Part 3 of 4 The worst Apt. Flooding I've ever seen!

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this is sean with gate city foundation drainage we are back out here at this apartment building and what we're working on today is we're going to be doing concrete across here as a barrier so like you saw in those previous videos all the water comes down here and it just hangs right up against the building here and what it ends up doing is it ends up going down into the foundation so it's going to be pretty tricky but we're going to try to get a downward slope going around the corner here and out [Music] so we got to take these we got to take these bollards out and put them back we got to get all this cleaned up it's going to be quite a job out here [Music] welcome to part three of this video series this is sean and this building here on the back the water just comes down and it's been hanging around the back side of this building so these two residents came out as soon as we started doing our drainage work in the courtyard area and they were like what about our flooding so apparently these sliding glass doors here the water just goes right into the unit and in conjunction with that they have a lot of water that just stands and hangs right here and nowhere to go so we've got a couple of other buildings uphill of this and a couple parking lots uphill of it and so this is the water here that i think is flowing underneath the slab and then hitting the party wall the wall between the two units on that downhill unit and coming through onto the courtyard and so i spent at least a couple months over here coming back after reigns long periods of no rain and trying to really figure out what was going on here and try to figure out how to solve this and so the new property owner has been just putting in like a superhuman effort fixing these these units all up and so finally he got around to getting us started on this back back side of the building so there's a view of the courtyard that we did fix and so that's all going really really well now we're going to be doing the trying to get this water that's coming out of the wall here and so that water coming out of the wall right there underneath that fire extinguisher is going into this downhill unit and so that unit cannot start yet on the renovation because of this water here so take a look right there that's where it comes out here's another shot of the inside of that downhill unit i blew this wall open just to take a look at what was inside but this corner still has water hanging in it and i think the water is flowing underneath the slab and hitting that wall and then coming through and if you look at where this water is coming out of the wall here it looks like it's right behind that party wall a lot of people commented in part two of this video series where i first introduced this problem on the back side of the building and some people mentioned that a french drain would be in order back here but the problem with doing a french drain here is a french drain works by creating a new low point for the water to fill up a trench and so there's always going to be water in the trench of a french drain now in a condition like this where the foundation is lower than that trench would be you cannot do a french drain here that would just make the problem worse because you would just be getting that water encouraging it to go deeper where it's already got a pathway through the foundation and so what we're going to do here is we're going to keep the surface water on the surface and we're also going to protect the foundation so again we're going to do concrete here and we're going to do a channel drain along the concrete because we have virtually no fall and then we're going to wrap it around the building and so that's not only going to collect the material the water it's also going to the concrete's going to form a waterproof barrier up against the foundation for us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right this is the first load in the new dump truck oh shoot there's a level in there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm back here at my place with the first load of dirt this truck has been hauling so a couple things i want to see if it'll lift it for one thing that's probably about eight yards maybe eight tons so let's see how it does [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you guys see that that is a dump truck right there that's what i've been looking for that is awesome i'm so excited you saw how easily and fast it dumped it nice yeah right there okay we're laying out our channel drain here and it's probably gonna have to go down a little bit but we're just trying to rough it in this is so flat across here it's gonna be real challenging [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah look come here the leg is level there yeah okay come on that's each inch up it's good yeah but listen we want to stay high here yeah that was okay yeah right it's good [Music] okay it's a quarter bubble what about otherwise you're gonna have to take it [Music] [Music] all right i took that first load antonio's got a load and lynn's got a load on the other dump truck over there going back to my place here we have run a couple of string lines and we've checked our level and we're trying to get a good start here so the far edge of this concrete is going to be a little bit higher than the channel drain so that's going to help direct the water into the channel drain and then we're going to go higher along the foundation as well so getting started with the channel drain can be pretty difficult and that's what we're working on here trying to get a good start water's going that way barely it's it's good good yeah it's coming this way yeah see what i'm saying so whatever comes this way a little you have to you want you have to go a little bit because still coming down right coming down yeah because you wanna they're down yeah so it's good right yeah huh [Music] hey we're bringing in some of the sand rock this is what's going to form the base and we've been working really hard to make sure this is falling the correct way across here because it's so flat across here so once we get the sand rock in that'll let us really dial in where we want the channel grain to be located and again if the ground was sloping down we could just throw the channel right on the ground and be going downhill we're gonna have to create our downhill slope here because it's so flat [Music] go ahead [Music] what we're doing right now is we're just kind of feathering out this sand rock this is gonna be our base material so they got a guy on the ground here he's kind of guiding the operator on where he wants it and then the two guys are going to feather it out with shovels so this is a really crucial part with the channel drain getting all this base right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lisa hey miguel how's it doing very good baby if you see me somewhere say hi baby i hope i'm thank you so much she will see me you know what you said we are finished for today so we pretty much got to the edge of that building right there and tomorrow we got to get around the corner get get our channel drain finished and hopefully we're minding our fall really well it's going to be a tight one i think but we got another load in the dump truck here another load in my new dump truck over there and the concrete guys are getting loaded up too [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] huh [Music] we are back out here it's the next day and things are moving pretty quickly i just bought a load of sand rock and we're getting things hopefully finished off up on this side and then we're starting over on this side so we still have to turn this corner and go down the hill but things are going pretty well so far [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i never would have thought that little saw would cut that thing but look at that what do you think miguel very good baby [Music] yeah grab a shovel buddy i said grab a shovel you start now you baby go ahead tomorrow be raining don't call me thank you babe [Music] all right we're working on our channel brain our channel drain is perfect but what we ended up doing was we had to tweak this down a little bit so now this is too high so we're kind of having to undo some of the work we've already done but now is the time to get it right that's for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we got this scrape down a little bit so it's never a great thing to have to undo work but it's a whole lot better than having to redo work so the channel drain is the important piece that's the that's got to be correct for it to flow i'll talk more about that coming up [Music] yeah i couldn't drive it it was a five it was a six speed he didn't like it i couldn't drive it it's uh speak yeah speak i couldn't no i could not drive it ready [Music] go that way how much like uh which way no right there is like a like a one eight okay you say you say you don't want too much right yeah that's right like a little egg leave it like this the water coming everywhere all right we are finished for today we are just about ready to pour i'm back out here today it rained all morning and i wanted to take a look at this and so what used to happen is the water would just be like five inches deep right over here and even this this what we did here is allowing the water to get out of here so this is what i wanted to happen the water to all flow away and not be standing up against the building so i wanted to take a quick look and see we really really worked hard to get this grade right so the water would flow by itself without getting into the channel drain and that's exactly what it's doing look at this so this is really really good news look at how much water flowed through here look at this and so once we get concrete in here of course there won't be this drop off right here anymore so i want to check on the inside courtyard and see if there's still water popping out of the foundation like there used to be my feeling is there is not going to be so let's see so look at this there's no water popping out over here anymore i'm just popping out of this hole right here and i wonder if there's anything popping out on the inside wall i used to know the cone here but i forgot it this has been working really really well for keeping all the water off of this unit right here so that's been good this has got to stay clean now for it to work we started this part of the job about six months or so after we did the courtyard and part of the reason for that is i was really trying to gather more information and make sure that that we had a good understanding of what was going on so if i went out there at the start of a heavy rain there would be no water coming out of there if i went out there after periods of no rain there'd be no water coming out of the wall and so the water was only flowing out of the wall after a substantial rain and a prolonged rain and usually when there was standing water along that back area and so that told me that that standing water was providing the hydrostatic pressure that was pushing the water underneath the slab and causing it to pop out under the under that one unit there and so once we got that all figured out then it was trying to formulate a plan the idea of having concrete in a really really flat area means you can get the concrete sloping barely sloping and the water will still flow also taking the concrete all the way up against the building means that the building is going to be protected from water from service water and so we did get some gutters put on that building but maintenance over there is a little bit is a little bit lacking because they're really really busy working on everything else with that with that whole complex and so what happens when the gutters clog up and the gutters overflow so that's why i put concrete all the way up against the the foundation so it protects it and so we worked really really hard to get that concrete or get the get the the pipes and everything and the concrete eventually sloping down by itself and so what that means is when the channel drain clogs up when the gutters clog up and overflow the thing is still going to flow the concrete itself is going to carry the water around and down the hill there and so i really wanted to make this drainage solution almost maintenance proof or lack of maintenance proof i guess i should say and so we got everything formed up in this part of the video and now it's ready for concrete so that'll be the next installment of the series so until then i hope you've enjoyed watching this series so far thanks for watching
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 35,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greensboro drainage work, Greensboro drainage solution, backyard flooding problems, drainage problems, gate city foundation drainage, French drain alternative, do I need a French drain, Greensboro PVC Piping, PVC drainage pipe, Satisfying time lapse, satisfying concrete time lapse, satisfying concrete, satisfying drainage job Satisfying construction job, satisfying asmr construction, satisfying drainage solution, satisfying water flowing, satisfying water
Id: Pg5bOgomCTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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