignment with israel and with the jews he's going to speak with them he's going to sign a covenant with these religious jews and i believe he's going to be the person that somehow politically allows them to rebuild the third temple it is for sure that this seven year covenant is connected to the initiating of blood sacrifice in the temple in other words when he confirms that covenant written in that covenant is gonna allow israel to start their blood sacrifices again i believe in the third temple and because of this many actually teach that he will present himself as the jewish messiah that he's gonna actually proclaim himself as the messiah also they point to 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 talking about the antichrist the man of sin being revealed how are we going to know when the antichrist reveals himself it says there in verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth themself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god now what they say is this jewish messiah is going to be connected to the seven year covenant and to the reinitiating of blood sacrifices but halfway through he's going to stop it and he's going to exalt himself in the temple in jerusalem you see ii thessalonians 2 is talking about a rebuilt temple in jerusalem some believe that is talking about the body of christ the church because temple in the new testament relates to the church but listen the antichrist cannot sit in the body of christ antichrist being in the catholic church is not um sitting in a spiritual temple the real church is a temple for god but antichrist it says here he is gonna sit in the temple i believe it's a rebuilt temple it's gonna be in jerusalem he's going to physically promote himself and exalt himself as god to be worshipped in the rebuilt temple in jerusalem you see they say that antichrist when he comes is going to present himself as the messiah but we are told in daniel chapter 11 you are going to recognize the antichrist he is going to reveal himself he is going to be against all gods all religions he will not promote the religion of his fathers it is impossible that he comes as a religious leader the false prophet is the religious leader the the the one that comes speaking like a dragon but with two horns like a lamb is the false prophet he is gonna promote the worship of antichrist of the image of the beast that's what he's going to do he is the false prophet these teachers also say the false prophet will proclaim himself to be elijah promoting the messiah i i do not believe this at all when antichrist comes on the scene and we're gonna see it in these next following three points he's not gonna first appear as a false jewish messiah far from it when he first appears he is going to attack the nation of israel he is going to be against the jewish religion this is the great mark of antichrist he's not going to come semen to promote this religion but he will come as a friend of the jew he'll come as a political man seeming to help them in fact he strengthens orthodox judaism do you know the devil doesn't mind supporting false religion and so when the antichrist appears he'll give the jews their temple he'll give them back their blood sacrifice you know why he wants them to be blind to jesus christ and the devil always does that if the devil comes knocking on your door he won't give you drugs if you're not interested in drugs if you're after jesus he'll give you a crump compromise christianity he'll either lead you into catholicism or charismatic teachings or into a denial of the written scriptures are strange manifestations when the by when the devil comes he comes with a bible in his hands and you know what antichrist is going to strengthen orthodox judaism do you know why i believe that is it's because just prior to this there's going to be a revival amongst the jews in jerusalem i i taught on it before and i'm fully persuaded it's not long until we see the holy spirit fall upon the jewish people again i believe a revival is coming to the catholics god is going to save many out of the catholic church before antichrist appears i believe he's going to save many in the muslim world and i also believe he's going to save many in judaism you see i believe we're on the brink of a unique period of time i know many have shut their bibles and said it's all over i know many have said we're not going to have any more revivals all the great evangelism is over this is the end just sit tight we're out of here it's all over you don't need to do anything i'm telling you tonight we are on the edge of the greatest evangelism of the jewish nation of is of the islamic population and of the gentile world of catholicism buddhism hinduism i believe it saying this is the greatest world's population and while so many christians are asleep i'm not asleep i'm preaching praying hoping believing labor that this is going to be the greatest hour of evangelism there's going to be an outpouring upon the jews but when antichrist appears he's going to present to the jews their old religion again and try to bog them down on it the fifth point they try to say that he's a jew and i want to go right for the jugulars in this they say he'll be a jew i deny that i believe he'll be a gentile not only do i disagree that he'll be a jew not only do i just think that they don't have enough biblical evidence to prove you be a jew i believe the bible teaches absolutely you'll be a gentile i believe it's impossible for him to be a jew why do i believe that go back to daniel chapter 2 and daniel 7. remember daniel 2 we had the statue the four different kingdoms remember what they were the babylonian kingdom the middle persian kingdom the greek kingdom and then the roman they're the four world empires and the last one is the roman empire which will be revived in the last days do you know all of these kingdoms do you know what they are they are all gentile pagan kingdoms not one of them is a jewish kingdom it's it that statue is absolutely gentile from the top of its head to the soles of his feet literally literally that statue was a gentile statue all the kingdoms are gentile all the kings that ruled over it were gentiles not you there wasn't any jewish kings you remember nebuchadnezzar wasn't a jew cyrus the great wasn't a jew alexander the great wasn't a jew neither was augustus of the roman empire all of them were gentile powers it's it's a prophecy about from the time of nebuchadnezzar all the way down to the return of christ it's talking about world empires and they're all gentile that's daniel chapter two you can't suddenly make the toes and the last kingdom that last political kingdom it won't be a jewish king that arises it won't be look at daniel chapter 7 we have the four beasts parallel in daniel chapter two and those four beasts again the same four kingdoms what are the four beasts they're four gentile kingdoms that are going to arise one after the other the last one the beast of iron that couldn't even be described was the roman beast and remember ten horns arise on it and then one horn arises in the midst of the ten it's a political economic system it's the last gentile world empire it won't suddenly become jewish how could you at the end of all of that have a political leader who arises out of that gentile system as the little horn how could he be how could he suddenly become a jew and present himself as a jewish religious messiah it cannot happen it absolutely can the final king of the times of the gentiles the last gentile empire the last political leader is going to be a gentile he's going to follow on oh i'm i'm only beginning there's so much evidence that he's going to be a gentile remember in daniel 7 it says that fourth beast came up out of the sea the sea represents the nations or the gentile nations of the world it's not speaking about judaism or what about revelation 13 verse 1 it says and i john stood on the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea out of the nations out of the gentile nations again the last political world leader will be he he'll arise out of a gentile political system he will be a gentile a non-jew also do you remember when we looked at daniel chapter 8 and daniel 11 we've seen the prophecies about antiochus who become the type the shadow of the last antichrist who was antiochus arose as the king of that syrian empire he was drenched in greek culture he came out of the grecian empire he was the syrian portion of the greek empire he had uh he he was aggression by education he had connections with the roman empire but you know what he wasn't a jew he rejected all gods he united all religions he banned all religions and he promoted himself to be worshiped he called himself what was his nickname god manifest in the flesh and so we see that antiochus wasn't portrayed as a jew he didn't portray himself as a false messiah for the jewish nation he was a gentile leader he was a tyrant who then attacked the jewish nation also jesus and luke chapter 21 prophesying about the last days listen to what he says about israel and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away into all nations and jerusalem shall be trodden down of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled he's speaking about the time of the great tribulation of the last days just before the son of man jesus comes back before he returns again to establish his kingdom on the earth he says that the times of the gentiles would be fulfilled at that time but he speaks about jerusalem shall be trodden down of the gentiles it's talking about the great tribulation it's torn about antichrist coming against israel trodden down of the gentiles when antichrist arises he arises as a gentile a gentile political leader he is still part of the times of the gentiles with jerusalem being trodden down of the gentiles all of this is to be fulfilled he isn't presenting himself as a jewish messiah in their defense or as an ethnic jew not at all my sixth point jerusalem will be his capital that's what they teach they teach that he will make jerusalem his capital his political capital economic capital his religious capital where do they get that daniel chapter 11 45 and he shall plant the tabernacle of his palace now we mentioned this before the planting of the tabernacle of his palace that means a tent or a war base or a headquarters in other words it's when you go to war and you set up a field camp a field headquarters that's what the tabernacle of his palace is now notice what it says about antichrist he will plant his tabernacle between the seas in the glorious mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him now what's between the seas it's torn between the mediterranean sea and the red sea it's actually talking about jerusalem and what is the glorious holy mountain it's talking about mount zion jerusalem now this is they believe antichrist will make jerusalem his main headquarters he'll spread out his military activity he will rule over many nations all from his base in jerusalem i do not believe this i believe babylon for three and a half years is going to be his headquarters zechariah actually prophesies that babylon will be the economic new economic center of the world all commerce is going to operate out about out of the city of babylon the rebuilt physical city of babylon revelation 18 shows us that babylon will be the economic capital of the world i believe babylon will be his major uh capital his headquarters the base that he works out from and in fact it will be from babylon that he invades israel with armies remember what it says in daniel he he will go forth with his armies and he'll invade egypt to fight egypt but in doing that he's going to turn back and invade israel there's many scriptures all through the old testament that say the antichrist in the last days will invade israel he's not in israel using jerusalem as his base to spread out a world government see these men believe that for three and a half years he'll have a world government based in israel in jerusalem in the temple he'll spread the jewish religion he'll have political might that the small nation of israel will rule as a world power i don't believe scripture shows that at all because as soon as antichrist comes to power he invades israel and besieges jerusalem for three and a half years now it's interesting that they choose jerusalem will be the capital of antichrist i believe babylon will be but i believe antichrist will invade israel wanting to make jerusalem his new capital i do believe he wants jerusalem he wants to annihilate the jewish people who what battles have raged around the city of jerusalem it's like new city on the earth jerusalem has been besieged 23 times it's been attacked 52 times and it's it's been captured and recaptured 44 times it's been completely destroyed at least two times new city in the world has been more fought over than the city of jerusalem in fact it is the most fought over city in the entire world no other city comes close to it remember nebuchadnezzar of the first empire he invaded it captured it carried the people off remember cyrus the great he ruled over it alexander the great ruled over it the roman emperors including augustus ruled over it the catholic popes sent cr seeds against it to invade and to capture jerusalem the muslim talis and leadership ruled over it do you see the contestant for all through thousands of years 2 000 6 000 years 600 years the times of the gentiles trodden down of the gentiles all these world powers religions political entities all the great leaders of the world tried to capture the city of jerusalem the united nations made a resolution in november 1942 wanting to make jerusalem the international city isn't it interesting that the pope has actually offered himself to use jerusalem as his capital and that he will be the leader of world religion and base himself out of jerusalem did you know that do you know the muslims radically want the full control of jerusalem so the catholics want it the muslims want it also the united nations wanted they want jerusalem as their capital so look it's no wonder that antichrist wants jerusalem the un wanted islam wants it the catholics want it they're all fighting over this little tiny city it is the most contested city in the entire world but it will not be the capital of antichrist of his armies he's gonna spend all his time trying to capture that city and he will not manage to do it he will go in there put himself in the temple but half of the city will be utterly free from him let me give you my seventh and final point here briefly seventh of all they claim that jerusalem is mystery babylon that we see depicted in revelation chapter 17 revelation 17 the woman riding the beast they actually say that that woman is the city of jerusalem it says there in revelation 17 and 18 the woman which thou saust is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth now those that teach this sage they have to make it this they have to make everything judaism israel they converge all these prophecies like they do with trying to prove it's a catholic pope or an islamic antichrist now they do it with the jew they push all of the scriptures in here together to try and make us believe this but you know what john what the angel actually said to john now john listen i'm gonna tell you what that great city is it is the city which reigneth over the kings of the earth present tense do you know the angel is describing to john explaining to him what is this woman writing the beast he said i'll tell you it is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth jerusalem wasn't ruling over the kings of the earth no other city was but rome was the city of rome in those days an angel tells johnny wants to identify who the woman is in revelation 17 says look at room that this is room in the last days in the very end of time before she's destroyed that city of rome that religion that comes out of the city of rome that's going to be in existence in the last days that's who that woman is it's not the city of jerusalem it's not judaism it is actually the city that was reigning over the kings of the earth in john's day if you knew what city that was then you knew um who that woman ride in the beast is when we see the political roman revived empire arise in the last days we're about to see it it's about to happen i assure you there's going to be a revival of the roman empire and there's going to be 10 political regional kings over it and they're gonna join together to give their power and authority they won't get power until they create that last political system and it's gonna revive the head is gonna be healed that seventh head is gonna be healed the wound is going to be healed and it'll come alive again it's not jerusalem how do they try to prove that it is this woman well look at verse 9 in revelation 17 it says here is the mind which has wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth and there are seven kings certain people who teach that jerusalem is this woman sitting on seven hills do you know what they actually say they say that jerusalem is built on seven hills and they're very dogmatic some of them about this they say that jerusalem the city is built on seven hills one rider makes up these seven hills by splitting the mount of olives into three separate hills and then adding four others and he says there you go you've got seven hills jerusalem is the city others include hills outside the city walls some even mention one vague quote from a jewish book called the book of legends to confirm this theory but the fact remains that jerusalem has never been known as a seven held city people tried to bend facts but no scholar no historian no archaeological no um archaeologist no true bible teacher would actually believe this since jerusalem in the last days is the most contested city all hell is going to be unleashed against jerusalem we have watched what's happened all through church history we've seen what's happened in our days jerusalem became again the capital of the jewish state in 1967 israel was birthed in 1948 bible prophecy came to pass all the arab muslim nations threw their armies against it they couldn't defeat her israel is still standing there and becoming one of the richest nations on the entire planet they're discovering oil their scientists are the best in the world their discoveries are remarkable it is a unique very rich nation and we see turkey suffering financially we see russia suffering financially we see iran suffering financially but israel the small nation with a small population its riches are exploding it is weathered the storm of the past year better than any nation on the face of the planet and you know what the whole scene is being set for ezekiel's war every nation there's tried to destroy that little nation has fallen before her in defeat i do not believe that the antichrist is going to be a jew i don't believe he's going to be a muslim i don't believe he's going to be a catholic i believe he'll be a gentile world reader world leader that he's going to arise at the very end of time that he's going to claim authority and try to annihilate that little nation like many others have tried to do he'll want to possess it but he won't be able to he'll try to destroy judaism like he will with christianity but he won't be able to do it and you know what his defeat will be in the return of a jew do you realize that a jew is going to return and destroy the antichrist it won't be a jew trying to rise up and claim power a jew is going to set his feet on the ma on the mount of olives that mind is going to split and not you is going to annihilate the antichrist the world political leader that desired to bring world dominion there is a jew gonna come and reign on the earth can i tell you that the bible is a jewish book the covenants were given to israel that we have now entered into jesus was a jewish messiah the first disciples were jews the first churches were jews the first revival began in jerusalem and i assure you god choose that little nation to be a blessing to all nations of the world and jesus the jewish messiah is going to return again plant his feet upon the mountain he is going to reign over every single nation every tongue every culture every group of people and there's going to be one worldwide religion it's going to be the worship of the lamb of god there is going to be a global government i want to tell you and i'm going to be a part of it i'll be a part of that world religion i'll be a part of that world economic system a political system a social system oh it will bring in world peace it will bring an end to all wars it will solve the famine problem it'll solve all the problems world debt and everything else and you know what just like churchill said he said socialism only works in two places he said it works in hell where um um where where it certainly works in hell and it works in heaven where you don't need it but let me add to that it will also work in the millennium when jesus christ with an armed rod is going to reign over the nations of the world next week i'm going to finish this entire series by showing you something very beautiful and we'll finish on this mark the heavens do rule saints be gripped by this truth the heavens are going to rule no matter what happens in this hour with politics nations religions wars whatever happens i'm telling you there's a jew that's coming and i love him i love his precious name because he died and bled for me on a tree outside of jerusalem he loved me and knew me before he created the earth he created all things he was here before all things and he'll be here after everything let's buy and pray together father we thank you for the lord jesus christ we thank you for salvation i thank you for the blood of jesus that was shared at calvary on an old rugged cross outside that city of jerusalem we're dealing with history prophecy with truth here tonight and thank you for salvation in christ everything he said has come to pass will come to pass and we are looking for the messiah we're looking for the second coming we're looking to be caught up to meet the lord jesus in the clouds soon and very soon we're gonna see him and lord god you are gonna bring an end to all the nations all the governments you're going to bring an end to the political rule of the gentile nations and there is going to be a day when a jew reigns over the earth but it won't be the antichrist and it won't be this side of the coming of jesus we bless you we love you tonight and thank you for your truth in jesus name amen amen
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 1,708
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson, antichrist
Id: BESnv-giAHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 24sec (4224 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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