Where Do We Go Immediately After We Die?

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when you die do you like does your soul just lay at rest until Jesus comes back because we always say like they're in heaven they're happy but are they really in heaven or does their do they just feel like it's a split second between from when they died when Jesus comes back and referring to the civilians now just second I'm too far away from that monitor and I can't hear the next thing you're saying my name sure that monitors on but I'll listen anyway say that last thing again two verses at what that is an awfully large Bible 416 which says in the dead in Christ will rise first yep that's their bodies the dead in Christ will rise first that's good and then we'll add into this John 5:28 marble not for those in the grave will hear his voice and come forth and then second Corinthians five which actually says to answer your question the Scriptures do not teach soul sleep nor does it teach limbo limbo boy this thing doesn't like me being on the side limbo the idea of of the body and spirit being joined together during life the body as it says in Ecclesiastes it says that the that the body goes downward into the grave man and the spirit goes up to God so right from the beginning and even in Joe I mean there's so many verse about this I'll just run them together but the short one is this for every human being the instant of death there's a separation between their their material and immaterial part the soul or the spirit is the non-physical part of us the body is the physical part and the body goes right back to the ground from which God made it but the soul goes to the place that the Creator determines and songs were on this we might as well just keep going while we're talking so where did you go where did you land oh right there in the middle okay oh are you a Hinkle I didn't hear your name hmm well I wondered where that that was a Sikh Bible um here we go several several points one is that that we are spirit and body or flesh and the body will go back to the ground but it will be reconstituted in fact we might as well start looking at let's start looking at some of the verses on this look at John 5 and Jesus I mean the the Jews were very much interested in this just like we are and Jesus said one of the ways you know who I am John 5:28 I am so powerful jesus said in John 5:28 don't marvel at this for the hours coming into which all who are in the grave will hear his voice grave is the concept in the Old Testament of Sheol and Hades Hades Hades she'll also it's called the pit this is the dwelling place of the eternal non material part of people go to this place everyone everyone up until the cross went to the same place they went to this this resting place where they were conscious the grave that's where David said he was going with his child of Bathsheba that died but jesus said everybody in the grave can hear my voice and they will verse 29 come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation so Jesus is saying I can speak to the people that are in the grave but now turn to Luke 16 go back a book in Luke 16 I really believe that this is not a parable because Luke 16 Jesus parables never have anybody named nobody's name it's just a certain this a certain man all of a sudden in Luke 16 Jesus starts talking in there about a rich man in verse 19 and someone named Lazarus and so this this isn't a parable because no parables of Jesus 30 did he put people's names in this is Jesus explaining for the first time for us to understand the grave and what he says is that the grave notice and I've gone over this other times with you but there's a happy side in verse 23 being in torment in Hades he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham there's another person named afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and and if you notice in verse 31 another person is named Moses so this is not an atypical if it's a parable it's atypical so basically in the grave there are two compartments there I call it the happy side and the unhappy side okay and the unhappy it says there in torments but they can see each other across here but there is a great gulf fixed and you can't get back and forth this place is called Abraham's bosom and what happens is if if you go to a little bit further in Luke look look in Luke and see I never know you guys are coming out know just where this is but in Luke today you'll be with a 23:43 look what Jesus says to the thief on the cross this is fascinating to me connecting all these dots in Luke 23 what they say it was 43 Jesus is hanging on the cross next to a a convicted guilty rabble-rousing murderer and thief that's hanging there crucified with him and this thief calls out the Lord and is saved and Jesus says to him today you will be with me in paradise it appears that what Jesus did is Jesus took him with him and it says in Psalm mmm sick let's see a lead captivity captive it's quoted in Ephesians 4 Jesus it appears went down and proclaimed as Peter says let's go to Ephesians 4 out to show you exactly what happens ah it's right in the beginning of the fusions 4 therefore he says verse 8 when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men now this city ascended verse 9 what does it mean but that he also descended first the lower parts of the earth he who descended and what is all that well it appears if you tie that together is what Peter said that from the cross Jesus went like this Jesus is crucified between the two thieves and he tells this guy you're going to go with me to paradise Jesus goes down to the grave here he proclaims a cross to the Lost and to the further reaches where there's these demons that are kept in jail down in the pit Jesus proclaims that he won and he empties this side and takes them with him - before his father - paradise now they they do not yet have their bodies now we come back to - one of your questions right there bodies are not given to us until our celestial bodies until 1st Thessalonians 4 so let's let's go to 1st Thessalonians 4 your verse that you mentioned and this is what Paul says 4:16 look at a backup for 16 it starts in 13 I don't want you to be ignorant concerning those who have fallen asleep euphemism for death less use member Jesus said Lazarus sleeps Lazarus was dead sleeping is it's not soul sleep it's death the body dies the soul does not sleep the body is sleeping in the ground in fact just one more thing - - come on how do I get my oh there it is let me get my special page the word sleep is climate Oh a sleeping place came into English as koi matteri or we in English say Cemetery but that's actually a sleeping place after Christianity cemeteries began to be called sleeping places for bodies because they're going to rise before Christianity they were called necro poulos's necropolis a city of dead because they didn't believe in resurrection and and so dead people were in cities before Christ after Christ bodies were sleeping this is the word sleep and so sleeping places for bodies so what it says right here in Ephesians 4 or I mean in 1st Thessalonians 4 is 4 if we believe Jesus died verse 14 rose again even so the God will bring with him bring with him those who sleep in Jesus they're not verse 14 they're not down somewhere in the pit anymore see this they're not down here anymore those who believe are with him but here's where they get their bodies for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice the Archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds does it say anything about the bodies no Paul enlarges on that and first Corinthians 15 so now back up to the left in your Bibles to first millions 15 and notice what it says first Corinthians 15 verse 50 flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God so our bodies can't go to heaven like they are nor does corruption inherit incorruption I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed every time I read that verse that's the theme verse of our nurseries here at Calvary they don't sleep in there but we always change them did you know you'd always have to say that but we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed that's not about the nursery for some of you are puzzled that was a joke we won't all die he's saying in verse 51 but we'll all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of the eye at the last Trump for the trumpet sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this verse 53 this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality and on and on he goes so what's happening is Jesus emptied the the the redeemed side of the grave he took them with him to paradise so Jesus calls heaven the paradise of God in Revelation so he took the thief with him to paradise and they are all there but they are spirits without bodies you say what what what are we talking about there now now look at what Paul says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 2nd Corinthians 5 so go to the right a little bit starting well he starts in verse 1 for we know that if our earthly house that's our body this tent is destroyed we have a building from God he's talking about our celestial our eternal bodies a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven if indeed we have in club we will not be found naked for if we are in this tent we groan being burdened not because we want to be unclothed but further clothed that mortality might be swallowed up by life and you kind of get lost after a while I mean it's just it Paul is talking about so many truths but look what he says verse six we're always confident knowing that while we are a home in this body while you and I are alive in our bodies we are absent from the Lord verse eight we are confident yay well please rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord and so what what Paul says going back to your original question when we're absent from our body the instant of death if we're a believer we're instantly present first current or second Corinthians five six through eight says we're instantly present with the Lord and so for believers there is no soul sleep now for example the Roman Catholic Church teaches the people that are not baptized or I don't know I'm not a good Rome Catholic but they have they have two Limbo's actually they have limbus infante 'm they call it that's four it sounds like what it is for it's for infants these are for babies that weren't baptized they go to limbus infant 'm then there's a limbus petrm and that's for pot rooms whatever those harde now that's for people I don't know how they do it but they go to limbo you probably heard if you went to Catholics who you heard of oh they're in limbo and what that is is to the Catholics this is heaven and on the periphery of heaven is limbus now where did they get all that stuff it's not in the Bible they just they just I don't know theologians they had too many theologians over the centuries and those monasteries and stuff thinking and they thought of a lot of stuff that wasn't in the Bible they should have gotten out of the monastery and taught the Bible or something but this idea of limbus and this this place of limbo led other denominations now we have entire denominations in America that teach soul sleep and what they say is that the you die you go into this kind of unconscious existence kind of like the people that get their bodies frozen you know and are waiting to for technology to resurrect them or something like that no all that's false science fiction stuff limbo soul sleep God says this we never cease to exist once we were once we enter this world we're immortal and either at the instant of death we're absent from the body and present with the Lord or we go to this pit and by the way all people that have ever lived on this earth Cain Nimrod all the way through all the bad guys of all the Egyptian and a Syrian people all of them we see in Ezekiel 32 you want to see something interesting have I ever taken me a zekiel 32 you got to go back to Ezekiel 32 everybody that's ever lived on this planet is still alive conscious every one of them the cannibals the Aborigines Genghis Khan Adolf Hitler Kane everyone everyone that got drowned in the flood they're all still alive and it says in in Ezekiel 32 it starts talking about starting in verse 18 son of man wail over the multitude of Egypt cast them down to the depths of the earth her in the nations of the famous nice nations with those who go down to the what is verse 18 of Ezekiel 32 say what's that word pit notice how many times it's in there look at verse 23 her graves are set in the recesses of the pit her company is all around her grave you go to verse 24 Elam Elam Elam is is its where the Kurds live today it's it's a place that a geographic place but there used to be yellow lights that lived there and all those Elamites are slain falling with the sword verse 24 and they go the lower parts of the earth at the end of verse 24 they bear their shame with those that go down to the pit verse 25 with those that go down to the pit now look at verse 27 they do not lie with the mighty that who are fallen the uncircumcised who have gone down to hell with their weapons of war they have lain their swords and their heads but their iniquities will be on their bones do you know what do you know what happens everybody that goes to the grave without Christ goes to this very unhappy place that the rich man was at where he was in pain because their sins go with him and it's like all through life we're piling up these sins and and actually the picture here is it's like an avalanche it's like a snowball we go through life and the sins get bigger and bigger and when we die we plummet downward coated covered with our sins and go to this pit conscious and look when other people come the it talks about they they if you read this whole chapter it's so interesting that some of the people kind of get up to see who's coming down now this isn't hell this is the holding tank this is the pit this is the grave this is the the unhappy side where people are in great discomfort but they're waiting the final judgement that's for the loss but for the saved but but when when did this happen but this is where and I started talking this two weeks ago look at now one last verse and then I'll tie it all up look at Hebrews 11 the very last verse the people the people in the happy side couldn't get out of the happy side Hebrews 11 says Abraham had to wait there Moses had to wait there that's that job had to wait there Abel righteous Abel had to wait there they couldn't get out of that happy side until the last verse of chapter 11 and it says this in verse 40 of Hebrews 11 God having provided something better for us that they who's that that's all these righteous people that that are before Christ they should not be made perfect apart from us when Christ finished on the cross that's when Jesus where is that drawing where Jesus there it was we went right by when Jesus finished his work on the cross he went down to the happy side proclaimed his victory and took all of those with him with the Richmond I mean the thief to paradise now the problem with this is that there there is a notion that that the Old Testament Saints are going to be waiting for some future resurrection but Jesus said no no no he said today mister Old Testament st. thief dying on the cross today you're going to be with me in this paradise and so well that's a long answer but let me just get what was what was the question let's go back if I can find hope come on there no soul sleep instantly absent from the body present with the Lord everybody can hear Christ's voice Jesus calls the bodies out of the grave 2nd Corinthians 5 says were absent from the body and present with the Lord Ecclesiastes says that our body goes down but our spirit goes to our Creator and he consigns the righteous to the happy side and the unrighteous to the sad side and job said I know that my redeemer lives if you remember 1923 and that in my flesh I I will see God so the idea of a resurrection a resurrection body was always in the scriptures but they didn't understand what was going on until the Apostle Paul in first millions 15 and 1st Thessalonians 4 showed us a mystery and he explained all this and there's one last verse that's real fascinating about this and that is when when saul da saul went to the witch and samuel had already died remember that in chapter 30 of 1st Samuel and the witch had end or did a seance and she was used to this she she was paid people would pay her to do a seance and she worked with all these demons because demons will tell you anything you want to hear and they know everything by the way demons know everything because they are in indestructible spirits that that can speak every language and go through walls so they hear everything they see everything they know every language so you can call a demon up to impersonate anybody and she calls up her demons and all of a sudden screams if you read it why a demon didn't come up Samuel himself came up she'd never seen a person a real one because it says in the Bible remember the rich man and Lazarus is nobody can cross nobody can come back you just can't come back whenever you want demons can't pull you back and Samuel it says came up from beneath he came from the happy side of Hades he came from that that grave place where every righteous person was in that waiting room with Abraham and the rest but samuel was brought up and talked to Saul and went back down and then out of that place also Jesus met with Elijah who who had been translated and with Moses and they came and stood on the Mount of Transfiguration and then they had to go back and wait until Hebrews 11 until the cross was finished so hey that was fun Thanks
Channel: DTBM
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, go, immediately, after, die, death, afterlife, heaven, hell, dead, coffin, buried, life, jesus, god, divine, teaching, bible, biblical, john, barnett, dr, church, lessons, learning, questions, answers, simple, easy, understand, truth, lies, dying, after life, post mortem, grandparents, ancestors, hell?, burning, fire, golden streets, thoughts, expected, afterward, discover the book, dr john
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2015
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