We TESTED Stab Proof Clothing! The results were not what we expected...

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night yeah sh oh is that a new vest yes yes very special vest too and that's a new jacket yes it is a new jacket I like it although I'm not used to seeing you in normal clothing man it it's not normal oh oh neither is this I think I know what you mean this is uh the new stab proof material stab oh yeah yeah so stab resistant jacket know stab resistant vest I'm looking very forward to we've got a whole heap of what what are you wearing uh my chain mail print of course we're supposed to be testing armored clothing not not clothing that has an armored print on it not the chain mail print I see the mix up here yeah yeah you don't believe me that it's it can protect no because it's fabric well check this out oh God my [Music] eyes Shadow greetings I'm shad and we have a very special cool video today because we have been sent stab resistant clothing a vest a jacket and an under an undershirt so guardian we reached out asked to sponsor a video and send us some of their products for us to review and we're like ha challenge accepted we're going to be putting it up against stuff that I don't think it was intended no to to try and resist and I'm really excited to see how this works now just a couple of quick caveats this is a sponsored video if you're interested in the product there is an affiliate Link in the description doesn't mean we're going to pull it well actually the intention is to see what it takes to break it okay that's not going to affect our judgment so Guardian Weare seems to be a new business and uh we've done what we can to try and confirm that it's legit all we can say is that the products are real sent it to us they are been available for what a month or so now a couple of months now because it's an overseas business there's not a lot of the normal checks and balances that we can do to to check the business is legit so this is our buyers beware um we just want to make sure you guys are double check exactly now now with that understanding we have the products we're going to test it put it through its Paces see what I can actually do and I'm excited for this because this is actually a product I would be very interested in buying and if it works I would love this because have you seen the things online with people actually wearing real armor under their clothing like there was this clip on Twitter going around of a guy wearing chain mail under his clothes because of crime right and even Metatron a while back I'm not sure if he still does it he mentions that when he goes out in some dangerous neighborhoods he legitimately wears chain mail under his clothing and so I think for just diligence and the right point of comparison we're going to be comparing how well this armor fares against real medieval riveted chain mail and I'm very interested to see if this actually does better than authentic medieval armor so we are we actually have three different types that we're wearing I'm wearing the jacket P's wearing the vest and tth you're wearing the undershirt the undershirt is a bit different to what we have here this actually has some plates You Can Feel Some solid plates same as this same as this has some good solid plates in it front and back the undershirt is what a type of Kevlar it's a type of Kevlar it's just a fabric different layers of fabric there's no bracing so uh it's not going to take any blunt force these will probably take a little bit of blunt force not how much a little bit maybe enough to save your life but not enough to like fight with I feel like those are the caveats there this takes no blunt force but it may stop we'll see a blade which would save your life so ideally you would actually be layering it you would wear the undershirt underneath the regular shirt one of these over top and I would say that's some pretty good coverage before we dive into the fullon you know our tests we can quickly review comfort and look I like it like legitimately this is a jacket I would ironically wear I like the look and it's not heavy okay this I have worn snow jackets more bulky and feeling more cumbersome than this I have worn the undershirt for about a 5H hour period and I've worn that vest for about a 4-Hour period uh separately not together and with the undershirt it's actually really nice it feels like it's hugging you however there are some interesting thermal properties uh it's either very hot or very cold so you can get very sweaty really quickly or you can also be very freezing it sounds like a normal jacket it's no that's what I'm like with a normal jacket the opposite to a normal jacket on top of that the one that we've been sent has sleeves and because this is a thicker material because obviously it has different layers when you lift your arms you're going to lift everything really you cannot even notice that you're wearing the it's very stealth and from what we saw in their selection they do have like uh ones without sleeves so which would even be more stealth uh when it comes to this vest this one's a little bit interesting cuz there's some caveats here and you can notice the plates in this because like if I turn those plates at the back are very I feel I think okay it's a little a little blocky and one of the final points is while this may be a full Kevlar cut proof fabric these are actually made of just normal fabric these aren't a cut proof fabric waterproof by the feel of it got full functionality functionality with the hood it's a removable hood and look I I actually like there's just zip zip up Pockets you can tighten the hair I I so in terms of function of the type of jacket actually good quality in that regard I'm happy with that something that I will add very quickly is that these plates cuz once they get damaged you have to replace them it seems that in both of these garments you can actually take the plates out and replace them they have Zips and velcro holding those plates in place in regards to the comfort of this this is pretty good it feels a little stiff but it is armor plates like if I'm to reach my wallet I feel like I'm reaching past plates to actually get there overall like it is comparatively very nice pretty flexible and I think it's pretty stealthy compare it real chain mail it's night and day the weight and comfort chain mail this this is what 12 kilos and if I try to reach in inside chainmail to grab something oh my nails going to caught on everything and that's not going to work there's a caveat here though specifically for the vest I haven't worn this one so I can't speak to it but this one because with something like chain mail you take that weight onto your hips this isn't overly com uh cumbersome however it's a little bit heavy and as you start to wear it it does wear on your shoulders a bit this pulls a little bit on the shoulders like I said I'm used to heavier stuff doesn't bother me at all for the protection this is supposed to give that's true this is shockingly light and I'm really I'm really excited to see if it's comparable to chain mail there's only one way to find out so we're going to take this off get in our regular kit and put this through its Paces all right we are back in our regular kits yeah ready to go medieval on this what what you mean retaking the hly land what no go smashing up the okay that medieval all right so uh the plates and the the vest and the jacket are pretty much identical they feel certainly identical more importantly they've also got the same weakness so that's yeah yeah so instead of wrecking both we're going to be testing the vest and uh that means we might be able to keep that for something C down the track but we will be testing the shirt and the vest of the plates uh and let's see all right let's do it let's do it enough talking time to test all right we're going to start with a thing that it's made to be able to resist the standard kind of kitchen knives that criminals might come at people with control against chain mail just something like an average power nothing average power stab resistance I think I got three each time and that wasn't much power yep well that's disappointing oh no is that through a little bit only and that was that that was no power full power let's let's see got to grab your knife out of the he it's making a statement I have to admit so far the uh stab resistant shirt is not very stab resistant but this is not the best do I get to use this I reckon I re but I want to try something first if we're going to do proper tests Mike Mike Mike if we're going to do proper tests these things are meant to resist Cuts like this where people just come up and just do something because it's the whole not expecting it and quick and that went through like five times I want to try this so I'm going to try this with the rainbow knife yes that was sent to us by United Cy I'll try it on this first because you know why not you know this is actually not a bad knife this is a solid boy I just smashed the core I yeah I I hope I didn't break the tip off cuz that is like I mean no I didn't it survived it's wet now lick it let me try slash this is a sharp knife I'll try slash we're going to wreck it okay all right we got we've got something here that is that didn't get through that's a good result that's that resistant like that would be a serious laceration cut okay all right so this this is this is a heavy duty knife as well and it's sharp so so this shirt is not stab resistant it is cut resistance yes why don't we work our way up cuz look for a slice to be fair right we can stab from gamerson like that we can but I was expecting it to be stab roof so just like you need to get Tippy with it yeah I know with this one um let me just do a cut that resisted this blasted cutting through gamerson yeah we'll probably throw up a clip cuz it I Zoro it yeah oh yeah that is not bad okay okay that would that is gamerson level I would say it is uh and for being so light and thin the fact that is very cun resistant is better than we thought yes well I wouldn't say I mean because look look just we've got gamerson here let me just quickly just show right yes stabbing through gamerson isn't hard so tth why aren't you going to chop that against the chain mail well cuz I've already done that before we did a whole video on it uh and it does can't cut through it can't cut through but you can penetrate with a punct yeah yeah uh and it would blood the sword you would actually chain mail would damage the sword and right now this is our razor sharp sword it is sharp so let's see what I can do oh did that get through yeah I blasted through that not not by a lot call that blasting that's not blasting it resisted a decent amount of that did it though yes that would be a cut from what I saw the compression that would be a cut about that deep and about that long and then a lot of bruising and I did not hit very hard I want to be very clear here I was well they hit it hard okay I'll hit it hard then this is no no my sword no he said it so now I have you get your hard hit cave this is not a sharp as the other one people think ah Katana long s it's it's it's not as sharp okay didn't get through it's because it's blood we good Nathan you didn't get through either I didn't get through and that was your harder hit that was a harder hit yes that's impressive that is actually impressive and that's a very sharp sword yes well cuz that one I was trying to get full coverage to come all the way down with the other one I was trying to go a bit more Tippy see it wasn't it wasn't just a long sword he looks like he's been uh attacked by Nightmare on El Street he does doesn't he on have a go with the bus on tippy tippy cut okay all right yep we're done okay great yep couldn't get through all right time to actually no it's not not we're doing axe first you can wait what do you mean doing axe first what are you got spear for you'll get your turn don't we get a finish up that's you don't start with a bazooka when you're testing Armor All right off you go no no no no no axe you too off off your go oh yeah not a chance look this actually really blunt but it has a spike for a reason the spike is also blood thanks they should let me die it it's really blood there's nothing there all right blun Spike oh crap okay so they're arguing about the next weapon so I'm just going to have a go with the back to cor Ben because I think that it stopped it so we had stopped it but um You probably broke some ribs that's a crater look at that like that's a crater oh you I'm going to hit it hard okay do it but the first one just crated yeah like all it did was just made a giant Crater where is this like this is oh yeah that's just that's just penetration look at that oh that's grow some wet in there is that enough of this yeah look we put it against weapons it was never meant intended for but we put it against knives and it is intended to go up against knives it'll resist Cuts not thrusts I you do you think it's worth wearing underneath something is better than nothing though is it worth the uncomfortability and this is where I get to it is it uncomfortable uncomfortability uncomfortability you get kind of sweaty Go With It uncomfortableness uncomfortability is it worth the discomfort that's the word what I'm saying is I think there are other options out there in terms of armor that may do better than this particular one is what I'm getting yeah because this I don't even know what it's made of I I assumed but I don't know now it feels like rubber though it feels like very stretchy Rubber and Kevlar is is woven the look look at the way these fibers are cutting Kevlar shouldn't cut like that it's kind of better than nothing but the thing is it was surprisingly easy to get through this with a knife but that's not the main you know we're not grading things on it's better than nothing okay we do no we don't you're right we don't you caught me on that we don't is it time to move on to the next it's time to move on to the next saying something's better than nothing is a bit of a cope all right we're moving up to the stab resistant vest caveat okay this coverage is mainly front and back there's actually no plates on the side so we'll show you what damage you can do on the side and I would like to see a version that actually has more plates covering these vulnerable areas sides shoulders cuz there's also nothing on the shoulders here as well Spain front and back and I do think you could see people stabbing down towards the neck they do have a version uh that they available that has like a neck protector version yes but that did look like the other material before so the so if if it's not clear we just want to make this this has plates in it that seem to be something like carbon we're going to cut them open but the other one was just purely fabric what type I don't know now no starting with a more common type of weapon that might threaten someone I've already seen chain ma beads it uh okay so I'm just going to do some like like I could feel nothing got through then all right uh heavier heavy attack I don't think that that didn't get through it it bent the tip but it is a good sign when armor bends the tip of weapons means that's that's solid okay did you guys want to try with a kitchen knife see this is what I was talking about it's just jacket fabric so you're able to get past that yeah the jacket fabric is nothing but the plates the plate itself nothing but deflection I think I need a bigger knife all right so I performed well again kitchen knives but tyr would you really call those knives not really I'd call this a knife you know that's not a bad knife or I would call this a knife no no you see historically this is a knife it's a very nice knife all right so I wasn't really able to get too much through the chain mail with this knife I was kind of hitting a little bit softer so I'm just going to do really one quick one just cuz I like hitting things just bang did you get through no I mean a but like yeah no it didn't even pop a rivet it didn't pop a rivet okay okay all right now let's do it on this stuff you ready I don't think that got through damn okay well hold on okay just cuz we mentioned before the caveat that you don't get full coverage just to prove a point and cuz that didn't get through and I'm mad now yeah yeah that is that's the clear weakness see I got through not the plates but I got through you would want side protection yeah I I wonder if they have models have more protection you have to mention here that it is just the plates that are offering the protection nothing else cuz up here there's no plates up here on the shoulders you can go straight down like it's just on the plates who's going next so out of any knife that has a chance to get through the Chade mail this is the one have we tried this against CH I can't remember all right well let's find out no I mean the tip got of out but that's just cuz it's getting in between the Rings I mean ouch but nothing really all right I think I might have just poked through then look there's a yep right there but we're talking the tiniest oh no no I didn't there's the additional layout yeah the there's no I actually didn't hit plates there but I hit the plates there so look that's actually a good design feature right is that they have plates underlapping the zip and so there's no plates here but because it goes over the zip that is still protecting so this is a CS Messa which translates directly to war knife and that is kind of cool so I Reon we try this no no we can't use this this one take that one and good luck off you go you know what Fair it is a pretty blade so versus male I figured you'd use the spike [Applause] nothing oh hang on hang on hang on do we have something here do we we do you got through so yeah the spike but there's a lot of force in anything that is 90° to the half but let's show you how much we got so little so little show show show okay so tiny tiny and in regards of what going through to the other side it punctured the plate but didn't actually puncture the pocket no but it punctured the plate you can feel the hole in the plate that was medium strength I want to try a hard shot if it didn't puncture the skin it still protects better go through the plate all right now we're getting into some serious weapons here unlike the katana there were swords that were made to penetrate armor specifically chain mail we've already tested this sword against the chain mail and has penetrated it not sure if it will in this setup because there's nothing kind of in between and I'm just kind of hitting a CH out on the back but still uh let's do a big thrust ah that I would say got through I think I busted a link then yeah I kind of start but it was about that much penetration so not huge amounts a lot of flex a lot of flex I know did you see that it's why you on Spring Steel we've busted the zip and so just to ensure we don't hit in between the zip going on the back now all right ready wow it's in the plate but it's not coming through the back end that's what I got before all righty it's time for the true Master Sword to actually give this a bit of a go has that ever gotten through the chil has any gotten through yes in a behind the scenes video if you sign up you can see that one did actually speaking of behind the scenes you know what we're not testing in this video no what are we not testing arrows but if you want to see if this stab resistant armor can resist Arrow fire because you're definitely going to come across that we just tested this against a waro and I'm moving moving wow the results are actually very surprising so much so you're going to want to become a supporter so you can see the results and to see tyr completely Cop Out Shad wasn't even pulling it back to full draw he can't hack it if you want to see us test War BOS against this stab resistant vest become a supporter you can support us on channel memberships here on YouTube patreon player or subscribe star it actually means a lot guys it's the only way we're approaching sustainability with that help ad revenue does not cover our bills so it's only thanks to our supporters we can keep making this content if you want to help us continue to do that please become a supporter $1 to $5 a month and then you get the bonus content and see if we can get through this with the waro I'm going I'm going to go n with the with the the best sword we have because the plate doesn't protect everything I basically destroyed all of the you hit no plate there's no plates I PL starts there yep y see what it mean by it doesn't protect everything so I got to do that again well at least we can see what's in there that's interesting you're right it's like Kevlar I think that this is kevlar this is kevlar and this looks like a this looks like plastic ribbon I think it is a a type of carbon fiber as well so Kevlar carbon fiber let's try a Thrust I'm going to do a nice one-handed thrust straight through what do that go through really that's through the plate is that through the plate there we go plate starts here okay I was thinking we would have needed the back so this one you got to be a little bit more careful with the tip cuz it can just not on the plate oh no no this one's through this one's through the plate it's through everything how much yeah tiniest bit tiniest bit half a centim let's try that again cuz I feel like I can do better that is death you got that that's a good one yeah I don't know if we're going to be able to oh ready ready slowly okay that's that's good penetration straight into the spine you know so this is interesting because so that is a skill issue just so we're clear on that I'll piss off give me the katana this piece of crap you'll get your turn I swear see what I mean move move move move just that's staying in ah ha skill piss off I did see you lift up your leg a little bit so you got a little bit extra power huh I just needed to channel this Barbarian Brute Force thing that Tyran talks about yeah that got through okay uh sword meant to combat armor can get through it yes now keep in mind both of those weapons that we just used got through the mail did get through the chain mail this actually giving us a good Baseline this is pretty close equivalent mention riveted Ma sword got through like 10 in I nearly got through everything with this one we penetrated deeper with Chan than we did I we absolutely did but you know my main Thoughts with this is that I see I walked into this having theoretical knowledge on what a sword would be against this and I still have theoretical knowledge on what weapons would would do against this oh cuz you haven't got to use cuz I haven't got to use anything yet do you want to use a sword no I want to use a back like it's a back I feel like I don't even need to put in that that much force oh that went in and I pulled it back out to get him out do you hear that Crunch and that wasn't even you wer even trying that was that was medium um but going in and pulling back out I pushed it to some degree back in to get the level of penetration they got through what like you know with full force they got through that and I did that with medium Force the back just rocks the be is just such a shot yeah I want a shot oh yeah that that's uh that's uh right through play look at that I think it's like stuck I might have hit the core oh that was that was deepen by the way this is blunt now H but it was B before we even tried and it still destroyed it but look look this is a weapon made for that type of stuff something I just want to illustrate very clearly because I don't think we've done it yet is all the the missing parts now that we've actually done a little bit of testing I want to show some people some stuff here so starting off with right here on the back of the neck straight through the neck itself to the head straight through the shoulders straight through down here under the arms straight through so you have a lot of open areas here you need more full protection I think they have some uh different variant jackets vests that have more full protection we saw the one with the higher neck but for the actual plates where the plates are honest look I'm damn impressed like yes I I'm just I'm torn on it because this material here of this vest is just like a a normal vest it's not actually a special material if it only saves your life once then it's done its job that is that is true unless somebody goes for the neck shoulders under your arms or you know any uh except those spots right yeah I would I would still wear on yeah I would I would ask for them to upgrade make a version of the jacket or the vest that has more protection but for what they're offering at the moment it's very like it's very protective maybe if you lay at them like you're supposed to if you put that undershirt on and then put this on then you have slash resistance along with some puncture resistance that's a pretty good combo in my opinion it's very hot and heavy I didn't I didn't find it hot and heavy for 5 minutes this is hot and heavy and remembering though with a jacket like to keep your chest safe you need to keep the zipped up so if you're trying to be fashionable and walk around with it open it kind of defeats the entire purpose of the thing so you know that is a good point but if you're getting threatened could just Qui quickly you know it's not hard to zip up like that makes sense I'm going to hold this backwards for safety but you don't usually see a knife attack because it just sort of happens it's true uh look in a knife attack I think a lot of targets are the gut is the gut yes okay and in this particular case with this it would take yeah unless of course it is around the side yes sides are bad and I do see not a knife attacks coming down uh it's still for the level protection offers right it work works like these plates fraking resisted a lot before we started to bust through it I want to try this knife once more on the back plate just cuz if I can't get through with a knife I'll give it you know I'm a little bit more lenient nothing there would be nothing on that one I got through but it didn't go all the way through just that much and I'm not I'm not pulling my punch here I'm okay that one you finally got it yeah okay did you hit a pre-established area no no no that got through that got through that but I also feel like I that's not you survive you would survive unless they hit your spot look and this is in there now this is this is as protective as medieval riveted chain mail aside from the coverage but the plates are as resistant as medieval riveted maale that's damn impressive the caveat is this is not 360 where this is tubular it's around your entire but also caveat that weighs 12 kilos that you can barely feel yes that is valid caveat it's a huge caveat like this is really Advanced armor that it can reach equivalent stuff to chain mail being so light that's impressive so in finality do you want to get to final thoughts let's get to final thoughts okay so we took off the back plate that's what this is okay and uh we can actually see the inside let's cut it open well it's ri right like this okay so this is interesting they have these rib sections yes they look like carbon fiber carbon fiber carbon fiber so rein and then this yellow stuff is kevla is definitely Kevlar I'm assuming but I'm very confident it is right now this is interesting because the areas where I think we punctured was when we hit in between we're slicing through carbon fi yeah but we don't know if that was with the backck or something like you have too much faith in carbon fiber no but look this is getting through the have carbon fiber is just reinforcing and has Extra Protection in the gaps yes obviously it's for reinforcement but we are getting through it it is going through do we have any shot going through the carbon fiber that's going through the carbon fiber hang on like so let's have a look okay cuz this shows there there's little Cuts here now all right so ready that's in between see this this is you can that's in between the plates and that was with maybe one of the swords I reckon there a small one this one was right on top so oh actually nope nope so that's in between as well this one in between as well yes that one's what about these ones here these are that one's tiny hang on you remember it only doesn't count when it supports this is like no no this is like the only one remember how I said at the start of the video that they get rather competitive it can come down to uh carbon fiber versus Kev so what you're basically saying I am right and no because to me if this is adding additional reinforcement You' want it over everything layering it uh it's just an interesting construction method is what I'm saying I I think even though it is a separated composite I think the composite is actually what's making it you're giving it structure versus slashes you've got the flexibility and rigidity combination of the Kevlar and the carbon fiber wait oh that's interesting I might be wrong so there is a wa's never thought of that allow to prove himself wrong okay okay they've layer it so the front one's there but there is a back one in between and so that is good that's a much better construction method so the car is reinforcing on both sides I can't I'm just this is a little bit off top but I can't tell if that's bad construction method how much we're getting all this or if like a giant slash took it out which I doubt no that's that's construction that is conru the the edges aren't sewn together so in between we were getting through if there's plates in between yeah yeah we were getting through yes so what I Shad was wrong was wrong just so we're clear hang on hang on H isn't freezing over it's a miracle it's getting a little cold but overall like it's done pretty well I think it's a cost effective Sol damn impressed this performed actually a bit better than chain mail against certain weapons and so the question like like if a medieval Knight had this as an option right he would want more full protection but it's lighter than chain mail just as protective that's really good all right now that I got this back open I can prove Shad is definitively wrong we already said I was wrong yeah but I'm I'm really going to rub it in today so you can see we're blasted through here here here here here here here sorry what were you saying I couldn't hear you over the thought of me being right it'll be nice when you admit it something I always admit can you imagine them on like Friday night family Scrabble night anyways that's enough with the uh this first one uh the second one why don't we go to this top cuz this is the one that I was most disappointed with yeah same because I look at this and I go okay it looks subtle enough until you actually realize you've got to buckle it up the back is a little solid it looks like you're wearing armor that doesn't this you can actually wear effectively as an undershirt and it's it's cool how many how many layers do you think You' need before it starts to work well I just don't know what they've used here cuz like I've seen before cut resistant and puncture resistant fabric that doesn't have you guys seen it before it's a type of yeah and this is a type of poly but I don't know what it is is cut resistant only like it is not I wouldn't call this really stab resistance got through it too easily I've seen I've seen some stuff from avatars and butchers and handled it and that doesn't it doesn't feel the same I don't know what that is it's very it's very soft it's very silky it feels like a poly but it doesn't feel breathable so it's it's type of Kev maybe maybe I don't think so so look the takeaway for me is uh I would unironically wear the jacket I really like it there are other options available I'd be interested in finding ones that have better protection around the neck and stuff but I'm impressed with this not with this I would still probably wear this one would like if I got the sleeveless one and I wore it underneath everything it's not encumbering yeah it's not that bad it's just this one cuz with these sleeves got got it my way a bit but for the most part yeah I'd probably probably wear one of these so if anyone is interested in any of these Guardian wear products we do have an affiliate Link in the description and you can check it out they're right there we will mention buy or beware okay we've done what we can to confirm it and we've got the products these ones we have a real this one works it does for for you know for it intended purpose for the area it covers it's comfortable I like this look of it and I think it's quality I doubt you're going to be coming up to against katas and specs and stuff like that and Rambo knives usually you know if this needs to save you chances are these are going to give you that little bit of extra extra Advantage if need be so this was heaps of fun oh yes and and I'm actually interested in trying to test even more stuff if anyone knows or is making stuff feel free like cuz we don't just knives you want no no when we test stuff we tested the destruction put it through his space to see what it can really resist right and we got the uh the weapons to do it so uh hook us up I don't know that's a good way of putting it hook us up but in the meantime there will be a video here where we test the chain mail you can actually see where we put all those weapons what actually got through and the results may surprise you yeah it was a bit smaller than you would think and remember there is that affiliate link if interested thank you for guiding we for sponsoring this video some worked some didn't it was all good and uh bye-bye we'll see you later 15c outro 15c
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 108,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7wWzLi_xiDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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