Debate: Dr Zakir Naik v/s Pastor Ruknuddin Pio: Was Christ(pbuh) Really Crucified? Q&A

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but if you pick up the Bible in the complete Bible the virginity is not mentioned anyway if you read this big encyclopedia it is more than twice the size of the Quran actually you know this is small writing this is along with Arabic and English and commentary the Bible actually is twice the size more than twice the size of the glorious quran nobody will you find the opportunity no way the closest verse that any Christian can come to rely on the concept of Trinity is from the First Epistle of John chapter number five was number seven which says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one to close this verse raiga infinity first step to school of John chapter five verse seven and if you read the Revised Standard Version this is the King James Version which I'm showing which is the most popular this is the Revised Standard Version brother won't do know which version and we're gonna answering you two in one and trying my level best in five minutes time RSV Revised Standard Version version means no authentic false differs and the Christian boasts of twenty four thousand manuscripts of the Bible but no two identical this is the New King James Version with Paschal first true this is the Douay version which has 73 books that thrown out seven books out of this with the Catholic say for two I've a fabrication who has done that the pedestrians pastor the Bible is the New King James Version has only 66 books it's a different Bible there are various papers various in Iraq where more than 25 different version more than 200 different types of Bible you can comment a photo is coming back to a question in the Revised Standard Version which has been revised by title scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 different Christian cooperative nominations they said that the King James Version has got grave defects and when they revise this they have thrown this verse which is the closest resemblance to Trinity First Epistle of John chapter 5 verse number 7 as a fabrication as a concoction as interpolation let's read out who not Muslims not Hindus had to Christian scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty different copy nomination that throwing this was which is the closest resemblance Trinity as a fabrication the word material in exist Jesus Christ means before never claimed divinity as I mentioned earlier and in the Catechism of the church they say the father is a person the sign is a person and the Holy Spirit is the person but they aren't three person that one person person person person but not three person one person what is this one plus one plus one is three for the Christians is one and it fails the Christian that when we think about the father what is the mental picture you draw and a Christian you know the mental picture like Almighty God like Santa Claus sitting in heaven with the author footstool many says the word or the Sun or Jesus peace be upon him somewhat like Jeffrey hunter in the movie King of Kings Jeffrey hunter blonde hair white never look like a Jew he doesn't apologize but like Jeffrey hunter and when they speak about the spirit something like a dove that came when John the Baptist baptizing Oh like this more at the feast of Pentecost three different picture but when you ask the Christian how many pictures do you see he tells you one however might you try you can never impose the three picture as one but when you ask them how many pictures they say one they're lying to you because one plus one plus one is three it is not one and they give the example let's see the constant opportunity is very difficult to understand a person can be a father can be a brother and can be a businessman at the same time so why can Almighty God the Father Son and Holy Ghost I said fine let's analyze the example suppose is a person who the father and a brother and a businessman suppose the sister goes and say something to the brother a secret but naturally even the father and that person will even the businessman will know but if you read the Bible our Gospel of Mark chapter number 13 verse 32 it says this performance is that of that day of that ah knoweth no man knoweth no angel not even the son but the father in heaven that means of the Day of Judgment even today sky doesn't know even the angel doesn't know even the spirit er then no only Almighty God knows that means they are three month they are three-in-one the Trinity is the concept which is illogical how much you try you cannot superimpose suppose they say that Jesus Christ even if I agree with him dad on the cross do you mean that even God died on the cross we would request you as we are allowing the questioners to ask any odd question he wants to ask we would request them to bear with whatever answer is given by the speakers on my right left pastor Rockne and doctors are killed whether you like it or not they have a right to answer in the manner they would like to even if they refuse to answer if they refuse to present any answer they have a full right for it that is the decision even if they don't answer they have a full right for not answering let the whole audience be the judge you can discuss the details after the program maybe have the next question from the ladies for pastor Rockne I would I would exhort your patience please the speakers as well as the audience in the beginning of your talk you said that the evil is actually taken out by man himself it's not given by God but then according to the theory of original sin you say that the man is born with this in so don't you think it's a contradiction can you please clarify it yeah has inherited not sin but the nature of sin okay that means man has inherited the tendency of sinning but suppose a baby dies what happened he's innocent he'll go straight to him that's what I believe okay but the baby is not going to pay for the price for his daddy and this all that you know because as referred from the Bible is correct he's not responsible for his father's fault as far as sin and punishment in hell is concerned okay so nature of sin I inherited from my father Adam I sin because I'm a sinner understand sinner means in nature wanting to wrong things because that's Annie that's what I inherited okay not there so when man starts sinning himself then this counted against him himself so that resolve the problem often had now second thing man does inherit curses there is sin and there is curses Bible indirectly and learning various places and not good time to talk about it I don't pay for the sin of my father but I do inherit curses and you experience it in your life my father did a lot of mess but he died not thank God he died a believer but I suffer today because a lot of wrong things he did I inherited no not-not-not my accountability to God as a sinner not my accountability to God as a sinner okay but he did a lot of things which is sinful and it happens that today I am facing a lot of difficulties in life it's a curse it's a curse so distinguish between sin and occurs distinguish peace in occurs curse is a harm as a result of sin is that damage which sin does okay so there is two things Christ can do to my life number one he obtained forgiveness of sin for me so I will not be accountable to God I am forgiving my sin number two he breaks the curse of my life that's what the Bible says not only he's having authority on earth to forgive sins but he also took Michael curse upon himself he became a curse on my behalf whatever curse was supposed to be mine you believed in him the curses start breaking from your life curses start breaking for me life so you distinguish there is sin and they discuss to the two different thing I hope I have answered properly I hope but at least just for the question put okazaki dr. zakir naik you my name is Richard I'm a Bible student Bible lover and also filter by trade I'm a technician you refer to the Bible speaking about Jesus saying that they will be like angels spirit body like spiritual eyes also you said in the Bible there is no a mention no nowhere mention about the resurrection I will quote just one and many other this is Matthew Robert 16 was 21 it says from that time forth began Jesus Susu unto his disciples how you must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day and this is the three times and all the Gospels mention it not only so the Bible speak about how he's hang on the cross for six hours gave up his ghost after crying allah-allah pathani how I got wise of fulfilling the scriptures then we see all the four Gospels mention about his death about his burial and resurrection now you say Jesus cannot live is respect or the spiritualizing of the body which is a another topic glorified body is different as spiritual heavenly body is different we were better than angels today via worse than animals so how this has come come about to be in fact I'm not having a discussion I'm not I have learned by God's eleven see and I've got the answers to all your footing points and I would like to come to Islamic Research Foundation and give you these answers biblically not to win an argument I would I would love to because I got it's true that Trinity is not in the Bible it's not this but Jesus Christ being divine I can let youth know structurally and even your conscience even though all creation will back I give you today I brought many things in the Bible what the original there is a numeric there is a mathematics in the Bible which can it's a it's a perfect it's proof so I've got this thing so everyone can avail of them mathematics proving student main question please please no this is my question that how Jesus Christ mentioned many times that he will be killed and he will be rising again again if you want another quote I will give in chapter 20 was 19 it shut and shall deliver it to the Gentiles we mock and scourge and Chell cruel Superman third day shall rise again okay just few few just few the question is complete yeah I know Bible as all the other religions every Sunday we have program at IRF a Buddhist you can get there dress every Sunday every Sunday 10:30 and after the talk you go over you can ask any questions that's really very good a sense Quran you can even do I'm just telling you we love it we love it we like to discuss in friendship for better understand the Bible brother you can even ask on the Bible no problem not ask I will tell you on the Bible yes the most welcome like you told me just now yeah but they said you quoted from Gospel of Matthew and he quoted what he quoted Jesus said he will die and he will rise he said that I agree even we agree will die and even rise in his second coming he will die an evil noise and that resurrection in the second coming which is mentioned in the Quran the Bible will be the true resurrection through death and true resurrection what you are saying that what you put on the cross he died you say that from your Satan but when you check I do know some people say oh we saw him dead the soldier says if you read again Gospel of John chapter 9 I give you condition first of all of John chapter 19 verse 33 we saw him to be dead like how pastors are going to be dead he's not expert he said like a lame man so in the soldier like a lame man for him to be dead today best if I did doctor request and scope he requires the pulse we have machines like ECG EG heartbeat brain and yet doctors make mistakes ever i've got with me so many articles that a person died for three hours and then he got back to life three days several in south africa in Philippine all these cases doctor testifying with instrument with instrument you're a soldier layman testifies that doesn't mean instead we let me compete on so then you can you can go back to the can ask any question or come on Sunday so it was from hearsay where they died or not actually I proved 14 points you say big ranch so all you haven't answered a single he was alive you're alive you're alive that means he was not resurrected he will be resurrected I believe every Muslim believes in the second coming when he comes he will be resurrected and the Quran says in surah my the chapter number 5 verse 116 hundred seventeen he faced that Oh God you be the witness I never told them to worship me as Almighty God but I said I would you la worship Allah Ravi Babu : who's my Lord and your Lord Jesus Christ peace be upon him he preached nothing but what Almighty God wanted and he preached that you should worship only one God not worship him and I said that earlier there is not a single unequivocal statement you said there are statement in the Bible saying Jesus was divine there is not a single and kyoko statement and the complete Bible where Jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says there is God or where he says worship yes he will come again he will come again for what the quran says in surah nisa chapter 158 that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala raised him up and to himself he was raised up a life for what any second coming he will not teach anything new the Quran says for him either chapter 5 verse number 3 Islam on this day have I chosen for you your religion and chosen for you Islam I have completed faith for you nothing you can be taught he will be coming in the second coming not to teach anything new to the Muslims he's becoming in the second coming to testify that I never said you were shipped me to testify that I never claimed divinity and I haven't mentioned the Gospels also in the second coming people will say Oh master Oh master did we not do wonders and miracles in your name so Jesus will tell them ye men of iniquity ye sinful people who depart from you I don't even know you who will attend those two Christian you're claiming good miracles in my name you get out from here I don't even know you he will come in the second I mean and that time as the Quran says in surah al-e-imran chapter 3 he was my 95 Kulu nothing like at the Mahdi every soldier our taste of death he will die like a human being and then inshallah he'll be resurrected we are waiting for that before the day of judgment he will surely do that hope time so question yes brother the best I have a question for you for Muslims there are four to five major criterias which he has to fulfill to enter into Jannah what has given to understand even from your talks and even from the neighbors I have heard that for being a Christian to sins a Christian the sinless sinless in listen they'll be white uproar they'll bear their sins will be wiped out because of the sins which are inherited which are taken or my Jesus so that means that if a person tonight if he accepts that Christ has died on the cross for the sins of the mankind does it mean that his sins past and future are wiped out and he will enter into the gates of heaven it is written in the Bible if you believe in Christ of course I believe it Christ means what he did and what he taught and he confessed sin you say it comforts me to use your tongue say it let me receive him generally in your heart then your sins are forgiven and your dis so my interpretation it means this your destinations changed you're not in heaven at that moment yeah now that means if I read the Bible I believe in each and every word of the Bible I believe in the death of the Christ the crucifixion the so called crucifixion then tomorrow babe I become a rapist or I became a terrorist and I go on killing everyone still I will be entering general you see if you if you have genuinely believed in Christ today you will not be rapists tomorrow life will be so changed that means you're lying you did not see Jesus the thing is there is only one single statement which shows that you have to believe in Christ that he died for the cross that he died on the cross and therefore the sins of the mankind that is the only criteria which I know even in your talk we have said the same thing if you believe in Jesus your faith is interpreted acts of faith according to the book of James Yacouba if your faith is not counterfeit not pretending your faith will produce things in your life but if your faith is a counterfeit just to just to show then your faith will not produce acts of faith so suppose I'm a criminal today hmm I believe in Jesus I repent ask forgiveness of sins all these things comes in believing in Jesus repentance means I have changed I turn my way and no more wanting to walk the way of sin then God will help me and I will succeed not following that old way of living my life is changed now I may commit mistakes that doesn't mean I have abandoned the faith a small baby he loves his daddy still occasionally he disobeys daddy there is a level of disobedience ok there's a level of disobedience and there is a level of rejection and rebellion so if I summarize it if I believe in Jesus today I repent ask God forgiveness God will break my sins if I have genuinely not just pretending he knows the secret I'm saying it in words or not and then that would produce things in my life I wasn't quit there are many people were playing in words in Islam and one person he confessed that he is Muslim and he say la la la murmurs la so because he wanted to take the custody of the children from his wife so somebody taught him the trick if you say that then the Sharia I will say the children belongs to you because your wife is Christian so therefore they will be in your favor he did so he did so then they told them Allah who was a judge he's just saying la la la la he doesn't mean it he said no no no no only God knows the intentions he said it we heard it it's a proof he's a Muslim only God knows intention that was he was just playing games in words you know really he wanted the custody of the children now in the Christian faith God knows whether you're genuine or not if you really believed in Jesus God will break sin over your life he's done it they're drug addicts are broken even medical couldn't help him but they succeeded there is an organization called Teen Challenge they got such a big percentage of success even the best rehabilitation for drug addicts they never succeeded they only get two percent three percent and the boys go back and the boys go back and the boys go back these people successfully people for years they broke with drugs because they're basing on help helping the children on the basis of faith in Christ Christ is a practical solution not just a religion a nice fancy drawing and some lovely book with a little bit of colors and all that Christ is practical for a daily living yes may we have the next question from the ladies dr. Zakir any question for Pastor Rockne from the ladies accountable to God for our sins then why should Jesus be crucified for us see pastor Rockne yes yes why will God punish Jesus for our sins if we are accountable to our sins why should Christ died for us the second we got punished Jesus for us since no see the the law exposes sin that is law of Moses before Jesus he tells you their standards of God expectation for man basically he tells me a house in and how sinful I am ok so really sin has no remedy as far as human is concerned there's no remedy and the law of Moses is a confirmation sin has no remedy whatever you try you fall again now Jesus came to break that chain ok now I've told you that my talking earlier if some friend of mine died for my sin his death has no value in the eyes of God because he is only counted for himself but Christ is very unique Christ is a man who is not worthy of death he's God took flesh on himself kept his power as God aside okay and walked as men now as far as sin and judgment on him he's not worthy of death therefore he is a blameless Lamb no one on this earth is a blameless Lamb in that sense so therefore his death was he was very precious and the value was fits that only this kind of person dying and there's only one such a person in history that only then he has that unique office that he he can't take away my sin no other person can do that so that is the reason because day his his being not as committed sin makes him that blameless acceptable lamb before God that that is the reason why his position is very unique that's a reason I hope I hope I made it okay his position as sinless person who is not worthy of death that makes him the perfect lamb acceptable to God to receive sinner people so does that mean that we are not accountable for our sins if you just believe in him you see I just mentioned to the gentleman believe is translated into real acts of faith there are people who believe just for some various benefits maybe you'll get some some good salary from some foreign organization there many people do that God knows the secrets okay but I'm saying if you believe your life will show your life will show okay Judah's they scary it believed but really it was not really fair afterwards we saw for the sake of 30 pieces of coins he betrayed his master really from beginning he didn't believe that was a counterfeit belief conditional belief belief only if things goes well okay so the book of James says if you believe your life will show okay it's not believe I don't mean just say words you know I mean say words he mean it okay I mean in in a sincere heart asking acknowledging my helplessness because of my sin and asking God to forgive me in the name of his son Jesus that's the only way to receive forgiveness of sin whatever you do there is no other way sorry but if you're saying that God took the flesh and bone thing you have put your question for the pastor has explained we cannot have another question I mean I said my pastor that a true believer in Jesus Christ will never become a will never become a rapist tomorrow but if you see the Christians are on a whole you see that every Christian do sin so that means you're trying to say that no Christian is a true believer of Jesus Christ you're talking about non believer Christians there are many people who have the labels or being Christians there many people having the labels or being Christians and they're doing at frosties and they're even the British when they were in India and my personal opinion if it hurts you I don't mind I'm sorry but they misrepresented Christ in India they were Christian name like if I my name is Sharma I'll be called Tony and Johnny if I become a Christian really the heart is not change only external don't these are not representative of the faith of Jesus there are there is I said at the earlier there is believers Christians and there is traditional Christians they're not the same he's traditional they just mix up of religions just having the label of Christianity that that way you're looking at the people who are traditionally two different things we Christians we don't worship idols we don't put photos and bout it I asked my pastor we don't know I stood that in the past and a few when I started reading the Bible and the Torah and I stopped doing that I never knew I used to worship idols I used to pray to the dead spirits and God has forgiven forbidden such things I never knew I was also called Christians I will also call Christians I ice to pray to two persons other than the Almighty God mediator a mediator of mediator a mediator of mediator a mediator and all these things but God only God can forgive sins and you are you are mixing between a person having a label Christians and a person who is a believer Christians I'm talking about the Bible Christians about those who believe in the Bible though that dynamic Christians those type of Christian are talking about okay so you you maybe have seen people who don't believe in the Bible they just call Christians they may be having some Western name or something now we just have allowed another three more questions before we wind up those who are standing I would request no further people who come up and few up because you would not get a chance we have one brother here will allow one more brother and I think that he is we have been waiting for a long time okay will allow you the third question before we close the session the management has given us 10 minutes and so brings a key you are telling that in the Bible somewhere it is written that when Jesus came back the disciples were terrified and they were afraid why they'll afraid when he's not dead mother has a question that when Jessica's people goes to the Peru but the disciples had gathered a why were they afraid when you are not dead that is the question which I'd ask doing the talk why was their friggin answer is given because they thought you have the spirit they thought he was the spirit that's from telling me so they did not know that but he is dead okay come tomorrow you pure day and you come here everybody will get scared and run away from here I agree with you I agree with you suppose if I read in the newspaper that this person fell from the tenth row yeah and you think he's dead but tomorrow if he comes I'm going to get scared but they tells me when I fell down there was a lorry of hay going I didn't die quit from here see I had heard he had fallen any died but when he comes I figure doctor examine him I take his hand he's alive so initially I'll be afraid but when I check what with them I'm not afraid similarly your initial disciples died let me come feed on so then you can speak no problem brother I'll give you time you can come again you can come to IRF let me complete that so they thought the Bible says Gospel of Luke chapter 24 verse 37 they were affrighted and terrified and supposed him to be speech supposed who say that not dr. zakir naik who says that Luke they thought him to be spirit but then he says handle me and see for a spirit has no flesh and bones then they would fold them afraid because they thought he of the spirit when he proved to the Middleborough spirit they were overjoyed who say that gospel of the gospel says that Jesus was dead and he was buried and then he comes you said that I'd rather you said that I don't know I'm ready you have asked a question he has given up this excuse me the your brother you've asked your question the speaker is given is the response think God has given most of the people here good heart a good mind and they can decide for themselves we are not going to comment on it what the decision of the audience is let them decide for themselves that is the basic premise we had of this friendly discussion so that we come to a better understanding of each other's viewpoints and not fight over it just understand each other's viewpoint in its proper perspective we have two experts who know their job let them give the answers if you know it better tomorrow you hire a big hall and maybe invite someone else and people come and hear you there have peer in you now yes brother you can carry on with the answer all the states bills were from Jersey they taught him to be a spirit because they had heard that he had died heard from your say there weren't eyewitnesses who says that Gospel of Mark chapter 14 verse 50 all of them fled at the most critical juncture of the life of Jesus Christ peace be upon him they all forsook and left it who says that the gospel says that they fled first from Jersey and he proved to them by showing his hand that he was not a spirit and pastor said and he gave the reason for salvation the question through questions posed earlier and the pastor said that have to believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him he has died for your sins and then after that we should not say I don't get it that if someone has paid for my sin and what is the problem in me doing sin if someone tells me go to a restaurant believe their bad I have paid for our bills eat as much as you want and then sell don't have chicken and say y-yeah paid for my bill - chicken don't have mutton I say why that new told me a lie when you told me that you paid for everything whatever you have eat as much as you want for your full life now why you tell him you don't have chicken don't have mutton that me told me a lie so Jesus Christ peace be upon him paid for our sins and what is the problem in else reaping what is the problem in her robbing so this logic if you understand it doesn't go into the logical mind of a person yes rather that the second last question for mr. Rockne my reckoning as you know that every country have his criminal law and anyone who is doing the wrong thing is going to be punished according to the criminal law of the country and because even they even though if you take up a newspaper you will see a thousands of murders and rapes and a lot of things are going on in the world suppose as you said earlier in your speech in the being in the beginning that Jesus was already crucified he was not crucified for his sins but he was crucified for the scenes of human being for the scenes of Christian if we believe that Jesus was crucified for all Christians then what is going to be the situation of the world realize complete yeah it is written that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world that anyone who believes in Him will have the gift of salvation not so potentially it is for you but for everybody the who is going to the hand the hand of the situation after that if you everybody starts believing that yes huh and I can kill you right now here huh and I can tell to modern to the court that mr. Jesus is crucified for my sins and you cannot testify I mean huh then can you write on the paper - would not be testified that mr. Jesus already crucified for him I've answered this question earlier and the book of James in Hindi in your crew says if you really believe you will not kill me you will give me your I did and you that if mister if the heart is killing today here huh and he should not be testified tomorrow in the code of the law of the Indian Constitution yes can you give me in writing now just a minute I will believe tomorrow that mr. Jia boss Jesus was crucified I will believe tomorrow and I will be a perfect Christian see there are two things in sin as I said there is sin and range damage of sin okay there is sin itself a simple thing I can tell you know you are you are a believer you are a believer a perfect believer or is a Christian huh today morning I told my daughter I want to know each and every know our table from one to twenty you read it and I would I will design the Uni just to keep me happy she learned everything she kept in mind and repeated in the evening mr. Saki is not a Christian he is a Muslim but he can quote each and every verse from your Bible any Bible huh and you are a believer you say I am a believer I am this and there and I love Christ but you cannot go to single line from the Bible brother Lancer I would I would request you to maintain which answers have to put forward your question rather than passing comments on what the speaker knows or doesn't know that is his right what doesn't know else you just put forward your question and await a nun's I mentioned they're up there is sin there is sin there is a result of sin okay now for example I a poor man who just survived by little food I'm a thief I robbed his food and he dies he got no food to eat okay some time back some time later some faithful God servant come and tell me you're a thief and you should not do that then I realized I have done a horrible thing which cannot be repaired there's a man died because of my robbing but he reforms me thou hast Jesus to forgive me my sins and then my Destiny's changed my Destiny's changed that is true that's a fact it's a promise in the Bible it is God's Word but can I repair the damage I have killed them and I denied him his food and so there's no then the police will catch me and according to the law of the country I may have to be hungry because of that yes I I have to bear the consequences of the harm I did but I but my soul is safe because by the sin is change god has wiped my sin from his presence but there is a damage I caused which is so serious and there is a price for it in this earth so many sins there so serious I cannot repair it even after become a Christian there is another situation I do a minor thing let's say I teach Saji and then tomorrow God convicts me ask him forgiveness God I'm sorry for my sin I have cheated Saji Saji take your pen back I have cheated you that day that says minor sin where I can restitute it is possible to restitute but the case where a man died because of my being a horrible person earlier cannot be restitute it and there is a law in the country and have to bear the consequences of that so there is the sin and it is the damage not all damage can be repaired for example if I am alcoholic very heavy drinker all my youth was spent in drinking at the old age are some faithful servant of God comes and I tell me ask God forgiveness I ask her forgiveness in the name of Jesus I receive a free gift of salvation free of charge haven't worked for it God changed my destiny but what happened during all my youth that have been drinking beer and my liver developed fibroid and then slowly slowly I wished and died because of that the damage of sin all my life has damaged my life but thank God my soul is saved see this is the they said the damage of sin I have done all these years but my soul is saved because I ask forgiveness it's a free gift it's a free gift God take the justice that I deserve out of me and put it on Jesus that is the strange the strange exchange that Jesus takes it from you and put it on himself nobody is willing can do that yes yes brother this would be the last question for the evening we would request the audience to be seated after the answer for another one or two minutes bear with us for a few minutes mo yes brother my name is Sonny Matthew I am a member consultant name of my company is Sigma manpower and marketing Private Limited well the question to dr. Zakir Naik is or the debate subject what we have today is wast Christ really crucified asking a counter question is not the answer for the question it's a simple logical theory the subject of today is not whether Jesus are resurrected or not that subject when you are dealing it on the problem the evidence for resurrection which we can find out only from the Bible and it is a belief of the Christians and as you mentioned you are not believing in Chris you are not believing Bible is aware of God and then you are taking the quotation from and proving that and growing that resurrection is not taken place and then saying that is why the crucification is not taking place is a good logic but when we approaching the subject I personally believe it is not right one another point yeah the same question it's a continuation but one more point on that now it is a historical fact the crucification or death of Christ is a historical fact where the historians has written it on that a Jewish historian called Josephus has written about about the about the crucification of Christ and it was not a secret in a rally people has been tortured he might crucified it on that then what happened to Christ if Christ has not died whether he has hidden some arrows eater is body has taken down from the cross and it has been lamed out there are people witnessing it on that but how can you deny it on this and the last continuation because I am the last person to question just let him answer the three questions in fact the management has put a limitation let him answer the three questions if time permits and the management's permits we might answer a comment time yeah when you are allowed to ask only a question I wanna ask a comment you can come to the IRF call him to your place whatever you'll agree to do that after the program in the world I can't allow it now please come please I cannot allow you now maybe have the answers to the questions already pushed suppose for question he said the topic was vast Christ really crucified and opposed the question was it is erected and then he said because he's elected he was not resurrected therefore he's not crucified you are going in the opposite what I was trying to do is kill two birds with one stone I do not have another debate where the Christ was resurrected or not two birds with one stone if you did not die was not crucified if you did not that he was not resurrected to bother Sunstone so even if you remove the word resurrection yet the arguments remain the same and you can have the video Casa later on when it's released first I said if a person 11 died he's not crucified and then I went to say that what is erection also death is required so I'm killing two birds with one stone trying to prove that Jesus guy Spielberg one did not die if he did not die he was not crucified if he did not die how can he be resurrected I am killing two birds with one stone but I'm sticking to the topic I'm not going away from the topic because both these things are important according to Paul first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 14 that and if Christ did not die and rise have a preaching is vain and your faith is so I'm killing two birds with one stone you can refer to the castle you asked annex question that historians have said Jewish historian that he had been crucified do you know brother how much of material has been written on Christ has been really crucified double the material plane that he was not crucified historical records we can come to at it I can quote venturi when to a German philosophies he said st. Paul this I can give you how many names you can give I will give you double the convenience of historians not Muslims Christians non-muslims I give their names the fourth question if Jesus Christ peace be upon him did not die what happened to him was he put below the earth etc I feel it in here my talk and my rebuttal and my question obsession I made it very clear in certain research chapter four was 157 ma ma Petaluma Marcella boo boo they didn't kill him neither did they crucify him it was only made to appear so next was to release a chapter four was 158 it says that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala raised him up a life I've said that that he was raised up alive unto himself subhana WA Ta'ala please Jesus Christ peace be upon him unto himself it is even mentioned surah al-e-imran chapter number 3 verse number 55 that he was raised up alive and he becoming again in the second coming so all your questions have been answered and the pastor said what I have got from hill and seviche have earlier every time I meet a Christian I can anyone see he said that certain damages cannot be repaired he said that it is your own video that means for certain sins Jesus Christ cannot be what I get to understand what I get to understand every time I meet a new Christian I get a new ideology of Christianity that's for small sins Christ has paid please be upon it Oh big things you have not paid that for understand now for understand you have got some coming brother just you can just ask your question instead of a comment because one in these five minutes there are yet two three minutes left I will allow him to answer only in the three minutes not a five minutes yes brother quickly a question quickly the answer within three minutes okay now the or in their argument which you are given based on the biblical coatings and when actually the subject was the Christ s really crucified what you have there Pratap from the Quran Quran when you are saying if you are saying a statement and if you are repeating a statement that's not an argument I say there is a God and I say 20 times there is a God that's not an argument or even require subsequent support so what support you can give from Quran for Christ has not crucified other than that of the statement I expect a replay not to get the clap from the audience but for and a non-muslim can understand and getting of a clap is symbol but I'm just making others understanding is difficult so not to get a clap but to make to me understand on that there was asked a very good question that if you make a statement it does not become a fact it should be from authentic source and then do agree if I quote from the Quran Jesus Christ peace be upon him was not crucified who did not agree by because of on do you the Quran is not authentic I have got no problem but for the Muslims it's authentic the world of God for them it is sufficient proof if I say anything from the Bible what happened to Christ it may not be proof for the Muslims but for the Christians it will be do you agree the Bible to be the Word of God or not you agree good he agrees so proof from the Bible Jesus gave was not crucified but why do you require article proof do the historical proof is superior to God's Word don't clap don't clap leave it as I want to do clap he wants to understand the proof should be I mean it's a matter of faith that's why it was required that side I'm saying as long as you're convinced I am NOT here to convince the non-christian to convince the non-christian I can leave historico proof we can have a new debate if a non-christian comes that tells me that mean who could raw I mean either quotation which you're quartered is right but it has picked up from a wrong place which was mentioned on a raw incidents rather have that allegation I've put it lightly but out of context you give the context no problem it's a friendly discussion for understanding come to IRS you give the context and we discuss it you're most welcome I'll come and meet you then jazakallah we thank god almighty for making this evening of understanding each other's viewpoints between two major faiths of this world possible for all of us present here we would like to thank the India gospel mission and the Islamic Research Foundation for getting together to organize this program I would like to personally thank pastor Rockne pastor Sergey dr. Zakir and all of us present here today Jessica moola Chiron may God reward all of you you moving in
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
Views: 1,610,924
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Keywords: Hiduism, Zakirnaik, Zakir Naik Lecturs, Peace TV Urdu, PeaceTv, Peace TV, Peace Tv English, Zakir Naik Lecture, Muslim Brotherhood, Was Christ(pbuh) Really Crucified?, Zakir Naik English, Zakir Naik, Allah, Drzakirnaik, Dr ZakirNaik, Muhanmmad, Islam & Comparative Religion, Christian Missionary, Zakir Naik Bangla, Zakir Naik Urdu, Dr Zakir Naik v/s Pastor Ruknuddin Pio, Debate, Dr.Zakir Naik, Islam, Muslim, Peace TV Bangla, Religion
Id: dPNg7S8cUnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2014
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