Is Everything Better With Ranch?

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- Does ranch really make everything better? - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical morning. - Now there are foods that are made to be put on other foods, and you can just put those things onto the foods that you think they're supposed to go on. Okay, that's cool, or you could put them onto all kinds of foods to see if they make them better. - Mmhmm, and today we're gonna use that solid logic to apply the solid dressing of the ranch to all types of things. It is time for Is Everything Better with Ranch? - Now we're not gonna be applying just any ranch to our foods, we're going to be applying Undisclosed Gorge Ranch. - [Link] Which is great, we're on it as farmers. - I don't remember being in that gorge with you Link. - Let's get to it, though, because I'm excited to see what we might discover with donuts. - Bring it in. - Or doh-nuts as you call them. - Is this a pop cap or a twist off? - [Link] This is a twist off and then it's got the - Then it's got the hole. - It's got the hole, it's got the ranch hole. - What are you gonna do, are you gonna fill up the donut hole with the ranch? - No. - Well you should just do that anyway, just for starters. - I'm going, - Lookit, that's pretty. - I'm going all over the top, I mean, the drizzle man, that looks good. - Golly yeah, if it was icing it would look good. Wow, yours does look good, man, I should've been watching you. Let me do that, you look like Wolfgang Puck over there. - Any predictions on this one? - I don't wanna make predictions, I don't wanna be, oh gosh, my ranch bottom dropped out. - I mean they do so much with donuts, there's like maple bacon, and you put burgers in there, and all types of stuff, but let's see. - Oop, ranch drop. - If we can ranch it. You get the tanginess, you get the sweetness. - I got a little in my mustache. - You get a question mark. - It doesn't taste like a mistake, that's the first thing I will say. It wasn't immediately morally wrong in my mouth. - It wasn't quite as good as I was hoping it would be. I don't know that I've ever put ranch on anything sweet, as a matter of fact, I think that that may be a rule that we're breaking. - Right when I tasted it first, - Like cheese on seafood or something. - My body wants to throw it up. Like the very first taste is like, nope, shouldn't be doing this, poison. But then as it kind of goes in and mixes up, I gotta say it's not bad, but is it better with ranch? - No. - No. - That's the disappointment, but ramen is never a disappointment to the wallet, or to the taste buds. But as you can see, this has been drained of, you know, I like to keep a little bit of water in my ramen. - Well now replace it with ranch. - But yeah, I need some moisture, man. - Now are you gonna do something pretty over there, because I don't want to be left out this time. - Not really. - No, okay. - It's more just like, - Just spiral. - Like sauce it, spaghetti sauce it. And then I'm gonna, I'm gonna mix it up. - Give it a little mix, just a little mix, just like tuna salad, boy it just goes right in there, look, it looks like it's made to ge together. It looks like something you'd have at a family reunion, or at least like a memorial service. - Right, yeah I could eat this once a year. Alright, dink it, - Aunt Jane was such a good lady. - Why does the ranch taste sour? - Maybe it's been in the gorge too long. Is this fresh from the gorge? I think it is, I think ranch has a bite to it, but it's a bite that we weren't ready for. - I'm really trying to give this a chance, because I didn't love ramen and I do love ranch. - Just picture yourself at Aunt Jane's wake, just for a second, and everybody's there, and she lived a good long life, she was 92. - They put too much makeup on her, though. - We saw it coming for months, nobody's really sad, it's like just the celebration of life, that kind of memorial service. - I mean we know she's dead, they don't have to put that much makeup on her. - She's in a better place, but did you hear that Lurlene made her ranch ramen? - Okay, okay, okay, you can stop talking about her. I'm coming around. - It's just like she made it, she'd be so proud. - A lot of liking stuff is coming with the proper expectations, and now that I've altered mine to be at a funeral. - No, actually I think that helped a lot. - I think I'm coming around. So is ramen better with ranch? Yes - No. I thought I could do it for Aunt Jane, but, she mistreated me one time. - Alright, it was borderline. Oh, well this is Jello. - Oh really? - Yeah, I've seen this before. - How can you tell? - I've never seen anyone do this to jello. - Hold on, it should be jiggling when you put it on. - That's gonna help? - Yeah, I think so. - Alright, ooh my goodness, there it is. I tried to make that pretty but it didn't happen. - Look at that. That looks like a fancy restaurant right there. I mean that doesn't. - No. - That looks like a molten lava cake from a chain, and that looks like something fancy. Now I'm gonna eat half of this because jello compresses in your mouth, and I always go for big jello bites. - Is that a challenge? - You can do what you want, I'm just gonna eat half of it in one - I'm gonna try. - In one go. - [Link] You're afraid to dink this one? - [Rhett] I don't think I can dink it. - This is undinkable. - Hold on a second, I'm, oh gosh, wipe your mouth please. Don't ever look at me like that again. - How's that? - Hold on, no joke, - I know. - There is something happening here, now my momma makes this thing that's got like jello and it's got some cheese in it or something, and some pineapples, and it's like when you mix a sweet gelatin thing with something that's got a real savory thing, that's what's happening here. - It is happening. - And also, is great at funerals, I wlll say. - Wow. - That's the setting I've had it in before. - Look at this. And so if you lie to people and tell them this isn't what it is, they're gonna love it. - Oooh you know what I envision right now is a dish that's a layer of jello, then a layer of ranch. It's like a ranch lasagna jello, jello lasagna ranch. That would be a hit, and we'd do different color jellos on each. - Add a little blue for July Fourth, what would the blue be? - We gotta kill somebody just so we can have a funeral, - Blue jello. - So we can serve that. - Oh my goodness guys. Breaking news, is jello better with ranch? - Yes. - Yes, it is. Wow, I feel like, - Taste that. - My day's been made. This is coffee. - Now you've moved away from the cream in your coffee - I've moved away from - Maybe this will bring you back. - From coffee. - Oh yeah. - That's tea I've been drinking Link. - That's true. - That's tea I've been drinking for the last six months, with the bag hanging out of it. - I'm feeling like there's a little hope here. - It makes sense, because you already put a white thing in your coffee, so why not put a different white thing in there? - Right, the act of cream going into my coffee appetizes me. Oooh, yours, that's kinda lumpy. - Okay, well it's not, alright, it's not like cream. It's not doing what cream does. - It's dancing around in there like, - I think I need more maybe. - It's like little white worms. - Ooh gosh. - Look at that. - Makes it, makes it, - It's like maggots. - I think if you mix it enough, it'll start coming homogenous is what they call it. Oh look at mine, it's still so lumpy. - Well you gotta go more aggressive than that. Like you really gotta whip this. - How are you getting it to mix so well? - I'm going ham, man. You gotta be aggressive with it. I can still see the particulates. - It didn't really mix, it's more of a suspension at this point. You know, it's not a solution, it's a suspension of ranch in coffee, but I don't know. - Dink it. - Give everything a chance. - Wow, it tastes like somebody just had a caesar salad and coffee and then vomited into a cup. - It doesn't taste horrible to me, but it, it doesn't. - I mean, it's not, okay, it is not horrible, I agree with that. - It's like a tangy coffee, which is something I never wanted. - It feels like something's gone bad. It feels like you shouldn't be drinking it, you definitely shouldn't finish this. Yours looks so good, though, you got the froth on top. Kudos for that. - Well that's as good as it gets, because is coffee better with ranch? - No. - No, alright. - I made a mess over here. - Try that one, too. - Oh of course. - Of course we have crayons. Which these are the nontoxic variety, make sure you don't buy the toxic crayons. - Are there toxic crayons? - When you go to the store. - Give those to the bad kids. I gave Timmy toxic crayons, that'll show him. - Like an evil kindergarten teacher or something. - I don't think that those exist. - Now for this one, I'm going like ranch on the side. - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean my kids, we keep ranch at the table, man, there's like a holster at the table, where the kids, and they just pull out ranch, dip chicken nuggets in, or like green beans. - We should talk. - So my kids have been doing this at the table for years to get stuff that's usually green down. - Well I'm gonna pick the green crayon since you said that. - And I've always told my kids to eat crayons. - It smells very waxy. I feel like I need a baseline of no ranch, but I feel like I remember what it was like to eat crayons. - We've eaten crayon I think with Will It Ice Cream Sandwich, if not other places. Dink it. The ranch tastes great. This really highlights the ranch taste. - It does. Then you start running out of ranch. - Yeah, and then you're just left with just crayon. - Then I should put a little bit more in there. You gotta go back to the gorge to get it down. - We should just live at the gorge. - Well if you visit the gorge too often it becomes disclosed, people will follow you right in that gorge, I see where those boys are going, they don't think anybody knows where that gorge is, I know exactly where it is. - Here's the thing. - This last part's real bad. - But what's bad? - The crayon. - What made it better? - Ranch did. - [Link] So are crayons better with ranch? - Yeah. - Yes. - Still not gonna swallow it, though. Oh lookit that. - Oh man. - Look how green mine is? - I just made a watercolor in there. - Look at that. - I made an art piece inside of mine. - Looks like Slimer did a dive in my bucket. Slimer, ha ha. Was he in the new Ghostbusters, I never saw it. - Oh my gosh. What in the Earth? - Oh look, boy there's really different presentation here. - [Link] This is a mismatch of items. - Well we figured that in order to do a test of whether or not ranch makes something better, we would take some of our archnemesis food, so mine, as you know, is liver. Link has like one of 1,700 foods, pick one. And he picked uni. - And I don't even know what that is. - It's sea urchin. - Oh gosh, what, - I once put that in my mouth in a restaurant, trying to be cool, and I ate the whole thing, like a really fancy sushi place, and I just sat there with it in my mouth for like seven minutes until I just leaned over and spit it into my napkin, so. - [Link] What, is that gel? - That's the inside of a sea urchin, man. Put some ranch on it and eat it. - Well I don't even know what it tastes like, I'm gonna have to taste it first. - No, no, don't. - Okay, yeah. - I am putting ranch all over, I've never successfully, maybe one time in my life, gotten liver down. Oh gosh. You know what, we could be like tableside guys who, like tableside guac guys, and we just come up and do that kind of thing on people's dishes. - Tell me when. Ahh, tell me when. It's like, dude falls asleep at the table. - Have you been to the Undisclosed Gorge restaurant where Rhett and Link come up to the side of your table and, - The good news is I've totally forgotten what's under here, this could be a snowball. Oooh, my goodness. There's not much there Rhett. - Well that's a full chicken liver, that's a small chicken, though. Here we go. - I got it, it's, it's, it's gotta be better. - Hold on, you got it down? - Yeah, it's gone. - You gotta get yours gone man. - It's gonna take me (retching). - Liver really pushes his buttons, doesn't it? Wow, I mean I successfully drowned the uni, and I think it lives in the sea. - I've gotten half of it down. - Do it man, do it, drop it, drop it down the pipe. - I'm descending into the gorge. - Going to the gorge. - I'm going down, belay me. - Go into the gorge. - Belay me. - I don't know how to do a belay symbol, but here it is. Do it, yes! - I got it down. (crew applauds) - Oh yeah, thank you, thank you. I ate a small piece of liver with ranch on it, applaud for me. - There are people who love liver. - Hey listen, the ranch was so good that going into the gorge was so pleasing. I mean the liver part - I had to add more and more. - Was real bad, my body wanted to say no, but are liver and uni better with ranch? - Yes. - Yes. Well if ranch can help us eat liver and uni, it can help you eat whatever you hate, too, assuming you like ranch. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - My name's Dave from Stevenage, England, and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - Is everything better with Mike and Alex? Well there's only one way to find out, go watch their show Ten Feet Tall over at - And click through to Good Mythical More, where we are gonna play Edward Ranchhands, it's a race to the death with ranch on our hands. - Comment Takeover, this is when we send you over to a rather undisclosed video and then ask you to comment on it, go over to Rob at Five Years Old Eating Corn. - Leave a comment - Love that one. - With your corniest joke, don't make fun of Rob, just leave a corny joke, but don't tell em we sent ya, it's a surprise. - Be nice, and be your mythical best. - [Rhett] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical, by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, season 11, is everything better with ranch, rhett link is everything better with ranch, is everything better with ranch rhett link, gmm is everything better with ranch, is everything better with ranch gmm, ranch dressing, ranch dressing (food), ranch dressing (ingredient), food hacks, rhett link ranch dressing, ranch dressing rhett link, ranch
Id: w3lH5SP79YY
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Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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