10 Obscure UNDERTALE Facts You Never Knew! Undertale Theory | UNDERLAB

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome back to underlap my last sub 10 seem to go down a tree so here's another one I've been hunting for some of the most obscure undercount facts I've ever covered alongside some completely new ones I'm sure most of you probably think that you always he know everything there is to know by now this video will hopefully contain at least one new thing for you as I'll be going over some of the most obscure facts possible from secrets within the game itself to bizarre things sit on the internet by toby fox it's 10 facts about undertale you probably didn't know [Music] number 10 the nightmare here's a really weird one to get us started fraps noti'm forest parish challenges us with a selection of his favorite puzzles sans meanwhile takes a much more backseat approach doing essentially nothing until papyrus insists that it's his turn son sim presents us with an incredibly simple looking word search as he claims to be his puzzle there's two things going on at once here if we look closely at the paper sans gave us you'll see that the words we have to find relates to the rest of the game these words include skeletons referring to sans and papyrus mermaid referring to undyne and robot referring to mettaton while this is pretty cool by itself here's the really weird part within the game's files is a spite that's exactly the same just for the addition for strange drawing of a snowman that says nightmare above it this never appears anywhere within the game it's unknown as to whether this has anything to do with the snowman and snowed in but my personal speculation is that Toby attempted to draw a snowman to go along with IC and upon realizing how strange he looks he wrote nightmare above it to express horror of his own creation number 9 a mega flurries dark secret a while back I made a video called a mega fly's dark secrets while I covered a variety of things one discovery I made in particular stood out to me within the game's files there's names for the various attacks he uses on us one of these is a big green mouth that tries to bite us and his internally coated in tartar I research the words I need to find so that refers to the legends of a vagina with teeth so what the mega fly's attacks is yeah this has to be one of the weirdest and most obscure fingsten undertale by far the fact that the attack appears to be a giant mouth of teeth really doesn't help things one little bit number eight the secret Snowden home this one is reasonably well known but it raises a huge host of questions should we travel down the mountainsides path within Snowden just outside the mysterious dot room we see a building far in the distance with the lights on we never see anything quite like this within on detail as everywhere we finds is designated to an owner that means we have absolutely no idea who lives down there adding to the mystery even more it's the facts that papyrus reveals to us that he simply painted on his gauntlet of doom if there aren't really any tall cliffs around Snowden then how come someone appears to be living far away in the middle of nowhere speculation as to who lives in the home is rampant and popular theories includes the river person or the idea be well sans many mysterious shortcuts number seven on to Tara's full of characters Tibby Fox didn't make as she may or may not know on detail had to Kickstarter before it was fully developed it sends it up out doing its original goal five thousand dollars ten times over and a lot of enthusiasm was shown towards the projects as a reward to be allowed the highest donating fans to have their character ideas appear within the game please include washer glide Muffet and so sorry so sorry has a particularly complex story associated with them which you can safely explores in my video called the chief and controversy behind so sorry is quite possible that you went through the game without ever realizing that Toby Fox never created a few of your favorite characters though I'm sure we're all grateful that he mates the now famous Muffet cannon number six Paris's music career as you may or may not know at least three characters within undertale shows some level of talent with a musical instrument on time plays the piano sounds place a trombone and napstablook appears to be a DJ who's remixed his own groovy tracks what you probably didn't know is that papyrus also has some grass paper music while we never see him compose anything in-game during the Kickstarter Awards video though natives are offered a chance of receiving a copy of the game alongside the parses cool song there's likely a good reason why papyrus never can post anything after his first masterpiece as just take a listen [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] number 5 mafia is accountable despite a bake sale major seem like a sweet way of raising some money for needy spiders within the ruins we can purchase both spider Donuts and spider cider the donuts are made with cider in the batter though so they both contain the same contents what's exactly is spider cider made from them if we examine it we're told it's made from whole spiders so it appears that muffets business operates by selling her own workers as the products I can't help it be reminded a little Apes or to see if anyone knows what I'm referring to by that does this meat mafia a cannibal then truthfully we don't know where is she samples her own product chances are she is indeed a cannibal however a spiders in real life are known for eating one another even if Muffet doesn't practice it herself she's still selling her own friends and family is freedom drink to be consumed and so I think it's pretty undeniable that she's a bit twisted number four megalovania sequel everyone knows megalovania my father most popular song toby fox has ever composed most people know it's an Bassem phim and quite a few people know that sounds version is just the latest rendition of a song that Toby Fox has been perfecting for years now what you may not know however is that there is in fact a sequel to megalovania it isn't a sequel to the version most people know today but instead to the original that tippy Foxx composed for his earthbound Halloween hack originally intended for an earthbound fan album is pretty cool as it's reminiscent megalovania while also being entirely distinct let's take a quick listen [Music] number three just who are the amalgamates working out what the amalgam sr is easy enough a selfies various locks on the subject explains what happened along with how they became amalgamated together what you may not know is the exact composition of each of the amalgamates as you can actually identify each individual monster by carefully looking at each part of the failed experiments endogamy is emerging of the canine units family so it probably originally looks like dog a less a dog and so forth reaper birds appears to be a stitching together of Wims a lot astigmatism and final frog a matrix mother consists of a snow Drake two vegetarians and various other creatures are impossible to make out lemon bread appears to be made of Sharon's Asian Erina mode big at least memory heads has no clear connection to any other monster but I fear ice about it my video called the true origins of the amalgamates revealed number two just where exactly is the castle in waterfall I'm sure everyone remembers the memorable moment when we travel free waterfall and see a castle illuminated by crystals in the distance it's a very amiss ferric part of the game that we never told just was exactly we're looking at this place logically assume that it's a scause castle but when we finally reach him he appears to be living in a city that's entirely monochrome and does for himself he just lives in a small house that emulates toriel's where then is his castle we never once enter a blue Palace throughout the game lowest-ever explains if that really is a scause castle but then consider this we enter the judgment hall by simply accessing the basement within Oscar's home and it's at this point we realize just how strange to the layout of the underground is my personal answer to this mystery is that it is indeed a scause castle and that we are inside it when we enter the judgment hall and his throne room the reason why we can't just walk over to it there and then it's likely because the black space in front of us is an empty void but is instead water as many times from undertale waters to pixs has been completely black likely because there's no light to reflect off it number one the Delta rune the dosa rune is a symbol of an ancient prophecy of an angel who would empty the underground it correlates better of Ezreal as he ends up shattering the barrier at the end of undertale what you probably didn't know is that the dosa rune appears in just about everywhere in all detail likely in a lot of places you never even realized in fact sits in the very first room of the game as we go to leave the archway clearly has a DOTA rune engraved into its surface when we meet toriel we discovered that her robes have a dosa rune embroidered into the fabric what about some of the really obscure Delta runes when I guess install did you ever notice a daughter and hidden in a darkness of the cave oh so there's a dose Arun hidden behind the Snowdon shalt keep on a school of paper of the most obscure del Sur in Sisson really a Dao serene at all and is instead a monster when as ro transforms into his ultimate form is quickly identified as following in the basic outline of the room this makes perfect sense as minutes later he fulfills the prophecy by freeing monster kind revealing that the strange symbol was referring to him all along the next time you play for you on detail tried to carefully count every doubt Arun you see I promise you'll find far more than You're Expecting [Music] oh right so you're probably wondering what that door is in the thumbnail well it's that's it for my top 10 obscure undertale facts there's plenty more I could talk about but perhaps that's a video for another time be sure to tell me if I taught you anything new as I tried my best to find things you wouldn't hear anywhere else of the facts in this video which one was your favorite feel free to comment and tell me it's pretty interesting to think how many tiny details a wyvern on detail and how many more yet to be discovered I still occasionally find new stuff that no one's talking about and to knows to be me even patching the odd secret from time to time as always I hope you enjoyed the video try not to get lost in obscurity and I'll see you next time [Music] before I go I just like to say a massive thank you to my patrons my head scientists ask her when she Cameron V Hill K Jensen sophronia Zoe Davi 'enter and Isidro five four three two one and my underlap scientist Crystal Sally Nicholas ducks Amin Allah Maurice arrayed Corey Kitts well you show cronies Sarah whiter and Emily gate words thanks to all the names you see here this channel is able to keep going if you enjoyed this video please consider checking out the patreon link below its ways the video that explains why so massively appreciate your contribution [Music] you
Channel: Underlab
Views: 1,002,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, toby fox, gaming, secrets, explained, lore, rpg, roleplaying game, bullet hell, megalovania, game, toriel, sans, papyrus, gaster, asgore, alphys, undyne, underlab, flowey, asriel, fun, easter egg, english, animated, interesting, new, soul, gameplay, frisk, chara, friend, friends, monster, monsters, experience, love, friendship, twist, surprise, surprising, dark, comedy, OST, theory, pacifist, top 5, top 10, facts, game theory, scary, opinion, most, trivia, secret, realistic undertale, dreemurr, animation, mystery, origin
Id: Zu8xLfE3I8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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