Is Elden Ring Too Hard or Too Easy?

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what's up boys today I want to talk to you all about the difficulty of Elven ring this has been a very popular conversation topic online especially in my stream especially whenever I play with certain weapons and I'd like to kind of give my insight on it because Eldon ring came out recently and of course this has been a topic by the way with all other from software games as well but I think because whenever Elden ring came out it just hit such a massively wide audience like if you look at the steam numbers the amount of people that have played the game it just completely dwarfs any other game that they've ever brought out and I think for good reason it's probably one of the best games I've ever played so there's a lot of people out there who have come into it and it's their first from software game and some of those people are saying the game's too hard and some of the people that have been playing ever since Dark Souls 1 are saying it's too easy and today in this video I want to talk to you all about why I think both of them are right and why I think that's a good thing so basically this has been a topic for ever since really Dark Souls 1 came out and you could even say demons as well because Dark Souls has always been lauded as this is the real game this is the Hard video game there's a lot of people they this is the Dark Souls of X type of game this is the Dark Souls of Y type of game and it's used as almost like a measure of difficulty and just kind of like a gold standard of difficulty and I've always found that to be kind of funny because if you look at any speed runs for the game you'd see that if you've used certain weapons you can kill a boss in three hits it's not really that hard however there's a lot of people that don't understand that and I think that's why many of them think that it's too hard and I want to talk about my own personal experience playing my own first uh my first from software game which unfortunately was very annoying I was very upset about it and you guys got to watch the entire thing back in 2018 so basically this is what happened with me is I first started playing Dark Souls 1 a little bit after the remastered version came out and I went through the entire game up into since Fortress with the long sort the first weapon that I had received in the Undead Asylum and I had an absolutely horrible time fighting against those snakes with shields it was terrible I was frustrated I was mad I hated myself and just in general I was really annoyed right and this is because I'm a very stubborn player I like doing things my way and I don't want to listen to anybody else's advice but fortunately I did listen to one person's advice went from McConnell and he told me to go to the graveyard and pick up the zweihanter and um if you've ever used that weapon against the mobs and since Fortress you'd know that uh let's just say it made it a little bit easier and it completely changed my perception on the game and it opened up an entire entirely different perspective on how really to play the game because I didn't know really what was possible I didn't know the scope of tools that I really had at my disposal to solve problems in the game and I think that is fundamentally why a lot of people think that Elven ring is too hard or they don't really think that the game is fair or something like that the reason why that is is I think in almost all cases these people do not understand the tools that the game provides for you as a player and this has been something that's true in Dark Souls as well you have summons you have all kinds of other like uh bloodborne has fire paper you have many different ways to augment and enhance your damage that can just by the way sorry guys it's very very windy here that's why I'm wearing my hat if uh uh balding people or a Pokemon uh wind Pokemon would be their weakness so I'm wearing a hat apparently there's gonna be a tornado or something so that that'll be cool and so anyway I just want to mention that because I'm gonna have to brush this right from my mouth every single probably five five or ten seconds so anyway uh what I'm really trying to get out of here is that uh Elven ring has a lot of tools like this uh Dark Souls had a lot of tools like this and a lot of players don't really understand or they don't really want to use those tools like for me personally I don't like using summons for fights I like going against the boss 1v1 because I feel like that's a more fulfilling way of beating the game I feel like there are other people but also view the way that I play the game as not fulfilling either because what do I like doing I like getting the biggest Bonk and then unga bunging through the entire game and just completely stomping the [ __ ] out of it so like My Philosophy going into these games is that everybody I think that plays them has a certain different type of parameter especially people that play them regularly that they want to beat the game under the circle circumstances and they effectively set the difficulty mode for themselves and that's I think the big thing that a lot of people don't really understand with Elven ring is the fact that there is a difficulty slider it's just that it's not on the menu there is a difficulty slider in terms of using Summits it's difficulty in slider in terms of using uh those Little Ashes or like those little remembrances where it summons like Monsters to help you fight the boss and the boss fights them or they deal damage to the boss and so you can do more damage too uh it's incredibly powerful and then you also have of course like crazy good weapons like I've seen people use these bleed weapons that just chunk the boss's Health like you know the screens this big the health bar is this big and it just goes like this you know and it's just [ __ ] dead and you know stacking up seven different Buffs before you fight the boss and then you just kill the boss in one hit or you're talking about this laser beam sword you just shoot a beam at a guy and they just [ __ ] die like it's just incredibly [ __ ] overpowered if you understand what the tool are that you have available to you in the game and I think that's really where the difficulty measure comes in and I actually feel like it's a more fulfilling way of making the game easier than just simply clicking a button on a menu like you can in a game like Witcher 3 because the fact is that whenever you learn and you see it's like you know I'm going through since Fortress and I just effectively discover the you know NES Power Glove with this y-hander I feel like a [ __ ] God but at the same time I know that obviously I'm making it a lot easier and if I used a different weapon or if I used a different strategy it could be harder or actually it could be even easier than that if I used other things like dark bead or other types of sorceries sorceries have always been in Dark Souls uh either very bad or very good and usually it depends on who's using them which one it is so I I feel like the difficulty factor in the game for a new player is going to be very very high because obviously these games Elven ring has clearly been designed with the insights of the a sakiro in mind with the insights of bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 2 in mind especially Dark Souls 2 there are a lot of things that come from Dark Souls 2 and Elven ring and I think they actually took a lot of the good ideas from Dark Souls 2 and they put them in Elder ring which was great like Power stancing number one so anyway I think that that's probably one of the best things about the games is the fact that you do have a difficulty slider for them and that's one of the main things that makes the playthroughs of the game so interesting is that the way that one person is going to play through Elven ring is going to be entirely different than the way somebody else will and I think this is also very true in a game like Dark Souls 1 Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 to a lesser extent I think it becomes much less the case with a game like bloodborne that's much more measured and I think that it does have a much more direct path of progression and there aren't necessarily as many tools as you have so like for example if you want to talk about like you know this is what you can do in Elven ring this is what you can do in Dark Souls 3. this is what you can do in Dark Souls 2. I'm probably Dark Souls 2 might be bigger than Dark Souls 3. now that I think about it you know Dark Souls one and then you have uh a channel sorry um Dark Souls one you have bloodborne and then of course you especially have sakiro sakiro you only have a handful of tools and it's really just a game that comes right down to the nuances of the combat and the combat in the game is Flawless in my opinion but there aren't really a lot of ways that you can go around it I think sakiro is really uh from software's hardest game and the reason why it's the hardest game is that it doesn't have summons it's that it you know you have Divine confetti uh yasamatsu sugar a few other things like this but for the most part whenever you go through Sakira if you've heard somebody else that beat let's say the guardian ape or Ichiro or ishin or somebody like that and you talk to them about the fight the chances are that they will have had roughly the same experience that you did with the fight meanwhile with the Elven ring and Dark Souls especially this has been the case is that I'll have a boss fight and like I'll kill it in like one try and I'll I'll first try the boss and I'll be like wow I'm so good everybody said this boss was so hard and then I'll go up against maybe I don't know a bird or something like that and I'll spend an hour malding about it while most other people beat it in a handful of tries why is that it's because of the way that your play style is and because the game offers you so many different ways to play it and I think that's actually one of the best things about the game because it allows for replay value it's much easier for me to replay a game like Dark Souls 3 and I think that's why the mods in the game are so popular and I think that will become the case with Elven ring as well I look forward to that very much uh and the reason for that is because you have so many different ways that you can win I think the beauty in a game like Dark Souls 3 and especially with Elven ring now and Elden ring really perfected this is Elden ring asks you the question get to four how do you get to four and with Dark Souls 1 Dark Souls 2 dark souls 3 you can get the four by doing you know two plus two three plus one five minus one four plus zero uh negative eight plus positive I don't know 12 or something like that and there are so many different ways or eight divided by two there are so many different ways that you can go about getting to that number four and what I really mean by that is that you can use sorceries you can use summons you can use uh a big weapon and stagger the boss you can use blood loss you can use ranged abilities you can use a lot of cheesy abilities and things like that you can do on the boss too and there are so many different ways that you can approach a fight and approach a challenge in a game and I think that the game in a way for me personally like my goal in the game is to make the bosses and to make the game seem like the biggest joke possible it's like a puzzle to me how can I completely trivialize and make this game look like a total [ __ ] joke right whether it's shooting the boss through an invisible wall like you know there's a wall right here and you're shooting like a projectile that is falling damage like I think you can do this to Manus and of course obviously the best example of this is Capper demon uh there's just a million different examples you can use and ultimately these kinds of things are very funny and you know interesting to do I love doing these and so I view you know playing the game and beating the game as a real puzzle and other people like to play it and they like to make it as challenging as possible they like to you know not use certain weapons that they feel are like too strong in many regards but with a game like sakiro I think that really you can maybe do two plus two maybe you do three plus one maybe four plus zero but that's about it uh you can't really solve the problem in a lot of different ways and it does not make sakiro necessarily an inferior game but I think that it does interact with the amount of replay value it has after you beat it the first time and I think also for people that are just simply not the initiated player and I think this is what's happened with Elven ring is that you have people now who have been playing from software games since I don't know 2015 or something like that a new game comes out and they're like wow this game's easy well [ __ ] no [ __ ] it's easy you're really good at them like you've been playing you you put 2 000 hours into these games how can they possibly make a game that's going to be hard enough for you to feel fulfilled by beating it and simultaneously not just be just as insurmountable level of difficulty for a normal person and I think that's clearly what happens in many guards and that's why you see a lot of the personal challenge run soul level 1 runs uh you know like remembrance runs all these other types of things that are propping up now with Elven ring any percentage runs and you see these things happen and I think the biggest benefit to them is the fact that every single player gets to choose what they want to do and I think that's why these games are so good and I think that's what a lot of people who are complaining about them don't seem to understand is the fact that these games do have difficulty settings you can make it harder and you can also make it a hell of a lot easier I think that if you watch people that say Elden ring is too hard these are people that as soon as they got to you know like they went straight to Stormville Castle they [ __ ] tried to beat their head against Margot for an hour or two they don't [ __ ] know anything about the game they die this is their first Souls game and they're frustrated as [ __ ] about it I think that's probably 80 percent I'm just throwing a random numbers just a guess right but I think a lot of people run into that problem and they don't know about the summons they don't know about the different types of ways that you can make the fight easier they don't know about empowering devices like you know exalted flesh or any sort of other like thing to give your your weapon like extra damage they don't understand about like jump attacks a posture bar or anything like that because they just don't like why would they understand that it fundamentally like the game is about Discovery and I think in that way Elden ring will actually become an easier game over time and it will not become an easier game over time because from software will feel bad for all the journalists trying to beat it they'll become an easier game over time because all the other neckbeards that have been playing this game every single day for eight hours a day for the past month or so we'll have Min maxed all the fun out of it and they'll be able to tell all the casuals exactly where to go to get the weapon to kill the boss in three hints so it's actually going to be easier for casual players to beat the game the longer the game is released because more tools and more strategies and more information will come out that will trivialize parts of the game and I don't think that's a bad thing because all of those things that players can do are completely optional you don't have to do this you can just not use this ability and I think that's what the real Beauty in these games really is is the fact that you can choose your own difficulty setting dynamically whenever you want from fight to fight from you know encounter to encounter and you can do whatever the hell you want to do and that is what I think is such a great thing about these games and I think that we've seen this already with dark souls 3 is that for a lot of these guys that are really really big fans of the game they like seeing the hardest version of these fights we've seen some of the sakiro mods but Dark Souls 3 I think is mainly the biggest modded game and if you play Dark Souls 3 a lot of these like convergence mod uh the hollow mod I did sender senders was pretty easy but to be fair I played kind of a [ __ ] build um but you know like many of these uh these mods and everything will make the game harder and so I think that you just have to wait for that to happen and I'll certainly be really excited to play them I've played uh you know as I said many of the Dark Souls 3 mods I've played many of the Dark Souls ones mods uh Daughters of Ash in my opinion is substantially harder than uh than base Dark Souls 1. so it's almost like um whenever I was playing Daughters of Ash Dark Souls 1 I almost felt the same as I felt whenever I was a kid going from playing Super Mario Brothers to playing Super Mario Brothers to Lost Levels you know it was like oh [ __ ] okay now now instead of there being three Goombas there's 35 and you know there's like bullet bills coming at you in three different ways and you only have like 120 seconds to get to the end of the of the stage right and I think those are the uh those are the best things about it so I'd say just be patient and until then uh you know keep doing your soul level 10 or one or you know Club only retch runs and uh wait for people to come out with some uh different deviations of what the game really is but overall I I really had to say like I mean bro like this is probably one of the best games I've ever played like honestly like I I think about it all the time like that's why I keep going late on my stream it's like I just don't want to stop playing the game I'm like I I've been having so much fun with it man it's been so great and I want to talk about the difficulty of the game because again you know going back to what I said at the beginning I think that the people that say the game is too hard they're right it is too hard for them because they don't understand the tools that they have available and I think the people that say it's too easy are also right because they do understand the tools that they have available and that's compounded on the fact that they've played every single other from software game like I have and they know exactly what all the nuances are it's like you see something like the Earth tree guy uh you know the big guy with this the staff bro Miyazaki you're not fooling anybody man that's an Asylum Demon why ever we we know we we know this right it jumps up it falls down it does the overhead slam it does the sweep it's a [ __ ] Asylum Demon and you know what that's great I'm happy but it doesn't mean that whenever we see it it makes it a little bit easier and I think that's a really good way of reusing something in a very uh you know tongue-in-cheek way but it's still fulfilling to fight because there are the little uh these little laser beams that come and kill you and it is a lot harder than the Asylum Demon is but all I'm saying is that you know you do see these uh these patterns repeated throughout the games and so it makes it easier for somebody who is a initiated player to immediately grasp and I think that new players have to play catch-up with those players and they see somebody who has all that experience and all that context behind it play through the game it's going to be a much different experience I had that same thing happen whenever I was in Dark Souls 1 and by the time I started playing sakiro and bloodborne it was a lot easier for me to pick up on things and with Alvin ring it was a substantially more easy more easy so yeah I think the game is too easy it can also be too hard it depends on how you come at it what ways you choose to handicap or give yourself advantages and I think that's one of the best things about the game I hope more games take on that approach I don't think every game should I think some games are fine just with toggleable difficulty modes because you know Different Strokes for different fogs everybody likes different stuff but um I'm really glad that we have a game like Elven ring that allows you to choose and really kind of be in control of your own destiny I think it's super fun and I wanted to give my thoughts and everything on the difficulty of the game where it comes from and why I think it's a good thing so anyway guys thanks a lot for watching really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 402,140
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: w4olxzNy7HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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