Is it Possible to Beat Sonic Heroes Without Sonic?

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[Music] oh sonic heroes is the name of the game but do we really have to play as sonic his team is equipped with tails and knuckles tails can fly really high and knuckles can break through tough objects so maybe sonic could just take the day off right you know what let's try beating this game without sonic and see how well that actually goes but i'm gonna need some help so a big thanks to cqy5 for capturing the footage and doing all the routing for this video before beginning it should be noted that this is being played on the pc only there is one trick that can only be done on consoles but we'll get to that later on so while we breeze through the tutorial there is one major rule to establish you see these three circles in the top right corner we aren't allowed to swap to the blue one at any time while there may be instances where sonic is technically used we'll only ever be in full control of tails or knuckles so yeah this tutorial can be bypassed without sonic as any speed section can be completed without much trouble and after that we move right into seaside hill besides this one speed rail we have to jump around this was actually a pretty simple level up next is ocean palace and this one heavily uses knuckles triangle dive and punching abilities so again it's really not that hard to get through and the same applies to the acock boss considering you can just spam with knuckles all in one fellow swoop but grand metropolis is where our troubles begin our first obstacle starts at this pole while normally you use sonic's tornado to climb up it instead we're going to use tails and a technique called flight flight boost flight flight boost is a frame perfect trick that allows you to get extra height when in flying formation you'll start by flying and before you hit the ground tap the jump button for a boost one frame before hitting the ground if done right you should boost into the air and be able to restart the flight meter as useful as this sounds you can only do this extra jump once before having to touch the ground again but this does allow us to fly high enough to get across this gap the flight flight boost is used again shortly after that to clear another large gap things may seem promising with this trick up our sleeve but unfortunately we're about to get stopped dead in our tracks once again there's another pull in our path but the walls are stacked up way too high for us to even get close to bypassing it so unfortunately it is not possible to beat sonic heroes without sonic but believe me we're only just getting started we're gonna go through the rest of the levels and see what's doable and what isn't because he might be surprised with how vital sonic really is to completing this game up next is power plant around the beginning is a skip that we don't have to do but it does save a bit of time instead of destroying these enemies to climb up higher we can just use flight flight boost off this monitor and soar up to this blue gravity road thing you know i never actually knew what to call this but otherwise this was another simple level to get through and now onto a quick fight against team rose all we have to do here is use tails thundershoe and push the team off the ledge which isn't very polite but you know sometimes you gotta do things you don't want to do and following that was casino park and similar to ocean palace most of the stage's obstacles require to use tails and knuckles anyway so we play this as we normally would and bingo highway is very similar you kind of just play it and go for the bingos to get all them rings after the casino levels is the next boss robot carnival you just destroy eggman's baddies par usual so now things are gonna get more intense from this point forward starting at rail canyon there's yet another pole we can't climb without sonic so by standing on this barrel as tails we can carefully pull off a flight flight boost and get up as you'll see our head got stuck underneath this platform but we just had to precisely move out of the way and was able to finish flying up but that area was nothing compared to what's coming up par usual we can't climb this pole and flight flight boost is our only option and while it may look like there's a lot of solid ground to climb up most of this structure is guarded off by some sort of invisible wall we even tried climbing on the outside but with no avail the invisible walls were here too then we tried to climb on this head thing and there was actually some solid ground to stand on here using this extra height we were able to fly tails much higher and even on top of what looks like some metal we could stand on but sadly tails just falls right through it so there's no collision here at all we even tried this on the other side but the wall was still pushing us away so this is another level that isn't possible at least on pc if you play on consoles however you can do a trick called the bop boost and this one is pretty technical so let me just show it to you first off thanks to critical cyd for letting me use this clip and second that is one heck of a boost you start this trick by being in flying formation then you have to knock sonic off the formation in a way that makes his jump aura or the blue glow still appear once you do that you must fly with tails and ensure there's a wall in between sonic and tails and that is how you get the giant boost the reason this can't be done on the pc version is because sonic can't be stunned in flying formation which is the only way to get this trick to work so after all those shenanigans we had even more just a few moments in the bullet station as you see knuckles flies off these rails and gets an extreme amount of height and distance this trick is called the power superglide this one is very easy to do and can be done on any rail simply switch the power formation and before you leave the rail press a twice to jump off and glide this works because the momentum from the rail is carried into the glide which gives you an easy method to bypassing certain chunks of a level now take a wild guess what obstacle is going to stop us this time if you guessed sonic's pull you win good job anyway even with a flight flight boost this is a pretty giant gap we even tried to jump as far as possible just for the heck of it and that didn't really work either so bullet station is not possible but egg albatross certainly did you just have to use knuckles and throw sonic and tails at a ship until it goes down although this strategy does take a while since knuckles runs pretty slow it's hard for him to keep up with the albatross but after that is frog forest this level was going fine until we got to another speed section you're supposed to take hold of a flower handle as sonic and soar across but our only hope here is that flight flight boost can get us far enough to these rails and while we can get pretty close it's just not enough to get us there deeming frog forest impossible lost jungle has another one of these handlebar sections but it's much shorter and you can simply jump across to safety we don't get so lucky with this part though because the handlebar takes us much farther and there's no ground to stand on we tried standing on this plant looking thing but we just fell through it instead while we can make a decent distance out of this again there's nowhere for us to land now somehow we did find that you can kind of stand inside this branch but even then it's not going to be enough to get us across deeming lost jungle impossible but the next character fight with shadow russian e123 omega was easy enough same process as with team rose where we just knock him off the stage and next is hang castle as you can tell we're a little hung up on what we're supposed to do this section normally requires sonic to speed across the rings while we can get kind of close to this roof there's no way to stand on it even if we could so this stage isn't happening either mystic mansion has a pretty good start with this one jump being a little tricky since you normally use sonic the wall jump but tails gets enough distance to land on these rails but now we're stuck in this jelly-like room we can see the next destination out ahead but we can't even get close to it sadly so that's another level we can't complete and after that was another boss robot storm and like the others it wasn't much trouble egg fleet was next and again another sonic pole stopped us in our tracks but by standing on this tiny spinning pole and using a flight flight boost [Music] talk about making it by the skin of our teeth that was way too close and then we find ourselves here at a dead end that is pretty unfortunate after getting so far even our best jump is pathetic this stage is just way too big without using sonic's abilities and now to try out the last level final fortress this wall may seem too tall for us but tails knows what he's doing and is able to climb out with flight flight boost and check out knuckles getting a humongous boost in utilizing his power super glide even though he wasn't riding a rail he was still able to carry the momentum from the boost this makes the trick still work and it's actually exclusive to the pc version and here's another wall that's looking like trouble but flight flight boost comes in to save the day once again and it's cutting the corner close and that is pretty much it final fortress is definitely possible without sonic and after waiting on egg emperor for a while we've gotten to the final moment of the game metal madness by pitting sonic and knuckles with tails we can build up our team blast meter and can proceed to attack metal madness so technically we're not playing a sonic here after doing this for a bit we eventually take him down and holy crap this challenge did not go as well as i thought it would counting every level and boss 8 out of 23 levels could not be completed and that's including the bosses which don't really count as levels so technically 8 out of 15 levels weren't possible that is a really bad ratio but it just goes to show how important sonic is in this game so with that said what if we tried to beat sonic heroes using only sonic well guess what you can go watch that video right now i hope you guys enjoyed this video and thanks a bunch for watching i'll speak with you all very soon [Music] sonic this time there's no way adam
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 859,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Heroes, Sonic, Sonic the Hegehog, Tails Miles Prower, Sonic Heroes Without Sonic, Sonic 2020, Sonic the Hedgehog Movie, is it possible, is it possible sonic, nathaniel bandy, new sonic movie trailer, james marsden, sonic the hedgehog 2020, sonicmovie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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