Is EJ Tackett favorite to win player of the year in 2024? | PBA World Championship 2024

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EJ taker is the reigning player of the year after a ridiculous 2023 season where he won five titles and was the number one seed in four majors in that season alone the question is can he win this award again in 2024 it's been a spit of a strange old season so far for EJ as clearly he's been bowling at a ridiculously high level because he's made Seven shows so far this season he's just struggled to get it done on TV he went five straight shows without winning a title but finally broke that drought winning the shark Championship on April the 17th and now he has a chance to win a second title this season in the same week and claim his fifth major at the world championship with a win here it would completely change the player of the year race and give EJ serious claims but in order to do so he'd have to do it the hard way climbing the ladder from the fourth seed although he's the only right-hander on The Telecast which could obviously play a huge Advantage if he gets lined up so let's break down what happened on this telecast and see whether EJ can in fact run the ladder he's the defending Champion too so it's a big chance to win back-to-back titles the last person to do this was Jason Bonte who technically did a three Pat as he won in 2017 2019 and 2020 but the world championships was not held in 2018 before that you'd have to go back to 2008 when Norm Duke did it and before that all the way to the80s when Earl Anthony three repated so clearly this is an incredibly difficult feat to accomplish so onto match number one and it's EJ facing 19-year-old Eric Jones who earned the number five seed after winning the play in step ladder on Saturday thanks to shots like this learn these Lanes learn what life is like out here and pick up things like that oh yeah you bet [Applause] Jonesy oh you got it he got it Randy baby but EJ has sent a message from the get-go that he's here to defend his title as he fires in six straight strikes after an opening spare Jones is doing his best to stay in the match making some good shots himself EJ leaves a four pin in the eighth which he spares for a 30 pin lead but Jones Goes high in the eighth leaving the 47 although he does strike in the ninth so EJ is in full control still until he isn't this shot on the right lane was slightly inside and he pays the price leaving the 410 and this is the sort of thing we've seen from him on TV recently he seems to be in control of the match and then one shot just seems to cost him so now EJ has some work to do to shut out Jones as he needs a double and two pins in the 10th Frame and to be fair to tack it he puts the open out of his mind and puts down two excellent shots to advance to match two there was almost a little wobble there from taket but he managed to hold things together and that's one Lefty down with just three more to go match number two sees gr and far come in and far is an interesting one because he came roaring onto the scene winning the 2016 Players Championship which was his first ever PBA National event and he beat Ryan simonelli in the title match bowling a 279 and at the time became the first Canadian to win a tour title in the pre-match interview far spoke about how he felt he peaked a little bit too early as he's not won since but he'll be hoping to turn things around today far is going with the Black Pearl urethane and starts off with a strike EJ Muir picks up where he left off in match one with an opening double far doubled in the third and fourth but then started to have carry issues leaving a number of nine spares two more strikes from EJ means he has a 22 pin lead going into the seventh but he's inside of Target and pays the price leaving the 410 and he left one of these on the right lane in match one now this is a bit of a different match as the lead has been cut all the way down to eight pins but it's a better shot in the eighth and EJ kicks out the four pin far has gone three nine spares in a row and makes it four after leaving this week's seven pin he takes a time out before the ninth frame to discuss things with Mike Wolf and they decide the adjustment should be more Loft and to keep the speed up but this one doesn't make it back and although pins go around the three pin it will be another nine spare EJ puts in a good shot on the right lane but leaves a 10 pin and Spares it so he does still have a 10 pin lead he now needs to double in the 10th to shut out far but he comes in light to leave the 24 and this was perhaps a pinch wider and potentially a bit fast as well so far can now win this with a double and nine unfortunately he hasn't struck since the fourth frame so what can he find here can he somehow find three good shots but it's not to be and this was just way inside and EJ tacket will win his second match in a row and continue his quest to run the ladder as he takes on the two seed yesper senson in the semifinal EJ has an opening strike and yesper is using urethane of course but he's a lot further right than the other left-handers the first leaves a seven pin and the second strikes but to be honest I wasn't convinced by this one it seemed to hit a bit flat and time will tell if he can consistently carry playing that line EJ with a 10 pin but he does follow it up with a great strike but it's another seven pin for senson on the right lane and it just doesn't look like it's hitting the pocket at the right angle and proof of this is on the very next shot as it's another seven pin EJ with a poor shot in the fourth frame and he has the 3691 to deal with but chops it leaving the six pin standing and even though EJ has won two matches he has made a little bit hard work of it so far really it's the right lane that's giving him problems as when he does make the pocket he's leaving 10 pins but there's just been that errant shot where he's missed inside and it's cost him in that frame a much better shot from yesper in the fifth as this was slightly slower but he can't double as he goes slightly light and can't get the 10 pin to fall despite pins flying around it straight out of the commercial break EJ finally gets a strike on the right lane after getting a messenger to take out the 10 and fair play is to attack it here he's put that open frame behind him and bounced back with three strikes to take a ninepin lead pretty bad break here leaving the 6810 yes he did go high but it was still unfortunate to leave this especially with a pin spinning around the eight pin and luck just isn't with him clearly as this very next shot is another 10 pin and I do feel he's been incredibly unfortunate in this match but now over to EJ again and it's nearly a 710 but the Seven Falls and the pin nearly rolls around to take out the 102 but it will be a nine spare and he is still in control of this match the ninth frame for EJ was a light hit and he left the four pin which he spares and this means he can't be shut out no matter what yesper does yes was ninth frame and how did he leave yet another 10 pin and you can see the frustration which is completely understandable as he's bowled a good game but nothing has gone his way he gets the first in the 10th though but a six pin and he finishes with a 184 despite all of those shots in the pocket this means that EJ would advance to the title match to take on one seed Matt Russo and Tack it the defending Champion now has one game to complete the run of the ladder and win back-to-back World Championships and EJ starts off the title match with the same ball and it does go light but he gets an opening strike now our first look at Matt Russo who won his second tour title earlier this week at the Scorpion Championship his first two shots and he leaves backto back seven pins and it's almost as if yeser senson has come back for another match EJ gets a double and time will tell if he has indeed figured out that right lane and it's an absolutely beautiful shot for three in a row and this is the big Advantage he has in this tast being the only right-hander as he's able to sort of open up the lanes and create that shot in that area and suddenly he's looking very good out there Russo still sticking with the hammer effect but it's a third seven pin in a row and even even though he's using reactive he's having the exact same issue as yesper as the ball it's just hitting light and flat now he does go to a ball change on the next shot changing to a hater and this just looked a much better shot when it hit the pocket and after three opening seven pins in a row he had to make some sort of change but tacket makes it four in a row and although it was another great shot the 10 pin stood he spares it and has a 31 pin lead and over to Russo who's working on a strike but it's a fourth seven pin in five frames and I'm not quite sure what he needs to do to kick the seven pin out but he does get a strike in the sixth although he's going to need quite a few more of them to get back into this match Taki comes back with a strike after that 10 pin leave and does leave another 10 pin in the seventh which makes it back to back 10 pins on the left lane Russo leaves the double wood in the seventh frame and time really is running out to mount a comeback and he's definitely going to need some help from EJ to do so one small consolation here as he does finally get a seven pin to drop after this nice rolling messenger takes it out a 10 pin for EJ on the right lane and he looked a little bit nervous to me as going up on the approach so he just needs to hold things together as the Finishing Line inches ever closer he spares the 10 and leaves another 10 pin and Spares that so again it's still in his hands and he cannot be shut out but this is a must strike situation for r R and it will be his fifth seven pin of the match and a 10 pin for Russo in the 10th means EJ had done it he's managed to climb the ladder to win back-to-back World Championships and his fifth major and 23rd PBA title and what a different week it's been for EJ after five shows this season in a row without a title he's won two titles in a week so what does this mean for the player of the year race well it means EJ Taki is right back into contention and is arguably now the front runner with these fantastic back-to-back performances this week however to really seal player of the year I feel he has to win one more title and with the Tournament of Champions just starting he'll have a chance to add another major title to his growing collection and given how dominant he's been and how many shows he's made this season you just kind of know he's going to be in contention throughout the week so that's going to bring an end to today's video thank you all for watching and don't forget to comment below and let me know who you think the player of the year is going to be for the 2024 season there will be more videos coming your way this week and also I will be doing a breakdown video just like this one for the Tournament of Champions so once again I hope you have all enjoyed this video so that's going to do it from me for today and as always thank you bowling fans and see you all next time
Channel: The Right Lane
Views: 5,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bEY_RK27l-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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