Is Homosexuality Sin?

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does God's Word say and this is the initial three questions and I'm going to pause after each one and let any of you that maybe want clarification if it you know if there's something I can clarify a will but does God's Word say number one pork eating is okay you say well that's ridiculous well there are whole divisions of Christendom that don't think that you know there there are all types of people in fact I even remember sitting in a seminar with Bill Gothard telling us how how we needed to really re-examine our diets and and that was way back in the 70s that was a long time ago but but I went out of that seminar wondering whether I was Jewish or not because I mean it was it was heavy-duty a lot of the the law so is pork eating okay and all the other parts of the kosher ceremonial law secondly is Sabbath keeping optional the reason I say that is Paul said in Romans if one person wants to observe a day above another day they can they just can't be smoldering that you're not doing it and see that's the problem nobody seems to be able to observe a personal Sabbath look without wanting come on come on supposed to go back there we go without what I did it again I was talking to it sabbath-keeping is fine for ourselves if you want to have a rhythm and a quiet interlude in your life it's perfect if you don't want to buy a single thing on Sunday actually if it's a Sabbath you shouldn't buy it on Saturday because Sunday isn't a Sabbath but I mean there is no connection between Sunday and the Sabbath day ever in the Bible so that isn't even discussable but if you want on Saturday not to buy anything not to go anywhere to be real quiet not cook I mean you can go as far as you want that's fine it's just if you smolder because someone else isn't doing it and you think they're sinning and you think they're less spiritual that is where the Bible speaks so is Sabbath keeping optional yes is pork eating okay does the Bible say yes is homosexuality sin again yes all three and here's just some verses for I'm going to go through all of them pork eating Leviticus says it's it's absolutely not for Jews that's all it says Mark's jesus said that he declared all foods clean that's interesting Jesus declared all foods clean in Acts Peter didn't get the message he heard that in marked seven but Peter didn't get it next 10 by then and so the Lord had to three times tell him that there's no dietary constraints upon New Covenant believers and in Colossians the Apostle Paul is doing a mop-up operation and saying the same thing on the Sabbath yes it's the the fourth command in Exodus 20:8 actually through 10 but in Luke Jesus says hey I'm Lord of the Sabbath and and because they were saying you're not keeping our rules see people love to have laws so they can make rules and tell you you're not keeping them and so the the religious leaders were saying Jesus you're not keeping them and so Jesus explains these Lord the Sabbath the whole book of Hebrews is all about the supremacy of Christ fulfilling all of the law and colossians paul again does a mop-up operation says it homosexuality Leviticus says absolutely an abomination to God and what's interesting is the Lord never says pork is an abomination to him now you said people that eat you know pork can have pork broth and come into the temple with it they are an abomination but not eating pork it was their disregard for the holiness of God that was abominable to him but God says it's an abomination Paul reiterates what Christ's are what the Old Testament said in in Romans 1 in 1st Corinthians 6 again Paul reiterates it and again in 1st Timothy 1 he reiterates it and what we see is that the moral absolutes of God which are not involved in in the ceremonial or the the judicial law but the moral law the moral character of God is unchangeable so let's let's just look at that first let's let's get to the last one that was homosexuality always presented in God's Word is sin yes always Leviticus 18:22 now look at this this is so different than eating pork look at the wording you shall not lie with a male as with a woman it is an abomination you want to do a good word study just click in the concordance or online look up abomination and God is very strong and what he says now why is this an abomination because homosexuality is a correct as well as everything associated with it as well as gender changing and what's a transitive vest ISM and and all of the the the blurring the androgyny all of that is a direct attack on the Creator who created man as male and female and very clearly has gender specific roles gender specific activities it's very clear God wants a very clear male female doesn't want a blurred doesn't want the boys to be like girls doesn't want the girls to be like boys he wants it very clear and and Satan always wants to attack anything God has has made very clear and so right from the beginning homosexuality is not new it is old it just fills the Old Testament that was a whole Bale thing was all about shrine male prostitutes and there's a word for them Kadesh and it's a word that speaks of perversion so god it's not just sodom and gomorrah it's it's all the way through the fabric I mean all the way through the kings the chronicles into the major and minor prophets homosexuality was always part of the the wickedness that God wanted to root out of the Canaanites it was so much a part of their religion that's why it kept seeping in but Leviticus 18:22 don't lie with a male as you do with a a woman it's an abomination Deuteronomy 22:5 I just threw this in for you to see another one this is connected a woman shall not wear now it's interesting the Hebrew word for wear isn't we just confined to clothing it is to to make herself like and in it can be and it can go in a lot of directions but she is not to be making herself like anything that pertains to a man nor shall a man put on a woman's garments now if we just went that far and it was Moses saying cuz I don't like it then we'd say Oh for all who do so are an abomination now this one this one is big it doesn't just say an abomination that normally says an abomination to the Lord your God you know you used to always I mean I somewhere to go to camp I had to read the whole Bible and I remember that first from being a little boy and I remember going to church retreats and having people dress up men dress up as women Aaron would laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and they'd really did look ridiculously funny but you know I could never forget that the God who doesn't change says that is an abomination it doesn't stop there watch this Paul now now remember I said okay some people say wait a minute that was just to the Jews okay you can allow someone to say that and you can say that it was an abomination to the Lord to the Jews does it cross the line and come in to the New Testament and does it become a part of the fabric of the early church that is that is understood to be distinct from the rules for the Old Testament rules for the tone of Israel now it's fascinating this is a decline and fall of humanity Paul's writing in Romans 1 for this reason God gave them up to vile passions and and I'm jumping in the story remember it says they didn't want to know the truth and they suppress the truth and righteousness is all before there but he's continuing for even their women why did he start there if you know anything about society in general in most societies around the world prior to our current rewriting of everything by our culture that is trying to electronically permeate the world with kind of a revisionist view of everything but historically almost every culture in the world even the Greek culture I mean the Greek culture magnified homosexuality but even the Greek culture you know when they saw lesbianism it was like even to the Greek culture it was kind of like well I guess you can do that so Paul starts out with a cultural acknowledgement that that even it's it's been known that men exchange and become perverted but when women do it it's against nature verse 26 ends right over there it's against nature whose nature against God's creative order against God's creative design likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and on and on it goes so homosexuality is continuously presented that way now look at what Paul says now this is what's fascinating and I'll finish up here real quick and we'll have questions do not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither fornicators now what's interesting is fornication is always 1st or 2nd on every list of sins in the epistles it's always first a second why because it is so pervasive it's it's so much for us to be on the guard and and and to resist because God has wired us to be sexual beings and so Satan wants to to short the wiring and so one way he shorts it is to to be involved sexually outside of marriage fornication to be involved sexually inside of marriage adultery and and with someone other than your husband or wife and so fornication is first nor idolaters and there is another form of fornication adulterers you know the the married unfaithfulness now look at this nor homosexuals nor sodomites it's interesting that Paul uses both words that were in the culture one for the active aggressor and one for the passive non resistor and he says both are sin now that just sin will not go to heaven nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners now just let me ask you have you ever taken something or not fully claimed your tips if you're a waiter or not fully claimed everything on your taxes or you know made the numbers a little bit bigger all of us in one form another are thieves I mean have you ever taken a paper clip that wasn't yours I mean there there is there is reason to say that that almost everybody has taken something you know like the people that go and take a whole handful of napkins you know because they don't want to buy them they just want to take them from the store and make the store pay you know like the speedway I mean in all that we're so given to think we deserve so we're all thieves but does that mean if you've ever taken a napkin that you can't go to heaven see all of these are unrepentant continuous behaviors it's not did you ever take something it's are you unrepentantly a thief are you unrepentant drunk ru unrepentantly living in fornication in your mind or in your body are you unrepentantly disagreeing with the way God said sexuality should be oriented you understand that that's that's the at the deepest level homosexuality is a rebellion against the creator that's that is is what Paul's getting at here they're refusing the design of the creator and but but look what it says he repeats will not inherit the kingdom of God but look what he says in verse 11 and such were some of you you know what the blessing that is that means there were people openly rejoicing in the fact that God had saved them from the direction of their sin and they they said that was me I was I was a thief for covetousness or almost sexual assualt of me you were you were washed this is a apple ooh me is a beautiful word of being absolutely scrubbed you were sanctified that's what we've been talking about that's allowing the the sanctifying life of Christ to change me you were justified that means I know that the record of my sin al Curley my friend that I baptized when he you talk about a blessing here I hear I was putting him under the water and as I brought him up you've never seen a more angelic radiance because to him he said at his baptism he said he just felt physically what he knew spiritually he said he felt all the years of his 600 illicit homosexual partnering 'he's he said he just felt it off all away now you know what he said he said he was still tempted as long as I knew him he said he had to avoid gyms you know gymnasiums he had to avoid certain places because he for life would struggle with the temptation but what changed is the justification he knew that he was completely forgiven and the record was removed in the name of the Lord Jesus is homosexually ever-present in God's Word is the way a person was born no now let me repeat that is homosexually homosexuality ever presented in God's Word as the way a person is born no is it presented that way in society yes and and you know talk about that for just a moment over here let's see can I can I write on this come on there I need this let's see if it'll work if I can write on it this is sexual this is a chart of sexual orientation I'm putting Christ in the middle because Jesus was perfect he was a perfect man and if humanity has sexuality then Jesus had sexuality okay it was perfect you know what that means that though he was a man he was not driven by his desires his flesh did not dominate and so Jesus would be the perfection of sexuality this would be male this would be female this would be aggressive this would be passive so what we have is we have men that are way too sexual and we have women that are way I mean they are as Solomon said the eyes of a man are never satisfied a harem didn't you know a thousand women didn't satisfy Solomon so let's just put Solomon up here you know and I mean he just he just wanted one more and then there are others down here that that just have no desires it seems and and Paul says that they are eunuchs they just they're like Paul's they just for whatever reason they have no interest the same is true on the continuum for women then basically men this is the realm their sexual desire and this is the realm of women's sexual desire now I would say that that is just about the the vast majority of people but there are some people some men that their desire wherever they are on the continuum goes over here and they they begin to have desires that that are four instead of four women their desires are like a woman's for a man and they are beginning to not stay as a man desiring women and there are women that that are lesbian also and that overlap is not homosexuality that's temptation and so what I can say is let me just erase all of my drawing here make it simpler I want you to understand that a person can be born well no let me put this way every person is born a sinner so we're all sinners and some sinners are men who are insatiably unsatisfiable desirous of women others are men that have a desire for other men and then vice versa you could have women who have a desire for men which would be called heterosexuality and then there are women that have desire for other women and that is lesbianism but that desire just like it is sin for a man to less for a woman it is equally sinful for a man to lust for a man and that desire just because a man has lust does not make him aberrant it means that he has not brought that lust under the gracious lordship of Christ if he's a believer so I want to I want to answer the the truth of the Bible is if don't ask you know the psychologists but is a person born a homosexual no the Bible says a homosexual is someone that is choosing choosing that's what Romans 1 says choosing to to live in sin is the what we would call an person whose orientation kind of like the the Earth's magnetic poles you know reverse and some people gradually for whatever reason like Al curly because of his dominant father he began to not like the the normal way that God wired him and he began to have temptations for men does that make him a homosexual biblically no it makes him a sinner homosexuality is when lust conceives it gives forth when we choose with our will to go that direction so I just want to clarify you can have either orientation a man tempted by men or a woman tempted by women and not be what the Bible defines as a homosexual so look in the scriptures I believe that if you read Corinthians clearly Paul is talking about people that were struggling and and he was reminding him that they are washed they're sanctified they're regenerated number two is homosexuality worse any other sin does the Bible say that no it doesn't now what homosexuals do is horrific and God destroyed Sodom for what they did but he also destroyed Nineveh for what they did and their sin was witchcraft so you have to say that that there isn't like there is one worse sin and homosexuality is there and that guy from Florida or wherever he's from that that that's always in the news is you know and he's crusading almost militantly against homosexuals that isn't a biblical at all orientation is homosexuality according to God's Word unforgivable no it's not it is like any other sin forgivable is part of the daily struggle and temptation of life in the early church we're some of them struggling with with their their former desire in a homosexual way yes you bet it is impossible for those people to have been saved out of homosexual lifestyles to walk through the marketplace and see all the naked gym this and that be severely tempted and that's why they had to choose like we talked about this morning to say yes to got to say no to sin to say yes to their new master no to their old masters so how should we treat homosexuality homosexuality is a very enslaving sin if you ever want to read an interesting book read the the coroner of New York City and and he was interviewed by an FBI agent and they're not Christians either one they talk about how and I mentioned it this morning it's a fascinating study of how aggressive the homosexuals are especially when they're jealous but so is bitterness a very enslaving sin I know I know Christians that have been enslaved to bitterness for their whole life so is drunkenness I mean I grew up in a family of alcoholics I mean everybody I know on both sides of my family drink excessively drug addiction heterosexual pornography there are those that are involved in non homosexual pornography that are so gripped by it that it just it makes them sick and but yet it's like drinking salt water and dying of thirst they just keep drinking it and it keeps making them thirstier so homosexuality is very enslaving it's often very normal and nice people who are homosexuals they're often artistic their health conscious and they're lost in fact over the years I've had many homosexual friends my friend al Curley other than when he was swearing at me and threatening he was one of the nicest people I ever met kind clean-cut neat about his disciplined I mean health conscious everything was neat I mean his car was polished looked like it was brand-new they're they're normal nice people but they have a heart of darkness but so does everybody else that's lost see I think we need to realize that Christendom is not doing itself a favor by caricature izing or characterizing homosexuals as kind of like monsters there are monsters that are sexuals - does God say homosexuality is the worst sin no he said that others are equally damnable you want to read Ezekiel 16:49 which the homosexuals used to say that the sin of sodom gomorrah was not deviant sex what God said is deviant sex is bad but so is and read the list in ezekiel 16:49 he said pride arrogance indolence all of those things God said are equally damnable youyou can go to hell for pride and indolence as much as for homosexuality whoever's committed one sin is guilty of them all apart from the justifying work so what we should pray for is that that first Corinthians 6 9 through 11 be true of us at Calvary and you know what that is that that we can just like we prayed that we would have Moslems come in wouldn't it be wonderful to have a group that would say that God's grace has washed me sanctified me and justified me from being a thief or covetous or drunkard or homosexual or sodomite
Channel: DTBM
Views: 85,808
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, the bible, jesus, god, holy spirit, gay, homo, sexual, homosexual, homosexuality, lesbian, women, men, two, together, legal, illegal, marriage, marry, married, california, law, court, supreme, america, usa, american, states, rights, individual, bible, biblical, word, john, barnett, dr, teaching, sermon, lesson, truth, questions, answers
Id: 3xXh8gZwxtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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