Is it Possible to Beat Sonic Adventure 2 With Only Sonic?

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this video was brought to you by raycon go to buy recon dot com slash nathaniel to save yourself 15 on your order sonic adventure 2 just so happens to have sonic in the name but you don't really get the plays him that much he's in a few stages here and there but you also play as several other characters so today i'm joined with chary5 and we're gonna find out if we can beat sonic adventure 2 with only sonic while nathaniel played to the hero stages i tackled the dark stages we use a game modifier that allows us to play as any character in any stage and this isn't just a graphical swap sonic plays exactly as he always does with this mod on so with that said let's get started the hero stages start us off with city escape so there's really not much to say here following that is the bigfoot boss which is also always done as sonic so on to our first actual challenge which was wild canyon normally you fly around his knuckles collecting three emeralds but we're not going to be doing that instead we'll be running around a sonic with no way of digging through the ground gliding or climbing up walls what this means is we're only going to be able to collect emeralds that are out in the open or inside robots now lucky for us there's this giant fan at the bottom of wild canyon that will allow us to get to the top so thankfully we aren't going to be stuck down here the first star mold was extremely easy to get it was just sitting out in the open and it was a quick wrap i wasn't able to find the second one so i decided to take a stock and believe it or not this is useful to us because when we spawn back in the stage not only saves the first emerald we get but it also randomizes the emerald pieces giving us a chance to find one closer to us as you can see here the air mold is unreachable as sonic so all i have to do is take a life and randomize the emeralds until i get them the second emerald i got was right next to the fans so it was another easy one the third emerald that i found was only going to be accessible with a trick called super bounce this trick is done by spin dashing and pushing the jump button and bouncing when you reach a wall this carries sonic's momentum through the air and allows him to get really good height timing this correctly is a pain in the butt since the spin dash moves so quickly the first time i did it sonic veered in the wrong direction so i not only have to nail this trick but i also need to somehow move sonic the correct way after several minutes of trying i got up to the robot which had the emerald but i was so shocked about getting to him that i slipped off entirely that was an oof moment on my next attempt i got myself back up caught my balance and took out the stupid robot and finally completed wild canyon up next was the dr eggman fight and as weird as this is gonna sound we can't actually test if we can beat him as sonic for whatever reason the mod we're using always loads in shadow because the only character we fight normally is shadow we went to the sonic adventure 2 discord server to ask about this and they haven't found a way around this problem so even though sonic would likely tear down dr eggman it technically isn't possible to even try after that was prison lane and this one utilizes a power-up you might not even realize sonic has the magic gloves this is found in city escape and what it does is captures close by enemies and turns them into a ball with this tactic we can destroy robots required to open these doors without even touching them who would have ever thought such a useless power-up could actually be useful the magic gloves basically substitutes tails lock-on missiles but only for robots that are close enough after a minute though i ran into a gate i couldn't open because i couldn't reach all the robots with the magic gloves so i had to pull off a super bounce to get past this once i landed i just walked on the top and kept moving forward i wasn't able to open this gate either so i just did a really fast spin dash and jump and made my way across that way but the real trouble began at the end of this level this footage was captured by trader from discord and as you can see sonic is at the very end of the stage we need to destroy all the robots to get to the goal ring the magic gloves work until we get to these last two robots since they're way out of reach with some very careful manipulation we can force the robot next to sonic to shoot his bullet and hit the other robot on the other side of the screen this is incredibly cool but unfortunately we can not reach this robot tucked away in the corner so even though we're literally at the end of the stage you can see the goal ring there's no way to beat this one so after the insanity of prison lane metal harbor is a typical sonic stage so no troubles here the shadow fight is pretty simple as well you just play as usual and then there's green forest which again is another normal sonic stage now for pumpkin hill we actually have to collect the shovel claws with sonic and then we can get the emeralds if we don't collect the claws one of the emerald pieces would always spawn in the ground because the game wants to ensure that knuckles grabs the upgrade before continuing the story so now we just have to use the same strategy keep respawning the emeralds with deaths until we get them all the first one i found was just trapped in this box so it was easy to grab the second one was in a spot i've never even seen before it was in between these fire skulls and it wasn't that difficult just a little scary to get and finally the third emerald was just floating in mid-air this was another scary jump but thankfully i got it i can't believe this was even possible considering the large scope of pumpkin hill moving on to mission street i didn't think i'd have much trouble even though this is a tail stage it's very wide open and there's no doors i have to worry about this time although i accidentally got stuck on this box and thought i was stuck but then the robot shot me out of it so thanks buddy jumping over these grates was a tight jump but nothing really got difficult until the road started falling apart this chunk of the road fell really early and i thought i needed it to get across but as it turns out you can just spin dash on top of this sign and get enough speed to make it to the other side and that was basically the whole level nothing too terribly hard next was aquatic mine and i was not looking forward to this one because of how confusing it can be at first i thought that getting into the water was a death sentence without any method of getting back up i eventually found platforms that fix this issue and i could also just move the water down which helped quite a bit the first emerald i found was in these barrels so it wasn't too bad the second armored was down this pit out in the open and the last emerald was up near the ceiling and my god was it horrible to get because i had to perform a really good super bounce to get up top thankfully it's out in the open and was able to wrap up this level following that is route 101 which is a little funky with this mod you'd probably know that if you've beaten this game that you get this mode called kart race and you can place any of the characters which includes sonic but for some reason we can't swap to sonic in story mode so even though that's the case you can still beat this with sonic since there's no difference in the attributes what's interesting about hidden bass was you actually didn't run around very much on the level but instead you jump through the sand normally tails just sinks and dies when touching it but sonic is so fast that he can plow right through it and that's especially useful since so many of the objects don't have collision and you can go right through them this super bounce not only needed to be insanely good but you also have to play a bit of this level blind since the camera doesn't zoom back in on you and here's another super bounce that has to be done to get over this door and it gets so high that half of the assets disappear and reappear as you move up and down a big thanks to piner for recording this level for me because i am not skilled enough at this game to do it on my own and there you have it hidden bass is totally possible there is nothing to say about pyramid cave since it's a typical sonic level but king boom boo is another story you might think that you can't do this one because you need to dig with knuckles to attack boom boo right well boy do i have a fun fact for you by running around and hitting the ghost you can spawn the ghost by sliding into him and therefore giving you a chance for a hit so yes boom boom is actually possible and king golem is the usual fight since this is normally done with sonic death chamber is already a tedious stage with knuckles so doing this with sonic was gonna be a hassle as an example i have to perform a super bounce or a really precise bounce just to get to the main portion of this level all while beating the closing door i eventually found a key that was near me but it was in a spot that i simply couldn't reach after a reset i found a key that was sitting on top of this map i had to super bounce to get to it but it was obtainable the next key was underneath this giant weight but for some reason i had trouble grabbing it i think it was because i had to move really fast and it was hard to stay in control after dozens of tries though i finally grabbed it with one key to go and the third key was just in this room which wasn't too hard to grab while deathchamber was really annoying to explore it was more than possible after that was eternal engine our final tail stage for hero story this one really wasn't as bad as i thought it would be considering a lot of the doors just open when i got close to them i didn't have to blow up that many enemies grabbing these handles was a bit nerve-wracking since sonic's hitbox seems to be a lot smaller than tails but it could definitely be done grabbing the handle in this room was really hard because i wasn't given much of a chance to see when it was coming getting through these boxes was terrifying because it was really easy to fall to my death after breaking them apart then we have this scene where i'm just floating across to the next door praying i don't get sniped by an enemy but the ending to this level was the most ridiculous part after falling down this pit sonic gets locked in place by this platform and there's nothing you can do about it so instead you have to super bounce towards the top and basically ride the edge of this level all the way to the bottom eventually you'll get far enough down that sonic hits the end ring which proves that eternal engine is possible and again a big thanks to trader helping with this ending and now on to the final knuckles level meteor herd while this level wasn't that hard it was incredibly time consuming just for the sheer size of this level the first emerald was out in plain sight which is pretty nice what was also nice was how many rocket boosters there were this made climbing up meteor herd actually doable the other two emeralds were pretty easy to nab so we'll go ahead and move on from here and like the previous character fights we can't technically fight ruse so this one isn't going to be doable and crazy gadget is another sonic level and the same goes for final rush so both of these are obviously possible but that's about it for me it's time to meet up with chary5 and see which levels he was able to complete with only sonic so unlike the hero story which starts off with a sonic level the dark story starts off with an eggman level and one that doesn't really do much for us the main aspect of iron gate is exactly what it says on the can iron gate the thing is they're a non-issue for eggman since he can just lock onto the gates and destroy them letting him through sonic though don't know if you noticed doesn't have a laser so the best we can hope for is to run through the barriers before they brought up which works well for the first two that show up even though the second one's tricky because the camera doesn't really cooperate with us the second door doesn't even have collision on the bottom left-hand side so we can get through there no problem but then that's it you can't move past this room because the barrier is already up by the time you get here and there doesn't seem to be a way to bypass it even by getting out of bounds like bigfoot hotshot is a pretty easy level since you normally play a shadow and sonic controls exactly the same unlike wild canyon there's only about two parts in dry lagoon where you can super bounce and that doesn't give me a whole lot of options and you might be thinking well why don't you just take the turtle that's what it's there for see the thing is i think they programmed the turtle to only be movable by characters i can dig because the second i get on the turtle nothing happens my game doesn't freeze it's just my character model is stuck in the last frame of animation before getting on the turtle and then i'm just free to move around however i please and that's assuming you get on the turtle to begin with because if you accidentally fall in the water you're stuck floating there until you drown you can't escape this because my movement is limited i have to reset until the pieces spawn on this part of the map and even then only if they spawn on the bottom part not only that but sometimes they can spawn in these jars that sonic can't break so we can't get those either i got two pieces to spawn in this area in the lower part but one of them spawned in a thing that i can't break wonderful eventually and after a lot of deaths i was able to get them to spawn in decent enough places to the point where i could get all three without having to reset the entire stage sand ocean is not at all what i thought it was going to be i figured it would be if anything a fun little platforming romp where i just had to be careful of falling in the sand turns out it's kind of the opposite our first obstacle is until you have to shoot his eggman which can't be destroyed by anything sonic does and that would make it a bridge to get to the next section so instead of wasting too much time with that i decided to try and spin dash my way to the next platform which worked but i almost immediately got hit by a gun robot that's waiting for you there it knocked me into the sand which would normally kill eggman immediately but sonic's coded to be able to sink into the sand before dying so i used that to my advantage and see if there was a way around the level and to my surprise there was there are a few invisible walls here and there that i had to navigate around but if you go far enough you can simply sear around these parts of the level i also have to watch out for the camera because sometimes it just stops following sonic until you get to a point in the level where it doesn't get stuck anymore after hopping my way around i came across a spring that's just low enough for me to homing attack from the sand that could get me back on track to platforming instead of having to advance through the sand but before long i ran into the same problem a pillar i had to blow up to use as a bridge so again i tried to spin dash unfortunately the camera's so janky that when trying to control my way to the next platform it messed me up and i fell into the sand again i start jumping a little late and clip underneath the geometry normally this would be great because it puts me into another part of the level but in this case it puts me into a hole i pretty much can't get out of no matter what i do when i do eventually reach the death plane my game crashes entirely on my next venture i decide to go even further this time and see where the invisible wall stopped me and i reached the midway point of the stage where eggman takes a ramp over pits of fire seeing as i had nowhere to go i restarted the stage and made my way back to that second pillar and managed to reach the next area which was honestly not difficult to navigate at all i made my way to that ramp i mentioned in whoa that's really far alright i'm even further than i was before so i decided to navigate my way backwards to see what i can run into that could potentially help me as it turns out i wasn't too far from a balloon that i could homing attack that put me back in bounds and the best part is that it's practically the end of the level i spin dash toward the other side of where i'm at surprise surprise there's another pillar i have to blow up and just bounce a couple of times to make my way to the top not the most conventional level but still doable next was radical highway what more do you want me to say headquarters much like pumpkin hill is the stage where you get rouge's digging upgrade the picking nails because of that the game is programmed to force you to obtain the power up and use it meaning that there's always a piece that will be hidden underground or in a wall but if you pick up the upgraded sonic you can simply reroll the last piece until it's out in the open shout outs again to the sa2 speedrunning community because without that tip i wouldn't have known that it was possible i tried the stage for like an hour with no results and after learning this it took about 10 minutes so lost colony is a level that starts out very inauspiciously for this first room if you can manage this insane looking trick which is to turn around and super bounce off the wall behind you you manage to get enough height to get out of bounds and land on top of the door from there you can spin dash to the next room from out of bounds and play through the rest of the levels somewhat normally spin dash jumping when needed that is until you come to this door the live speed attack comes into play here because if you charge it up and jump off the side and then perform it sonic locks into the dynamite pack and with a well-timed attack you can end up clipping into the other side of the wall unfortunately almost right after we have the last door with dynamite that even with a light speed attack doesn't seem possible to get past so at least for now we're gonna have to label lost colony undoable and shout outs again to trader for this footage weapons bet is perhaps the most conventional dark story stage outside of shadow stages to the point that much like city escape i'm fairly certain any character could complete this stage the one thing you might run into as sonic is that sometimes there are long gaps between platforms that you're meant to hover over as eggman but if you do an air dash in the right place or even spin dash you'll get over those gaps no problem next to the tails fight and of course we can't actually try this one out security hall much like weapons bed is the most conventional treasure hunting stage since none of its areas require climbing or gliding in order to easily access them you have pulleys and rockets to get you to higher areas and usually the most you'll need is a super bounce to reach areas without either of those things the emerald's usually spawn and easy to reach places but sometimes you can get an emerald in one of these containers that rouge has to dig into to open and as if i need to reiterate sonic can't dig fortunately security hall isn't difficult to navigate at all you can get to pretty much every area of the level no problem as always it's just a matter of getting the emeralds to spawn in the right positions the last of the gun bosses flying dog is the one you have to face as rouge directly after security hall with sonic it's a lot simpler since it behaves practically the same as hotshot going from one corner to the other where i can just stand on one of the boxes and homing attack from there or do a couple of bounces and then perform a humming attack nothing really to say here it's just an alternate version of green forest like route 201 this one is also possible since all the characters are controlled the same grinding on rails it's fascinating that not only do sonic and eggman fight the same boss but that both of them can't do each other's version as we saw in the hero story sonic can climb onto the back of the golem and homing attack the restraining mechanism to damage it but in eggman's version of the fight there is no such mechanism instead eggman has to shoot the golem's torso enough to reveal the explosives in his chest that i can then lock onto and then deal damage to unfortunately sonic has no way of dealing damage to any part of the golem now and even if he did i don't think there's a way for him to detonate the explosives since i assume they work the same way the dynamite does in other stages mad space and its counterpart meteor herd are the largest treasure hunting stages in the game and that wouldn't be much of an issue if they were large in the same way that death chamber and headquarters are where you have to traverse through long hallways that lead to different rooms those stages are big horizontally which isn't an issue for sonic but these stages are big vertically often requiring the characters to climb up the side of structures to reach the highest point meteor herd is more straightforward or should i say straight upward in terms of how you go about the level but mad space has different planetoids you can visit and going to and from each one isn't as simple as we'd like it to be especially as sonic whenever you're on one of the moons you have to super bounce on these really thin legs that these towers have in order to reach a rocket that takes you to a higher point in the level on top of that the emerald shorts can spawn in one of the many outer platforms which are easy enough to navigate as rouge but our risky business is sonic since getting back to safety requires multiple spin dash jumps that are easy to mess up usually i would get pieces that were at the highest point of the level which required super bouncing at the side of the inverted tower and then doing long spin dash jumps to get around the last piece i had to get required me to do all that and then practically blindly jump in between two containers to get it if i missed i had to take two more rockets super bounce and then long spin dash jump until i got back to where i needed to and even though that was tedious i would rather do that a thousand more times than accidentally lose a life and have the emerald keep spawning in places i can't reach at all i was convinced that this stage would be impossible because let's face it it's an on average eight minute eggman stage that has a low gravity gimmick it turns out that you're supposed to super bounce on the rails on the side of the platforms and that's great that you can do that but oh man is it hard almost every single part of this stage requires you to perform multiple super bounces in order to simply proceed and i say almost every single part because when you're not super bouncing you're spin dash jumping off of these pyramids on top of that the whole stage is one giant bottomless pit so not if but when you mess this up that's just more super bounces that you have to do there's a superman's right here that you have to do perfectly if you want to continue as if that weren't enough you have to reach the end of the stage with a shield because sonic has no way of attacking the drill meaning that you're gonna take not one but two hits before you reach the end and to my knowledge the only way to get a shield in this stage is to reach a checkpoint with 90 rings so you better make sure you don't lose the shield before the end or the rings before the checkpoint which is really hard to do when you flub up a super bounce or run into an enemy that's hard to avoid taking a hit from anti-gravity tubes and that's everything for the dark stages nathaniel i will try to finish up the last three final stages canon's core is by far the least amount of progress we can make in fact we can't even leave this room even with a super bounce all the walls are sealed off and we can't get any farther biolizard is usually done with shadows so completing this with sonic is a cakewalk and lastly is the final boss which i guess is kind of possible the game forces us to switch between shadow and sonic since they have the exact same properties i think it's fair to say that the final hazard is indeed doable well then that was quite the challenge out of every stage eight of them weren't possible which is kind of a low number if you ask me i was honestly expecting more of them to be impossible like headquarters or cosmopol the super bounce was an extremely essential trick that let us complete more stages than you would expect i wonder if sonic can do that because of his branded shoes that makes me wonder how much more broken he'd be if he had a pair of raycon earbuds i mean the everyday e25 earbuds are their best model yet with six hours of playtime bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design the sound is really clear and crisp plus there's multiple earbud sizes to pick from they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands but for half the price raicons are great for working at home working out and listening to music and podcasts and they come in fun colors so go to buy nathaniel and click the link in the description below to get 15 off your order thanks to them for sponsoring this video and if you'd like to see another ridiculous sonic adventure challenge chari 5 just put out a challenge trying to beat that whole game with only gamma so make sure to check that out and with that said thank you guys so much for watching and i hope you have a great day stay safe out there and we'll see you next [Music] time no [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,405,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 With Only Sonic, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sanic, sonic challenges, is it possible, sonic is it possible, sonic adventure 2 randomizer, super sonic, shadow the hedgehog, nathaniel bandy
Id: 4tc66iXkico
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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