Installing two dewatering (sump) pumps for yard drainage

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this is Charlotte Gate City Foundation drainage I want a job today in Greensboro so let's take a look at what we got going on so we've got this yard here that is this is like a low point right here and so the water just collects all along here so you can see we're going uphill toward the back uphill this way uphill this way and we're going uphill to the street so we're going to be installing two sump basins today so we need to find a low point which I think is going to be like right there we're going to pipe the downspout directly into the sump basin and then pump it out to the curb we're going to place our second sump basin and catch this downspout probably another low point we need to figure out where the low point is probably like right there ish and then we have a pretty good shot out too the curb out here with our inch and a half pressure line so that's what we're working on today I'll talk more about how this job has developed as we go points probably right there under the tree like right at the edge of that tree right there yeah I don't want to place it too close to the tree to get into the roots and we can put pine needles around the tree to hide the water well then that would be so I'm thinking yep you might want to grab a rake or a piece of pipe or something and lay it across there just to see what it looks like this first hole was far enough away from any roots and the guys were fine with digging it by hand I asked him if they wanted me to dig it with the excavator because it was sitting right there but you get a little bit better hole when you dig it by hand because you can control much more easily than with the excavator and so I leave it up to them whether they want me to dig it with the excavator or dig it by hand in this case the soil was pretty soft too along with not being close to any root so they dug it come on here's the thing this one don't actually have to be used to be because here good yeah all right and now let's just simply since we ain't got to worry about it yep because we ain't got to worry about fall ing good yep there you go that market the spot man you want to mark on that side as well there you go I'm better because I'm kind of sometimes no more than me yeah because with the angles through here the guys are digging the hole for the basins I'm gonna go ahead and set up this pump foreign [Music] it's worth mentioning that anytime you're working with pumps you want to be using pressure pipe and pressure fittings so this is an example of a non-pressure fitting and look at the small surface area here for gluing this is a pressure fitting and you can see we've got almost double the amount of surface area for gluing so non-pressure pressure obviously dealing with pumps means we're dealing with pressure so we always use pressure fittings humps ask for a 3 16 inch hole at the discharge pipe and that will allow any air that gets caught in the system to get pumped out and not stop the pump from working it's called air locking so the way I usually do it is I'll put a small nipple here before my check valve and then I'll put my 3 16 inch hole there as far as check valves go I really like these flapper style so these have like a flap in here they also sell tights that are like a spring that the whole thing pops up but those don't work as well as the flapper ones do so that's what we use foreign [Music] [Music] there's an arrow pointing which way this goes foreign up and ready to be placed in the Basin and we use a union these are going to be pumps that are back in someone's backyard so if these were in a more public place we may not use a union for theft so here we'll probably put it in probably put it there or so or you could put it here either way so that one's ready to go let's get the next one set up I wanted to show you this is another style check valve you can use this is one that's going to use a mechanical connection and this also works as a nice Union so you can use this and you don't need that that Union so either one of those works just fine and this one actually works with an inch and a half or inch and a quarter so either one [Music] too much okay I don't know about up and down but side to side that's good man I'm good come on right well right there okay well if you switched it glasses all right that makes a real tight fit doesn't it yes it does that's a nice fit I like how you wallow it out a little bit too yeah they still make it nice and smokes yep all right oh that's more than full bubble that's too much what's up Jeremy it's more than full bubbles capacity sweet all right all right keep feeding it keep feeding it I hear it there it is all right sweet it's a good use for that non-pressure fitting just for the cord okay nice an electrician installed these two 15 amp circuits the pumps draw about 9.6 amps at Max so they were good putting 15 amp in and I wanted to talk about what we're doing here I've had a lot of people commenting on running electric service this is not electric service this is a cord this is a manufacturer's cord so all we're doing here is we're just placing it in the ground in a pipe so if we were running electric service which would be a piece of Romex we run outdoor Romex you have to run it through schedule 80 gray pipe not schedule 40 like this and it has to be about 18 inches deep so this is not electric service this is just a cord plugging in what do you all think yeah you're 100 right direct burial or great fight yeah but this is an electric service so are you good on this yeah the guys are getting this gutter caught here and I'm getting the discharge line laid out so there's a 45 right there that's gonna work all right that's got it dog yeah that's gonna drop it straight sweet and we got a full bubble still I have no doubt in the pudding Tada yep all right that's what we want yeah I know my uh look what is faded your liquid's faded yeah it's not the yellow it's harder to see I'm sure on camera oh yeah it used to be yellow interesting liquid yeah I'm sure it's just a UV light yeah over time been using the heck out of that thing that's it that's it I have it still works the bubble inside still works [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you all right so we've got everything together here I like to leave these unions apart and let them dry really well because you don't want to get any glue on the threaded part there and so I've got a little bit of space back here if you guys want to push that back to me let's see if I can get this I'm probably gonna yeah go ahead all right yeah that's good [Music] we're really gonna do that I was seeing a cat named Jeremy do that before really good name JC [Music] I cannot claim credit for it though I'll tell you the job that we're doing on it though yeah yeah that's where we use that small hand trenches yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay we're getting ready to Trench from the basins out to the curb here and the homeowner does have an irrigation system so when it comes to irrigation systems we've done it every every which way we've had it marked we've tried to hand dig it we it's impossible to find the lines you end up hitting them anyway so what we do is we just go for it and then either we'll repair it or we'll have the irrigation guy repair it in this case we're going to flag anything that we hit and the irrigation guy is going to come back because it's not summertime yet so the system's not even on so we call this Forrest Gump digging you never know what you're gonna hit I wanted to show you this pipe I just pulled out this is one of those Slinky pipes and that just is covered in Shingle dust that's all shingle dust and pine needles so whereas the smooth pipe that we're going to use the schedule 40 will let all that debris flow through it instead of collecting it like this oh look at that that's a green tree frog that's pretty cool these must be real cold look at that this is like the most it's a super Northern side of their range but yeah that's a little tree frog it's pretty cool nice find right there he's not very green but he's kind of dirty but yeah that's a cool one [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] I just finished getting this Union in here so I wanted to show you real quickly we've got this gutter piped directly in here and so we're not dumping the water out and then hoping it finds its way we're piping it directly in here keeping that water in a pipe the whole time we've got our cord from our pump going out to a receptacle right there that's an outdoor receptacle this is our discharge coming from our other sump Basin we've missed this Basin and we're going out and then this is our discharge from this pump here so this one's ready we're getting our trench covered up over here and we did hit the irrigation system here so the irrigation guy is going to come out here and repair that we've got a flag on it we've got it open and we're about to get ready to core into the curb we've recently started using a screw Jack which you see off to the left here to apply pressure to the core drill and this works really well with the four and a half inch bit this is a two inch bit so it's not as bad but it still helps laughs [Music] great [Applause] hold on now [Applause] go all the way through yep oh it's done oh wait nice see if that slug will pop out of there all right so that bit is pretty well done isn't it I bet let's see that bit it is yeah we pretty much trash that thing completely gone yep that's the end of that say I think we were wearing it all right that's it that was a nice deflection too that last one it moved I was like oh all right this one ought to go straight in go ahead foreign foreign thank you good job all right so we're just finishing up here and I told you that we had some delays here so the city so first of all this is in an HOA and the HOA needed City approval to core into the curb well the city doesn't care every time I call them they say go for it but I said no I need something in writing for the HOA so that was a huge delay and so according to the city what they wanted is they wanted us to come in here do the work and then once we're completely finished then they're going to come in here and inspect it this is called a tie-in right here and so what we're doing here is we're tying into the street and in our area the street is part of the storm water management system and so dumping storm water into the street is an appropriate way to go and they want mainly to make sure that this is an attractive looking job tie-in here so I'm going to take a picture of this and I'm going to send it back to the permit that I got issued and they'll come out here and look at it if they feel like it and we should be in really good shape okay we're giving this the old test Rooney here [Music] without stimulating a rainfall [Music] we surrounded that with some gravel so it may take a minute for it to fill up but I'm gonna head out to the street and see if we can catch it Jeremy we got if we have any extra we should probably pile it up up against the uh where they're gonna repair it just in case they need extra but I use what you need there okay there it is nice so now all that water that was Landing back in that depression area with nowhere to get out is going to be delivered out here at the curb we are finished with this job so we got this gutter caught we got our new outlet over here this is now our sump basin and with the perforated lid which is nice because it collects surface water as well got our second Sun facing here and then we're heading on out to the road right there we left this open for the irrigation guy to come back and we left them some dirt and we left him some extra straw right there and then out here at the curb this is what our Outlet's gonna look like foreign so it looks real nice all right I can't wait to get back out here during the rain I'm back out here it's been I guess it's only been a few days and this thing is working pretty well so the pump just kicked on let's see if we can catch it [Music] foreign [Music] so the Basin fills up it's got a float the float kicks it on it it pumps it back down and it goes back down so I mean that's that's all the water that was just like cool yeah I did not expect that yeah foreign all right we noticed that that back pump wasn't really coming on and so we were we stuck the hose in there to make sure it was working yes it's working but take a look at what's going on here so this part of the gutter right here is full of pine needles so hopefully you can see that talking to the homeowner right now he's going to get that cleaned out and fixed so this will work like it's supposed to but yeah I mean there's no water back here it's been raining for a while so keeping that gutter water in a pipe all the way out here and then being delivered out to the curb is the ticket solving standing water problems like we had here when you have a depression area with no clear path for the water to get out can be a little bit challenging they already had somebody had installed like a 12 by 12 drainage box in the backyard but that was higher up than the gutters and it drained somewhere in the neighbor's yard so I didn't really feel good taking the gutters and taking more water into that system which I didn't really see how it was working to begin with so those pumps they really do work well even though you have to get Electric Run to them you have to pay for electric to run the pumps they do work really well to get that water out of there and in this case they were working pretty well on the day that I went back to revisit I met back up with the homeowner and we did notice that that back pump wasn't really working as fast or as often as the front one and so we went back there ran the hose back there made sure it was working and then the homeowner was the one who said the gutters are clogged so I guess it's a two-story house so I hadn't even thought to look up there but we identified that those pine needles so he's going to get that taken care of and that gutter should be working a lot better that downspout should be working a lot better but so far so good with that system everything's working really well and the homeowner was real happy so I hope you've enjoyed this video thanks for watching
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 43,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dewatering pump, sump pump, yard drainage, yard sump pump, yard flooding, backyard flooding, drainage solution, Greensboro drainage, Greensboro yard flooding, satisfying drainage work, satisfying water flowing, how to install sump pump, greensboro sump pump
Id: ov3VwcfF6_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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