Top 5 WORST Randy Pedersen moments on TV | PBA Bowling Rewind

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Randy Peterson longtime PBA commentator and 13-time winner on tour he had some very memorable moments during his time on the PBA but not all of them were particularly good which is why Randy is the next candidate for the top five worst moments on TV series for those of you who haven't seen this type of video before this is a new video series I'm doing where I look at what I consider to be the top five worst moments on TV for various PBA players and discuss each moment and their ranking I'm working my way through other PBA Bowlers so if there's any bowler you'd like me to do a top five worst or best moments for then let me know in the comment section below but on to today's video and let's start this list with number five the 2000 Indianapolis open well that ball got away from him leaves the one two the six and the 10 and or you can go right between the one and the six that's what it look like Randy was trying to do but it struck off so far and an open for Peterson and game goes by so quickly this one had a bit of a different TV format the first match included three players who qualified in sixth 7th and eighth and the player with the highest game Advanced then there was another game played with three players is the winner of match one and then the next two seeds which included Randy but things did not go well for him as he was all over the place leaving splits and just struggled to find a consistent look to the pocket and finished low man with a 173 I included this one on the list because Randy actually won this tournament in 1999 so he did miss a chance to go back to back and also this was kind of at the later part of his career because before the win in 1999 it actually been four years since he'd won a title so I guess you could say he was also looking for a bit of resurgence in his career and I think a back-to-back win at the Indianapolis open certainly would have done that so it was a bit of a missed opportunity number two the 2003 Tournament of Champions can he stay H Lan level look at it comes in high just a little soft with the speed right through the know maximum penalty 467 not as far left as Patrick on that left lane two oh a pin a solid beautiful shot for nine right around it it's the bowler's worst enemy he knows it's close and to our host at the Mohan Sun that's high as well again through the nose for fire such an incredible moment down 21 had to really hurry and it was way light off the H you got to kill it so it doesn't hook early but if you throw it too hard it won't tip with a PBA but that is light God he threw that terrible that's a wash up come on sprad up needs to get it to the left of the headpin he did oh no Randy the 10 stands and another open frame and late in the max that can absolutely be fatal again we're looking at the later part of his career at the 2003 Tournament of Champions Peterson actually shot a 278 in the semi-finals to advance and it seemed like he had a real chance to win his second career Major he faced Patrick hey JR in the title match who at the time had two PBA titles but it was not the start Randy was looking for in the title match after that fantastic first game as he went through the nose in frame two for the 467 split he tripped the four pit out on his next shot for a strike but then left a solid eight pin on the next shot and look at the pain in his face here clearly bringing back some rather painful memories and after this Randy just seemed to lose his way a bit and couldn't find the pocket but he was still in the match as hey couldn't really take advantage and had a couple of open frames Randy was actually only down by 10 pins and working on a strike so he could actually tie things up with another strike here but then completely lost this one off his hand missed the headpin and left the 12410 which he could not spare hey got a crucial double and Randy did strike in the ninth and then got the first two in the 10th but in his fi shot he only got eight pins and this was crucial as it now meant Healey only needed nine pins to win rather than a mark HEI struck and managed to claim the win and overall this was just a very bad moment for Randy here and that eight pin was very brutal number three missing a five pin at the 1994 Tournament of Champions majority decision next on [Music] ABC vanage would be to we look out Randy Randy you know Chris I've only seen that happen twice on the pro Bowers tour missed the five pin it happened both times here in the tournament Champions am letto monachelli missed two years ago in the championship Mast he missed a five pin and here Randy Peterson misses one in a crucial frame to open the door for Weber who can really jump in and take command with a strike here left to 10 nobody ever misses the five pin well not strictly true as Randy managed to miss one on TV at the 94 Tournament of Champions against Pete Weber and he's not the only one we've seen do this before on TV one other person that comes to mind was amleto monachelli who missed the five pin on TV but this five pin Miss for Randy while it was a little embarrassing it didn't actually cost him as he ended up winning the match still but even so this moment had to be included on this list number two the 2005 Tournament of Champions he's done well on this Lane still someone's moving or clicking a camera young man in the yellow I see you okay buddy just perfect perfectly still like a little statue second unbelievable shot he needs one more to force a sudden death rollof can Randy Peterson do it his career regaining shot as the PA announcer reminds the [Applause] fans his career on the line seven pin hey thanks dude leaves the set that was great hey good job up there I see you good job up there lot of class pal you hear that lot of class pal what a terrible break it was wasn't a terrible shot but somebody fed back home somebody moved up there just what he didn't want to see this moment comes from the 2005 Tournament of Champions and it was a crucial TV finals for Randy as he was fighting for his exemption card on tour he had to get three strikes in the 10th to force a rolloff against Norm Duke he got the first strike then on his second shot as he steps up he started to talk to someone in the crowd Crow asking them to stay still he then got the second strike after this and then the PA announcer actually reminded the crowd uh just to remain as still as possible Randy's final shot and he had to get a strike but it goes light and he left the seven pin and this causes the angry Outburst we saw in the clip earlier this was clearly a very frustrating moment for Randy as obviously so much was on the line as he was trying to get a t exemption but it wasn't a great look going off at the fan like this both him failing to get a tall exemption and his angry Outburst easily earns this moment as the number two spot number one the eight pin right over the second Arrow what a great shot a big one wasting no time at all oh oh I don't believe it I don't believe it I don't believe it yeah yeah yeah for you people I am Ali now we all knew this one was coming and unfortunately it just had to be number one on this list because of how iconic it's become it's a moment nobody will forget and every time someone leaves an eight pin on TV it's always brought up up add in slagel's reaction and this is without doubt the worst TV moment of ry's bowling career and to be honest it's not even close well that is going to do it for today I hope you enjoyed this one um I mean I know some people might say that Randy was quite an easy target for this type of video but I will be working my way through a lot of other PBA players as well that will be it from me for today and as always thank you bowling fans and see you all next time
Channel: The Right Lane
Views: 19,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JFdM3mrWmec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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