Is Minoru Tanaka Smarter Than Light Yagami? - Death Note

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hello everyone it's your host set the program and today we're gonna be going over some more deathnote and more specifically its brand new one-shot release that just came out of the 3rd of this month when I read death no I love to analyze the characters and what their capabilities and motives are to the point that I wanted to see who would win between Batman and Kira a while back this was no different was reading the new one-shot the first thought that crossed my mind when I was reading the first few pages was as this kid going to be smarter than light yagami and throughout the entire read I was looking for cute soup the answer would be to my weird playground in query and I just thought other people are probably asking the same thing so why not make a video about it and as always if you do like Death Note if you're a fan of it do subscribe or like the video I does really show your support for the series and it will help it throughout YouTube and it will help its popularity a little bit and it really does make the community look a lot better so if you do like that type of content do show your support with that like button it really does mean something now before we start I do want to say that I did enjoy the one-shot and I love seeing Death Note coming back in any form I'm saying that because I don't want to people to think I have a distaste for anything after I get my analysis on the characters and strategies that I saw I'm simply explaining how strong they really were and the reasons things happened the way they did I know some things I say are gonna sound a little bit strong but do not mistake me wording things strongly for distaste that's not what it means the first thing you have to know about the protagonist of the one-shot me know root annika is that he is very intelligent obviously to the point that even an adult near is constantly just stroking off his ability to plan and be smart he always passed the IQ test his school would hand out even with the highest scores in this country during middle school making him quote unquote the smartest middle schooler in Japan however me Nauru doesn't believe this is a good gauge of ability and says even if I got a good score on the test all it means that I watch a lot of shows about IQ Diagnostics and brain age and that I waste all my time playing IQ test apps on my phone the people who were actually smart are solving problems that pertain to the future any teacher who says scoring high on an IQ test makes you smart is an idiot end quote and this is somewhat true that IQ tests really are just gauges of test-taking ability and experience a lot of the time however near statements about his ability are still ready telling one thing you'll notice about me no rude that's different from Light Yagami is that he never really put any thought into something like The Death Note or any of this happening despite the numerous public displays of the Death Note nears explanation to the president and so forth he never really seemed to put any thought behind it and is surprised by Kyra using the Death Note to kill specifically the way he did Minoru also shows a very casual fear of actually using the Death Note Ryoka explains said casual and normal fear in Chapter one to lighten the very beginning of the series and I do think that this is a call out to that something that made light special to ryokan contrast to the others he had seen used the Death Note menorah also claims that his circumstances compared to light are much different and says that the world is currently plagued by a very easy to access information / internet system and that cameras are spread like a miasma throughout everything he can't do what light did exactly and get away with it although to debunk the rumor going around in real life that light wouldn't be able to pull things off in our world he says that light is extremely smart and would adapt to this information anyway menorah also had lights entire journey as a lesson to use for how you'd pull off his plan as Ryu told him and like near after the defeat of L had more prep and education on what was happening than their predecessors after this lesson he makes his plan to sell the death note in which NIR takes an interest in this and once defined in me him one thing that should be of serious note about near here is that despite his interest in finding a Kyra as he calls Tonica he's not nearly as invested in this as he was versus the original Kyra in the data books it is often described that near actually had a personal grudge and distaste for light and in the manga he says he wants to continue Elle's battle of pride against him and do everything he can to defeat him whereas in this one shot near is just sort of interested in playing around with a akira he doesn't have the same stakes or grudges he had before in fact even questions if what akira is doing is even a crime it's to the point that near doesn't even bother trying to check the camera dates around socrates tower and then move on to the surrounding area until he spotted something suspicious he just says it's no use we'd have to check all of japan is in fact true considering he already noted that Shinigami can't be far from their owners meaning said owner would be in a close vicinity to Sakura TV not all of Japan near also has an insane special ability unique to him an L taught to him by wammy's house where his ability to capture exact instances that no one else could even while looking at numerous monitors at the same time is within his ability once again even if it's hard to do you could still at least just make an attempt especially if near can fast forward footage and still note what's happening as does L and the novel's or like what he did to find Myka me it's not like Ryu cos particularly hard to spot or subtle either even after menorahs plants succeed in the yolks to a bank acquires the massive funds from literally Donald Trump by the way near doesn't even try to assume the yotsuba Bank is behind it not even a smidgen of doubt or a comment despite the fact that the Yotes of a group once actually had the death no and used it for business reasons you could blame this on near maybe just doesn't think it's likely or he doesn't want it to be true however as I said earlier it seems mainly that near is not nearly as invested in Akira as he was Kira another weakness near has as well on top of not being nearly as motivated or prepared as he was versus Light Yagami whereas versus light he had the three years of prep it's that NIR had a very mediocre willingness to act and try to catch his opponents by surprise this is describing the death know how to read but in the show as well where near had very strong deductive ability and may have had even more raw ducked of ability than L now that's arguable his strategies to act on his intuitions and thoughts though is what's lacking this is why Mello someone who would act on his intuitions to the utmost extreme even kidnapping people joining the mob launching missiles and setting off bombs etc and probably is more willing to act than L ever was made the near and Mello combo stronger than L simply by himself this is why near the one-shot also seems to be very passive and just waits around to see what happened whereas L and Mello more than likely have done way more drastic measures maybe illegalized the ability to purchase the Death Note through Interpol or his international connections maybe try to actually buy the Death Note themselves to set a Kyra up any real plan just to try and catch a Kyra off-guard but near doesn't even do anything but sit around and ponder the ideas which is what the guides explain is exactly his weakness as a detective this willingness to act is the same ability that allowed Misa Amane to catch light before he caught her and that allowed Mello to catch both light and nearby the surprise at the same exact time despite Mello being stated to be less intelligent to near eventually the Shinigami King gets so mad he actually bans me enormous strategy from the game and ryo kills me Nara before the Shinigami King and rules do placing him on the same page even as Light Yagami shortly after near admits defeat to Tonica and a plan he came up with in just middle-school here we'll focus more on Light Yagami with Tonica out of the way light has very many contrasts with Tonica for one he found the Death Note whereas the Death Note found Hannukah Hannukah doesn't want to use the Death Note white wants to kill with the Death Note and change the world light is clearly much different than him and that is exaggerated through his passion light is a board and smart character at the very beginning who becomes intoxicated by the excitement of changing the world and finding something as supernatural as the Death Note however this ability to become intoxicated is what would cause him to kill the Shinjuku killer and kill Lind L tailor something light much later in the series said was an emotional mistake this would then prop L to challenge light publicly a battle that doesn't have a simple time limit on it like the Death Note auction would something that would have to be settled to the absolute end of the rivalry and where a true cat-and-mouse chase versus another would begin if to the point that Light Yagami states that if he were to perfectly hide the Death Note so that nobody would ever find it or catch on he would never catch L either and would rather risk his own life an ability to change the world simply to defeat L in the Battle of Pride this is described by the authors to goomy Oba as well in which if was perfect and didn't have any flaws to his character the story would be boring which is why light has such an ego and bone to pick with the characters now an ego in wanting to have the greatest challenge does not make you less intelligent if anything you would have to be more intelligent to pull off the shenanigans that your ego puts you into especially versus an opponent like Alan Watts or to people without nearly any notable weaknesses that near has while me Nora only had to whip out the Death Note and play passive while everything blew over light's ego through directly in Elle's jaw simply to test who was better lights real battle was not changing the world but proving he was the most powerful and despite purposely allowing L to catch on to him and vice versa and having no prior deathnote knowledge light avoided capture numerous times right in front of the enemy's faces and even outsmarted L again and again whereas light had to take on all of the international police and combined efforts from the entire world and their brightest minds lights don't manipulated all of them to working alongside him and accepting him at one point or another and he has to survive in this position of cat-and-mouse for extraordinary amounts of time he could not just sell off the Death Note and forget it to win now some still argued that what would have happened had light not had REM the Shinigami kill L and in this case light still had more plans to deal with L if rammed in and comply as he states although in L changed the world the novel version is described that after L gets on light for the fake Death Note rules and attempts to convict him light actually kills himself with the Death Note watch so that L can never end the case and thus L actually admits defeat to light even if light gets caught for the fake rules these many contingency plans in the ability to fight off so many threats including Mello near L watery Mesa math and so forth are incomparable feats in the Death Note universe it's to the point that L using all of his manipulative tactics sacrificing the lives of others and even innocent people at some points and playing on light's weaknesses of trying to expose himself was still probably not even enough at the end the final nail in the coffin for this for me is honestly light versus near now we already described why the near and Mello combo was so effective earlier but many people don't recognize that light was truly about to destroy near for good had Mika me not screwed things up for him and had mellowed not intervened in light's plan many people get confused by this because a bonus chapter for Death Note was drawn in which Matsuda opposes a theory that NIR used the Death Note to manipulate Mika me to expose life then bird the evidence and got away with cheating however we know this is false as it stated and Death Note how to use 39 it specifically stated humans that have traded for the eye power of a god of death will see a person's primary lifespan and will not be influenced by the Death Note meaning Mika me who had Shinigami eyes cannot be manipulated into exposing Light Yagami as Kira Fournier even if NIR tried to use to death no on him not only does this mean that Mello was needed for near to win but it means that even with years of preparation motivation and disgust for light pioneered by L himself light would still have defeated near in the end despite all of the handicaps he gave himself on top of that in conclusion the smartest college student in Japan outdoes the smartest middle schooler in Japan shocker light simply has a far greater showing of feats to mean order and we noted defeating a casual near that's all alone isn't much to speak of compared to why you took on the same character with years of prep and many more additional assets in would've won as well you have a character who was so manipulative and cunning that despite purposely allowing people to get on his trail he was able to convince people like Niomi me sora that the girl who solved the BB murder cases against a clone of elba had Shinigami eyes to give him her name so that he could kill her convinced a god of death to kill themselves for his benefit single-handedly took down an entire FBI team in close proximity that we're all watching him stop L from being able to catch him numerous times it could even hide when they put cameras in his own room and he would kill people right in front of their faces without them noticing and then would go on to manipulate the entire world into believing he was good while also changing it for the better versus guy sells Death Note and near can't catch him because he plays it safe the statement that light could have just hidden the Death Note perfectly in him and L would have never found each other just like me in order did it's also extremely telling that light could have just played it passive and changed the world from his bedroom but as the first chapter of Death Note implies that just be too boring anyways guys I hope you enjoyed the video and I do recommend reading the one-shot chapter if you haven't already it's a pretty decent addition to the Death Note world and honestly liked it more than the actual Death Note bonus chapter and other than that have a great rest of your day and till next time [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 734,028
Rating: 4.9468102 out of 5
Keywords: death note, death note one shot, death note minoru, minoru vs light, minoru vs kira, minoru vs l, l vs kira, how smart was light yagami, how smart is l, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, seththeprogrammer death note, analysis, manga, anime, minoru tanaka, light yagami
Id: I6EOFbwpNwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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