Pokémon Meme Review (July 2023)

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oh pow Pokemon meme review [Music] fans Michael here and welcome to ask for the pie at some point in the past I asked you my Series where I react to submissions on my subreddit r slash mjtv and since most of those submissions are memes the alternate name for this series is Pokemon meme review we'll start by sorting the subreddit by top in the past month and then we'll move on to a curated slideshow but now let's do the meme stuff so the top post is one from the last one I believe considering I've upvoted it but might as well show it again because it's very impressive you're only 14 and that looks just like me but with a better jawline so shout out to you ronov oh it's the Spider-Man meme but everybody pointing at each other Charizard was the first in the America anime intro now it ain't I'm pretty sure it's Mewtwo which is it says the first in Japan anime intro movie they switched rowlet first in the first Pokedex oh because of a silly Bulbasaur you know Gengar red okay I understand lots of Firsts the only Pokemon Fusion I care about uh cute what would his name be you're a tiny mega evolves my Pokemon to wrestlers is my Pokemon Dynamax is my Pokemon use a z move preparatively poke obliterated golly gee Batman dad doesn't want cat family gets cat anyway dad and the cat yeah cute guys I can explain your ability gives you 600 plus stats on switch out I get it only after a ko ko I only get it at 25 more Health their abilities are helping you strange that three of the four are water types we need a water type slacking variant we can call slack king crab anyways oh I've seen people doing this on the interwebs I like the Pokemon version I like golden Whooper and Mudkip that's cute Pokemon company Should Have a Gimmick or one of every 8192 plush is sold and shipped online is a shiny variant because that would be funny uh interesting sure I don't know if it's legal because it's like you're not giving them what they paid for maybe in a maybe a like one out of every that many you get an extra thing that's probably legal but also they make enough money not doing this they're probably like manufacturing that few of the shiny one would be like God I'm getting two business brain about this Pokemon fun fact apple is not the Apple the Pokemon is the worm in the Apple I was aware of this but instead of a normal worm it's a weird which is a limbless dragon hence the dragon typing I was aware of this but in case you weren't now you are that's what its model looks like inside the Apple oh Abomination guys I can explain you got to appear in the 10th episode of Horizons I didn't hear until the 99th episode of Journeys think for yourself I didn't pair it to the 115th episode you guys are in the anime was B not in the anime I didn't watch a bunch of Journeys sorry now Pokemon celebrating rocket and rainbow rocket oh yep what is the sea oh is that macro Cosmos that's a company that barely counts if you know this then you're old I'm old so that's great oh Naya Lego and uh iron moth badly wanting levitate due to their four times ground weakness and ability to float but can't do to their group's signature ability or suckers oh hey there it is again now the Greninja look at the cute cat oh good for you sprigatito right it's how we're introduced to alola from Kanto young goose were introduced to alola from paldea oh youngest were introduced to alola from paldea interesting Theory this doesn't young Goose's deck Sentry say it was introduced right it did not originally live in alola but was imported from another region ah there it is and the theory is that it's paldea because paldea is the only other region where young goose has appeared I'm gonna gloss over the fact that it's a gen 7 Pokemon so it's only had three opportunities but you know fun theories I don't get it it tastes fine Cynthia is this a Grimace Shake meme oh my God they didn't mean Sprite art of it oh fancy kyogres those are very cool and fancy anyone else miss them hell yeah I still say that periodically raccoon man dude I haven't made a raccoon man video in like decades rap battles I did too Pokemon talk okay yes smash vids I made two and they performed badly gamer goggles I got LASIK and then of course grunty boy is still around um grunty boy is probably the most beloved of this group though grunty boy hey hello grunty boy sorry I was listening to my favorite song and got him grossed it sounds amazing on my raycon earbuds the sponsor of today's video These industry disrupting earbuds start at half the price of other premium audio Brands and with eight hours of playtime seamless Bluetooth pairing no dangling wires and a more compact design you can have great sound anytime anywhere I am well aware of raycon's excellent earbuds I've been using mine for years and loving them but I am curious what song has you so Dancy I think it might be a bit too sophisticated for you too sophistic how dare the earbuds have top toggle functions that let you switch between three sound profiles plus noise isolation and awareness mode they come in a range of fun colors and patterns and are beloved by celebrities like Snoop Dogg and grunty boy that's great now just let me hear the song if you insist 20 boy yo my name is grunty boy grunty boy Michael I like to annoy that was brilliant thank you I made it myself click the link in the description below or head to buy recon.com mnjtv to get 15 off your raycon purchase now if you'll excuse me I'm off to continue vibing to my genius I personally thought this was funny what did I say when the LGBT community I myself am not gay but my girlfriend is uh I'm you you cut off the rest of the sentence but I'm glad you thought that was funny I did get permission for that joke I love RPG video games oh really named 30 RPG games Pokemon that's on me I set the bar too low nice 10 year old me not caring about the herb sellers 17 year old me realizing that Revival herbs are buyable Max revives whoa yeah I I still don't buy those because I uh my Pokemon never faint because I'm a Pokemon Master yeah I would win in a stare off Gibble or Foy Coco both oh hey here's this again the Pokemon coming they actually did this stunks ah maybe they do have their uh their gambling income though the cards for Coco Gimbal and other similar mods give me a cowboy screaming in the sky Vibe does that that is funny I feel like it could also apply to Pokemon whose mouths are just open most of the time there's nothing even different about Golden ghost shiny yeah I I hate it's shiny it's 2023 was 2022. you're intentionally designing shinies why are you making bad ones like I know it's golden go but like you can make the shiny silver go or at least change the Hue not just those barely perceptible lines some Pokemon fast enough to out speed trick room like that's illegal I reject your reality and substitute my own out speed trick room what does that even mean like using a priority move oh if a Pokemon has a speed set over 1809 it will bypass part of the trick room speed adjustment calcs and therefore move before the slower Pokemon that should technically move earlier what if there are multiple Pokemon over that 1809 speed threshold the one closest to 1809 without going below will move first what is this in modern games a timid iron bundle with plus four speed and a quark drive speed boost has a speed stat of 1836. are you serious a scarf Reggie alecky no speed boosting nature with plus three has a speed set of 800 1870 any Pokemon with a base 90 speed like annihilate a speed boost in nature a Troy scarf and plus six times four speed will have 1836 speed interesting I was gonna say oh my gosh this actually might have an effect on competitive play but then I remembered in order to reach that number they'd have to be level 100 and the official competitive circuit has them at level 50. so I guess maybe it like applies to any doubles or singles format like online and I love you random finison that is an excellent Meme and art I love that NTN arts on Tumblr that's fantastic I can't believe you didn't cry at the Titanic do men even have feelings boys oh that's sweet Pokemon names are better in German I made a video several years ago that was funny foreign Pokemon names that I filmed in Germany on a family trip all over it so let's see which of these were in there goink was not but that's good rat frats was relaxo was P was not Visa Sam was not more Lord no shiggy yes quaxo no seeper no lampy no slurp no but it should have been man Terps no flourmal no tramato maybe that looks familiar it's not just because it's drowsy shut up pomelof no and glumandra no yeah there are some there are some other funny ones you should watch that video hello Gardevoir from Ruby and Sapphire hello Charizard from red and blue ah a lot of stuff are you two friends no yes that's actually a really good web meme I've seen people talking crowbad for years but this is so funny getting him a sand attack be like oh that's excellent when my kid tries to explain what Pokemon are to me do not Psych the Deep magic to me which I was there when it was written that is just such a good line uh she and cyan's Amazon magenta walrudo Za yellow what is that from Jojo stand Dio yep that's Jojo and boss are you sure that sub is safe don't worry oh God she's thinking about getting married he's wondering when black and white remakes will come out uh yeah remember how everybody was like Shout Out remix Sinnoh remakes now we got brilliant Diamond shining Pro now everybody was like oh please don't do the same thing to univa just give us a Legends game and we're fine we're fine that is my opinion oh and updated to drawing every Pokemon as a Whooper fantastic this is great I want a closer look oh very closer look looks like it's all of gen 1 and most of gen 2. oh Lantern looks so cute goggles oh my God unknown I think my favorite ones are the ones that didn't have heads and then got heads you know like suncurn now suncarn is he's got a body or freaking Togepi look at it a caboodle no electrode looks so smug as a little Doughboy I love this project please keep it going Mikey how could you this is chai tea for those of you who have not seen this movie go see it it's a masterpiece but in case you missed this joke miles there refers to it as chai tea and uh Spider Is His Name Escapes Me mum Patton Spider-Man is like chai tea chai means D you're saying TT uh yeah and uh I'll have you know I've known that for a while this picture is from many years ago a different age I had no beard I had the gamer goggles which are gone now because I got Lasik so I know now everyone else struggling on Professor sada's roaring Moon my over leveled back Excalibur one shotting with ice beam oh yeah or any fairy move you could you could disarming voice that thing and it would die I don't see any beautiful girl just turn around Misty please only one of us can hallucinate at a time yeah I've seen this clip before it's iconic original series anime was vicious it was great which one is heavier a mole that can turn into a drill or Gardevoir yeah Pokemon weights are nonsense oh that's cute shout out to new Pokemon Snap very underappreciated game that was a lot of fun when you see flightless Pokemon having the flying type whenever I see characters from this movie I think of them slay his hands bore the blood of thousands of children slave what people think would happen if red and Ash met what actually happened man I love Pokemon damn bro I love Pokemon too yeah go team Skye oh what excellent team Sky member art I love it that coat is really cool and creative I like how it combines shiny and uh regular Ray Qui Qui learn German with Pokemon moves we have takedown body check Safeguard bodyguard follow me Spotlight Focus punch power punch me first ego trip throat chop next strike malicious moon salt hyper dark crusher those are fun I like body chick I'm ready for my revenge against Tobias Tobias okay the most OP characters and animated history is it weird that we got three old Pokemon in a row gain a new Evolution that was Ghost type dead coral dead fish dead monkey I mean ghost is a pretty easy type to add to things you know just like oh it's what it was before but now it's spooky who won God's green earth is rocking with spidov's man LMFAO spiteops for OU man fu uh poor spider Ops one of the many early game bugs relegated to being an early game bug game freak is so prone to removing features that sometimes I wish they would just make a one-to-one remake I heard that it's yours to keep uh your wish was granted oopsie they did remove stuff from Platinum like gliscore before the league anyways are you going to sleep yes now shut up how did the people who discovered how to evolve Pokemon with convoluted Evolution methods and shared it across the internet figuring it out themselves oh I don't know lots of people trying a bunch of different things at once take a 10 in the Pokedex take a time as Terminator Corbin Heights under the desk Tinker 10 and Scarlet and violet the opposite indeed go team sky slaying the enemy of the sky hard to swallow pills if you don't like bigger Dunsparce to done sparse you never liked Dunn sparse you only liked what it could become that is uh not a difficult pill to swallow that is correct I never cared about Dunsparce I wanted it to become a cool dragon and it didn't so now I'm disappointed my God my ripped I mean Dr fuse is Nick ah yes I talked a few shall create the ultimate Pokemon by combining two of the greatest Pokemon of all time Sceptile and cast form cast oh no oh no oh God why would you do that God damn it sadness your little brother deletes your Pokemon Legends arkus account you have every legendary boxes full shines and turtle Plus hours but now you get to play again uh lose win I'm sorry you lost your Pokemon but it is a great game no you should use your favorite my favorite is Landorus Therian you know one of the many reasons I'm not a competitive player is that I want to use my favorites and uh it doesn't work stop being lazy it's Mom team sky was corrupted from the beginning night sky can't keep track of all these nicknames Whitney crying after I beat her after like 20 tries my honest reaction yeah Whitney and Claire are like two super Tough Gym Leaders in the same region and they both throw whiny baby Tantrums whenever you beat them it's very annoying who would win a medicine made to heal Pokemon a bottle of water yeah fresh yeah the fresh water thing me catches Pokemon that has a type advantage for the upcoming gym a Pokemon realizing I don't have enough badges for its level unfortunately for you I don't take orders it is kind of funny how um like in the earlier Pokemon games if you caught the Pokemon it would obey you no matter what but then now for later games because you can run into over leveled Pokemon they have to be like oh if it's too strong it won't obey you if you don't have enough badges uh and it's just kind of funny how that's changed I uh don't love that I know what comes through that door you will stand your ground run playing on being told that they can grow wings if they jump off a cliff I'm telling you man it's science I think the Bagons are the ones saying it'll work if I keep doing it it's science Scizor based at 500 Shuckle based at 505. oh goodness hey Shuckle will last longer than Scizor will Gita congratulating me on becoming top Champion me who pressed the same button six times she would be far more fearsome if King Gambit was her Ace that thing would be brutal because of its like ability that it's like gets stronger the more of its teammates have fainted that is its ability right Supreme Overlord whereas houndstones thing is a move yeah time traveler farts the timeline on blue eyes white dragon and charm that's funny oh Fakemon been creating for your friend Canberra region based on Australia it's namura goggles Oh I thought that was the starter I was expecting a third one Perkins bar Bassy hey a new form of globapus power locks that is sick skuro I like it another Meowth form another Meowth form whoa that is freaking sick oh my gosh oh my God it looked like Digimon Flareon oh Sylveon oh glacion all my kiss I'm in evolution now is this supposed to happen oh foreign nice knowing you me and Pokemon fan with limited budget for video games can you stop releasing Pokemon games for five minutes not releasing one this year the DLC it's half of it but you know Pokemon Violet team Skye but it's only Mikey shouting Sky oh how long is this video sky Skye Skies oh it's almost two minutes Skye it's really nice it is almost two minutes of this video just the word Scott that's so funny I like it when they get slower oh that's so fun teacher what's so funny nothing my brain Reggie Tales teacher what type is immune to Electric Ash ground teacher then why did you tell the introduced Thunderball on a ghost ground type uh I hadn't watched it in a while but a little while ago I rewatched some of the earliest episodes of the anime and in the battle versus Brock he hits Geodude like that that battle is Infamous for like oh he was able to beat the Onyx because of like the sprinklers going off and like though the water conducted the electricity well and just did damage itself but no he beats Geodude with Thunderbolt first and then he hits Onyx multiple times with Thunderbolt or thunder shock whatever it is before the sprinklers go off they just completely ignored the ground typing on those Pokemon in that video or in that episode we locked this girl up because she was training Haunter that were holding everstones to unsuspecting trainers what kind of sick twisted creature would do such a thing Mindy help me let me out of here I did nothing wrong my main goal is to blow up at a boys the hierarchy of Team sky land people grunts admins leader Mikey Customs the show I'm watching alone the show and my mom walks in that's so that's so good I found this while I was going through my shorts did someone make us short about teams guys okay so this re-upload is extremely quiet like I can I can barely hear it and I Max the volume um but this I'm flattered this person made a whole video about team sky and made a flying type Blastoise which is sick this has 2.5 000 likes oh my goodness I'm flattered and that way that Garchomp is so funny teacher how do you say hours in Spanish me oras okay that's pretty clever show me the real Team Sky rival Archie and Maxie no the real Team Sky rival team night sky no oh what oh this is so cool raccoon man across the Mikey verse that's so sick night sky is Miguel I I think it's funny that raccoon man is the one who's like the one being chase oh there's even photosynthesis and the fire guy in the background I like how uh just regular me is not there I made two posters on the new team sky video oh cool team sky paldaya oh that one's really cool and now it's time for the kill rated slideshow before we dive into it clearly if you've watched this far end of the video you enjoy my stuff so double check if you're subscribed to the channel because it's very possible that you're not if you're not hit that subscribe button also we still have some stuff available at mjtvmerch.com there's Limited stock of the desk mat and the team Sky gear left so if you want one of those mjtvmerge.com but now let's do the slideshow make actually funny memes no boost Casey go to get into the PowerPoint no remind Katie what a good job she's doing how many review would be worse without her actually just boost my ego thanks now for the videos and slides ASL sign for team Sky oh okay team is [Music] I didn't do that right [Music] okay one side to the other I got this [Music] theme I do it a few times team oh wait uh-huh the first sign is how you say team the second sightest one I came up with it's supposed to be the sign for team but with your hands you trace the team Sky logo that's sick [Music] starting here oh James Scott that's wonderful another team docs guy fan art night sky but close enough his name is katius and he is applying for admin he chooses respected strong troops from his 243 Pokemon Squad what and uses three to six hundred missions 243 Pokemon anyways whoa does this does this guy have a a winged jet back thing whoa [Music] I need a winged so he's like the vulture that's cool I made a mighty Sprite and then built it in Minecraft this Sprite is wonderful and there it is in Minecraft oh my gosh look behind you mighty look out you're being chased Ryan Zack Rye dark ROM riding an ariados Mikey had his own wedding Mahi at the birth of his child Mikey after hearing that a zev's strike Evolution has been announced still wearing the Hat though Mikey caught in 4k what did I do Pete only collects Pokemon if she considers them attractive but in general I'll try to give her pretty Pokemon be hypnoing are you how did you are you serious but but General I'll try to give her pretty Pokemon be hypnoing [Applause] [Music] I'm so upset the lengths you all will go to to continue this stupid meme oh Sparkle started a part three Jon gets a shiny I didn't I didn't know there was a bar three all right Mikey I was really hopeful that I could just remember where this Pokemon spawned ah but I found a different a Pokemon and it's so fluffy but I need a different one it does not need fluff it needs Gruff first off the quality of the animation rapid strides in just a few months this is amazing I found mine Mikey I found a shiny macro come on man can't even let us get what like a minute two minutes into the video what do you think about Mikey Mike think about it m you get rid of one one of the humps and then you put a line through it hey well John we're already in the second round and you haven't caught a shiny yet so it's been pretty uncanny [Music] flop and shiny time what is this oh my God we are going to skip this oh yeah we got a bunch in that one have some art instead oh I like that we're wearing matching outfits Justice for Palace and oh because he's oh my god oh what are you serious shiny and Mikey's game forget the boy I'm stealing a shot I'm in this game well I got the young goose [Laughter] God those are so good you are so talented by the way speaking of the John Michael cup if it has not already resumed it will soon a new recruit for team Sky wielding a circuitry that's pretty cool how does it fly though oh hey here's another version of that one but it's cast form Casper's still around Sceptile it is mentioned occasionally team Arrow I was a child gastrodon and team pixie does team pixie dust was one video balloons that's very cute team Sky admin nephil nephila I don't know I've never encountered this name before but her character design is very cool he has hair loopies like Katara wait she's vegan and has a bad memory my team for team Sky uh I love the the team Sky fan art this is so cool bugs specifically I like the the balloons on the Parasect all aboard the Dark Soul gossip train oh no favorite Hoenn starter mine too oh this is such unique art I really love this Azu Steve Mighty Sprites yay grunty boy a character created by YouTuber mjtv that appears whenever he gets a sponsor that's fun it is spelled b-o-i though technically not a boy he's a boy sentred grope Is that real me when I see sprigatito a cat hello my fave week to electric Pokemon and that's what I was talking about earlier cool art though whoa a Sceptile Spider-Man that's really cool show me a cool S I mean the real cool s Perfection team Sky a TV version of our team Sky Leader Mikey no I'm so cute what is happening here there was no custom Fusion art for Krabby Anita slash so I decided to do it myself interesting I think that's pretty creative I hope it ends up in the game DJ Blastoise sure I like the speakers coming out astral teams team wait huh if I was in team Sky oh I just saw a team there and got confused because it looks like teams get six joltec Marion hooray team sky just make it green overnight losing to tinkerton Talonflame yay my niana is a creature of the sky and looks like it's loving it a logo for team night sky oh I like the usage of the clouds in the logo I mean the real Giga Chad it's in the real Giga Chad okay stupid Mickey Mickey Mikey Mikey mnjtv the only one of the people aiming the guns that is correct is Mikey and that's gonna wrap it up for this episode of Pokemon meme review be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and grab some of the merch at mjtvmerch.com before it's gone and thank you so much for watching with an extra special thanks to my patrons over on patreon but that is all I have for now until next time big fans gotta catch them all
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 644,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, gen 9, meme review, aspitpiay, pokemon meme review
Id: TuF_H3xvLRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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