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I wear a size 13 men's shoe in Nikes you think you have it bad and I'm sitting there like people are dying Jody hi what's up skander here three new around here welcome if you're not new around here what is up home skillet biscuit I really love bad movies like really bad movies arguably bad movies are significantly better than actually good movie so like when I see the trailer for like a particularly horrid looking movie I'm like oh yeah I'm taking the day out for that one so a few weeks ago when everyone on Twitter was tagging me in the trailer for tall girl on Netflix one of Netflix's newest team drama DS I guess it's not it's not dramatic enough to be considered a drama and it's not funny enough to be considered comedies I don't know what you called it and I'm pretty sure that the reason why everyone wanted me to watch is because I am a tall girl so watching a movie called tall girl people were curious like hey Kendal what are your thoughts lo and behold here we are and I figured hey I'm just gonna do a video I do my makeup talking about how this movie was so bad that it wasn't even good like and if at any point you're curious about what I'm using that would be down in the description box so I said people were tagging me in this movie and I immediately knew this was gonna be some tomfoolery some shenanigans so let's start off with just a quick summary of the movie a spoiler alert there will be spoilers I mean is it spoilers when you watch a movie like this they tend to be incredibly predictable so it's like are you shocked that this is how it ended up probably not but spoilers nonetheless so this movie centers around Jodie Jodie is a high school junior in a school in Louisiana New Orleans more specifically shoutouts that's my dad's peoples are from and Jodie is smart she's bookish she's introspective and you know deep you know that she is also the school's main pariah apparently due to her eating lee unheard-of height of 6-1 her family consists of her parents her dad who is a complete douche nugget who has some weird concerns about her being tall or something like it's like literally that there's a health issue with Pete her being six one and there's her mom who is kind of just like let her live like she's not perfect but whatever and then her sister who is supposed to be the perfect sister she wins pageants she's normal height whatever Jodi at school is seen largely as a social pariah she stands out and apparently the only thing that makes her a social pariah is her height which again she's 6 1 she's pretty much isolated to have only two friends one of which is a black girl that I didn't catch her name I don't even know if they said it in the movie but she's like colorful and eccentric fashionista full of nothing but cheesy punchlines and cheer up quotes she's a very poorly written character and it bothers me but I digress one day you're gonna wake up in love Oh 73 inches of yourself Jodi you're gonna stand up and say I love all 73 inches of myself and she's also friends with a dorky short dude named Dunkleman who makes it no secret that he is in love with Jodi means very much so very complimentary he does not hide it he's like I want her I'm ready to climb her like a tree Mount Everest that part is pretty accurate not gonna lie that that part was pretty accurate though Dunkleman has been largely attracted to her and been very open and proudly so she's not interested in him because he's short that two is pretty accurate she wants a guy that's taller than her in comes the new Swedish exchange student by the name of Steve and he is the only boy in the school apparently that is over 6 1 so naturally Jodi's targets are locked she says this is the one this is the I want I want him for no other reason than he's tall but girls been there so that again that one's probably the most accurate part of this movie but she has prime competition that person is Kimmie the most popular girl in school and ultimately one of what was it Jody's original tormentors quote-unquote basically she's one of those very like flat poorly written beliefs in teen dramas who's just like has nothing else better to do but poorly torment like not even like good jokes about her height and she effectively proves to be the main source of Jodi's ostracization is that word the reason why nobody like her Kimmy puts her sites out for the new exchange student because he's hot anyway the rest of the movie is pretty cut-and-dry blah blah blah learning to love yourself not judging a book by it's cover everything that you thought you wanted might not be as great as the things that were always there right in front of you big speech about loving yourself at homecoming even though she walked in and the ugliest outfit I've ever seen in my life this is completely completely off topic they had her breaking a speech about how much she loved herself but she came in in a blue suede suit and some 2003 platform glitter heels and a pirate Nick girl this is so ugly and you expect people to listen to your speech oh that's so ugly Oh [ __ ] Oh Oh No when you come in looking like Liberace and Prince had a baby so you probably like Kendall yeah it sounds like a pretty corny movie but we're like what is irritating you so much about the movie like what is it particularly that's just like grinding your gears well honestly there's a few things one I'm a tall woman so I'm basing this like portrayal of a tall woman off of my experiences and ultimately the experiences of all the women in my house I come from a very tall family my sister is six foot tall my mother is six foot tall and I - I'm six foot tall after showing my my sister the trailer for this movie we all said at the same time completely and utterly unprovoked they acting like that and she's 6 1 the main issue I have with this movie other than it just being bad it's just in general like from a from just a writing standpoint in order for this movie to be a thing for you to make a whole movie where the sole reason why a tough and conventionally pretty white woman is the main and most oppressed person in the school is that she had to make literally a scenario that would not exist or is very unlikely to exist I've kind of alluded to this but she's six one that ain't that's all I mean it's tall hunger wrong it's like objectively pretty tall but it's not like you've never seen a 6 foot tall person before but the way they're acting like the people at this school are like oh my god we all were all severely dwarfed under because she's just this towering Amazon waaaaah fee fie foe fun like I would understand it more if she were so tall that it would be abnormal for either the boys or the girls in the school but sure six one a junior in high school y'all have a basketball team in order to make her appear to be more of a freak and an abnormality they casted only short people to further emphasize her height in real life she would not be weird look like you had to make this scenario that simply would not exist you're telling me that nobody at your high school nobody at your high school is near six foot tall I don't remember in my high school experience I was probably the tallest girl if I recall correctly but I wasn't the tallest by some crazy amount like there were girls that were 510 511 my height though I was tall wasn't so tall that it was strange and I'm what maybe like a half an inch shorter than this trick also they kind of make a point that she Dwarfs all the men in your school too like all the boys huh like again y'all don't have a basketball I was by no means the tallest person in the school right because there was a whole basketball team of people that were 6-3 and upwards beyod does not play sports your entire school just don't play sports but it had to be made that this is so strange in order for this to even be a movie and for her to have a coming to Jesus moment where she learns to love herself but in real life this would not be a scenario where she would be oppressed it'd be different if they made her like seven foot like right cuz seven foot is tall for anybody presumably a movie that's supposed to be appealing to young girls who are on the taller side and just because I've never had a whole lot of hang-ups about my height at that age doesn't mean that other girls didn't but that's the wrong color so like if I were watching this as a high school student or middle school student that was particularly uncomfortable with my height this movie would have made it so much worse because again in order to drive home that her height is so abnormal even though it is not they made people react in a way that was just so weird to me like her dad has this weird fear that she's gonna continue this is such the wrong color wow it's cold we gonna fix it what cuz Hilary be fine you see thank you my foundation does it ever match no maybe the first minute or so you do a flashback where her dad is considering giving her drugs to stunt her growth at three years old even though it can have some really bad health defects like it could make her completely infertile when she gets older he's like I think that's still kind of worth it I think the issue isn't that she's tall I think the issue is that she has abusive parents like I think we need to unpack that one in a little bit more but he's like short shirt because again if she's supposed to be 6 1 he's like thoroughly looking up at her and I'm like um maybe you're just short my dude I don't think this is her problem this is definitely yours you don't put a cracked Anakin see if we don't conceal conceal don't worry in my life my foundation name right but it's cool because the finishes and then they have like every day she goes to school and people do that fired us Oh how's the weather up there and it's like she's a junior she's been going there for three years her height does not shock people anymore like in real life when people see a tall girl they like oh wow you're tall cool that's it but next time you see her she's still tall that did not change so there's no reason to bring it up again still up here the weather still still the same like I'm genuinely sitting here trying to think like back in high school did I ever get ripped on for being tall no I got ripped on for being weird dude and then I was sitting there thinking like is it a generational thing was this like written by somebody that like was a tall girl a long time ago and doesn't realize that no one cares anymore and then I asked my mom who was in her 60s and is also a tall woman she was like no that crap didn't happen I was like okay my sister who is like seven years older than me what about you nope I don't know what scenario you got to be and where the most like ostracized person in your school it's because she's saw like like again she's a tall thin conventionally pretty pretty wealthy girl by the way I was looking at her house I'm like I don't know what real estate is like in Louisiana it might be cheaper but a house like that in Michigan running you a cool few mill and she's so oppressed and then there's just these lines that are written again to further submit this scenario that would not happen you think you have a hard life I wear a size 13 minshew in Nikes you think you have it bad and I'm sitting there like people are dying Jodie now with that said when I said I was gonna be reviewing this movie I did see a few people in the comments and people are like yeah oh my god I loved the movie it really spoke to me and I was trying to figure out like what would it be like what what is the thing that would have spoke to someone because maybe I'm just missing it and immediately I probably just had a different upbringing and maybe it depends on the city or the type of students that go to your school I don't know I feel like the only part that was pretty accurate is the in relation to dating and finding guys taller than you so let's let's unpack that a little bit like I said she ends up liking this dude pretty much only because it was dollar which girl accurate is well I can only speak for myself as a tall woman I tend to be attracted to guys that are significantly taller than me now I don't know why other people are like that but the reason I'm like that is because short dudes get on my last nerves no offense to my short kings if you're not one of these people didn't in this fight it's not that I'm not attracted to shorter men I'm attracted to a whole lot of shorter men the problem is when a short man is attracted to you they just they just do the most they just do a lot and that was pretty accurately portrayed in this movie because like honestly Dunkleman was just doing a whole lot unnecessary he ended up being cool buddy an but like I feel like as tall women we tend to just say well he's tall and that's it there you go as if that's like the only criteria it's like wow I don't have to look down at him there we go and in fairness I've been go to this mall it's not like I'm trying to read I'm just saying with that said the whole like I think it was the beginning scene like she stands up and the guy is like oh well if he's that much shorter than you at 6 1 then he just short like it wasn't like he was normal height in your abnormally tall right he's just short so maybe he has his own hang-ups about that but at the end of the day that ain't show problem you know but like I was saying the most aggressive news that I've ever come after me have been short as hail not kinda short they were super short I ever tell you I was stuck sorry God would tell you out a story about the the South African dude that can't follow me like I met him at the beginning of a trip to Korea and I met him at the end of a trip to Korea real cyclical and he was he was just doing the most may for another time but but like feeling like we have to limit what we do in an effort to like appeal to men I guess I kinda get that one but maybe it's just cuz I haven't been a teenager in a few years but I'm just in your life for a way but I understand like if you're in that like awkward time of your life and it's like everything just feels awkward and you feel like you stand out you don't really want to I don't know maybe it's just because I'm quite well I can't do nothing about it so who cares type hurts I never really fixated on my height I'm like 80 just is what it is I have out of curiosity said I wonder what my life would be like if I were short but to be honest with you I could care less it's kind of nice just having a constant conversation piece like a I'm tall yeah like if I felt insecure I feel like this movie just made more situations that didn't exist where I need to be insecure again or insecure in a new way my parents do they want me to get like something done so I'm not tall anymore also I find that weird too like what's the likelihood that your parents card gonna be really short and you're just very tall I'm not saying that's not possible but like how often does that happen where a girl in particular gets really tall just out of nowhere by my dad six one my mom six-foot so now both me and my sister are six but like it's just like how genetics generally works but okay which I guess in that particular situation that would make me feel more insecure because it's like well damn I just got hit with it but at the end of the day it's like oh okay it is what it is so there that is there's my like main gripe with this movie is that it just it created a scenario that simply would not exist if she's 6 1 she wouldn't be standing out that much and therefore she would not be bullied for being slightly taller than other people that would be tall in the school and less like everyone is mad calcium deficient unless everybody got hit like mad kwashiorkor I don't understand why her height is so strange y'all mad calcium and protein deficient like I was watching it thinking like I can tell this was not written and probably not directed by a tall woman now I can't say so much about the direction but it was directed by a black woman which kind of leads other small qualms I have about the movie mix that mcmarson oh how do I put this the movie is set in Louisiana right obviously it being set particularly in New Orleans there's gonna be black people at the school however I was watching that movie thinking like y'all through black people into really random situations but we'll just have moments where you're like we gotta put black people in this because we just have to perfect example there's like a scene completely gratuitous and out of the way where it's just the black all black dance team is dancing in the hallway it's not all black school so like why is there no other ethnicities dancing it was just weird to me I don't know I was just like no no white girls wanted to join Dance Crew I mean it's possible but I was just like oh this is kind of weird also like why am I seeing this there the whole like the whole dance thing was completely had nothing to do with anything I was just like okay yeah dancing cool but the one that stuck with me most I think it was the fact that Dunkleman that's his name that's his last name is Dunkleman has a random black mom wait oh wait never got any explanation for that is he adopted is that his stepmom does his dad just have some real mad strong genes like I don't know but we just never got any explanation for that he's just like hey mom I could tell that the movie was probably written with complete and other an utter erasure of black people in Louisiana or in door opens and so the director came in was like wait a second there needs to be more black people here but then it was kind of done kind of crapoly kind of shoddily so it looks like it kind of came out of nowhere that's just my suspicion speaking of the writer of the movie again going back to my suspicion of this not being written by a tall woman I could not be more correct because it was written by a man and the moment I saw that was like yeah yeah okay yeah that makes that make sense a man would have no idea kind of the truly annoying parts about being a tall woman it's the end of the world and it's like it's not it's it's really not like it's a little inconvenient it's hard finding pants the things that make it hard quote-unquote to be a tall woman are ultimately generally the things that make it hard to be a tall person in general to be a tall woman specifically the thing that's probably the most accurate is that whole like wanting to date someone taller than you think I don't think if that is that big of a hang-up because just cuz maybe I'm just weird but I never thought of it as that big overdue like yeah I'm attracted to dudes that I can see but the way people were acting is like it's a fate worse than death the data dude that's shorter than you and it's a fate worse the death to be a tall girl but the whole film just feels like they ran out of people to oppress like at this school like we like we can't oppress any of the people that we used to oppress for like razor sexuality or social NIC economic status so we just found a tall girl it's label right that color is ugly okay that to me okay just no saving this one okey I'm a magician I got that time match I guess to summarize how to say this the main problem I have with this movie is that it kind of created scenarios that simply would not exist in real life all in order to make her feel like more of an anomaly the thing is if I were truly an insecure teenager you creating more situations where I feel different just to solve them wouldn't help cuz to me is just like oh you came up with more ways that I didn't even think of that I'm a weirdo making the whole set with tiny freaking shelves and tiny people just just a further cement that she's tall I don't know man I left a bad taste in the mouth because immediately if you would have cast a person that was six six because there's not a whole lot of dudes that are six six let alone women so when you when you get higher than like six four as any person but particularly as a woman this would kind of make more sense for Shack like she's 72 or whatever walking around at sixteen yeah she's probably had a pretty hard upbringing because she significantly stands out in a way that a lot of people not just women but particularly women don't stand out so I get it how she could have more of a difficult upbringing but at six one like just for clarification though I realized I didn't really finish this thought here and not that it's okay for people to bully you the taller you get that would not make sense for me to be like yeah you know there get any taller than that yeah you know you need to bully them to teach them they did something wrong my point is that they're acting like this person is so much taller than average I have family members at a six month I've never none of them have been like nah girl my life is horrible because I'm six one it is kind of hard to find shoes but nowadays there's a lot of drug stores around so you should check it out and they're not as ugly as those bedazzled shoot she was walking around in I feel like there should be a name for this like bad movies and a beep anyway if you liked this video and that all found it interesting or have other bad movies that I should watch I was really thinking about rewatching toilet talk about all the great music that was on their soundtrack and to this day it's one of the best soundtracks ever however it was for that movie granted I haven't seen it basically since it came out so I'm curious I thought it was pretty bad when I was like 13 so I can only imagine how bad I think it is now let me know if he'd be interested and I'll see you guys next time don't forget to Like comment and subscribe follow me on Instagram and Twitter both of which are kenny judy and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Kennie J.D.
Views: 1,903,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenniejd, african american, african, Kendall, Black, Black beauty, beauty, korean, korean beauty, kbeauty, k-beauty, makeup, makeup tutorial, korea, kpop, k-pop, korean makeup, lifestyle, GRWM, get ready with me, story time, storytime, dark, cosmetics, face, anime, asian trends, viral makeup, bad movies, bad movies and a beat, tall girl, Netflix, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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