Catching gutters to improve muddy yard

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[Music] this is sean with gate city foundation drainage we are on a job today in greensboro and we're catching a bunch of gutters here so let's take a look at what we got going on we've got the mini excavator here we've got the trencher here and of course we got the box truck so we have a ton of water that comes off this driveway makes it into this drain and then basically dumps out right here so this is the outfall right here for all that gutter and and this one too i guess is hooked into there so all the gutter and driveway water just lands right here and has nowhere to go in this yard so that's a classic example of putting in a drainage system but not taking care of the water so that's why i always want to take the water to a place where it's completely gone instead of just trading one problem for another so look what we have here at the edge of the yard we have this nice drainage basin right here so perfect place to send water to so we're going to catch those gutters and come across here and then boom right into the drainage basin and the water is no longer a problem on the other side here we're going to catch this gutter and come across and we're going to catch this front gutter here right there so they've already got a system in here and it's just that one comes out over here somewhere he he used to know where it came out but he doesn't anymore and so a lot of standing water over here too so again you want to take the water to a place where it's completely gone so look at this right there under the drainage basin so that's what we're gonna be working on today so we're on this job today and we got our homeowner cameron here cameron this is mike mike nice to meet you nice to meet you this is jeremy nice to meet you this is fernando and ronald so i know you i know you've seen sean yes i know you've seen all these guys on on my previous videos so uh we're gonna get this job done for you today conditions aren't the greatest right now we got a little bit of mud going on but at the end of the day we get the job done everybody gets paid and hopefully you got way less mud next time it rains that's what i'm hoping for yes all right cool deal yep all right cool deal all right okay all right so north state hasn't marked yet we're here because all of our schedules align we're trying to get this done for the customer so we're trying to locate our north state here which has not been marked so how do we look how do we dig this without cutting it mike well first off north state only trenches their their trenches about four to six inches deep okay so you do not want to take the shovel crossways with the way that you're going because that if you were to go down you're automatically going to cut the line usually i go at an angle like this go in the same direction as the line what you're hoping to do is to go under it and pull it up is what you're hoping to do instead of cutting through it all right let's see how we do where were you at all right it says it's right there meter says it's 25 inches deep it's not their machine will go a little deeper than that so if it's real easy digging like this probably was then it may have been all right we just located this fiber optic line so now we just need to mark it where we're going to be digging and we should be good it looks very fine we'll find it again over here let me go get the spray face for everything make it as obvious as possible because the guys that are going to come out and locate they're not going to do a lot of extra work no so we want it's right here so we north state wants us to leave that out as uh and make it as obvious as possible he said he thought he was all the way out here this gutter right here is coming down and just discharging right here when they could have gone right to the drainage basin and look at all this [Music] oh anytime we have even a small amount of digging to do i like to bring this mini excavator because it just makes the job that much easier so we have to core through this drainage basin here and so i've got to make a pretty decent sized hole there and so just having that mini excavator makes it way way easier than having to dig this by hand [Music] i'm hoping it's a brick basin [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so the customer wanted to keep this drain here him and his father worked really hard and got that in place so we kept that as it was we just hooked into it right here into the pvc and we caught this gutter so we're heading on down the way over here lots of mud look at how that ground is dry under there [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] yeah it looks pretty good [Music] this is the old corrugated pipe here and it's just slammed full of water yep so that's not doing much to get the water away from the house how are we gonna get this pipe hooked up uh i would i'm going to run out there on that all right i'm let you get it ready and i'm going to push it in all right that night sounds like a good idea yeah instead of trying all right on you mike hang on all right go ahead about another quarter inch all right hit it a couple more maybe there it goes that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the homeowner's up there turning the garden hose on here he's got it in that bar gutter up there [Music] so [Music] where do [Music] that's like the hoes yep that's why we use this pipe yep that's just the garden hose running on it that falls what do you think that's awesome yeah i'm excited yeah excited can't wait for the rain yep for once right i'm gonna be out here first you're gonna come by to document it i'm already gonna be out here with an umbrella watching it yep yeah i'm excited first time you'll be looking forward to rain uh yeah and since i moved here yep i lost the footage where i was talking about that stub out right there so you see that pipe sticking out that's just temporarily in there we put a lot extra y in there because the customer is probably going to have us come back and do some more drainage work so we just stubbed that out and i lost that footage where i talked about that finished with this job so let's take a look at what we got going on here we got this back together to the customer's liking the two hydrangeas we replace those there's one over there and i'm not sure where the other one went [Music] [Music] so this yard is still definitely a mess but i'm gonna be back over here with my mini skate and my harley rake so the customer was fine with us tearing up the yard today with these really really muddy conditions because we're going to be back a little bit later anyway so he was more interested in getting the water out of here and so he's super super excited about it so i can't wait to get back over here during the rain [Music] oh hey youtube so just want to show you some things that uh sean helped me with gate city foundation drainage uh i've got a catch basin here to catch all water problems i have in front of my garage i put this in before they came but i had a problem that they helped me solve so we caught our gutters right and still pretty muddy here we worked out in the mud it was a tough job i mean it was awful to be honest with you i helped them but there's guys true professionals and worked through it so it's still pretty messy out here but don't mind that but we put a catch basin in here caught this drain um before when i bought the property they had a catch basin it wasn't even a catch base and it was a pop-up that was here and would leak all the yard and it destroyed everything this is still remnants from that issue i had see the standing water we plan on putting a catch basin here and running that but to solve my issues that i needed right away we we're gonna do that at a later date especially with these guys true professionals like i said coming back out and gonna fix all of this we were working in the mud i mean it was awful but he's gonna you know sean's coming back out to help me with that so appreciate that caught this gutter here that when they sold me the property they never caught it so that was another added issue it was just shooting out across the yard right we caught it got it in a drain now got it in a pipe um pipe runs out here as you can see got a stub out for you know the the other part of our job like i said we're gonna go the whole way across a yard and catch that out there so that wasn't a part of this job not yet but we prepared for it because that's what we do got this one right here caught this catch basin or cut this uh gutter it's in a pipe as you can see runs out there and again they had pop-ups basically emitters when i bought the house right here coming off of this one in the middle right here where i'm standing you never could have stood there before because the water would just collect over here okay and it rained yesterday and it rained i mean i don't even know how long it rained before those guys came out there literally stopped raining and they showed up to help me and so appreciative of that but i had another pop-up right here before again when i bought the property where it would just emit water you could not walk down here it's still pretty bad but again this is i don't know we did it saturday and today's tuesday and it rained yesterday and i would not be able to stand out here if i didn't but there it is that's all the way from the front of the house right where my little uh my little grain that's that's the hose that we saw earlier so i can't tell you enough how happy i am with this i mean again you know we're not done yet we still got work to do but yeah they were out here in one day and did all this and coming back to help clean it clean it up when it dries out we can actually you know work back here but i'm telling you i couldn't walk out here before i just was all wet before and it just rained and you can see it's it's still wet here but this was i mean coming off that it was awful unbearable and we're definitely in a much better place now thanks to sean and his guys so get back up here just to show you again where that water was coming from where you saw it just shooting out of that pipe i mean it looks like the hose ran all the way down there but it's it's right here right here that's something i that this is my handiwork so you know i mean i can do a lot of this work but i not not that i need some i need some help so you know even if you can do a little bit they take out the big parts and help you out so just thank you gate city foundation drainage thank you sean thank you to all you all the guys that are out here really appreciate it have a good one youtube bye
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 58,411
Rating: 4.9442291 out of 5
Keywords: drainage system, pvc drainage system, never use corrugated
Id: P2jbHAiNuMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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