Is it Permissible for a Muslim Man to Marry a Christian Women even if she Believes Jesus (p) is God?

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the next question is from abdul kareem from new york usa is it permissible for a muslim man to marry a christian woman if yes are there any conditions can he marry her even if she believes jesus peace be upon to be god this is a very important question asked by brother abdul kareem from new york usa that is it permissible for a muslim man to marry a christian girl or a girl from the ali kitab are there any conditions can he marry her if she believes jesus is god as far as a muslim man marrying a christian girl is concerned allah clearly mentions in the glorious quran in surah maidah chapter number five verse number five that lawful for you are those things that are good and pure lawful for you are the food of the kitab and lawful for you in marriage are the chaste believing woman the mohawk the chaste believing woman and the chaste woman among the kitab so based on this verse of the quran the quran is very clear-cut and it says that a muslim man can marry a chaste woman from the heliketa there are some people who say okay the ali kitab at the time of the prophet they did not believe that jesus was god etc these people who say this they are wrong they don't know the quran clearly mentions that the ali kitab the christians used to look in surah maidah chapter 5 verse number 72 that they believe that jesus says god they did go for by saying they believed in trinity and so maya chapter 5 verse number 73 and i'll come to it later on but the majority of the scholars all of them they say that it is permissible to marry as long as she is chased there is a criteria there the condition put on that which woman from the ali kitab can you marry and the quran in surah maidah chapter number five verse number five every expression says that you can marry the chest woman from the movement from the believers most from the moment and mohasenath from the ali kitab the condition is that she should be chased now based on this condition the least you can expect a chaste woman to be leased there are various conditions for being chased for being more sanat the minimum the minimum condition the lowest is that she should be a virgin and today we find since the question is asked from usa from new york today we know according to the statistics that we have of the western countries they say that the girls in the school ninety percent lose their virginity other stats will say that the girl by the time she passes college university 95 percent lose their virginity some say 98 even if you know the statistics of europe of uk most of the strategies almost all they say that by the time a woman passes her university some say 95 percent lose their virginity some say 96 some say 97 but all of them agree it is more than 95 percent so one of the minimum criteria for mohasenad for being chased is that you should be virgin there are many other criteria so based on this hardly you will find any woman especially in the western country who will be chased and i was born in bombay i lived my life in mumbai passed my medical college in mumbai and i remember that after i passed my medical college in the early part of the 21st century in the year 2002 or 2001 there was an aids conference in bombay and according to the statistics in that conference we were told that in bombay on an average 70 percent of the girls lose their virginity before they pass 10 to 10. and it was shocking to me bombay india is much more conservative than america than the western country and that is talking about 20 years back so today what we come to know that in this 21st century it is very difficult for a woman to remain chaste especially in the western countries and now it is also coming to the eastern country and the scholars most of them they discourage though it's permissible but they said they should be chased so where will you find the chased woman from the heli kitab a chaste christian woman and even if you marry the problem that we see after that is phenomenal there are high chances that after a muslim man marries a christian girl or a jewish girl there are high chances that the marriage will not be successful and we find that the way of dressing differs the way of eating differs the way of behavior differs and imagine the cleanliness is not there imagine the christian woman during menstruation she may not inform the husband and we know it's haram to have intercourse during the cycle whether will she be able to clean herself very well the eating habits are different and in western world it is quite common that many of the muslim men they marry christian women and these men actually are not very practicing muslims so what we find them doing that after they marry when they go to the grocery they are buying alcohol for their wife they are buying pork for their wife they may not drink themselves but they are buying it for their wife many of them maybe they were drinking before marriage many of them not drinking start drinking alcohol after marriage all these things are common and we find that many a times if the marriage doesn't work it ends in a divorce and when there's a divorce and if you have children then your muhammad and your abdullah and your abdulrahman and your fatima and your khatija they are going to church so i personally i'll give my view later on the additional criteria most of the scholars they do not encourage a muslim man to marry a woman from the ali kitab it's permissible but the criteria is you should be muslim and where will you find a muslim and even you find a person there are yet problems so person who is a religious muslim will never venture into this and most of the cases that you have when a muslim man is marrying a christian girl 99.9 cases are love marriages the moment you have girlfriend and boyfriend it means that you are not chased so what do you do you go out with a girl go for a movie go out for eating go out for dancing very serious riverside virginity even going out for dancing with the namiram going out to see a movie it is against the value of chase he's not a monster so if you apply the strict criteria of a christian woman whose mohsana hardly will be able to find and practically to follow this advice today in this 21st century is very difficult and we know the problem that can happen after marriage according to the call of ibn abbas may allah be pleased with him he says that a muslim man can only marry an ali kitab woman in an islamic state he cannot marry a christian woman or a jewish woman if it is in a foreign country and there are a group of scholars who agree with this view of ibm passed my liberties with him and even i agree with this view because if you marry a christian girl in a non-muslim country and if anything happens they will follow their law they will not follow the islamic law if they are the divorce then your children as i mentioned muhammad sultan abdullah fatmah will go to church so but natural it is not encouraged at all so i agree with the view of the past my liabilities with him that this is only permissible to marry a christian woman number one should be chased and number two in an islamic state besides agreeing with the view of ibn abbas mala pleases him i personally have another condition based on my studies of the quran i don't claim to be a scholar i'm a student of knowledge and my speciality islam and compared to religion so i have my additional criteria based on the quran it's not my criteria it's my study of the quran as i mentioned earlier in the starting of mansa allah is very clear-cut in surah maidah chapter number five verse number five lawful for you are all things that are good and pure lawful for you are the food of the ahle kitab of the people of the book and there was continues lawful for you in marriage besides the chaste woman who are believers are the chaste woman from the ali kitab this verse is there but there's another verse in the glorious quran in surah baqarah chapter number 2 verse number 221 which says that do not marry an unbelieving woman do not marry a mushrika an idolatrous a woman who does shirk unless she believes a believing woman who is a slave woman is much better than an unbelieving woman than a mushrika even if she allows you that means the quran is very clear-cut in surah chapter number 2 verse number 221 that a muslim can only marry a moment a muslim cannot marry a mushrik cannot marry a non-muslim unless she becomes a muslim a muslim woman who is a slave woman a bond woman is much better than a mushrik an unwilling woman even if she allows you she may be the richest woman in the world she may be the most beautiful woman in the world she may be very attractive but a believing woman who's a slave woman who's a bond woman is much better for a muslim man than an unbelieving woman a non-muslim woman it's very clear-cut that means you cannot marry a hindu but there's exception in the quran in surah maidah chapter number five verse number five that you can marry a chaste woman from the ali kitab quran is very explicit in surah they are blaspheming those who say that allah is christ the son of mary that means quran is very clear-cut in surah maidah chapter number 5 verse number 72 that the christians they say that allah is christ the son of mary and the voice continues those who say that allah is jesus christ the son of mary mercy but said christ who's my lord and your lord indonesia [Applause] shall be dwelling place and he shall have no helpers in the hereafter here in the quran is very clear-cut and he says that they are doing kuf they are blaspheming those who say that allah is christ the son of mary but said christ yahbani israel or children of israel oh worship allah rabbi with my lord and your lord innumer israelite anyone who associates partners with allah up for it and fire shall be dwelling place and he shall have no help within thereafter so this was the message of jesus christ peace be upon him which is converted in the glorious quran but allah also says that these christians they say that allah is jesus the son of mary allah further says in surah chapter number 5 verse number 73 those who say that allah is three in one allah is trinity so here the quran says that christians are doing kuff by saying jesus christ peace be upon him with almighty god they believe in trinity surah baqarah chapter 2 verse number 221 says you cannot marry someone who does shirk sorry maya chapter 5 verse number 5 says you can marry chaste woman from the heliketa so all these verses put together they seem to be an apparent contradiction if allah is very clear-cut in the quran that they like they do shirk and the quran says a woman cannot marry a mushrika so how come surimaidah said that you can marry ali kitab they seem to be a contradiction and allah is very clear-cut in the quran in surah nisa chapter number four do they not consider the quran with care do they not ponder with the quran with care had it been from anyone besides allah there have been many contradictions so there cannot be a contradiction so alhamdulillah since i'm in the field of comparative religion there is one verse of the quran which gives the reply to this question allah says in the quran in surah al-imran chapter number 3 verse 710 which is a very famous verse allah says oh he muslims he are the best of people's evolve for mankind because we enjoy what is good and we forbid what is wrong and believe in allah so this verse of the quran is a very important verse saying that the muslim ummah is the best of the people evolved for mankind and the reason is because we enjoy what is good and we forbid what is wrong and we believe in allah there is a very famous verse but this is not the complete verse this is half the verse the verse continues it would have been better for them if the ali kitab had faith had belief among them there are some who are believers but the majority are perverted transgressors so here in surah imran chapter 3 was some 110 allah says that among the ali kitab there are some who are moving but the majority of poverty transgressors so the one criteria which all the scholars agree is that the woman from the ali kitab should be mostly not and there's no doubt about it if the abbas manila be pleased with him puts another criteria that the matter should only be done in a muslim state otherwise not valid i say according to surah imran chapter number 3 verse 110 among the ali kitab there are some more moments that means they're believers that means they don't believe that jesus is god they don't believe in trinity so you can only marry them the chest it will not contradict against the verse of the quran of surah baqarah chapter 2 verse number 20 so according to me in my humble study i don't claim to be a scholar the additional criteria besides the woman being chased and besides it being in an islamic state the third criteria she should be a moment that means she should not believe that jesus is god she should not believe in trinity and at the time of the prophet there were such people the example is warcaban norfolk who was the cousin of other khadijah malay people and he was a moment he was a christian but he was the moment that they then you find that there are very few sahabas it's permissible i'm not saying but there are criteria that alike kitab woman the krishna jewish woman should be masana should be chased should be an islamic state and should be moment she should not do shirk that's the reason there are very few sabbahs i think they form allah be pleased with him allah be pleased with him very few sabah who had wives from the kitab but my advice to the muslims especially in the western countries is that don't take undue advantage of this verse and think that it's fine this verse is very explicit that she should be emotional the chaste woman to get chased women is extremely difficult and if you apply the condition of ibn abbas that it should be a muslim state but natural the question is from new york is from western country i would totally disagree that a muslim man should marry a woman from the kitab especially in the western country even if in islamic country she should be a masana and she should be a believer she should be a moment and what we find that most of these marriages i love marriages how can she be most okay if you find a woman who was a christian woman who accepted islam because she liked islam no problem someone who accepts islam and she's a revert and then you marry no problem but you get into love with her you go to college together or you go to university together or you're working together and then you fall in love and then you say that islam allows and then you may go to a kazi and maybe say the shahada for namesake this is only plastic surgery there are high chances that your children your muhammad abdullah your fatima or khadijah will go to church i totally disagree and these type muslims are not practicing muslims a practicing muslim actually would not fall in love with the christian girl so but naturally because your deen is weak and then you take an excuse from the verse of the quran and marry i am not making permissible haram i'm saying there are conditions and it's very difficult very very difficult to find such thing so my advice to the muslim young men and young boys is that please don't use this verse of the quran as an excuse to marry the christian woman there are various conditions it's almost very difficult to fulfill these conditions and doing in a non-muslim country also is not permanent according to many scholars and i agree with that and these are only infatuations or living in a western country you go to work you go to school so these things we should be away from if you really find a reward girl who's accepted islam not because you have fallen in love and she's following the principles of islam and she's praying five times a day and is a good modest woman then there's no problem but please don't get involved in love and then you say it aloud in islam please stay away from it it will be not only bad for you but for the generations to come hope the answer is
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
Views: 136,780
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Keywords: Zakir, Naik, ZakirNaik, DrZakirNaik, Allah, Allaah, God, Muslim, Islam, Islaam, Comparative, Religion, Comparativereligion, Atheism, Atheist, Christianity, Christian, Hinduism, Hindu, Buddhism, Buddhist, Judaism, Jew, Sikhism, Sikh, Jainism, Jain, Lecture, Question, Answer, QuestionsandAnswer, Logic, Reason, Science, Misconception, Misunderstanding, PeaceTV, Dawah, Muhammad, Mohammed, Hadeeth, Hadith, Saheeh, Sahih, Man, Woman, Human, Humanity, Problem, Solution, Rights, Media, War, Peace, Similarities, Debate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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