Is Papyrus Secretly Far More Powerful Than He Seems? Undertale Theory | UNDERLAB

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome back to on the lab reaches is one of the most if not the most popular character non detail papyrus is well known for its legendary antics and his peculiar obsessions with both spaghetti in humans one thing most people agree on about him is that he isn't a particularly powerful enemy and that makes sense considering that he's the second major boss within the game after toriel well we have no reason to believe he's anything special judging on the fight with him alone can we infer that he's more than meets the eye based on his brothers fans and through the more obscure law within the game well let's find out papyrus is first met within Snowden where he doesn't exactly create the impression of being particularly powerful in fact the character e-meters arrogant and maybe a bit obnoxious they all say funny and a little immature we repeatedly meet him throughout the forest and he tries to stump us for some incredibly convoluted and slightly arbitrary puzzles it sends us he never really had the intention of hurting us who papyrus wants to do is capture a human so inserting press online and therefore be allowed into the world god this isn't just what we're told either if papyrus be sauce just by being worldly easier bosses within the game he will trap us within his Shack rather than killing us the ironic part of this is that we can easily escape and fight him again he's so soft that should we lose to him three times he'll actually let us pass even though that's not really what he should be doing regardless seeing how he shows such commitment and obedience to following his orders one has to wonder why Undine doesn't let him become part of the guard when talking to her she explains such as because he's too nice she even realizes that he's pretty tough for example compare him to the canine unit we've been snowed in he could probably be any of them based on the difficulty of his fight but they're part of the Royal Guards and he's not some zine however he said papyrus stopping have the ability to be harsh when it's needed as a guard he'd need to be willing to fight and ready to go to extreme lengths should it be necessary already then there's a hint that for Paris isn't as weak as before because he really be so strong that he could rival even his brother sans sans is an enigma for our undertale like papyrus we don't have much of a reason to believe that he's all that powerful in fact should we complete the inside game we never fight him anyhow so it'd be easy to he may even be weaker than his brother however on the genocide path we finally do enough turn sans wrath and it turns out that he quite possibly the most powerful monster in the entire underground this is very strange considering his relationship iris papyrus may be the younger brother but how his fans have changed so much power seemingly without him knowing another question is why he doesn't intervene should we end up killing papyrus sure he seems pretty angry about it but though he's incredibly lazy surely even sans would find it within him to rush to the defense of his own brother it doesn't make sense to say that because it reached the fighting time considering that we find him behind the counter in waterfall just a single screen onwards and because we know he has office and bigger as shortcuts he can use to get anywhere he needs to be quickly could it be that sans wasn't afraid for his brother's life did he perhaps believe that papyrus is powerful enough to hold you off on his own without his assistance perhaps he did but we still don't know why let's keep going throughout the game we learn about the biology of monsters particularly from the Frogger in the ruins the library is snowed in the plaques in waterfall and from exploring the true laboratory several important things we learn is that monsters don't really like to fight and that all of them apparently have positive traits within their souls something humans apparently don't require another thing we learn about monsters is that they become weaker the crueler we are to them and that should we attack them off guard they'll take huge amounts of damage this is proven to be true when playing undertale as I damage numbers increase for our fights and we can kill monsters in a single blow should we wait to take them off God who says that monsters don't do less damage then if they don't really want to harm their target this is surely completely in line with everything we've learned so far about monster climbs it's also undoubtedly applicable to papyrus I think there's no denying that papyrus is holding back when we fight him specifically for two reasons firstly he wants to capture us and not kill us so if he has the power to destroy our soul he wasn't sure it anyhow secondly deep down he has a heart of gold and despite his eccentric personality really or he wants to do is make friends and achieve his goals he really wasn't looking to beat us when we fought him does that really mean he's secretly incredibly powerful though there's a few reasons to believe he is firstly there's his special attack that he never gets to use the annoying dog stole it from him just as he was about to unleash his full power many people speculate that this could have been was the infamous Custer blasters and we see sounds using it's hard to imagine that papyrus wouldn't be significantly more powerful if you have the assistance of the skull shaped lasers another factor worth considering is that evil results to what he describes as a completely normal attack however this attack proves to be one of the more complex within the game and is surprisingly dangerous coming from papyrus if this is his idea of a normal attack the motor is dangerous attacks look like could they be in a way comparable with the sounds lafalot II we've little reason to believe otherwise papyrus shares his profits mysterious origin and this describes something simply straight into Snowden one day before setting himself alongside fans where did the two brothers come from exactly what we have no indication of where papyrus came from after the Nazi accompanied sands there are some peculiar implications as to where sands may have came from the biggest destroyed the fact that we're judged by him within the hall before fighting at school he acts almost like the kings the last line of defense and it's hard to deny the idea let me see the full extent of his power on the genocide path does this mean that Samson papyrus so almost like King Oscar was special service it may sound kind of crazy but consider this they went to protect Snowden it's a low-level centuries but they seemingly came out of nowhere it turns out that papyrus is a far more competent fighter than anyone within the canine unit and Salazar could be more powerful than anyone within the kingdom it seems like the two brothers have a complex of mysterious past that we never thought about and there's no doubting that papyrus must know a sea of the things his brother does should we managed to coerce and his last thoughts sort of grill beasts proving he isn't completely detached from everything he does we've been snowed in the implication that is that basis and papyrus are aware of what they're capable of they just don't tell us or shall say unless it's necessary such as we have in the sands case on the genocide rhesus has every reason to be hateful and vengeful if you have encourages brother and everyone he ever knew papyrus meanwhile remains innocent and naive and he isn't aware of the full extent of your power that could be why instead when wishing hell upon you he tries to talk you out of your dark intentions even to the very end what if however we killed sands before papyrus something tells me we'd see a very different side of the skeleton one who this time isn't going to try and hug you and let you pass the instead wants you dead without his natural sense of empathy as a monster holding him back perhaps you really could prove himself to be just as strong as his brother especially if this stunned the annoying dog didn't intervene and take away his special attack remember that undyne believes he's tough enough to be a world god she just thinks he's too kind but as we know that's a great weakness of monsters imagine papyrus without that undermining him instead however when we fight papyrus he does his best to show us mercy he's naturally inclined towards doing what's right and that doesn't involve killing you you may think the fact that he's desperate to impress Undine comes the idea that it's more powerful than he seems but how better to keep his cover it's one of Oscar Smith elite Guardians and to access if he's a complete rookie the two brothers clearly know a lot that most monsters don't especially Sam's he knows on the genocide route that were destined to destroy the timeline papyrus may well Scipio we're of such knowledge and that's why on the evil path he attempts the approach he does he may know that fighting you is pointless as you can just keep reloading until you beat him even Sam seems to know that it's a fruitless endeavor and if anything he fights you just despite you and to delay you as long as he can maybe papyrus six to pick you off for good by showing compassion towards you even when you decapitate him I think one thing is certain even if papyrus isn't physically powerful his willpower is as strong as anyone's within the underground to keep trying to talk you out of your genocide a rampage even after having been mortally wounded shows tremendous courage from the monster not only that but he's diligent and persistent and for someone who at first seems like a fool he's actually surprisingly brave and well-meaning his combat ability is up for debate in terms of true inner strength I think papyrus is perhaps the strongest monster in the game never once losing his cool when facing the murderous human and embodying the good nature that monsters are capable of the stuff in mind is no surprise sapper Paris is a fan favorite for all he is funny and entertaining he says her work is undying just in its own little way just don't in sources cooking is that probably was provoke him to reveal his full strength [Music] well I hope you found this insightful and perhaps this shed a little light upon a plotted papyrus rarely talked about for as much as he is a comic relief character he's very well with something quite unique we've been undertale and papyrus seems to be completely committed to doing the right thing of course wanting to capture you may seem like it isn't particularly brave of him but you have to remember that most monsters are absolutely terrified of humans and with good reason what did you think this papyrus physically stronger than he seems be sure to let me know if you agree in the comments as always I hope you enjoyed the video try not to get into a fight with a giant sized papyrus and I'll see you next time before I go I just like to say a massive thank you to my patrons my head scientist is going she camera V Hill K Jensen sophronia scintilla Monty gamer and my under lab scientist crystal e Nicholas Dux I mean Allah Risa ray corocut well you see a crony Sarah whiter and Emily gate words thanks to the generosity of every name you see here this channel is able to keep going if you enjoyed this video please consider checking out the patreon link below as well as the video that explains why so massively appreciate your contribution [Music] you
Channel: Underlab
Views: 769,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, toby fox, gaming, secrets, explained, lore, rpg, roleplaying game, bullet hell, megalovania, game, toriel, sans, papyrus, gaster, asgore, alphys, undyne, underlab, flowey, asriel, fun, easter egg, english, animated, interesting, new, soul, gameplay, frisk, chara, friend, friends, monster, monsters, experience, love, friendship, twist, surprise, surprising, dark, comedy, OST, theory, pacifist, top 5, top 10, facts, game theory, scary, opinion, most, trivia, secret, realistic undertale, dreemurr, animation, mystery, origin
Id: f5NaR7dpvZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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