Biggest PBA outbursts PART 6 | Angry PBA bowlers

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yes it's that time again time for more Angry PBA Bowlers if you can believe it we're now on to part six and it seems people just can't get enough of Bowlers getting angry and throwing outbursts on TV just like with my previous videos in this series we have several angry moments to look at and I'll let you all decide on your favorite there's going to be some familiar faces in this one and perhaps one guy who you might not expect to be on this list as well so without further ado let's jump straight into it number one Walter Ray Williams Jr and the camera flash Troublesome Lane [Applause] for something wrong with you wow thanks believe that got to be a fan we believe who must have said something something kind of noise as he released the ball and you could see how upset he was and an open frame unfortunately for Walter Ray watch how soon he pulls out of the shot either the fan said something or stands up and there's oh it was a flash picture unbelievable now water raid to me normally seemed pretty composed and it's not really someone you'd expect to get angry on TV but there was an in ENT all the way back in 2002 at the Empire State open and Walter Ray was playing Chris barns in the semi-final Walter was up by five and working on three strikes heading into the sixth frame but you can see as soon as he released the ball he pulled up and something had distracted him it turned out it was a fan flashing a camera just as he's about to release the ball and Walter understandably was not happy and shouted over at the fan this camera flash costed him as he went through the nose leaving a split and it would uh mean that Chris Barnes would win the match and advance in the past we've seen a PBA interference rule where a shot can be retaken if a fan clearly interfered or distracted the bowler but no such rule was in place on this occasion very unfortunate for w to here and you can certainly understand his angry reaction number two Jason couch versus Patrick Allen oh some late action for number seven got hit twice twice you talk about walking into somebody's wheelhouse this is Jason's wheelhouse and he himself over the holiday break Patrick Allen makes the ball change equipment and he gets some help too about six falling there on a late T it might be his house but I'm knocking watch the two pin go to the wall come around here throughout this event and today knocking baby come knocking I'm knocking I'm [Music] [Applause] knocking he just called JC [Applause] out I hear you knocking but you can't come in keep knocking H keep knocking all the timing all the Symmetry perhaps not so much of an angry moment because I think there was a touch of light-heartedness between these two but all the same both are Fierce competitors and there was some great trash talking going on here you saw early on couch say this is my house which prompted Alan to call him out and say it may be his house but I'm knocking and of course Jason couch would respond to this himself and talk a little bit of smack back to Allan both of these players were always great fun to watch as they both love to be very vocal and give some trash talk to their opponent but for Patrick Allen his comment probably wasn't the best move as Jason couch is literally the last person you want to get fired up as he will absolutely give it back to you and it just seems to make him bow better and Jason would actually end up winning this one and taking home the title number three Anthony Simonson our next Outburst comes from Anthony Simonson and this is a recent one coming from the 2024 USBC Masters it was during the double elimination bracket and we saw in the clip that Simonson was not happy and gave the double middle finger you might think at first this would directed to Matt Ogle on the right hand side of the video but actually this was directed at Jr Raymond who was four lanes to the right of Simonson and was out of shot on the video so what exactly did JR Raymond do to provoke this response from Simonson well let's just look again at the second clip and yeah I mean this is it that's all Jr did clearly he didn't do anything wrong and apart from anything else he was four lanes away from Simonson so clearly this Outburst from Simonson was pretty unprofessional but to be fair to him JR Raymond did say on social media that Simonson reached out to him with an apology so there's certainly no beef between these two and this one was put to bed pretty quickly so yeah don't get your hopes up for a big feud between Jr Raymond and Anthony Simonson but even so this Outburst was a clear Contender to make this list number four Anthony Simonson again but when he got into match play somebody's phone went off over here when he got into match play things changed and he found this little trick where he could go a little bit straighter and kind of stay out of all of the traffic on the doubles telek c a few weeks ago oh no he hates it he has every reason to that is known as a Greek Church come on man they ask you to do one thing when you get here and that's turn your phones on silent that's all they ask you to do this has a worst percentage conversion than the 710 and all of a sudden one thing we apologize for that a little bit of language there but Simonson is understandably frustrated and the now I'm not trying to pick on Simonson but there is another outburst from 2019 that made this list it comes from the title match of the players championship against Jason bermonte it's the fourth frame and Simonson was up by 23 pins and working on a strike he starts his approach and then comes back off as someone's phone goes off he resets but puts it way inside and leaves the Greek church and then proceeds to show his frustration verbally towards the fan now I'm not sure if the Fan's phone went off again during Simonson's approach after he reset personally I couldn't hear anything so I think this was just Simonson complaining that he had previously been distracted by the phone and the fact that he therefore had to come off the approach and restart then when Simonson sat back in his seat you could hear him swear and drop the f bomb as well now clearly this was a very frustrating situation but at the same time he did have the chance to reset after the phone went off this open frame opened the match right up but in the end it would not actually cost s son as belon left two pocket 710s in the match including one in the 10th Frame which meant Simonson would take home the title despite this distraction and that is going to do it for today's video I hope you all enjoyed this one and yeah I mean I might make a part seven in the future but I kind of running out of angry moments to choose from now so unless we have a whole load of very angry Bowlers on TV throughout the 2024 season it might be a little while for part seven and if you haven't watched any of my previous angry Bowlers videos then make sure to head over to my channel and give them a watch that will be all for me for today and as always thank you bowling fans and see you all next time
Channel: The Right Lane
Views: 99,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I6vWGyRZewA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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