2023 PWBA US Open Championship Match 2 | Danielle McEwan vs Diana Zavjalova

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so now McEwen zavyalova match 2 this should be fantastic bowling McEwen gets started left lane with success [Music] [Music] two of which are Queens wins The Tiara and the major but you said it was last night would mean everything to win the US Women's Open look out that is tough week two ten split Dan is playing further right Dan Dan Danielle she's outside of the track of where Danielle has been this is where most the women scored all week long you can see she's about six seven all the way to about board five just hovering now right here is a 45 foot Mark before it has 15 feet towards the pocket so pattern's only 41 feet you can see it's playing a lot longer than what it is she leaves at 210 and let me say this became a very common spare this week on this pattern comes up short early open as we'd like to say on our broadcast if you're gonna have an open habit rolling the first frame gives you plenty of time to rebound and get back in the match exactly but still that's kind of be a little rattling right out of the gate well she got to practice off to the side on the warm-up pair comes over when there's already been two games one match pulled on this pair it's slightly different she might need a frame or two just to get comfortable and lock into the line that she needs to play okay so she just left lane that's a lot better crunches 10 in the pit with perfection there 16 feet to success for Diana wow a little bit closer to the head pin where the other lane she's about six seven that one looks like she was around eight nine ish any player rolls a 300 game during our telecast night we'll receive a 10 000 bonus courtesy of gobowling.com visit gobowen.com to find local bowling centers get tips from the pros and for all the latest news and information about your favorite sport bowling McEwen crossing over coming in High baby split 3 10. yeah her footwork got a little fast there accelerated at the bottom of the Swing hands started to rotate early and Miss inside her Target you split 310 watch her first step got large now Danielle has been combating a toe injury from last year that we saw you can see this is just left inside her hand 10 doesn't quite get out to that seven eight marker kind of beamed it towards the three pin broke late leaves the baby split which you covers nicely big spare we talked about the toe in green how it's still not 100 the sneakers made it better she's able to push off her power step a lot more and again post and stay in that balanced position watching her bold previous week she was kind of shuffling or sliding her first step forward on the five step approach talked her about walking a little bit more heel toe made the steps shorter and smaller she's been fairly solid ever since obviously making the show tonight so the breakdown left lane right lane into her second match good ball reaction there just enough [Applause] look at Daniel's footwork there's first steps a little large the first three are very very similar all about the same size her fourth step is very large and kind of off the side but again she's been tracking around that zone and my yellow marker is perfect showing it extend right to that one three pocket foreign get some help Diana Davis she's been on a roll really since the end of last season 2022 she came off so many telecasts not walking away with the wind that she wanted and the Victory this one six to about five Swisher strike I don't even know what pin came off from the left side to kick out the 10 pin itself but she has been that Fierce competitor all week long on this pattern and really looking coming off the show last week in Cleveland and now again in the majors Shannon O'Keefe Great Lakes classic and then Lindsey boomershine in Cleveland last week a little high there three pin stand six nine ten coming up next join the women of we need to talk as they sound off on top sports topics from coast to coast right here on CBS Sports Network foreign she was married in March went to Bora Bora for the honeymoon and the wedding have you ever been she said it was like a dream there I have never been to Bora Bora it's on my list it sounds incredible I need a bigger bucket for Bora Bora got it covers well done there a long journey for Diana back to TV he lost her grandmother back in Lafayette during covet and really battled mental health issues to a point she needed a lot of help and she got it and she is Rock Solid now she's felt a long time she said last night back to her old self it's great the boys are split that's good news four Pence dance yeah it was slightly slightly and I'm slightly inside but her ball speed was much firmer was able to freeze the ball and keep it online a little bit longer leaves the four pins bare you can see that one's up the lane a little bit more even faster off her hand just leaves the four pin to convert no problem there long drive of the Season Kelly you know you competed this year on tour and Dennis said it was Danielle said with us last night she went home to New York State between her events to practice because she wasn't satisfied on a week-week basis with how she was performing she is one of the hardest working women out here travels a lot extensively heavily for PBA events women's events Team USA competitions appearances along the way and she finds Solace and in going home being with her family and being in her own environment [Music] close match two big strike from McEwen in the fifth fan works on a spare now I've witnessed Diana's routine and it's a bit longer than what it is on The Telecast the women do have a 25 second shot clock their approach must be initiated before the clock runs out but normally Diana has a lot more prep time before she takes her initial approach right lane four pin this time for isabiola as you said Kelly to us last night winning the Queens twice that's awesome big career accolades but winning this event a green jacket means so much to her well is it so significant it it's the most prestigious event in any sport like the golf just took place this week winning after a 10-year drought though the coveted Green Jacket the US Open title The Men's senior PBA US Open just concluded last night Troy lint out of Pennsylvania won the coded title beating Parker bone in the championship match I believe and now Diana is trying to work away at the step ladder against Danielle to get to that same position and having that US Open title within your career under your resume and another accolade maybe she's wearing the green shirt gives her The Omen for that green jacket husband EJ right behind running around here front row by playing another big shot comes in high only three six ten stand here for Diana that was a little bit in her timing every now and then in Diana's swing she has a little hitch where her body's going forward the ball is still going up just slightly for a split Split Second and she pulls down from the top of the swing and Mrs inward high on the head pin fortunate just to leave the 3610. [Music] covers has a spare has the Mark here Kelly halfway through Max number two great finish to come here Rochester I can't say enough great things about the staff here at ABC Gates poll Mike Molly the staff everyone that helped out supplied us with snacks and water along the way above and beyond thank you to everybody I'm a cube invite Pence for help there quite hit the pocket where she wanted another 10 pin stand so a chance to go up by 18. keeps things interesting it's just enough with that extension down Lane of that ice oil it just pushes the ball a slight a little bit more and the ball comes in at a sharper angle wrapping the six pin around Cross Lane 10 pin got that anyway I've met Rachel during the week regiment Ross Danielle has a green one that is currently named Ross Rachel and Ross understood but got him at Target and Victoria is using that get through this tough moment a lot of pressure and watching your big sister strike there what a first season it was for Victoria at Vanderbilt there's Alyssa ballad as well Carolyn's fantastic daughter NCAA Champs and Fanny in year one how about that every shot it's just been won exactly over the previous one Diana said it was last night you give yourself an a for the season it's been a great year it's a lot of top tens well Diana and Brianna both had the best match play record they went 18 and six in match play 30 pins bonus for each win it's right there let's go to Carolyn congrats by the way count on the national championship for your daughter that's amazing right thank you I did nothing there except to watch so yes thank you very much Dave so uh Danielle had the the left lane a little bit earlier as do all the other ladies I think they kind of followed her lead the right lane if they get the ball just a little bit to the right it just wasn't recovering it wasn't reading that kind of like how Kelly described the speed bump there in the middle part of the lane now what Diana did was not hit the head pin in her practice shots on the right lane so what she opted to do was move a little bit further away and keep that ball just a little more direct good advice there Carolyn that's exactly what she's been doing she's been playing the left lane more around the track Zone which is 9 10 11 area those three white boards kind of tracing over those very very similar Danielle you see the ball just does not slow down continues to go and just waves as it goes right past the nine pin and on the right lane if she didn't get lined up she's playing to the outside hoping the ball along the length of the pattern going a little bit more right to left we'll get it to change direction sooner and make it way toward the one three pocket somehow nine pin stood there defying the laws of physics on the left lane keeps things very close eight pin lead for Danielle working on strike into the eighth frame Cote is next right right lane widens the Gap to an 18 in advantage sounds like Clyde Frazier a little bit oh we're in New York it works yeah Foundation foreign [Applause] had no chance none whatsoever focus in her eyes everything is leveraged great knee Bend post the shot left arm is nice and calm she's hovering around the eight nine nine ten board down at about 43 to 45 feet she knew it off her hand foreign she has got to respond right lane does so good shot he's staying contention and both of the women are tackling somewhat similar but Diana's rotation she's about 81 degrees of axis rotation you know so it's like staring back at her which makes the ball want to go even further down the lane so she Danielle's been on the inside Diana's got a little bit similar to what Liz Johnson was doing but further right outside of the lane you can see the ball just go immediately towards the eight pin strong asymmetric bowling ball pinned down slow pin buffer really rolls it heavily off her hand trying to freeze it and trap it in front of her you know the 10th has to keep striking looking for help across the deck and somehow 10 pin avoids the messenger inching Danielle closer to the win that was an excellent shot by Dan the head pin comes off the wall side wall watch it go all the way left comes back across but the gravity takes it straight across 192 if Diana strikes out Danielle just needs a couple pins in the 10th Frame and she will go on to meet Brianna Cote good shot there zaviolaba a lot to be proud of him on to the show which is so challenging because we've documented I recall when Diana made the US Open show in Roanoke Park she I think shot like battle 192 or 196 on television she did not miss the pocket just did not find the right carry the right ball roll through the pins and it was unfortunate tonight she bowled great she pulled great all week long again the best match play record Tower Brianna Cote at 18 and six but Daniella's just a machine she stays behind the foul line she's got a ball change coming up here just to give her some information she will move on to the semi-final match just five for the win gets 10 gets a victory and McEwen climbs the ladder again [Applause] Brianna Cote next
Channel: Bowling R Us
Views: 390,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t62KW9lskWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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