Is it Possible to Beat Pokemon FireRed with Brock's Team?

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a lot of pokemon challenge videos rely on smart thinking with the right moves and items in order to get through tough parts of the game at a low level however i'm not very knowledgeable in pokemon i enjoy playing casually from time to time but i wouldn't consider myself an expert so that's when i decided to take my limited knowledge and roll with it the goal today is to beat pokemon fire red with only brock's team in moves that means i get a geodude and an onyx paired with some of the worst moves in the game i can hold items a level up but no healing in battles only battle items like x attack are allowed capturing other pokemon for hm use is fine but they won't be used in battle and finally i predict that i am hopelessly screwed oh and we also went the extra mile and replaced the sprites with brock he only has three sprites instead of the 19 you're supposed to have so he's just gonna levitate and assert his dominance i hope you like it now there's a very particular reason i chose to do this with gen 3. for generation 1 brock's team consists of nothing but normal type moves doing that would get me stuck in lavender town without using glitches gentoo's brock is much more powerful but that wouldn't really be challenging he has five pokemon with a couple of them being water types but gen 3 has rock tomb which is a rock type move a combination of tackle and rock tomb might be enough to get me through the game onyx doesn't learn it naturally but ironically we get the tm after beating brock so what i did was start the game with geodude using a pokemon randomizer i replaced it with charmander so my rival sand would pick squirtle and yeah i really only called my rivals sans so i had an excuse to play megalovania every time we fight him sorry and yes i even replaced the paddle sprite with brock as well so now he releases pokeballs out of his ass this is 100 necessary we'll also catch onyx as soon as we get a pokeball using a code i thought about catching him naturally in rock tunnel but that's pretty far into the game so i'm gonna use a code instead then just turn it off and play normally you wanna know what's nice about using tackle i have lots and lots of powerpoints after doing a metronome challenge last year it's nice to have lots of power points at least i'm saying that now because for all i know it's going to take 10 tackles to knock out one opponent but since i'm in viridian forest the fights are pretty easy i got my geodude up to level 14 and onyx level 6. so i thought i was ready to face off against brock now brock's geodude is level 12. so i figured i could kind of just brute force through them and the real challenge would be the onyx and that's exactly what happened about five minutes of spamming tackle and using a couple defense curls i took out the geodude the only problem was that uh this required 28 tackles so i had seven left against onyx and he decided to use bind which drained my damage even faster of course i fainted and pulled out my onyx which was way too low level to stand a chance but he actually held up for longer than i thought he would thankfully onix has insanely good defense and ok speed but that wasn't going to last for long enough as i eventually white it out so i had no choice but to level up geodude and onyx a little bit more this time i had a bit more of a strategy with geodude i used three defense curls so i'd be able to tank brock's geodude a bit better after that i just prayed that i would get a couple of critical hits with tackle after about 20 tackles i finally got one which gave me a huge advantage for the onyx i continued to spam tackle as defense curl was still helping to some extent when jew dude fainted i pulled out my onyx and used vine then kept using tackle until vine stopped working which allowed me to get two attacks in at once the cycle continued to repeat itself and a few minutes later i took out the onix and won the battle brock gave brock the boulder badge and if that's not comedy then i don't know what is after the fight i was given rock to the one tm that's gonna make this challenge somewhat bearable once that was taught to onyx i continued on my adventure and i am not looking forward to this next gym badge which of course is misty dealing with her water pokemon is going to be a pain in the butt but i figured i'll just play along and see how far i can get before grinding to a higher level i was going into misty's gym with geodude at level 21 in onyx at 17. i figured i'd try out the first trainer just to see what i was up against horsey for whatever reason decided to only use smokescreen and leer so without much difficulty i took it out the shelder had supersonic and icicle spear so obviously that gave me more trouble but even with icicle spear being super effective it's an extremely weak move so i was able to tank the hits after winning and healing i skipped the second trainer just to see how misty would fare and her stargy used water pulse and that's a one hit ko i kinda had a feeling that was gonna happen so my only strategy is to level up and hope i can take water pulse a few times i took geodude and onyx to level 25 and guess what water pulse is still a one-hit wonder now i'm at level 30 and i decide to use hardin to see if that helps at all and to my surprise star you also used hardin i was able to get four hardens in which seemed like a great idea at the time i finally started attacking with rock tomb and after a couple turns stargi used water pulse and with rey's defense i'm knocked down to low yellow health like this is insane how can i be this high of a level and still struggling this much onyx goes down and i bring out the geodude i used taco hoping that it would be enough to destroy the stargue but of course it's not because i'm using tackle stargu goes with water pulse and again it's a one hit ko so at level 30 freakin 5 i go to misty again hoping i don't get wiped out i'm faster than the stargew and use harden wondering if it'll finally help at all stargi uses water pulse and it still drains sixty percent of my health needless to say i'm appalled rock two manages to one hit kodo so i can attempt the starmie next i try to use rock tomb and it misses so of course starmie's water pulse takes onix out this tells me this fight is possible at level 35 i just need rock tomb to work with me on my next attempt i go all in with rock doom without trying to defend myself and the star goes down with starmie i assume the same thing will happen i use rock tomb and it only does half damage how the hell is this happening and the water pulse still destroys the onyx you've got to be kidding me my only hope is that judo's tackle can finish the starmie so i use tackle and of course starmie barely survives and water pulse once again ends my game when i try the starmie again water pulse somehow manages to keep me alive with 3 hp to spare so without thinking i use rock tomb again and it misses oh i should have just went with tackle since rock tube has an 80 chance of hitting that's right my best move misses 20 percent of the time and it only has 50 attack power so it's super mediocre i tackle again with geodude and once again starmie barely survives i think the only way i can legitimately do this without leveling up more is for judo to get a critical hit with tackle and on my next attempt at starmie that's exactly what happens i only won because geodude got a lucky crit so yippee for that give me your stupid cascade badge misty i never want to talk to you again the rival battle against tans was an absolute joke considering i had to over level so much the past several hours even his squirrel didn't stand much of a chance since rock tomb knocked him out in one hit as i was heading over to lieutenant surge for the third badge i truly learned just how bad tackle really is in the mid 30s i still wasn't able to one hit ko pokemon in the high teens or 20's there are some held items i'm gonna get coming up to help with this but this is not looking good for later in the game the next sans battle wasn't too bad although wartortle did wipe out my geodude but it doesn't matter since onyx came in clutch with rock tomb afterwards brock gave the captain a nice back rub and you know what since it was brock doing it with his big manly hands it was probably a damn good massage but anyway the lieutenant search fight was a piece of cake the raichu was a little annoying because he used double team and my tackle kept missing but after a while he went down and i got my hands on the thunder badge now i can't believe i'm even talking about this but i had some serious struggles in rock tunnel and no it's not because i didn't get flash and couldn't see where i was going it was all the trainers most of the pokemon were rock type which normally would be fine but there's a little move i kept running into called magnitude magnitude is super effective against geodude and onyx so i basically had to fight a couple trainers and either white out and faint or go back to the pokemon center to heal it made getting through rock tunnel extremely obnoxious and slow going at the pokemon tower i ran into sands once again in his wartortle destroyed me on the first attempt i tried using rock tomb and it didn't hit the second time when i needed it to so onyx and g-dude were done for on the second attempt war turtle decided to use withdrawal for some reason which gave me just enough time to take him out then execute put onyx to sleep and knocked him out with confusion thankfully the jude managed to hang on with tackle and a couple of lucky crits i should reiterate that i'm really not vibing with struggling against level 20 pokemon while i'm at level 40 i'm not vibing with that at all next was celadon city and i went to the department store for one item in particular i wanted to get a bunch of dire hits for geodude i predicted that that's the only way i'll be able to improve geodude at all is to use these in battle along with x attack which i'll get later down the line now if you thought misty was a struggle erika is an entirely different beast i'm only fighting some of the trainers in the gym and half of the time i get completely bamboozled like here this ivy source razor leaf takes out my level 44 onix with no problems whatsoever i'm unfortunately gonna have to grind a few more levels and then just go in hoping i get some critical hits at level 46 i had a bit more luck with this trainer and continued on to erica now for erica she doesn't around one bit she starts out with a victory bell and i had a feeling that i was about to get handed with one gig of drain geodude was down for the count i managed to get a rock tomb out with onyx but it only did half damage and then giga drain knocked out onyx in one hit as well i am four times weaker to victory bell in her vileplume so that's gonna make this fight just as hard as misty if not harder going back in at level 50 my rock tomb has barely gotten stronger compared to last time victory bell paralyzes me but i go for rock tomb again and thankfully it works vileplume is out next and it goes first and knocks me down to 10 health like onix my guy i gotta share something with you okay you really suck and your stats also suck and of course he faints next turn so i pull out geodude knowing the same thing will happen because his defense is nowhere close to his good i tried this battle a few more times one of those i just used hardin to see if that would help against the giga drain and yeah it did help by uh almost nothing the difference was so minuscule that it's not even worth the effort at this point i'm really getting tired of constantly leveling up and grinding so i'm gonna try something else in rock tunnel there's some wild onyx that i can catch with a five to ten percent catch rate and within that range about five percent of those wild onyx are holding an item called hearthstone hearthstone boosts the power of rock type moves so maybe holding this will make rock tomb somewhat viable but silly me didn't look up that it's only a 10 boost until after playing the game oh no that was a mistake in case you're wondering how long this process was it took about 10 minutes just to find one onyx and guess what it wasn't holding hearthstone but as literal hours passed and i mean literal hours i kept catching onyx and none of them were holding hearthstone like i don't think i can properly emphasize how exhausting and enduring this was i've already been staring at my own onyx this entire game now i'm forced to look for even more onyx like my whole life is just onixonic sonics catching onyx there's no item catch another one no item i caught another and another and another also another guess what none of them had hearthstones i even kept all my wild onyx just to show you how frustrating this was ah so after catching over 20 onyx i finally got one with a hearthstone holy sh that took like three hours and the worst part is i don't even know if this is gonna work or not [Music] you have got to be kidding me all of that time catching onyx to get a stone that barely improves the performance oh that does it i'm gonna wait to try erica again or i will actually go insane here so i straight up just killed the snorlax because i hate him and headed towards fuchsia city maybe i'll have a better chance at this gym but i have no idea but before going to the gym i decided to head into the movie leader's house the only reason i went here is so i could remove those two extra moves that geodude has so that it truly looks like brock's geodude and let me tell you it felt so wrong at the gym i tried a battle and the hypno was at level 38. even though i'm over 10 levels ahead i know that's not even close to good enough for this gym so i sucked it up and fought a bunch of trainers i missed and leveled up some more with geodude and onyx at level 55 i went to erica yet again my rock tomb still didn't one hit ko but at least it got victory bell in the red when giga drain was used i wasn't completely wiped out either i only lost about 65 of my health at this point i knew it was going to be possible to win but it was going to require some luck geodude was still useless even at level 55 so it was going to come down to rock tomb being reliable and avoiding paralysis on my fifth attempt victory bell stun spore missed which greatly increased my chances of actually hitting but of course erica used hyper potion to reset the game so i used rock 2 again and was back to square one i went first on that next turn and rock tomb didn't miss and i actually killed the stupid thing without getting paralyzed and without taking damage what this means is i had some semblance of a chance now i went first against the vile plume and somehow rock tomb didn't get to the red erika's pokemon must have really good defense or something but vileplume used stunsport and it hit this time all i needed now was to not get paralyzed and for rock tomb to miss and lordy b that's exactly what happened and the vile plume was crushed to smithereens all that was left was tangela which was much more lower leveled so one rock tomb took care of that as well so yeah it only took me leveling up about i don't know 20 times and catching 500 onix to get hearthstone to slightly buff up my one mediocre rock move that's all that's all took no problem no issue at all i also love this statement erica made about giga drain wouldn't you agree that it's a wonderful move it's a wonderful way to make fifteen hundred dollars erica things unfortunately don't settle down as the sans battle and silfco was insanely clutch pidgeot wasn't much of an issue just a couple tackles and he was down the fun begins with glass toys blast toys started off with a protect so my rock two missed i went in for rock tomb again and it only did a quarter of his damage great last toys goes in with water gun and drains about 85 percent of my health so things aren't looking too good i go for rock tomb again and to my surprise the move is a critical hit and even manages to take down the blast toys i didn't think the crit had the capabilities of doing that but hey i'm not complaining next in line was execute which is really bad news for us so i decided to go with geodude so i can keep onyx alive for as long as possible and of course my first tackle misses because that's just my luck and execute goes for stun spore and it lands and not gonna lie kinda have ptsd from the erika fight i was in during earlier so i don't like stun spore anymore execute then went for leech seed and geodude debated the attack but go figure i'm paralyzed so i can't take advantage of this turn execute goes for leech teed and geodude evades again and gdu's tackle finally hits dealing three-quarters damage due to it being a crit one more tackle later and the execute is gone i thought that was going to be the end of my game right there sans brings out alakazam next and he constantly spams future site which is great when i'm still getting paralyzed every other turn eventually i hit alakazam with a tackle but future sight takes the attack and knocks me down to 3 hp how the hell am i not dead yet i use taco once more and knock out the alakazam leaving us only with growlup which will pair nicely with my onyx when flamewheel takes down geodude onyx comes out and i need rock tomb to hit or i have to redo all of this and not only do i go first but rock tomb hits and destroys growlithe in one swoop phewey fighting giovanni was much less eventful it just came down to who can tank more hits than the other which is easy when you're so over leveled sabrina wasn't too bad either especially since i had onyx with me onyx's rock 2 may not hit as often as i'd like but it's always just powerful enough to take out pokemon when i need them to geodude on the other hand is still completely useless his limited move pool of using tackle on top of his poor defense does very little to help out besides being a punching bag in some scenarios but otherwise we got our badge and we can move on from here koga was another story i had to fight him quite a few times but i'll only talk about the last one and here's the weird thing about fighting him he's not really hard per se but you have to set your moves up perfectly or you'll die a slow and painful death coughing is a breeze just a couple of rock tombs and you're done muck on the other hand is a bit of a tank and has sludge and toxic which can both poison you his other moves aren't going to do a lot of damage so the threat is just avoiding getting poisoned the only reason i got away with killing muck on scuff is because a couple of his moves missed by complete dumb luck and my rock tomb actually hit him the second copying decided to use uh self-destruct on a rock pokemon nice try buddy maybe next time and finally we have wheezing and i had a game plan in mind i needed rock tomb to hit once then use tackler bind until he's at low yellow health but not red health or koga would heal this plane would have actually worked had i not used bind because the second hit put wheezing in red and he was fully healed immediately afterwards i wanted to try again but uh oops i ran out of rock tomb at this point i kind of just assumed the fight was over so i just mashed binder tackle until onyx fainted i brought out geodude anyway just to see what would happen and there's another hyper potion like no joke this is by far the most grueling and dragged out battle i've ever been in in my life but i worked wheezing down again to red health and he was right at the god damn edge i just needed one more tackle and what it missed oh come on i'm this close this is so insanely unfair wheezing uses sludge and the poison knocks me down to one hp it's now or never geodude come on oh okay i guess the game finally felt bad for me oh my god but man i was so excited for blaine because finally finally after all this time rock tomb is super effective for a gym leader [Laughter] growlithe goes down in one hit no problem but boy oh boy let's talk about the arcanine do you want to learn a fun fact rock tomb doesn't even deal half damage like can i just re-emphasize how intolerably behemothly garbage this move is i am 20 levels ahead i have the hearthstone i'm a rock pokemon and that's the best i can do how and no i can't just spam rock tomb because i'm not in a range where i can knock him out once or twice he always ends up in red health which means he'll heal and what's worse arcanine's fire blast does a crap ton of damage even though it's not effective never have i had a more pathetic pokemon in my life rocks pokemon are trash i hate them anyway i ended up trying this match five times and my luck didn't change at all i simply just couldn't get past the arcanine so that means i have to grind yet again in a gym that should have been a breeze after even more grinding with onyx at level 70 in geodude at 66 i was ready for this fight to be over and it still wasn't easy but on the third attempt i had some insanely good luck rock tomb was getting better but not by much i was barely getting half his damage but the good news was fire blast didn't completely burn me i could tank about 4 hits of fire blast so that gives me time to buffer with tackle to a point where blaine won't heal and i'll also be able to finish him with a rock tomb and that strategy managed to work thank god then ponyta was next and that was just one hit with rock tomb rabbidash was almost a one-hit ko as well in fact i learned this from previous fights and had a plan i pulled out geodude and was gonna spam tackle as much as i could the idea would be for blaine to waste his two hyper potions so i could come in with onyx at the end when i got rabbit ash to red health for the first time blast hit me but it wasn't nearly as bad as before i can take at least one more hit blaine uses his hyper potion and i get back down to red health again and rabbit dash misses oh this is remarkable luck blaine uses his last hyper potion so i just go at it rabbit ash is in red health a third time in fire blast misses again whoever is blessing the rng thank you thank you thank you i finished off blaine using my horrible garbage geodude with nothing but tackle thank god now giovanni on the other hand well he is an entirely different meal all six of his pokemon have earthquake which if you don't know is uh i don't know kind of one of the best moves in pokemon and i'm super effective to it and this is me right now struggling with one of the gym trainers i run into rock tomb so quickly that i had no choice but to spam tackle with onyx and geodude but the gravelers have magnitude which is super effective and does a lot of damage so i'm not even gonna bother trying to battle again until i level up even more at level 80 with onyx i'm finally able to get through the trainers and try giovanni the rhyhorn seems scary but surprisingly he just didn't use earthquake he kept spamming scary face which didn't mean much since i was still going first so i eventually knocked it out an earthquake is also not as bad as i thought i can tank several earthquake hits which is really good the problem still is just that my attacks are horrible i'm basically doing as much damage as they are and i've only got two pokemon while giovanni has five so i'm gonna have to go back and grind yet again going back in at level 85 that didn't work either so here i am with a level 90 onyx and 82 geodude the battle hasn't changed much except that my attacks are slightly more powerful and with nidoqueen my rock 2 managed to crit which gave me a huge advantage this was where i'd usually get poisoned but luckily it didn't happen this time with nidoking i took out geodude just to get the second hyper potion out of giovanni's system i even took out the noodle king with geodude with only a tiny bit of health left so all i had left was the level 50 ry horn in a dug trio so the rye horn was the main worry geodude gets one hit in on rhyhorn before going down and only because the poison took me to 1 hp i don't know if that was enough to win but i guess it's better than nothing back to onyx i just had to pray that rock tomb wouldn't miss because my hp was getting to a dangerous point as well lucky for me right horn decided to use scary face saving my hp which is exactly what i needed to happen with a couple more rock tombs the rye horn was down and i had one more pokemon to go dog trio hit me first with you guessed it earthquake but my rock two managed to knock it out in one hit securing me the eighth badge while i'm really happy to have gotten this far now i am really really worried about the elite four especially laura lee and sans at the end they both have a pokemon that are going to be devastating and are much higher leveled but i forgot that i still have one more rival battle to go sans pidgeot was easy one rock two minutes down then there was blast toys which could be an issue oh no not again i'll be real with you i have been doing nothing but grinding these pokemon for the past three days and i just said get and use the last of my rare candies so i could just try again i am so fed up and tired of grinding after doing that i was able to get the blast toys to the very tip of red health now but water gun was just too strong especially when sans paired it with rain dance so you know what that means i have to grind again in this time i'm maxing out with level 100 pokemon i'm about as ready as i'll ever be getting back to the blast toys my rock tomb is still not very good but it should be good enough to take him out he of course uses rain dance so on the next turn i go with rock tomb again and he barely lives sans uses water gun next and by all odds i somehow clutch out a save if surviving blast toys in the 50s is barely possible i don't know if i can face him in the elite four but anyway i managed to take out the blast toys because i didn't die to his water gun the execute is next and i almost knock him out with rock tomb and he decides to use stun spore which is actually good i get the finish without being knocked out yet growlithe didn't do diddly squat his flame wheel leaves me with 6 hp so i can take one hit at least my rock doom connects and he goes down next is alakazam and my rock tomb also takes him out in one hit i know i'm not going to survive the right horn and that's fine because geodude should be able to grudge his way through and he does over some time which wraps up the second to last rival battle i genuinely have no clue how i can win the elite four maybe x attacks and dire hit will help but i can't really do much more than that to power up but after all of this it is time to test brock's team and i don't have much faith with laura lee all five of her pokemon have water and ice moves which is really bad for me dugong is up first so i go in with a rock tomb which knocks it out next is cloister so again i use rock tomb but it's surprised luckily enough cloister chooses to use spikes and of course there's a full restore on the next turn a couple turns later rock tomb takes out the cloister so i guess so far so good jinx is where i was worried about missing my rock tomb and it does of course so jinx uses lovely kiss putting me to sleep ice punch does about half of my health so i basically have no choice but to take out this jinx on the first try without missing since lovely kiss will destroy onyx every time except i survive with 1 hp somehow so hopefully i'll wake up and i don't which is too bad judo's tackle does a lot more damage than i was expecting it was a little over half but you've seen how awesome geodude is so just one ice punch takes him down even though he's like i don't know 46 levels ahead on my next attempt i decided to go in with geodudes so i can get some damage in or at least waste the full restore before using onix joo dude faints of course because he sucks so i try tackle with onyx since it's more accurate and down goes the jinx next is lapras which is terrifying because it's got surf i used rock tomb hoping i could take it out in one hit and the meter goes down oh so slowly but not quite enough as lapras barely survives and you know what happens next i get surfed on and onyx goes down while this is annoying this battle actually seems possible with some decent luck dozens of attempts later i decide to use hardin just to see if i can possibly tank surf with it but of course i can't because lapras is just way too strong i am so god damn close to beating laura lee but i have got to change up my strategy so next time i decide to give onix a dire hit because frankly all i need to take out the lapras is a critical hit and when i try again it felt right this time but unfortunately i still didn't get the crit i needed but hey i still had geodudes so i went first and lauralee doesn't heal that means we might be able to win oh no but then lapras eats a citrus berry which i thought maybe would prevent a full restore from happening but laurely heals anyway so dire hit didn't help at all and ironically enough as if the game is teasing me geodude's tackle gets a critical hit oh but rock tomb can't for whatever reason so next time i figured when i was at the cloister i could use a few ex-attacks i'm legitimately running out of options here so i'm just praying that this works just fighting jinx again i could tell the x attack was working as i no longer had issues knocking it out a few more attempts later i finally had a shot at the lapras with a bunch of x attacks stored up in this time it actually worked i think i figured out how i'm gonna get through the elite four now slowbro was a piece of cake after that which means we get through the first member now bruno is usually very easy to fight so i'm hoping it'll be per usual since i'm fighting some rock pokemon there's not much to say since it's just a very slow back and forth i did use some x attack while fighting the onyx since he wasn't gonna do much damage to me anyway a few minutes later i finally took it out with a tackle up next was another onyx oh goody the x attacks were at least helping as it went down after a couple more minutes it wasn't quite enough for hitmonchan however as it survived rock tomb and then it took me out with counter doo dude finished it with tackle but i still had a couple more pokemon to go and things weren't looking good but then a couple tackles later and hitmonlee was also down last but not least is machamp which is gonna be one hell of a tank to only fight using tackle cross chomp is super effective so geodude fainted and i had to try this stupidly tedious battle again when i got back to the machamp i had almost no health and unfortunately didn't go first so that didn't work out i highly doubted geodude would do anything but i gave it a shot anyway my first tackle did almost nothing lovely but my champion's scary face for some reason and it missed so i won't complain i used tackle again and managed to get a crit yes i've got a chance now especially if a champion's a scary face again which he did let's go a champ went first next and i'll use cross chop but it missed holy crap that was so lucky too so my tackle hits him and bruno is defeated if i didn't get that crit i doubt i would have been able to beat bruno now for agatha i honestly wasn't that worried as long as rock tomb doesn't miss too often this fight shouldn't be much of a problem the gengar took a few turns but i managed to faint it for arbok i actually switched to geodude just so i could save my rock tomb for the ghost pokemon by some miracle all of our box attacks missed and three tackles took it out the goldback confused me but thankfully i never hurt myself and that went down as well next was haunter so onyx tapped back in and one rock tomb did the job which is so nice to see when your pokemon are just so bad oh wow you're you're getting there onyx good boy the gengar was much more annoying since it had hypnosis and put me to sleep but on my last rock tomb i woke up hit and the health bar slowly but surely went to zero so with that we beat an elite four member on our first try which is really unexpected but this was the appetizer the real challenge was gonna be a couple of lanta's pokemon and half of sans lance brings out the gyarados and rock tomb doesn't take him out to no one's surprise but gyarados just uses bite several turns later tackle knocks out the gyarados which proved to be quite the tank with dragon air i just used rock tomb and also snaked one x attack in i almost died but the dragonair was gone shortly after that single x attack clearly made a big difference as dragon air was almost wiped out from just one rock tomb onix eventually faded so geodude had to finish a tackle but i still had a lot of pokemon to go and judo is just a dumb boulder with two hands he can't do anything this time i went into the dragonite using more x attack than before and that was enough to destroy him in just one hit and it's super effective aerodactyl was a flying pokemon obviously so rock tomb once again was super effective and just like that we have taken out lance's team it was actually a lot easier than i expected but i'm not quite done yet with sans i gotta take out his blast toys at an even higher level now but you know what i'm feeling quite determined even if i'm likely to fail the challenge at this fight the only pokemon that i want of a problem with is pidgeot and arcanine so this is where i have to build up as much x attack as possible after a couple attempts i learned that pidgeot's feather dance is insanely detrimental that move harshly drops my attack which is exactly what i need to be higher so i can knock out the blast toys in one hit you can just see how much my attack dropped from feather dance i can barely do half damage now after the pidgeot is ride on which i know he probably won't do much to me either so i have no choice but to build up x attack again while he uses scary face over and over what sucked about fighting raidon is that when he's done spamming scary face he'll use earthquake next which is super effective and since he used so much scary face beforehand he'll always get two guaranteed hits on you so i have to try to predict when he's going to start using earthquake and try to get as many x attacks in before that happens on this attempt even with three x attacks pidgeot's feather dance has completely halted my progress still i'm just gonna have to get past pidgeot while avoiding that move what i learned is that i have no choice but to use x attack against the rhidon then hope earthquake doesn't do too much damage before i use roktum so geodude is virtually useless in this battle i can't even use him as a tank because i need x attack for onix several attempts later i got through the rydon with 5x attack in me and pidgeot didn't use feather dance the blast toys is at level 63 and my one good move isn't very effective blast toys goes first with hydra pump and i already know the game is over on another attempt i used x defend on geodude just to see if i could survive and get one hit before using onyx not only did this not work but all the x attacks saved up by onyx wouldn't work anymore so this was just a horrible idea another 20 attempts later the blast toys missed hydro pump it has 80 accuracy so this is actually somewhat likely to happen and guess what rock tomb actually fainted the blast toys oh it's a christmas miracle but the fight isn't over yet executor has giga drain which is also a huge problem i didn't go first and after all of those tries with blast toys executor ends my attempt in one bell swoop i really wanted to give up after all of this it just didn't seem possible i looked through the items i had and decide to give geodude quickclaw the more often i can go first the more likely my odds are so i just kept trying i must have tried this fight another 50 times and honestly i couldn't even get back to the blast toys again but there was one other thing i could try a last hope this is the choice band when held it boosts any pokemon attack by 50 but the catch is only one move can be used this is slightly better than the hearthstone that onyx has been using so if this doesn't do the job nothing will i got to the blast toys again with 5x attack in but he still went first with hydropump and knocked me out i basically have to get the blast toys and a hydro pump has to miss it's the only chance i've got about 15 attempts later blastoise misses his hydra pump and with all the x attack and choice band i take him down with more than half my health left with so much extra health i can only pray that i'll be able to take one giga drain hit and my bar keeps going down and down and i i fainted i try again and get to the executor but decide to use geodude first perhaps i'll be able to go first with onyx after geodude faint i do end up going first but the problem is my x attack no longer works since i withdrew from battle out of frustration i try this exact same strategy after more attempts and i am so glad i did because rock tomb hit and also critical hit and that was enough to faint the executor i wasn't nearly as worried with alakazam so as soon as rock tomb hit he was good as done and i had won pokemon to go all that's left is arcanine which is fantastic because rock tomb is super effective i had two more left after getting him down to yellow health my next rock tomb hits and then it happened the battle was over arcanine was defeated against all of our odds we have proven that it is possible to beat pokemon fire red with brock's garbage team and stupidly insane luck as well the choice band really saved the day here by buffing rock tomb just enough to win but man that was by far the roughest way i have ever played pokemon and i don't recommend anyone ever ever ever try this on your own even for fun don't do it now if you'll excuse me i need to go relax take a hot bath chill out for a little bit because that was a bit much for me thank you all so much for watching and i hope you have a great day i'll see you next time you
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 309,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon firered, pokemon brock, pokemon brock team only, Pokemon Legends Arceus, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, Pokemon Shining Pearl, Pokemon 2021, Brock Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, Pokemon Fire Red Version, Pokemon challenge, is it possible, geodude, onix, nathaniel bandy
Id: YoL-fkywuk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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