What Really Happened To The Six Humans? Undertale Theory | UNDERLAB

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[Music] hello and welcome back to underlab today I thought it'd be interesting to take a look at perhaps all of the biggest mysteries within the game the player wasn't the first human to fall underground far from it in fact seven humans fell down before you and each seemingly died at some point or another we know what happened to one of them charara or Cara the first human they died when they plann to escape the underground alongside azreal dreamer but what happened to the other six when we come to confront asgor he has six containers storing The Souls of the Fallen humans they're all different colors which is notable as I'll explain later on what many people wonder however is what exactly happened for these humans to be separated from their souls no direct answer is explained in game however there is the occasional piece of evidence that could tell us something let's take a look and see if we can work out what might have happened to the six [Music] humans firstly allow me to explain a little about the human Souls as a whole by playing the snowball game in Snowden we can learn what each color stands for as I mentioned earlier each soul is a distinct color and there's a reason for that light blue represents patience orange represents bravery dark blue represents Integrity yellow resembles Justice purple resembles perseverance and green resembles kindness as I mentioned before we see the souls in containers when we encounter asgor there's also coffins in the basement of his home which is where the Fallen humans were buried none of this gives us much insight into the personalities of the six humans however this all changes when fighting a mega flowy a mega flowy is infused with the power of the six humans who are slain and because of this traces of their former lives manifest when fighting the Warped flower creature I'll go over each of these now I'm mostly trying to work out what actually happened to the humans with this video though I think it will be useful to also try to work out as much as we can about them the light blue Soul attacks us with knives and then heals us with bandages the dark blue Soul attacks us using blaz shoes and stars then heals us using music notes the purple Soul damages us using depressing thoughts and words while healing with positivity the orange so attacks us with mysterious gloves with holes in their centers then heels using hands with their thumbs up the yellow Soul shoots at us with a revolver and then heals with fourleaf clovers finally the green Soul attacks us with frying pans and then heals us with cooked eggs what at first seem to be abstracts and bizarre attacks are actually much more when we start to look at the evidence it seems then during these stages of the fight we're getting to see a small part of what was once a human Soul's lives let's take a look at them one by one starting with the the light blue Soul Ergo patience in the ruins we discover a faded ribbon and a toy knife which were no doubt once the belongings of the human who represented this trait notes how were attacked by knives during the light blue Soul phase of the flowy fight their belongings seem to suggest that they were likely a very young child so not unlike Frisk now why of all places are their belongings found in the ruins well I have several ideas the ruins are clearly one place where it's possible to fall into the underground we don't know if you can from anywhere else though it seems quite likely the patient human no doubt fell within the same place Frisk did and perhaps it was because of their patience that they succumbed to their fate they may have felt that they weren't in a rush to escape the underground and because of that they remained Within the Ruins but then they were possibly caught or killed by the aggressive inhabitants this may seem unlikely considering how weak froggit and whims Sons generally are though don't forget that patients seem to have been the youngest human to perish that likely means they were the weakest too and so their soul was unable to avoid the monsters attacks remember that in undertale blue attacks indicate that you have to stay still to avoid being damaged perhaps the patient human was more used to remaining in one place then trying to avoid something that's attacking you and therefore was easily defeated let's move on to bravery next because their belongings are found in the next Zone Snowden we can purchase the tough glove and manly bandana from the shopkeeper in Snowden town if you remember correctly during The Bravery phase of the Omega flow fight were attacks by hands that could represent gloves it seems that the brave human possession somehow up in Snowden and then by extension the bunny monsters inventory somehow I don't think the bunny was responsible for their death but I do have a few ideas to explain how they could have possibly met their fate in Snowden let's think about what Snowden was like before you had ventured through it there was a time when one certain Century namely Sans wasn't quite so lazy as he is now torial made him promise to never harm any human who comes through the door which is why he doesn't attack us the first time we leave the ruins in his own words we'd be dead where we stand of of course that's not to say that this promise was ever in effect during the time the brave human found themselves in Snowden being so brave perhaps they tried to go up against the all powerful skeleton it's not too hard to figure out what would happen next in waterfall we find the equipable items the all tutu and bayu once again you'll remember during the flowy fight that we encountered something similar when we were attacked by the aforementioned bayu clearly then these are the belongings of the dark blue Soul otherwise known as Integrity interestingly we find the tutu hidden behind a waterfall once again we're left with the question of what happened to the human for their belongings to somehow end up in waterfall a likely explanation is that they encountered undy something tells me that a pink 22 really isn't the best protection against a magically charged spear perhaps however they simply succumb to the Slick terrain of waterfall walking through Rapids and navigating rocks that must surely be very wet in blues is definitely one way of getting yourself killed in a timely fashion also perhaps it's worth considering ing what exactly integrity means generally implies honesty and morality though it can also mean to remain undivided perhaps the human with Integrity stood up to undy but because of their principles perhaps they were standing up to protect someone else after all they refused to back down and run away even when that would have been the better option therefore that might have been what resulted in their unfortunate demise the human with Integrity seems to have not been the only human who died in waterfall however we also find the former possessions of the person perseverant human namely their tall notebook and cloudy glasses Gerson will sell them to us it's extremely difficult for me to say why exactly this is the case maybe they persevered to get a good deal from the toris monster which resulted in Gerson snapping and calling on undine okay I'm kind of joking but it really is quite hard to say I feel perseverance has the least information about them available if only we could read what was inside their notebook but apparently it's elgible h kind of like a certain someone who writes in symbols anyhow moving on to hotland and will'll retrieve the items that once belong to the green Soul kindness it seems they will once a chef as these items happen to be a frying pan and a stained apron now I do have an idea or two as to what could have happened to the green Soul remember that in hotland Meson hosts his various TV shows one of these just so happens to be themed around cooking cooking with a killer robot that is while it's somewhat debated metaton claims on the genocide run that his 's original purpose was for killing humans this supports that claim as it doesn't seem too far-fetched to me to suggest that the kind Tean was killed on metaton bizarre Master Chef knockoff show it seems coincidental that the character who just so happened to be a chef died in the one place where you can end up getting killed live on air by a flamboyant tin can finally we reach metaton Resort and discover that we can purchase to solve Justice's items from braty and caty they appear to have been some sort of lawmaker perhaps a Sher sh of sorts in life as they used both a revolver and a cowboy hat it's worth remembering that we'll soon be encountering sanss within the Justice Hall who judges us for all we're worth based on his perception of Justice perhaps this human was defeated by Sans in objection to how they were judged or maybe they are Sans check out the very first Theory video I made for an explanation as to how that works another possibility is that they came as far as they did to deliver Justice to asgor for ordering the deaths of the five other humans it seems however that they failed in their Quest and ended up having their soul claimed as well either by asgore or by someone else that about sums up the amount we can surmise on each individual soul there really is very little information about them within the game so what exactly have we learned it seems there's likely explanations as to what caused the deaths of each of the six humans of course it's virtually impossible to say for sure I'm just giving the best suggestions I can maybe each individual human was brought before as score and executed and their belongings somehow ended up where they did by other means it's a great mystery as to what actually happened to these poor souls and one we may never know the full extent of I think however that it's a good reminder that the monsters aren't Guiltless while undertale true pacifist ending is extremely optimistic is it really fair to let whoever killed those likely innocent humans go free of course it was out of necessity but it seems pretty certain that the six humans never consented to being killed for the sake of monster kind there's some truly dark Mysteries buried away with an undertale just begging to be explained and we may not be at the bottom of this one just yet anyhow I'll leave it to you to decide whether killing the humans was right or wrong I suppose flowy was right for some individuals the world really is kill or be killed it's certainly interesting to think about what happened to the souls as it's mostly left to us to work out by ourselves there's all man of explanations out there but I tried my best to keep my speculations within what's clearly evidenced within the game do you have any ideas what might have happened to any of the six humans let me know in the comments if you do anyhow I hope you enjoyed the video try not to get killed by rampaging froggit and I'll see you next time [Music] n
Channel: Underlab
Views: 2,303,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, toby fox, gaming, secrets, explain, lore, rpg, roleplaying game, bullet hell, bullet hell game, game, toriel, sans, papyrus, gaster, asgore, alphys, undyne, underlab, flowey, asriel, fun, easter egg, english, edited, interesting, new, soul, gameplay, frisk, chara, friend, friends, monster, monsters, experience, love, friendship, twist, surprise, surprising, dark, comedy, OST, theory, pacifist, top 5, top 10, fact, game theory, scary, opinion, most, trivia, secret, realistic undertale, dreemurr, animation, animated
Id: dOkv5bz-ei8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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