Two Handed Bowling Tips: Staying Behind The Ball

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[Music] what is going on everybody it is Frank the Tank and I've got a question for you two-handed Bowlers out there have you ever had trouble keeping your hand behind the ball at the top part of the Swing all the way up until the release Point well I'm here to tell you that me being a two-handed bowler myself I've had that problem for years and only just recently have I figured out how to correct that problem and I'm here to show you exactly how I did it and what you can do in order to be able to correct it yourselves check this out back in November of 2023 I remember I was uh scrolling through Instagram and I remember that I stumbled upon a clip of Chris Sloan throwing the ball down the lane and the thing that really stood out to me was how good he had his hand positioned behind the ball at thep top of the Swing all the way through the release point and that was the other thing that stood out to me is how good his release was and I was thinking to myself wow that is literally what I've been trying to achieve for the longest time so I thought maybe I should look into this guy's game and to see what he is doing to be able to achieve such a thing and then I remember that he actually made the TV show for the 2019 USBC Masters so I went on looking there to see if I could get a better look at his approach and the thing that stood out to me there was his left hand how he had it positioned on the ball when he lined up and then I uh remember Chris Vai actually does that exact same thing and I'm thinking to myself is that the key is that what I need to do in order to be able to get my hand behind the ball and then I was like okay the next time I go back to the lanes I'm going to try doing this with my left hand and see if it'll actually help me keep my hand behind the ball at the top top of the at the top of the swing to the release point now this is actually what my hand looked like all these years this is what I've been doing from the start of bowling all the way up to just recently so here's my hand uh right hand in like so and this is actually where I've been having my hand so like from my point of view this is actually the left side for you guys that's actually the right side so that's where I've had it this is where Chris Sloan and Chris VI would have their hand way the heck over here so this this is probably like Chris py territory I think Chris L went like that or something so as you can see like my hand is actually taking that shape just like him just by doing this so that's what they did and I told myself that's what I'm going to try so I never realized that all these years going like this even though this felt extremely comfortable to me this is what I like this um this is actually damaging uh my ball reaction this is actually hindering my release this is bad so uh I don't know if you can see like hold on I'll try my best here but yeah having my hand there would lead to my hand actually being more like there at the top of the Swing so uh take a look at this actually I have footage of it you can see there uh this was when I had my hand in the ball like I just showed you guys as you can see it leads to my uh my throwing hand being more to the like the middle like between the Border line of the middle to the uh going into the outside in the end at the release point I would have my hand more going more up the like the side of the ball and that is bad because you know that that it's just like Randy said uh he said he said this uh several times on on The Telecast you keep your hand behind the ball not up the side of it that's not how you curve it and that going up the side of it would lead the ball to flaring over uh the you know over the holes and that would ruin the reaction if if you like get it like a little bit of your track flare over the middle finger the ball will still curve but like if you were to get really up the side of it the ball will flare over like the bridge or like yeah around here and that would cause the ball to not even curve at all so I realized that that's what I needed to change that and that's when I decided to tackle uh that change so I I moved my hand from here over to here exactly like what Chris V and Chris Sloan would do so I tried that and here was the [Music] result in the you in the [Music] you so as you can see clearly it worked so let's take a look at this in slow motion all right there we go I was able to tuck and you can see right there my hand now actually shows compared to when I had my hand more to the left side of the ball it that that's part of oh yeah and you could see uh I'm able to actually tuck my hand my uh my right hand a lot easier now and one thing I can tell you is it felt a whole hell of a lot easier like to tuck uh to keep my hand on the inside part of the ball it felt like I had to I didn't have to put as much effort compared to when I had my left hand on the uh on the left side of the ball so look at that that's the way it should be just like that and then in [Applause] turn hand still pretty much behind the ball it ends up going from I want to say maybe that's about uh five maybe 4:30 all the way and then it's going to end up going I would say that's about 11:00 yeah so the fingers are ultimately going to end up as the ball gets away from me going up this way that's the way it should be really nice and it ends up changing my Axis tilt my Axis rotation the ball flares away from the fingers and I get a really nice reaction in fact I think the ball even hooks more because of this really nice I mean my speed was a little slow right here in this clip because I mean I was only just trying it out for the first uh for the first time so I knew and it felt weird so I knew knew this my speed was going to take a really bad hit on this but the main thing is take a look at this C look at that this proves that it definitely worked look at that away from the middle finger and I use the promotion as an example because I for the life of me for ever since I got this ball all the way up till just until I made this change I could not get this ball to turn properly all the track flare would always be pretty much over the middle finger I couldn't get this ball to work and part of the reason was I I was thinking was because maybe I put this layout and this kind of layout when you put the pin above the the bridge this layout does not allow you any room to make errors with your release you have to keep your hand behind the ball if you want this ball to work um compared to like something like 60x 4x3 where the pin would be more up here and the CG would be here kind of like this ball this is actually uh actually let me show you yeah see this is 60x 4x3 this if even if you get your hand up to the side it's still uh most of the track flare will end up you know this ball will end up flaring properly it allows you that that room to make errors with your release but yeah that's 60x 4x3 compared to that pin above the bridge 60x 5 1/2x 60 layout that one does not allow you that um room to make errors with your release you have to get it right so this thing that I did that adjustment going from there to here it worked so so yeah look at that couldn't be any better than that all the way around clean nice track flare you have no idea how excited I was when I saw that it it it was working this actually helped look at that all the way around really nice and away from the fingers thank God all right so allow me to explain to you in a little bit better detail exactly what I did what change I made so again like I said I took a page out of uh Chris vay Chris Sloan's uh put whatever that was and yeah okay I was here originally and now this is what I do so backing it up here so what I do is I moved from here to about here I keep like one way of knowing is my uh middle finger and uh ring finger are like in between my index on my on this hand right here so I did that and then I kind of like I VI does this like his hand goes in that direction like that I don't do that so I what I do is once I've got it here I kind of bring it over like that so that my hand now you can see it's actually taking on that exact same look that Chris Sloan has so yeah that's what I did went from here in between the index with my uh other hand just like that as you can see about there and then I brought the hand instead of keeping it across like that I brought it up straight like that so it's going down so that's what I did in that those clips that you guys saw and as you can see it worked it turned out really really nice good release hand behind the ball all the way through and the ball even flared properly even with that layout that I've had the toughest time for many years with I finally got it to work for me because of that so that is uh I guess the tip for you uh if you're having trouble keeping your hand behind the ball try doing that move the hand over from like if you're doing what I did like even if you have it like if you have it here or even about there move it to here to where your index finger is try it out it should feel like you know like easier to uh keep your hand behind the ball it should feel like you're putting a lot less effort into it it should feel a lot more comfortable so yeah that's my tip for you uh try doing it I hope it works for you it worked for me and um yeah uh I hope it helps so I'm Frank the Tank that was my tip on keeping your hand behind the ball uh thank you for watching and I will see you guys next time [Music] you and see all decline breaking the way watching the light
Channel: FrankTheTankBowling
Views: 16,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bowling, Frank, 2 Hands
Id: MNCUC1n-n9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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