Rahul Asks Dr Zakir, "Why are Shia Muslims given Less Importance by Other Muslims?"

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Talks about following The Quran and the teaching of the Prophet, but he refuses to follow the Authentic Ahadith about Ahlulbayt.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ghorgh1984 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Summarise please?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sunniatheist ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
good evening sir my name is rahul ganker and i'm just a student i just need to ask you in the islamic religion why the shias muslim people are given less importance compared to other muslims i have also heard one of my muslim friends that they are not even allowed to drink water from a shia family not even a water okay means i just need to ask me it is also said that in iraq there was a saddam hussein has done yes spread of chemical gas he has done a cruelism on shia's people as compared to hitler has done on jewish people in the second world war so don't you think it's an injustice i also need to know that means what exactly the shias people has done a mistake in the islamic religion before so means still that's suffering right now these days the brother has the question that why are shias considered inferior and what mistake they have done why saddam hussein killed them like hitler has killed germany with chemical weapons etc [Applause] in islam there is no shia sunni what quran says in surah imran chapter 3 verse 103. hold to the rope of allah strongly and be not divided we have to hold to the rope of allah the quran and the teachings of the prophet the say hadith if you hold to them then you're a true muslim there is no shia sunni in islam and there's no sect in islam the quran says in surah anam chapter number 6 verse number 159 o prophet anyone who makes division who makes sex in the religion of islam you have nothing to do with him allah will look after therefore the day of judgement and our beloved prophet that there will be 73 sects in a muslim out of that only one will go to jannah the sabbath which one those who follow me and my sabbath those who follow quran and the authentic cheeses of the prophet so the quran says don't make sex a prophet said even though the quran says there will be some people who make sects how many 73 the one who'll be on the true part is one who doesn't make sex so anyone who calls himself anything besides muslims the word is muslim muslim means a person who submits evil to god what was the prophet was the sunni what was he he was muslim and the answer i gave to the earlier sister of imran chapter 3 verse 64 it says we bear witness that we are muslim if you want to judge whether the muslim is right or wrong what do you do you check with the quran let him call himself mahmud abdullah no problem you check it up if he is following the quran and the authentic teachings of the prophet bukhari muslim authentic teaching he's a true muslim if he goes against the two teachings of the prophet the say hadith the bukhari muslim and all the others say hadith and goes against the quran he's not a true muslim a true muslim is a person who follows the quran and the authentic teachings of the prophet muhammad salla so when you come to know let him call himself anything if he does not follow the quran and does not follow the same teachings of the prophet he is not a true muslim regarding the second part of the question saddam hussein is not there in the question it is in the question ah saddam hussein saddam hussein killed shias brother i don't know whether he killed or not the media says but whether it be saddam hussein whether hitler whether it be george bush anyone kills any innocent human being liva said shia sunni even if he kills no sen hindu innocent christian innocent jew it is a big crime let it be saddam hussein let it be george bush let it be hitler anyone who kills any innocent human being whether muslim or non-muslim whether it be hindu whether it be christian whether it be jew anyone kills any other innocent human being if he's done it it's a sin it is prohibited i am not here to protect anyone let his name be anything george bush hitler sultan abdullah tom dick harry anyone if anyone kills any innocent human being it is prohibited hope that answers the question you should not believe in this sunnis or bori muslim sir i'm not saying that quran there's no shia sunni in the what you tell them quran ask them where is the words you have mentioned in the quran ask him where is mori mentioned in the quran so it is a it's a my college is different in bandra sir i'm studying so these people are not following what you have to do ask them are they following the teachings of muhammad allah sallam are they following the teachings of allah subhanahu wa allah says in the quran in surah anam chapter 6 verse number 159 anyone who makes sex division in islam you have nothing to do with him anyone who divides the religion of islam it is prohibited so if you have to be a good muslim you have to hold to the rope of allah that is the quran so just by calling someone abdullah sultan whatever it is will not take you to jannah but following the teachings of the creator almighty god and following the teachings of prophet muhammed peace brother i would like to ask you a question yes one question there are so much bother about shia sunni i want to ask you why so there are so many my friends oh no do you want to join islam and then you're thinking what to take so i'm asking you the question yeah do you want to come to islam and you're thinking should you join shia sunni sir no i'm no sir there are so many religions out there in islam there are so many sections of religion there's no section in islam islam there is only one muslim whoever told you did not tell you what quran says i am giving you reference so the person has told me he was a sunni he told me that let him be sunni let him be shia let him be boring anyone tell him quran says don't make sex chapter number six write it down it means this chapter number six statement this is all absurd he is not following quran quran says surah anam chapter 6 verse number 159 note it down that dr zakir naik said surah anam chapter 6 verse number 159 that don't make sex what you have to do is you have to submit your will to god now i want to know brother do you want to submit your will to god brother do you want to submit your will to god so i respect islam so i believe in israel no fine you respect islam do you believe there's one god do you believe there's one god yes i believe in god do you believe idol worship is wrong do you believe that god has got no idols god has no idol do you believe that i don't know sir do you believe in idol worship do you believe in idol worship yeah idol worship is right or wrong means to god no do you believe that worshiping idol is right or wrong yes it is right or is it wrong it's right sir doing idle worship but that's against your vedas your vedas says you should not worship anyone but one god it's mentioned in your yajurveda chapter three to verse number three chapter number there is no image there is no photograph there is no painting there is no ideal there is no sculpture there is no statue i am asking a question when your veda says god has got no image no statue no idol do you yet believe in idol worship yes so leave us that yeah i'm asking you are you following your veda yes sir are you following or not are you following so because i'm from that religion sir correct so i'm going to take so i'm bored in that religion sir if you are brought up in that religion i am asking you isn't your duty to study you're touching on this subject therefore i'm asking you brother that in your scripture veda yajurveda chapter number 32 verse number three chapter number four verse number 19. it says it's a sanskrit quotation which means almighty god has got no prasima no image no photograph no painting no sculpture no idol no statue if your scripture says almighty god has got no idol then doing idle worship is right or wrong right or wrong such a big person to decide this that it's all right or wrong no but if your scripture is saying god has got no image no photograph no idol no statue then making a statue of god is right or wrong so my my previous person means my purvaj has done this so so i cannot blame on them so sorry my pura is my previous the hinduism people has done this so i cannot blame on the i'm not hindu people i'm asking you the question your scripture which is the most authentic scripture in your religion you don't know do you know which is the highest scripture in your religion so it is similarities between islam and hinduism and i request one of the volunteers to give him my dvd similarities between islam and hinduism watch that dvd if you have carries you can meet me and inshallah i'll clarify a doubt and then i would request you read that understand and find the two piece so and the last thing i just need to ask you that it means we have to not believe in this that there are so many sections islam that sunnis see us we should not believe we should only believe in quran right quran and the authentic sayings of prophet that's it any scholar says anything quran says in surah nisa chapter number 4 verse number 59 obey the messenger and continues and those who have been given the authority for command those are charged with the faith that means you have to follow allah almighty god his messengers and those who are knowledgeable but the world does not stop there it says if they differ if the people of knowledge differ go back to online in the suit if someone tells you something you verify from the quran and the authentic hadith whether it's right or wrong just because any scholar says anything it carries no way in islam our thing is allah almighty god and the messenger if any scholar say something if it matches with quran and say hadith you accept it if it is against quran hadees you reject it just by person saying he's a muslim you have to tell him but if you are truthful that's the reason whenever i give answer i give you references from the quran and say hadith what i am saying what dr zakir naik says is zero in islam it carries no value what i say in islam is zero nil what quran says what almighty god says what our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu salaam says that carries weight so what i am giving i am giving references person who does not know i am giving references my answer is based on this teaching of the quran these verses my answer is based on this teaching of the prophet say bukhari vom number so and so et cetera to give proof so what they say carries weight what i say carries nowhere hope that answers the question
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
Views: 1,065,939
Rating: 4.8014545 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Zakir Naik, Zakir Naik, Zakirnaik, Drzakirnaik, Zakir Naik Urdu, Zakir Naik English, Zakir Naik Bangla, PeaceTv, Peace TV, Peace Tv English, Peace TV Urdu, Peace TV Bangla, Zakir Naik Lecture, Dr.Zakir Naik, Zakir Naik Lecturs, Muhammad, Allah, Islam, Muslim, Religion, Muslim Brotherhood, Hinduism
Id: kjygdpBV5tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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