What Are Angels Doing in the Lives of People Living on Earth?

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what role do angels have with us yes Holly in in Hebrews 1:14 it says angels are ministering spirits that minister for us who are heirs of salvation angels are very much involved more so than we even realize in our lives they're communicating Daniels communicating they're angels that are coming and guarding and protecting and they're overseeing those that are even going to be saved that's what the Bible says God is protecting people they haven't yet come to faith and they are watched over by these angels question about angels had to do with what are the role of angels now it's not in the dimension that we're covering is what does the Bible say about these not I'm not going into English literature and acrostics and everything else in angels into you know those little figurines that they sell at precious moments or whatever I'm talking about what God has revealed to us about these two things and the role of angels today and and specifically the question was the person was asking about how people attribute things to angels like you know guardian angels where does that come from the whole idea of a guardian angel and and what about Mormonism Mormonism is founded on an angel telling someone somewhere in upstate New York because I Drive by it all the time when I go to Bonnie's dad's house I don't know where it is Kimora I think Hill Cumorah but what about angels and revelation and worship ken angels reveal truth that's not in the Bible and what does God say about that so there's just tons of things about angels too to jump into angels we'll just do the Guardian thing first and always and and the way I was taught in in all of my seminary is that for every question that you ever hear you should have a first landing spot and so if you go in your Bibles to Hebrews 1:14 and I want to read that with you I to give you a little little short angel ology because usually almost everything that we hear it's almost like every false accusation usually has one grain of truth in it right and all false religions have some dimension of truth in them because because among the angels the chief and strongest and most powerful angel of all is Satan and Satan was the highest greatest most powerful being ever created in the universe he still is and he knows that you don't you don't sell you know red dollar bills no one will buy them they have to be what color green yeah or because we all know that the money is green paper money at least and so he is a master of deception but let's just talk about angels this is what the last verse of Hebrews 1 says talking about angels you say how do you know that we're talking about angels because they're mentioned so often look look at verse 4 he is Jesus has made so much better than the Angels verse 5 for the Angels when did he ever say something to them and and verse 6 to the Angels again and verse 7 to the Angels again so this is one of the biggest chapters Hebrews one about angels so usually if you're studying angels you park briefly and and Jesus is greater than the Angels that's the theme of the chapter in fact Jesus is greater than everything and everyone but Hebrews is pointing out then angels but then look at verse 13 but which to the Angels did he ever say sit at my right hand now make your enemies your footstool in other words he didn't Jesus is is supremely above all else but now what are angels verse 14 angels are ministering spirits so so God created angels by the way the word Angelus means in Greek it means a messenger actually so so the word angel means a messenger so the first thing we learn about angels is that they are messengers they're not the message they carry messages from God but it says here that not only are these messengers messengers but they're also verse 14 ministering spirits they minister for God and their spirits you know that means they don't have bodies they appear in bodily form but there's spirits they're non material creatures in fact when they fall and and this is just a side light but when they fall there are good and bad angels when they fall or when they fell to be accurate there they are described in the Bible as demons and again demon is is not a demon is not a name it's a Greek word diamond and it means this word means intelligence so isn't it interesting that an angel that falls is still a spirit called a demon which means intelligence and so we have to be very cautious because demons and angels originated it's hard to go fully in without getting around the issue but where did the Angels even come from the either came from Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 or maybe Genesis chapter 1 and somewhere down around verse 20 something on the sixth day so either angels were created on the sixth day of creation or they're on the first day that's the only thing theologians I mean there isn't a lot of choices because there was nothing and then God created everything Genesis 1:1 and it could be that a part of the hosts of heaven it says he created the heavens and the hosts they're up so it could be that angels show up right here in Genesis 1:1 or it could be that they're made down here in the sixth day at the end of creation but most likely so those are the two views but I would hold to the first view because it says in in the book of Job 38 jobs 38 I don't know somewhere maybe in the 20s about verse 27 that the angels were rejoicing on the second day of creation when God laid the foundations of the earth so if they were rejoicing on the second day of creation they most likely had that he made on the first day so they were made and they've been around since creation so that means they've been around at least 6,000 years can you imagine how much you'd learn if you were in school for 6,000 years I was in school from 1962 to 1999 for 37 years and and can you imagine being in school for 6,000 years and knowing every language and being everywhere and listening to everybody and following people around and by the way if they're a spirit angels unless God allows them to be seen are invisible you realize that do you realize that these ministering spirits in fact I want to show you look at look at 2nd Kings 6 I think it is it's either first or second Kings but I think it's second Kings 6 I want to show you something its second Kings 6 in verse 17 most of us don't even realize that that angels can't be seen well they're seen in the Bible they're sitting on the tomb you know the stone rolled away yet God wanted him to be seen and he made them have the appearance of a body but that's not who they are or what they are they are spirits they're non as we would say corporeal they don't have bodies but second Kings 6 look at this this is and it's not the only time but verse 17 this is a fascinating story story in the fact that it's true and not storing the fact that it's a fairytale but Elijah prayed and and and by the way it's Dothan it's it's the Syrians are causing problems and and they have surrounded the city where the prophet of God is the whole army has surrounded the city and verse 14 is where that happens they sent horses and chariots and a great army and they came by night they surrounded the cities so the Prophet is inside the city and his servant is there and all these these enemy troops surrounded it and the servant the man of God arose early and went out there went out and there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariots and the servant said to him you know that is that is he's running back and and telling the the prophet of the Lord Elisha that the servant says oh no what shall we do master and verse 16 he says don't fear those who are with us are more than those who are with them look at verse 17 then Elisha prayed and said Lord open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire those were the angels that are normally invisible okay so let's go back to you know Hebrews 1:14 tells us that they are ministering spirits where does the guardian angel thing come from most likely most likely that comes from when Jesus was talking about children so go to Matthew 18 Matthew 18 in your Bible and by the way you know I would I would try and remember some of these things because these are not infrequent questions that people have and can you imagine in your break room if someone starts talking about guardian angels and their guardian angel and everything and and you can can say well you know it does say that in the you know somewhat in the Bible and it says this this is this is in in chapter 18 and verse 10 of chapter 18 so Matthew 18 10 now watch this this is where guardian angels the concept comes from and it says this Tiki that you don't despise one of these little ones remember this is Jesus saying suffer the little children to come unto me and whoever receives a little child so he's talking in chapter 18 about little children by verse 10 he says don't despise the little children for I say unto you that in heaven look what it says verse 10 they're angels they're angels that is something they have angels now what we know then is so that the idea of guardian angels has has biblical support from my vast sports knowledge I do remember it has look playing on the basketball team has a high school and we had two kinds of Defense's we had man-to-man and zone I the only thing theologians aren't sure is is it really man-to-man is there one angel hovering above every child or person or is it more of a zone where they're kind of around and they're in charge of watching over but it's not just Matthew 18 if you look back at that Hebrews 1 passage Hebrews 1:14 that I only went to the ministering spirit do you know what the rest of the verse said it says angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for the heirs of salvation so it's not just children it's not just children have angels it's people who are heirs of salvation Hebrews says so basically what can be said to answer I think it was Holly that asked that last week that that angels the guardian angel idea has we're not sure if it's me in the manner zone but there is the guardianship and it's not just children it's everybody that is going to be saved and there's a lot of there's a lot of things to think about you probably hear about about people that get saved you know after great disasters and maybe it's a war you know we call them foxhole conversions you know that that the mortar lands right into their foxhole but it doesn't explode and they're scared stiff and they go see the chaplain chaplain explains and their heart is open and they call out to the Lord have you ever wonder why the mortar didn't explode this says and I don't want to you know you don't let your imagination go wild but the Lord says that those who shall inherit salvation have a ministering spirit that watches over them to some extent so it's just fascinating so what what can angels do the book of Acts and I'll just I mean I don't want to answer more than was asked but I'll just I mean I think about this stuff all the time look at Acts chapter 8 and verse 26 I'll just show you a few things that angels can do is one of my my favorite biblical characters Phillip Phillip was the quintessential servant of the Lord you know why he was in Jerusalem when Saul came and started killing everybody it was a Christian and hauling him off and just stone Stephen and and and it got real hot being a Christian Phillip does what the Bible says the Bible says when you're persecuted you're not supposed to stay there and say get me get me get me you know kill me now you're supposed to flee Jesus said to the disciples if they persecute in this place flee to another that's why you know battered women it is not noble for you to stay home and let the husband keep battering you if if you are battered you're supposed to flee you're not supposed to stand there and just be battered same for Christians if if we're persecuted if they're coming to kill the Christians and Kalamazoo move to Madeline you understand go you know get out town and you know or whatever wherever it's safe but Philip didn't go undercover when when persecution erupted in chapter 8 verse 1 he just leaves Jerusalem but he takes the gospel where he went and see that's one of the reasons God allows persecution everybody it was happy camper in Jerusalem I mean who wouldn't be I mean you go to church you never know who's speaking one of the Twelve Apostles you know maybe they'll have a guest appearance of our Lord's mother Mary and she'll tell some stories about Jesus I mean who would want to not go to church there and then fiery preacher James would come along and give one of those good sermons and so everybody was clustered in Jerusalem until Saul came and it was kind of like a campfire he went and when he hid the campfire the sparks just went everywhere and the fire spread and one of the places that spread was Philip took the gospel to Samaria and and and he was preaching up a storm there and it says the whole city was moved and vast numbers were turning to Christ and so vast numbers the Bible doesn't exaggerate means vast numbers but you know what he went from this huge ministry to chapter 8 verse 26 look what it says there it's fascinating now the angel Lord spoke to Philip and said arise arise from where remember context is king he's in Samaria he's at the height of his ministry he is preaching there's a you think of Billy Graham going and staying in some town till the whole town has responded to Christ either positively or negatively and a massive Church has been founded that's what Philip was like and right in the middle of it an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip and said arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza this is desert why is that little detail in there this is desert because there were two gazes there are two cities by that name and the Lord told them to go to the ruined uninhabited one now even that is just a lesson itself that takes humility you know what the humility is thinking that the revival wasn't because of see a lot of times we take the credit for what the Lord is doing and so the Lord is going to show that it was him that was saving Samaria Philip was just was just the hose the the water coming through was the Lord that was meeting the needs Philip was just the channel he was just the tool in the Lord's hands and so the Lord says just to show you that I want you to go to Gaza but you're not going to go to the thriving seaport one you're gonna go to the ruins Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC and and in his conquest had an amazing way of conquering he would go to a city and he would just come out at a bow shot where they couldn't get him and he'd say surrender please and if they wouldn't he go you know in the army would just kill every person knocked the city down grind it to powder scrape it off the foundation and make a great big mount not leaving a survivor then they would go to the second city nearby and Alexander would get within a bow shot and look at the people and go and they would open the gates and say that's how he conquered the whole world in such a short time he was ruthless and smart and he came to Gaza in the fourth century in the 300s BC and they wouldn't surrender destroyed everything scraped the city put it in a pile and that's what verse 26 says where the Lord sent Philip to one person okay what what do angels do in verse 26 what is the same that's what I was trying to get at the angel the Lord spoke to him angels give guidance God uses them to guide okay so that's interesting now look at chapter 10 I mean you can do this yourself all you're doing is reading through the and I'm not sure where it is if if I stop talking I'll find it but an angel comes to Cornelius and where is it and an angel came to Cornelius whoever finds it see it's in chapter 10 go verse three oh I turn the page the things in the ninth hour of the day good ten three he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming to him and saying him Cornelius so in acts 10 and verse three first Philip gets guidance and here Cornelius also gets a form of guidance he tells him where to go to get saved how do you like that he gets evangelistic guidance and don't think that that this is unusual in the book of Revelation in chapter 14 when earth is falling apart and the whole planet is overwhelmed in the throws of the tribulation God sends an angel flying in the sky in the air above the ground and it says he circles and and the construction is it's not one pass it's kind of like the Goodyear blimp covering the whole world and he's preaching he's flying with a big voice preaching so angels are allowed to aid in evangelism and that's that's in Chapter ten now chapter 12 here's another good one if you turn to Acts chapter 12 here's another thing angels can do verse 7 an angel of the Lord stood by him and a light shone on him a nice truck Peter on the side so even though their spirits when they have a body they actually have a physical body that they are using and this angel Peter was probably a lot like some of us men in the church we sleep deeply and so Peter was sound asleep chained up to these soldiers and the angel has to go whap wake up buddy time to go you know it's time to go and the angel see he had to change verse 6 he was he was bound with two chains between Sushil two soldiers and the guards before the door we're keeping the prison and verse 7 the angel of the Lord stood by him and a light shone in the prison he struck Peter on the side he raised him up so that arrives quickly his chains fell off his hands and that's where Wesley gets my chains fell off my heart was free I rose went forth and followed thee this is an image is Peter getting delivered but Wesley caught it as a beautiful analogy of salvation but look what happened the Angels had gird yourself tie your sandals Peter was not quite fully awake and he says come on get dressed take your stuff come on we're leaving Peter thinks he's dreaming and so he did and he says put on your garments and follow me and he went out and followed him didn't know what he was doing by the angel whether it was real he thought he was seeing a vision you know Peter woken out of a sound sleep but look what this angel does and when they were past the first and second guard posts they came to the iron gate leading the city of which opened of its own accord and they went down one Street and as soon as the angel knew Peter was awake and he had figured out where he was and knew what to do look what it says and immediately the angel departed from him so verses 7 through 10 say that angels can rescue angels can guide angels can open gates and and and and unlock chains and this isn't science fiction I mean this is just a tiny bit of what angels can do and in just to finish this off look at chapter 27 at the end of X and I have to find verse 23 so acts 27 verse 23 this is now the Apostle Paul Paul II you know was in the shipwreck and you know got bit by a snake and all those things and then they get in another ship and they're sailing there there's I mean this the shipwrecks coming and he's just before this shipwreck and look what he's saying as they're in the storm in verse 23 for there stood by me this night an angel of the God whom I belong to whom I serve and he said don't be afraid and he tells him what the future is so angels encourage angels can comfort I mean we I could do this all night remember Jesus after after he had fasted 40 days in the wilderness the angels came and ministered to him and comforted him and fed to him and everything do you remember Jesus when he was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and sweating blood the angels came and strengthened him so angels can encourage and comfort they can strengthen they can give hope all that and and this is just this is only a tiny bit this is only I only did for you just a little smattering of the book of Acts so that's what angels can do they're amazing so what does that mean that we should do with angels and in how much how should we respond to angels well the key verses on that are Galatians 1 8 2nd Corinthians 11 and Colossians let's just look at these for a minute these are fascinating I forget all the references but let's start in Galatians funny because angels are so powerful so smart they get around a lot Paul said this this is fascinating but even if we or an angel from heaven at the Hill Cumorah to Joseph Smith just to give you a little you know little application there or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you then what you have preached and written down in the once and for all completed word of God if an angel comes saying there from heaven and by the way they all were there at one time so they can all say they're from heaven even though some of them are banned right now from the presence of God but if one of God's angels preaches any other gospel to you than what we have preached let him be accursed you know that means angels can do that let me just ask you where do you think the false religions this world came from beware of angels preaching or giving prophecies beware of angelic revelations is what he's saying beware of of an angel who comes to a man in the deserts of Arabia and tells him Jesus is not God's son where did that angel come from not from God you understand that the our whole world is headed toward a big disaster because right now there 1.2 billion people who have listened to an angel preaching a false gospel and that false gospel has a God revealed by the name of Allah who has 99 names you gotta look him up sometime you know search on Google for the 99 names of Allah and just with with simple awareness of the Bible how many of those names are parallel with the angel that probably gave them to him the names of Allah are attributed in the Bible several of them to Satan so watch out for angels that preach okay now second Corinthians 11 it gets even worse okay back up to 2nd Corinthians 11 it just should be behind the a page look at verse 14 and this is what is fascinating to me in 2nd Corinthians 11:14 it well back up to 13 he says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of Christ he's talking about people there he's talking about I mean Paul was dogged by by people that were trying to misrepresent the gospel and you remember that's why all the miracles and all the the charismatic gifts were going on to affirm who was the real stuff because the Bible wasn't written down in complete yet and so they had to go into town and and they could the Apostles had the signs of the Apostles that accompanied them that don't accompany and there aren't apostles anymore there aren't apostles anymore so be very careful in Christian television when someone is apostle so-and-so of so-and-so Church there aren't apostles anymore because the Lord chose I'm talking about capital a apostles a this kind of apostle is done now there is little a apostles and because the word apostle means sent one in one sense we're all apostles with a little a op Estela means to be sent with a message a set one but the capital apostles how do I know they're done because how many gates and foundations are there there are twelve tribes and twelve apostles that are in heaven there's not 12,000 or 1,200 or an indeterminate number and more popping up every day especially around Tulsa Oklahoma no no God had 12 and the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and they're done and the prophets and they're done to the ones that reveal the Bible so look what second Corinthians 11:14 says so he gets beyond these false people that are claiming to be apostles and claiming to have some kind of authority and and doing all kinds of stuff that's very selfish usually they're their money hungry and usually they're proud and often the book of Jude and 2nd Peter says that they're immoral I mean Elmer Gantry types if you've ever heard of Elmer Gantry the the the literary description of these kind of people but look at verse 14 and no wonder st. Corinthians 11:14 for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light do you remember a few weeks back a few people got a little bothered because I was teaching about the little boy that went to heaven I wrote the book remember that and I went through how many books are constantly being written about out-of-body experiences and go into heaven do you know what every one of them have in common every one of them whether it's Betty Edie who is a Mormon unsaved Eastern mystic totally lost pagan or if it's the little boy that that wrote that recent book all of them are greeted by look back at verse 14 a glowing light covered angel now if someone's having surgery and they're in anesthesia and their heart stops and they for whatever reason are allowed to see what's all around us you remember second Corinthians six I mean second King six we're gay Hays I was allowed briefly the Elijah prayed says Lord opened his eyes from let him see what I see by your grace all the time and the servant opened his eyes and he could see the angelic world for whatever reason from time to time God allows people to get a little glimpse of that and every time this glowing white angel comes right up to him go so you'll love it here come on come on come on but they're not Christians most of them so does God allow people into heaven that aren't saved does he send that white angel glowing with light and saying hey it's great here come on everybody's coming or is that second Corinthians 11:14 now I'm not saying the little boy the minister's son whatever his name is his parents are Christians and probably he is but what the Bible said is beware beware of angels that tell you anything that the Bible doesn't God does not send angels to tell you things the Bible doesn't because he's finished his revelation to man and it's in your hands or it should be it should be the dearest thing if your house is burning you ought to grab this and your family not your laptop you can buy another one for a couple thousand you need your personal Edition that you've spent your lifetime studying and your family there you're replaceable see we don't treasure this enough we don't realize what we have well let me show you one more because these kind of creatures and go back to Colossians with me chapter 2 so goes Sigmund the installations Ephesians Philippians Colossians look what happened in the early church Paul is writing against this in the 60s ad Jesus has only been gone for thirty years from walking the earth and and there in the heighth of the apostles working and planting churches and writing the scriptures and Paul is writing to a group of people that live in Asia Minor at the same place we're talking about in 2nd Peter it's the same general vicinity of modern-day Turkey and he's writing to a city never visited colossi says that right here I've never seen you face-to-face but look what he says in verse 18 let no one cheat you out of your reward taking delight and false humility and worship of angels what's on top of every Mormon Church Moroni yeah Salt Lake City yep you know tabernacle choir sings and there's old Moroni up there watch out angels are not to be worshiped they are not to be sought this word worship has the idea of coming with you know great desire toward angels from God don't like you coming looking for him with great desire in the book of Revelation you want to do a great study look at how the angels interact with John John is on a guided tour bike Jesus Christ Himself the Lord of glory the creator the coming king of kings and Lord of lords and John has been transported from prison colony up to heaven and he's having this guided tour he's allowed to fly he's seeing the future as it happens I mean what a privilege and he bumps into an angel and the angel is so beautiful and so powerful and so intelligent and so perfect that John falls down in front of the angel and the angel is petrified don't do that get up I am a fellow servant of God don't worship angels don't seek out angels did you know we don't pray you know angel Gabriel help me God dispatches them as needed that's what the Bible says don't seek Him don't pray to them beware of any type of unusual angels are like we're supposed to be their conduits of what God is doing God gets all the credit God does the work they just are sent to be a little piece of it and so be very careful now just something positive about angels go back to book of Hebrews because Hebrews is Hebrews has a very interesting I wanted to do acrostics well we have just a little time to do acrostics I can't believe these long questions people ask hebrews chapter 12 now this is something that that I that that is fascinating to me and and we could we could also add to that revelation but Hebrews 12 and let me find it 22 Hebrews 12:22 onward this is this is one of the more I mean if you can't sleep at night before you take a little you know Psalm or something you ought to grab Hebrews and read this because it is so good but but you have come to Mount Zion verse 22 of Hebrews 12 and to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem now look at what he says to an innumerable company of angels that is the one description that is cover-to-cover there are so many of these angels that there's never any attempt to number them there are so many of them you know someone asked is there intelligent life with with with superhuman capability somewhere other than the earth you bet there is there's countless intelligent life beings in the universe there they are there aren't any other people that are getting saved there aren't worlds and other planets and and everything else why because the Lord says Jesus Christ died once and for all and he uses that eternal type of description that Jesus was the once and for all sacrifice and he died for the descendants of Adam now Alderaan you know or wherever you know he died for people so are there other intelligent beings yes there are good ones and bad ones the demons are very intelligent and they're infinite eternal and incredibly powerful and then there are the unfallen angels and they are all over the universe and so yes if they find something on Mars or Jupiter or you know Alpha Centauri if at all it disagrees with this then you know who put it there the one who wants you not to believe in the Creator but so there's this innumerable company but look at what verse 23 says with and surrounding these the the innumerable company this company speaks of this it's kind of like this this a group and here's Mount Zion and at Mount Zion look what it says in verse 23 the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn registered in heaven and to the spirits of just men made perfect so here's thrown and here are all of the redeemed that are as they are absent from the body is in their present with the Lord surrounding Mount Zion and the throne and on the crystal sea but this innumerable ring that revelation shows us the countless angelic hosts never leave there always facing the throne and that's why there's so many angels God has an accountable number innumerable company that are constantly rising and falling before him and rising and falling before him led by the chance of these four cherubim that are hovering and moving in thei eccentric orbits around that throne but but look at what's happening it says the General Assembly in Church of the firstborn registered in heaven and the the to God the judge of all the spirits of just men made perfect that's us by the way the word perfect right there the last word of verse 23 is the word the last word jesus said on the cross remember Jesus spoke seven times you know we're coming up to you know Palm Sunday and Good Friday and Easter when Jesus was hanging on the cross he spoke seven times this is the last word he said to tell us die it is finished completely paid for and it says that that the people that get to heaven and this is heaven by the way this ring of redeemed people around the throne only get there if they are justified descendants of Adam men man is male and female so it's not we're not leaving out the women it's just God God is not politically correct so you know he calls them men but made perfect by the sacrifice of Christ and then to Jesus the mediator the New Covenant the blood of sprinkling basically what you see here is the same thing he verse 12 talks about the same thing we see in Revelation 4 and 5 and that is think about this the angels are joining in our worship of our Redeemer you know what amazes the angels and and nobody asked me this but I'm gonna tell you anyway it appears that 2/3 of them stayed with God and 1/3 of them wet was Satan that's what it says in Revelation 1/3 of the heavenly hosts let me Satan one-third of an innumerable company billions trillions could be trillions could be a number higher than we know about but if that's how many angels there were a third of them let's say it's a trillion three hundred billion of them went to the rebellion are even one of them going to be saved you know what the angels are doing the ones that didn't rebel they're looking at us and they're saying Wow none of our sinners is God redeeming but every day more and more and more and more of these descendants of Adam God is saving and it says Peter said which things the angels desire to look into how come God said consigned to hell forever but he sent his one and only son to become one of them so that they could come and be we could come and be around the throne
Channel: DTBM OnlineVideoTraining
Views: 240,982
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, angels, role, believers, unbelievers, angelic, devil, evil, demon, demonic, angel, god, jesus, christ, savior, godly, earth, on, present, today, america, spirit, spiritual, ghost, presence, felt, miracle, will, truth, lesson, earthly, planet, world, lie, sermon, john, barnett, dr, church, teaching, learn, bible, biblical
Id: NvVRFfHmweM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2015
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