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ii samuel 11 is one of the amazing facets of the word of god that we would have this chapter so clearly written by the holy spirit of god for our admonition as we'll see later that paul tells us as you open there to the 11th chapter david has finally made it to the top giants are killed his enemies are dead his life on the run is over and normal life has finally started for david kind of like a dream come true as we'll see it's precisely when things are going great that all of us face the most lethal spiritual temptations when things are going great we're lulled into thinking we don't quite need the lord as much as when we were sick or when we were single or when we were unemployed or when we were under some kind of attack usually it's when those things are over the sickness or the financial or the emotional or whatever that we we just kind of go ah now we've made it through that and that's the danger point most people think wouldn't it be nice to succeed to make it to win the lottery of life and to have everything that you've ever wanted actually if you do a scientific study of those who have made it most wish they hadn't in fact our family we lived in east for so long and and go back to cape cod for our family reunions so we've learned to go on the tours of the the industrial giants of the formation of our country they had their summer cottages along the shores of the islands out there in new england there's one stretch of them that was uh when the asters and the vanderbilts and the morgans and all the titans had side by side they're they're great cottages and their cottages are are unbelievable 50-foot ceilings seating hundreds of people at meals but when you go on those tours the rooms are hollow when you hear the tour guides they say well uh this house was by the the divorced wife of this you know rockefeller who remarried four times and finally you know died an alcoholic can you think what was the profit of being that wealthy the empty cold houses filled with furniture that was fought over many find the great success often ruins their lives and so i guess what first samuel or second samuel 11 is to me is a warning from god of being beware of life at the top most of us you know the lives of the rich and famous are fascinating but but god says beware of life at the top it's dangerous and david is at the top of his career he is a firmly established and secure king he's at the top of his family life finally all the kids are in one place and they're in school and they're safe and all of his wives have a nice home and and things are running great and they're settled and they're busy and they have full lives caring for the kids and caring for david so family life is finally just right and his spiritual life david has written and published some of the greatest songs of all time like psalm 23. we call it psalm 23 but it was just song 23 for david and psalm 19 and 101 and 24 and on and on and david is at the top as far as anyone else but god could see in his family life in his career in his spiritual life but as we'll see as we read these verses here in david's strong top of his life years there is where he's tempted and fails miserably did you know all of david's other struggles feeling that god abandoned him going crazy in front of the philistines being at the pits of life and struggling with all the things he struggled with god doesn't even mention as a as a negative in david's life it's only this moment of all of david's life that god says was out of place well these faithful words are words of the dangerously powerful lusts of sin and those lusts combine to make this chapter a record of the worst moment in david's life first or second samuel chapter 11 these 27 verses paul says should be a warning to us so let's stand together for the reading of god's word and then we'll pray and then we'll get as far into him as we can tonight second samuel 11 1 it happened i love the way it starts it happened amazing in the spring of the year at the time when kings go out to battle that david sent joab and his servants with him and all israel to battle see it happened that he sent everybody away every male from old enough to be in the military age upward were evacuated and just david was there with all the ladies he should have been with them but he stayed back and they destroyed the people of ammon in verse 1 and besieged rabbah but david remained at jerusalem then it happened you notice the repetition see the spirit of god he's he's drawing us into the story then it happened one evening the david arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman bathing temptations often strike when we're alone when we don't have planned schedules and kind of those in-between times and she was very beautiful to behold it's interesting um that word means he's he didn't just notice he's he's standing there watching verse three so david sent inquired about the woman and someone said the first barrier isn't this woman bathsheba the daughter of eliam the wife of uriah the hittite now david wasn't looking for a family tree here and the person wasn't trying to give it what they were trying to do is saying whoa she's married she's connected everybody knows who she is what are you doing he was on heeding verse four then david sent messengers plowed right over all the obstacles and took her and she came to him he lay with her for she was cleansed from her impurity and she returned to her house verse 5 and the woman conceived so she sent and told david and said i am with child then david sent joab saying send me your eye of the hittite and job sent uriah to david he tried to cover his sin that's normal operating procedure for humans cover our sin hope it goes away verse seven when ira when uriah had come to him david asked him how joab and about joab how he was doing and how the people were doing and how the war was prospered and david said to uriah go down to your house and wash your feet so uriah departed from the king's house and a gift of food from the king followed him verse 9 but uriah slept at the door of the king's house with all his servants of his lord and he did not go to his house so when they told david saying uriah did not go down to his house david said to your eye did you not come from a journey why were you did not you go down to your house and uriah said to david the ark of israel and judah are dwelling in tents and my lord joab and all the servants of my lord are encamped in the open field shall i then go to my house to eat and drink and lie with my wife as you live and as your soul lives i will not do this thing what a man of honor this is one of david's 30 mighty men this guy is real stuff verse 12 then david said uriah way here today and also tomorrow and i will let you depart so uriah remained in jerusalem that day and the next and when david called him he ate and drank before him and made him and at evening he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord but he did not go down to his house verse 14 in the morning it happened interesting it happened that david wrote a letter to joab and sent it by the hand of uriah and he wrote in the letter saying and look at these these words and i'll never forget when we were over um in the other side of the jordan with a jordanian tour guide who was a believer a converted muslim that he quoted this as we were over there by rabba and look at this message set uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle and retreat from him that he may be struck down and die can you imagine the guy that could write the 23rd and the 19th and the third and the 24th and the 32nd and the 38th and on through the half of the psalms that he could write stuff like that when the holy spirit wasn't inspiring him amazing so it was when joab besieged the city verse 16 he assigned uriah to a place where he knew they were valiant men and when the men of the city came out and fought with joab and some of the people of the servants of david fell and uriah the hittite died also verse 18 then joe absent told david all the things concerning the war and charged the messenger saying when you have finished telling the matters of the war to the king if it happens that the king's wrath rises and says to you why did you approach so near to the city when you fought did you not know that they would shoot from the wall who struck abimelech the son of jerezubath was it not a woman who cast a piece of millstone on him from the wall so that he died in thibas why did you go so near the wall then you shall say your servant uriah the hittite is dead also verse 22 so the messenger went and came and told david all the job had sent by him and the messenger said to david surely the men prevailed against us and came out to us in the field and we drove them back as far as the entrance of the gate and the archers shot from the wall at your servant and some of the king's servants are dead and your servant uriah the hittite is dead also then david said to the messenger thus you shall say to joab do not let this thing displease you for the sword devours one as well as another strengthen your attack against the city and overthrow it so encourage him verse 26 when the wife of uriah heard that uriah her husband was dead she mourned for her husband and when her morning was over david sent brought her to his house she became his wife and bore him a son and then this last phrase but the thing that david had done displeased the lord did you know that all that really matters in life is what god thinks of it that's what that verse says and what mattered in this whole chapter is what david did displease the lord let's fall before him in prayer lord you who watch us at all times you who have told us that the purpose of our life is to please you uh you who who measure every motivation know every thought you know every pressure and stress we're under you know every craving and desire of our heart and mind and body you look at us and you are displeased when we do things that we don't have to do because when we're tempted you are closest to us you when we are tempted are right there making a way of escape so that we do not have to succumb and be as david was and i pray that tonight we would learn a lesson about the god who is there and that we would firmly choose and resolve and decide in our hearts that whatever form our temptations take whether food whether pleasure whether reputation or power or our pride being fanned or be it the lusts of the flesh as david had may we realize that in that moment that you god are faithful to be there and to personally be offering us a way of escape and i pray that we would become more and more used to taking the escape path that you offer us teach us tonight change us tonight may we be men and women young men and women of holiness because we choose to flee from lust in the name of jesus we pray amen you may be seated as receded we are going to begin a little kind of survey of this because this is pivotal this is kind of the watershed of david's life after second samuel 11 we have a series of events captured and framed by some of the most majestic psalms in the bible it's it's almost like masterpieces that have these incredible frames around them if you've ever been to an art gallery the frames are stunning just like the picture and you don't just have a little plastic frame around around a masterpiece they make these elaborate frames to go in them and and god makes incredible psalm frames around each of the aspects that flow from this watershed chapter and i want to show you what i mean because from 2nd samuel and 1st kings we have we have the these psalms that god uses to to underline truths of what david learned from from this disaster god made the most of david's failure by capturing for us what went on inside david and around him first of all during the years surrounding the sin you notice that a whole year has gone by because we are at least nine plus months because it just rapidly just boom boom boom goes through the event and all of a sudden you know and he gets killed right after the husband does uriah and then all of a sudden she bore him a son so we know that 40 weeks have gone by minimum and and what's going on in a man so close to god is david and what's going on around him is just a fascinating thing that god captures for us and and and kind of puts it in slow motion for us because during this year of hiding his sin covering his sin and then confessing and forsaking his sin david is just stretched in in the in a greater way than any other time in his life painfully and spiritually and to the end of david's life and even after the end of david's life the results of this sin are still around you notice that even after david is is on his deathbed that we have sons fighting over the throne see there's there's all kinds of repercussions and shock waves from this event that never stop see one of the things about sin is though god forgives it and though the penalty is paid and though god forgets it there there are the the laws which galatians 6 says be not see if god is not mock what you sow you'll reap it's the consequence engine and a lot of us think that under grace there's no consequences to sin there are no spiritual penalties judgments record answering for any sin we ever commit because jesus paid it all but the consequences are not taken away and that's what this is all about and that's what i think the 21st century church needs to realize that though we are forgiven and though there is no condemnation to us in christ there are choices and sins that we as born-again believers and dwelt by the spirit do that we don't realize that they that they unleash kind of like ripples in a still pond and though the stone sinks out of sight and it's gone and the sin is gone and forgiven the waves of what happened don't stop and they go on and go on what's amazing is for david for the rest of his life he's writing about the aftershocks of this forgiven sin and there there are incredible aftershocks and we'll see this so what can we glean from the days after the worst moment in david's life well here is an overview and and what i do is i actually to aid me i write over in the white column in the middle of my bible the psalms that track with these events and then i go in the psalms and i write second samuel 11 just for if you want to do this so that you can continue to to learn from from these events so basically this is what i have written by second samuel 11 i have psalm 32 psalm 38 because from the depths of conviction after his fall into sin with bathsheba david writes two psalms about the time before he confessed what was going on inside while he was hiding his sin and and in these psalms he explains the miracle of god's forgiveness and and how wonderful it was to be set free from the kind of like the rack of conviction that he was under and if you want to note those two psalm numbers in the margin of second samuel 11 it'll jog your memory every time you pass this chapter but now go with me to psalm 32. now i'm just going to point to these we're going to spend a whole evening on each of these lord willing but let me just show you where we're going in the future because psalm 32 it says in your bible a psalm of david a contemplation this psalm is the the one of the the first two psalms that flow from this event it's a contemplation that's a math skill it's the first of a series of math skills that are in the psalter that that word contemplation is a hebrew word that's translated into english but the hebrew word is repeated in this psalm and in psalm 42 and 44 and 45 and 52 53 54 55 74 it's just all the way through but this is the first one it's it's his contemplation what's amazing is just psalm 32 is it stands out especially if you're studying it uh from the perspective of second samuel 11 that there are 15 old testament words for sin sin is so bad there are 15 different words that describe it and four of them are in the first two verses it is a psalm about sin and its effects on our life and i think that that maybe we hear too little about how horrible sin is nowadays i think the the pendulum has moved more to talking about positive things you know the church is more into positive things and this psalm is not positive it's very much about sin it's very interesting that psalm 32 opens with the first with the same three descriptions of sin that psalm 51 does they're very related and we'll see that when we go through them and by the way this is the the second of the penitential psalms not penitentiary but penitential as far as confession psalms psalm 6 is the first one psalm 32 is the second psalm 38 we're going to see in a moment is the third and the middle of the penitential those are the confession psalms of the psalter the middle one is psalm 51 that we'll see in a moment so that's psalm 32 now turn over to psalm 38 that's another one that comes from this time period and psalm by uh psalm 32 i wrote you know second samuel eleven david and bathsheba and also by psalm 38 i wrote the same because actually psalm 32 38 and 51 are a trilogy two that he talks about what was going on in his life as he went through uh the time of hiding a sin and then one about the whole pathway back to god that's the 51st psalm so psalm 38 is is you notice what it says the psalm of david to bring to remembrance and and he remembers uh all of this chastening and look at look at verse one your hot displeasure so david is writing from the pain he had well so that's those two now let's go back to second samuel 11 because i want to show you continuing where these psalms fit so back and keep your finger there we're going to be bopping back and forth but in second samuel uh 11 starting in verse 27. you notice what it says when her morning was over uh david took bathsheba you know never even names her it says brought her and she became his wife and even in verse 26 the wife of uriah heard that uriah her husband was dead and if you even look in the genealogy of jesus i think it's fascinating how the lord even looks back on david's sin in the genealogy of christ in matthew chapter one it's fascinating how let me get there i don't have my finger there it says that it goes through all the the genealogy and it says in david the king begat solomon by her who had been the wife of uriah bathsheba's name is not mentioned you notice that it's not mentioned in the new testament it's she's the one that was uriah's wife doesn't that show you how how god looks at how strongly god looks at the covenant of marriage i mean that was that was the cl quintessential adultery and breaking up of a marriage and so god just forms into his word he doesn't mention her verse 26 of 2nd samuel 11 the wife of uriah the wife of uriah and then her her her in verse 27. you see that the god of malachi that hates divorce hates it forgives it blesses those who as paul said in in 1st corinthians 7 those who are unmarried you know paul has three categories of people in in first corinthians seven the virgins that's never married the married those are obviously married and the unmarried that's interesting there are three groups of people in the church those who have never been married those who are married and those who are not now married and so grace and forgiveness does allow but it doesn't change god's view which is so clearly recorded in the scriptures and so it is a great warning of the dangers of destroying a covenant but if you look starting in in verse 27 of second samuel 11 david begins this the the words there the thing that david had done greatly displeased the lord is a reminder of the deep chastisement that david is going through painful chastisement and as a result of the pain that led him to repentance and restoration right there by by verse 27 i've written psalm 51 because that's probably the the clearest place when it talks about david's dis being displeasing in the sight of god and what he did that's what he talks about in the 51st psalm and so for just a moment now keep your finger there but let's go to psalm 51 and i want to point out a couple of exciting truths and by the way people uh someone came to me in our monday or our tuesday bible study and they said to me you know the biggest problem of a bible study is knowing where to start they said i sit in front of my bible and i don't know what to do and i said to them why don't you just study what we studied this morning in our bible study they went oh what a great idea and i said tomorrow i want you to study the next chapter after that you know you there now you've got to start for some of you that never started anything tonight if you've got time in your hands this is a time for you to to in preparation for the future read through these and we're going to lord willing hit psalm 32 you ought to read it psalm 38 you ought to read it psalm 51. so if you don't have another bible study if you're not reading through the bible sequentially it's a great thing to do but psalm 51 notice the the superscript this is what the hebrew manuscript said this is what is verse one to the chief musician a psalm of david when nathan the prophet went to him after he had gone into bathsheba wow that's that is the setting because that is from verse 27 onward with the whole nathan story now remember there are seven penitential psalms confessional psalms it's interesting in the hebrew mind when you have a a group of seven you have the first and the seventh you have the second and the sixth you have the third and the fifth and then you have the one that's right in the middle it's kind of like candles going up and that middle one is higher than all the others and it's interesting how the hebrew mind thinks in a symmetrical way they they don't use rhymes in their their poetry they use structure and lists of seven heptatic that sevens often point toward one as very important and to do that you put it in the middle and it's interesting that that there are seven penitential psalms and the middle one is this one psalm 6 is the first one and 32 and 38 that's three but psalm 51 is right in the middle and probably it's the most well-known confessing psalm and it's the greatest and it opens with the same three words that psalm 32 does and it has a series and if you spend time reading it one of the first things in fact if you do a chapter i did one of these for my chapter studies it's so personal uh me my me i my me my i my my my my the first person is 32 times when david's caught in his sin 32 times he says it's me it's me it's me i'm guilty i'm guilty i'm guilty i'm guilty i'm guilty when saul's gotten his sin he goes it's them never said it's me that's why god allowed saul to self-destruct and he didn't allow david to because david said it's me it's amazing there are a lot of threes there's three words for mercy in here mercy love and compassion there are three words for sin transgression inequity and sin there are three desires god has to cleanse to wash to blot it's it's just a beautifully constructed insight into how god looks at our sin and how he he doesn't just get rid of it he judicially has to pay for it and that's what this psalm is so beautifully about well let's go back to second samuel because we're going to spend lord willing a whole evening there but go back to second samuel and look at what happens after the chapter 12 uh you know nathan confronts him down through verse 15 the little baby dies but look what happens in chapter 13 of second samuel amen our ammon and tamar the whole brother raping the sister thing just like that consequence first consequence is baby dies second consequence son rapes daughter wow next one in chapter 13 absalom murders amnon starting in verse 23 another consequence sin is forgiven completely and forgotten by god but that sin sets in motion this cascading effect in david's life that he has to live through and absalom runs away comes back in chapter 14. absalom in chapter 15 does an insurrection treacherously against his father and on and on it goes do you know what happens now turn to psalm 3. i want to show you what happens go go back to the book of psalms keep your hand there but right there by psalm 50 or by second samuel 15 i've written psalm 3 because look what it says in psalm 3. have you ever noticed this right at the beginning of psalm 3 it says a psalm of david when he fled from absalom his son now psalm 3 if you notice it's the first psalm in the whole bible that has a background to it a little story of what's the background and it's this background it's second samuel 15. it's absalom as a cascading consequence to david's sin absalom trying to kill his own dad you talk about deep pain when your own child hates you and wants to destroy you then you ought to read psalm 3 because that's what david wrote when he was facing the murderous hatred of his own son amazing what he went through and after david has fully restored his relationship to god in second samuel 15 we see how david has to learn about overcoming personal attacks and abuse and and when we go through that it's a just a phenomenal study of how david is so aware of his forgiveness that when shimayi curses him and when absalom tries to kill him psalm 3 says i will lay me down look at verse 5. if you're in psalm 3 verse 5 i will lay me down and sleep he god gives perfect rest david can sleep on the ground outdoors while an army is coming to kill him because he said my life is in god's hands i mean what a psalm it's gonna be so much fun to study that one another one you don't have to turn there's psalm 63 that's also what david writes about because it says in verse 11 of psalm 63 that the king is running now it could have been running from the king saul but most likely the the way the structure is david is calling himself the king and the only time he ran as king to the judean wilderness is uh here with absalom well go back now to second samuel 22. you know we've got all the absolute stuff over but when we get to second samuel 22 we find one of the most interesting things we find in second samuel 22 a repeat of a psalm it's not only psalm 18. and and if you have marginal notes in a little center column or lower bottom some kind of notes it'll say starting with verse 2 of 2nd samuel 22. it will say this is parallel to psalm 18. but it's interesting that right here at near the end of david's life an incredibly rich portion of scripture david is extolling god in psalm 18 after his life of conquests and victories now the 18th psalm and and this probably it was written at david's coronation as king how he had overcome so many enemies but also it was written at the end of his life and repeated because it's kind of like a bookend the god who took care of him is the god that he extols at the end but we're going to have a great time in psalm 18. notice the the um uh if you turn over to psalm 18 you're in your bibles in second samuel 22 but if you go to psalm 18 it has one of the longest introductions uh the first verse says this it's it's an inch in my bible the superscript verse one in hebrew it's the little thing that's above the psalm in our bibles but it says to the chief musician a psalm of david the servant of the lord who spoke to the lord the words of this song on the day that the lord delivered him from the hand of all of his enemies and from the hand of saul and he said and then it runs right into that psalm i will love you o lord my strength i mean what an incredible psalm this is this psalm could be entitled how david embraced god it could be entitled a long obedience and serving god but it is an incredible song and it's recorded twice well onward and let's go back to to second samuel 11 you can just stay there some of you are you have i see you you have too many fingers in your bible pull them out and just stay in second samuel 11. david has more psalms first kings one he writes from that probably psalm 70 and 71 because that's a psalm about growing old and we're going to have fun going through that it it's a psalm about how to be godly to the end of life it's a psalm about how to end well it's it's a psalm about how to have the the end of your life be the greatest days of your life now that's not how it is in america usually that kind of stretch from 50s to somewhere in the 70s and maybe to the end of the 70s but then it gets kind of bad after that you know that people talk about you know the the failings but the scriptures say that the older we get the closer we are to what we're created for and what god has been preparing for us and so that we should be getting more and more and more into the greatest days of our life the older and weaker we get because when i am weak then he is what so the weaker and older and and more frail and more financially insecure and more everything insecure i get then the lord should be stronger and stronger see that's why the church traditionally has has extolled the older people they have been the model it's only this generation where you know shove them aside it used to be that you revered having those those wise you know the zak kane in hebrew it's white haired you know i have clear hair but you know i wish i had white hair but it was always that you wanted to have as many zucchinis white-haired people around as possible because they had lived long with god and they were kind of like a maple tree that put out the best sap you know and made the best the the finest serp they were long in the courts of god and that's what the 70th and 71st psalms are about they're kind of like twins psalm 70 is the intro to psalm 71 in the hebrew bible they are joined the last five verses of psalm 40 are in psalm 70 so we know that david wrote these he he wrote this even though he didn't put his name on it the 71st psalm we know that he's writing about how to end well then probably david's last psalm is right at his near the end of his life and what i like to think is in in 1st kings 2 when david is passing away uh and heading home there are two psalms that were right there at the end as a mere mortal man david truly was so much like us but he learned to rise above the downward pull of his flesh and at the end of his life he clung to the only one that could satisfy him and i think that the twins from the end of his life are he probably was still holding on to psalm 23 as his favorite i mean what older dying person or even younger dying person doesn't have psalm 23 somewhere in their mind you know and it's i've done 300 funerals and it's probably in 99 percent of them the 23rd psalm is there and there's just something about that so i'm sure david was clinging to that psalm but the 116th psalm almost looks like a final list of david's confessions of of how he's cleaning the lord and so we'll go through that 116th psalm he quotes psalm 56 and he wrote this at the end and it's a beautiful pathway for getting ready to go so if you feel kind of a little shaky tonight and like you might not make it through the night pop out your bible and read the 116th psalm it's a great way to get ready if the lord's coming uh to call tonight but second samuel 11 and let's just go through this for a few minutes and i'm going to just we will not finish this because basically as we'll see paul says that this account was written for our admonition god went to great efforts to get these 27 verses down and he wants us to learn from them so let's look at the sobering lessons as we meet david in this chapter remember he was at the top remember we talked about that uh he was a successful king he was a powerful ruler he was an undefeated general he was a wealthy businessman and and david is surrounded on every side by god's blessing this is that's why this is so scary because if you were you know just living back then and went to jerusalem and you looked at david you would just see him hedged about with blessing everything he touched god was blessing i mean he was just unbelievable days and second samuel 11 is the watershed because god summarizes the events of david's life now if if you're a bible mark or a note taker let me read to you something because first kings 15 is god's summary of this chapter in just a verse okay let me read to you what it says nevertheless for david's sake the lord is god will give him a lamp in jerusalem by setting up a son after him and establishing jerusalem because david did what was right in the eyes of the lord and did not turn aside from anything god commanded all the days of his life except in the matter of uriah the hittite interesting in in god's assessment in 1st kings 15 verse 5 it says david never turned aside from anything god commanded him except with uriah to me it's staggering that god says everything else david went through david i mean he didn't have happy marriage he didn't have happy home life with his kids in fact he didn't have any kids that even turned out i don't think any of them turned out what we would call turned out and he didn't i mean other than bathsheba he seemed and maybe you know he might have had a few other happy parts of his life but everything didn't seem to turn out but god says david did everything i commanded him except this and and i what i like about this is i love getting god's perspective god saw david's life not as perfect but he saw him as surrendered he said he did everything i commanded him except with uriah his whole life was surrendered if you consider david's life though david struggled emotionally he had what we would call emotional breakdowns he had meltdowns he he had depression he had constant stress david was a man that though he struggled through all that he always wanted to do what god commanded him to do he wanted to be a servant and god's word is how we know what we're to do the scriptures say he that has might this is john 14 21 he that has my commandments and keeps them he it is that loves me jesus said this book these are my commandments to you this is what i want you to do and if you'll do it you'll show that you love me david except for the matters around uriah god everything's erased and he says this guy just loved me so much because he did what i commanded him to do if we don't do anything else in our life except read the bible and obey god we have a life that pleases god and david shows us that for all his struggles he did what was commanded him although the lord forgave the sins and forgot the iniquities david's consequences and losses are recorded in the bible and and godly recorded david's key role in the events of history but he also recorded his key failure for us to learn something and this is what god wants us to learn first of all look at verse 13 and we're just i'm gonna i'm going to um well let's back up for just a second i want to get a running start look at chapter five and i want to show you when david's sin started i think this is just my opinion but but look at second samuel chapter 5 and i want to show you something and next week we'll go in depth but second samuel 5 13. notice what it says and david took more concubines and wives from jerusalem after he'd come from hebron and more sons and daughters were born to david now you say why is that well do you remember several weeks ago we looked at david had to copy when he became king he had to copy it says in deuteronomy 17 you're supposed to make a copy and the first thing david was supposed to copy was the king was not to multiply wives it says it don't multiply horses gold and silver and wives because they'll turn your heart away i believe david and bathsheba started way back in second samuel 5 13. do you know why because david desensitized his conscience by incomplete obedience and you know that's that's the first lesson from from this study of david's fallen to sin that as soon as we say well this is what god wants me to do but it's okay if i don't obey this part because you know i'm old or i'm tired or i'm poor or i'm sick or i have needs you know what we do is we just kind of cover up this one thing we yep god we want to do everything but this is kind of my pet area that you know you said not to multiply wives but before i wrote that i didn't realize and i started multiplying wives so as long as i start i'll just keep on see that's how david thought he thought well i already had oh you know him and all these others you know and and and so now that i'm king i'm going to keep multiplying but he did the little bible study and it says don't multiply wives and he just kept on doing it that's a danger thing he desensitized now now in in second samuel 11 let me just show you some more that we're going to cover in the days ahead verse 1 david remained in jerusalem david didn't discipline himself to do his duty as king and when we were reading i mentioned that and i call that he relaxed his grip he didn't he didn't hold up the expectations he had on others he didn't keep those himself what do we call that a lack of integrity integrity is when what we project are our standards and we impose them on others we maintain them ourselves and david expected his army to go to battle when armies go to battle but he didn't so he kind of relaxed look at verse 2 of second samuel 11. not only was he desensitized and relaxed but he began fixating on his personal desires that's what this whole lusting is about he i mean he had a whole stable full of wives it's kind of like rockefeller remember john d rockefeller remember when someone asked him when he made his first billion what else he won he said just another dollar and i thought what the scriptures say the eyes of us humans are never satisfied we get the best we can have and all of a sudden we look over we want just one more we just want a better house or a better job or a better car or a better wife or a better husband we're not satisfied david fixed his heart and his physical desires then look at verse three and we're going to go through each of these david sent and inquired in in these roadblocks isn't this bathsheba verse three isn't this the daughter of uh eliam and isn't this the wife of uriah the hittite one of your thirty mighty men and david rationalized he said yeah but i'm king yeah but i want her i mean he just he just pushed away you know those were brave servants david was an incredible man and for them to confront him and say you shouldn't be looking at her and running after her those were brave servants but david rationalized and then look at verse 4 then david sent he was unheeding he was uncaring he he had a lack of discipline he fixated on what he wanted and he he slid right into sin good we have just enough time i'm going to be obedient tonight it's not very many times your dear friend walks up to you and my dear friend walked up to me tonight and as you're turning to first corinthians 10 this is my last verse that's where we're going to end my good friend walked up to me tonight and he said don't go over tonight i said okay phil i will not look at first corinthians 10. i'm just going to read this and we're going to be done because david plunged his life into lustful sin which resulted in death and deceit and murder and immorality and spiritual oppression and poverty and famine that all happened from one instant now look at what first corinthians chapter 10 verses 11 through 13 say this we're going to pick up next time and and this is after 10 verses the first 10 verses of first corinthians 10 are are just a listing of israel's sins kind of like a catalog not all of them just a lot of them big ones and it says now all these first corinthians 10 11 all these things happened to them as examples and they were written for our admonition so do you know how i read the old testament over and over and over again i want to get admonished over and over and over again about what displeases god and what he doesn't like and what he doesn't want and what he what he what he will respond with the consequence engine to these were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the age have come verse 12 look at this therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall david had come to a point where he stopped having the rails and the the barriers up in his life he pushed the barriers away kind of like you know take the training wheels off i can do it you know and that's a that's a dangerous moment when you think you stand take heed lest he fall now look at verse 13. this is this is the essence of of what we're learning tonight verse 13. no temptation has overtaken you first lesson temptations are always chasing us it's kind of like you ever seen that person running behind the school bus or the city bus trying to get on every time i see someone and it happens all the time up here because you know the buses come and they pull and people are running from the apartments i see it all the time every time i see that i think about that's life for every one of us temptation is running trying to catch up with us trying to grab and get on the bus with us there is no temptation overtaken you accept such is common to man there are only so many we all face them it's not like you're the only one that's struggling with whatever or me but here here we go but god is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted above what you were able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape the the active agent there is god and god is standing by with an escape hatch open in that instant of temptation and he's got the hatch open he's got the slide ready the the temptation is smoldering in front of us ready to burst into flame and he's looking at us and he's saying you don't have to come on i am faithful to make a way look what it says in verse 13 a way of escape that you may be able to bear it second samuel 11 is an admonition from god the admonition is when we're tempted look for god we need to never think we are immune david fell so far so fast it's breathtaking when you think about it how quick and how far he fell just temptation is always around we all share common temptations but the key is the god who is there this week even tonight when faced with a temptation to displease the lord you know what he says cry out i'm there i've got a way of escape and you'll be able to bear it and that's what david didn't do and that's why it's in the bible so that we will the next time we face temptation do what david didn't do and we'll take the way of escape let's take a moment to pray tonight and then i'm going to invite up during the prayer saint philip can come but why don't you stand you've been sitting so long let's stand for a word of prayer and father as we stand before you tonight we stand before the god who is there you are present not only are you with you with us always even to the end but when we're tempted you are making a way of escape and i pray oh father in the name of your son our precious savior the lord jesus that your servants your saints that we who love you will decide tonight that we when we face the temptations that are common to us that will look for you and that we will turn our eyes to look upon you and look full in your wonderful face and we'll find that the things so alluring in our temptations will grow strangely dim as we take your way of escape lord help us to decide that tonight and practice that and no matter how many times we fall to get back up and say god you're there teach me help me draw me flow out your grace through me so i may take your way of escape thank you for being the god of new beginnings thank you for being the god of the second and third and the endless chances may we not displease you like david did but may we take your way of escape in the precious name of jesus we pray and all of god's people said amen
Channel: DTBM
Views: 12,949
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Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus
Id: Hl1DGJzeh0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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