Is PVC drainage pipe REALLY worth it?

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this is sean in this video i want to ask the question is pvc worth it and so i feel like pvc is worth it but that's just my opinion and so what i want to do in this video is i want to go back and revisit some jobs that i've done with pvc drainage pipe and i want to ask the question to those homeowners is pvc worth it and see if we can find anything out so join me in revisiting some of my previous jobs we are back out here on this job where this homeowner had a bunch of flooding going on in the finished basement there and if you remember from this video she had recently had a landscaper put a french drain across here and within days the the flooding was way worse than it had ever been and so we came in and put this channel drain in here and concrete and it's been a year she texted me yesterday and said it's been a year she has had zero flooding going on so 100 results and she was asking me if i knew anybody who was gonna who could clean out the gutters so the gutters and of course the channel drain need to be cleaned out here and so i told her we could come over and do it for and she said that she wasn't trying to get me to do it but she would be happy to have me do it so she's not here right now but she left a check on the door for me so we're going to pull these grates up and get it all cleaned out we're going to get this gutter cleaned out i brought a extension ladder so that's what we're working on today and it's really really important to keep these systems cleaned out and flowing right so that they can continue to solve the problems so i've got ronald with me today hey we got some good help and uh we'll get this get this roll in here i'm making pretty good progress here but i wanted to show you this is what it looks like before it gets cleaned out so the water was still flowing through here but these really need to be cleaned out so they flow to their maximum potential because we have trees here anything that flows over is going to land on our stuff so i wasn't too terribly worried about it but it's always good to keep these things cleaned and flowing right we got this channel drain off of here and i wanted to show you so it's still it's still flowing really well the customer says but obviously we've got quite a bit of debris in here and a lot of this was coming from when we first did the install now that things have settled down and stabilized we shouldn't have as much debris flowing in here so again really really good to keep these things cleaned out and working like they're supposed to all right ronald's gonna run up there and run some water through this or try to clean out all that debris in the gutter so another benefit of pvc pipe is about to become apparent [Applause] so that pipe just blows out debris as you well know and so i have no problem cleaning out the gutters and letting it run right in the pipe so all that debris just came right out of there no worries that's a fairly short section of pipe let's see how we do with the debris blowing out capacity of a longer stretch of pvc all right boss you want to try the other side that looks clear over there all the way washed out okay we're gonna move the ladder oh nice look at all that shingle dust that's coming through there too see that shingle dust so this is the stuff that gets caught in corrugated pipes and look at that it just blows it right out of there so my the ridges and my fingers are simulating corrugated pipe and that's all shingle dust coming through there that's getting blown out look at all that [Applause] anyway so that's all just shingle dust it just just blew out of there that's why you use pvc pipe how we doing boss ready to try the other side let me grab that hose we're now blowing water in this direction so let's see if that pvc pipe will still blow out all that debris on a real long run so we're coming down here and across down to the sidewalk let's see if we can get that longer stretch of pvc to blow out debris similarly okay so all that debris that was in the gutter there just just flows right through that pipe so the question is is pvc worth it and i think it is worth it all this debris doesn't get caught in there it just continually self-cleans itself so now the next hard rain anything else is going to get blown out of there just like it is now all right let me climb up there and take a look with the camera all right so that gutter is now cleaned out until the next time it fills up now we can't get the grate off underneath the deck here so we're going to try to use the water to blast it out so you can see it flowing through there let's see if we can get all that debris to come out of the pipe okay there's all that dirt coming out of there and rocks and stuff look at all that so show me a piece of corrugated that can move all this material over a hundred plus feet oh there we go looks like he's getting into it now so that's all that debris under the deck that we couldn't get to just blow it out and let it run right through the system so this is why we use pvc schedule 40 thick wall we feel it's the the the self cleaning the ability that it has to blow out material and debris and not collect debris makes it worth it so if you're going to go through all the trouble to dig a trench you might as well throw a quality pipe in before you cover the trench back up with dirt so [Applause] nice i definitely would not recommend blowing out debris like that through a corrugated pipe [Applause] we're all finished here so that channel drain should be good for another year gutters are all clean as well so she should be in good shape and i think i forgot to mention this is my best reference too anytime someone wants a reference i give them this homeowner's phone number and she talks her ear off about how great everything is so that that was also one of my most difficult jobs a lot of laborious type hand digging so anyway i'd say pvc is definitely the right choice wow what did you think of that cleaning out those gutters and cleaning out that channel drain and just letting all that debris just blow right through that that pvc pipe that's why you use pvc because it's smooth inside it's unobstructed any kind of bumps or anything are going to create are just going to create drag and any kind of turbulence you make inside the pipe is just going to slow things down the the ridges inside corrugated pipe might as well be speed bumps they just kill the flow and the flow is what provides the energy to carry the debris out of the pipe so that was a pretty cool clean out job i hope you enjoyed it let's take a look at some other projects this was that job on that commercial building where the property manager called me and they were trying to save the foundation on this building because it was just rotting away and so we installed our our gutters and caught all the gutters and did some grading out there so let's take a look at how that's been faring this is a commercial job where we put in a bunch of drainage so i haven't heard from these guys so i'm assuming everything's been working fine but it's coming down so let's take a look that one's really moving look at that that is a lot of water and that's all the water that was flooding if you remember it was flooding all along there along the building look at this that is a lot of water so this whole area is dry up against the building and we re-graded all this there's still a little bit of a low spot right there and look at this there's no water over here this was all just like holding water before so again that pvc those outfalls don't look very good those uh inlets don't look very good but is giving up a little bit of appearance worth this so and that's a six inch pipe too that's a lot of water moving right there and at this point it kind of goes off and down and they don't care about it so i wonder if pvc is worth it feels like the rain's dying down whoop there was some lightning nice it was still raining as i was leaving this site and i was near my best customer's house and i called her up and asked her if i could go check out the backyard and she said she wasn't home but go ahead and go to go over there so i zipped over there real quick and take a look at what i found this was a pretty early job that we did we caught this gutter set this catch base in here now look at that thing taking water whoa let's go take a look at the outfall we caught this counter too whoa look at that look at that that's incredible there's a ton of water coming down right of now i think we may have found the capacity of our four inch pipe [Music] look at this water just coming across here look at this whirlpool that great is that great's clear so it's just it's just trying to take it feels like the rain is stopping i think the rain is stopping well i thought it was so [Music] so [Music] and now it's caught up [Music] that was pretty cool i don't catch them that well very often but my feet are soaked i'm soaked car's about to be soaked but that's what it takes to get this footage i almost forgot we put a culvert in here on this property so take a look so that's doing pretty well and that let them put their that let them get their their ground a little bit more level we still have a bunch of water coming across here i just ran into the homeowner while i was leaving her neighborhood and uh i had called her and asked if i could come over she said yeah we're not there but go on and so she's excited to see what we just saw over there with that thunderstorm so that was pretty cool look at all this water so that's what they call a gully washer around these parts okay i'm about a minute down the road and we got clear skies over here so these thunderstorms are really really hard to catch and it started raining at my house and i said nah i'm not going to go out it's not going to last and then it was raining and then it let up a little bit and then it started again i said let me go out and give it a try but most of my runs to get rain footage end in failure so that was a really cool one that was a really really good show of that pipe that pvc pipe so i think you're gonna have to decide for yourself if pvc is worth it i just got home but i wanted to show you really quickly what i'm working on here i just picked up this wood chipper my neighbor gave it to me and well i guess i forgot to turn my light off there but i'm putting a new intake slash exhaust manifold on there and doing some other stuff to it so as soon as that thunderstorm started up i was like well let me uh let me drop this and go make that video so let me get busy making that video for you all all right i'm going to go ahead and end this video right here it's getting kind of long and let me know in the comments if you'd like to see me make more of these videos like i mentioned in there they're pretty difficult to catch when they're really flowing but that pvc with that smooth inside really really flows again you don't want any kind of obstructions to impede the flow of water through the pipe any kind of turbulence that gets created in the pipe just slows the water down and the water is what carries the debris out of it so that smooth pvc pipe really really flows well so thanks for watching this video and on to the next one
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 76,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pvc vs corrugated drainage pipe, never use corrugated pipe, never use pvc pipe, pvc drainage pipe, best drainage pipe, corrugated best drainage pipe, corrugated vs pvc pipe, drainage pipe, yard drainage pipe, Does pvc work better, superior drainage pipe, ultimate drainage pipe, when to use corrugated pipe, best pipe for yard drainage, best pipe for flooding yard, turbulence drainage pipe, corrugated creates turbulence, pvc pipe self cleaning
Id: kjAvepe0DS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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