Discord Meet-Up Horror Stories

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i spoke to like some people who are like yeah it's ax good i'm planning to go alone i'm like do not go to ax alone yeah i was like define good i'm like you probably go to a local con alone and probably make sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like nyx like everyone already has their group with them yeah so it's like like you don't have enough time to hang out with the group that you have already right let alone hanging out with like randomers you know what i mean yeah [ __ ] yeah i just had like so many flashbacks if we're hanging out with random people that were terribly wrong because okay you've all been there right everyone goes to convention right yeah yeah you know you've got to decide i really want to go to this convention but [ __ ] hotel rooms are expensive right so it's like how many people can i fit in this hotel and to reduce it to a point where i'm comfortable right like and i think we said this on my podcast where like if you're the if you're in charge of the booking yeah you get dibs on the bed right so that's why i always used to be in charge of the bookings i'm like i'm getting the bet yeah i'm getting the best bet i don't get it before oh my god when if the hotel doesn't ask you how many keys you want it's like there's two keys between six of you and it's like how do we how how do we distribute and we decide who gets a key yeah like like the key has the power yeah yeah yeah it's like because you can come and go as you want because there's nothing worse than just sitting there with all your bags being like calling up your mate yeah not [ __ ] picking up and you're like i want to go back to the hotel room answer me you can't like mobile service in the convention is [ __ ] god it's non-existent it's not existing you just basically gotta you basically gotta pretend you're back in like the [ __ ] 18th century you're like how do i contact joey especially when you're in america we don't have american phones either oh like i have a contract on my british phone that gives me american service which is usable in most places but in like a convention you are getting like zero [ __ ] services like it's like a [ __ ] greek marathon right you have to like ask someone to like can you run to the other side of the convention and tell joey that i'm here it's like i'll see you soon have you ever stayed in a room with people who you're like [ __ ] i regret staying in a room with them uh yeah well i'm not gonna name names you can't name your name all right phone i can't name my names yeah but i mean you stayed with some discord people right yeah i stayed there with a bunch of people on discord and that always goes well [ __ ] nightmare that sounds like a nightmare [ __ ] i was like the pseudo leader of the group right um and there's just so many [ __ ] problems and this is also when i just started youtube and i hadn't like i i hadn't formally met i met you no i'd met sydney yeah didn't get to see you but we were going to hang out we really planned to and i hadn't met you yet how did i i don't think so so this was kind of like i don't know i wasn't going to make mates you know with you i was planning to hang out with you guys for the majority oh was this the first ax this is the first day when you spend most of your time with us yeah i remember that so i had told the people i was staying with like hey this is like straight up just like a room thing like i'm gonna be hanging out with other people like for like 99 of this totally many times i think like one of them like didn't quite get the memo and he was like really hoping that i would introduce him to like everyone and all right yo he's my best mate he's hey and the problem was is uh he was a [ __ ] creep so like i didn't really want to hang out with him yeah yeah um and uh it wasn't like at first he was a little strange you know he was an american and he was like a military dude and in my experience military dudes are like 50 50 on whether they're like totally chill or just [ __ ] psychotic i i i actually totally agree i've i've met so many military dudes and there is no in-between there's no between either they're a [ __ ] psycho or they're the most cheerless you could have ever ever everywhere i've met it's always like that it's like no like no chill yeah so he's like kind of nice you know he's whatever he's a little weird and then like one time i remember i met you at a party and then like he was texting me the whole time and i think i mentioned where i was yeah as we're leaving this party do you remember this like yeah i remember this we we go outside and he's waiting there at like one a.m he's like hey connor how you doing man can i join and we're like getting an uber and i'm like uh no man we're getting an uber somewhere else i'm really sorry man because like it's like how do you introduce it's like kind of creepy yeah yeah yeah everyone's already seen that he's waiting outside and it's really creepy and yeah it's the over enthusiasm right because the thing about anime conventions that's so difficult for a lot of people to like wrap their heads around is just like what what is socially acceptable because you know what i mean like social rules are thrown out the window when you don't know someone i think it's like a social rule where you shouldn't be bringing your friends in like yeah unless you have like a reason to yeah but if you if you if you don't like okay because if you bring someone in to a friend group and that guy's an [ __ ] or a creep that's not that's unusual yeah and i didn't know him and i i got kind of science that he was a creep yeah yeah and so i didn't want to bring him in because i was like if i bring him to this party and he starts like [ __ ] chatting up giggles all night like hey man i love your videos can we take a pic and i smell your penis like you know what i mean it's like it's like kind of looks terrible on me so i was like and the party was at my house or my airbnb and there was like anything like ten of us so it was really intimate so i told him i was like listen i'm really sorry dude but like i i i don't really know like gone or like anyone in this group pretty well like i would invite you i just don't feel like comfortable doing it i explained to him and he was so pissed off and uh just pissed off you're so pissed off so then i came back at like 5 a.m to my shitty hotel in like uh it's the like suburbs of l.a right it was it was like koreatown wasn't it uh no it's further away it's like even like it was really far out and it was really sketchy it was like uh what was it called it wasn't even like a holiday and it was one of the even the more budget changes like this hotel it was bad it was really bad and at this hotel for some reason at midnight all the cards reset so if you came back after midnight you'd go to the front desk but the front desk wasn't open all right so if you came back after midnight you'd hope someone else is already in the room or just wait out your door till 6am until someone comes yeah it's stupid so he was in the room and he'd been like drinking alone in his room and i felt really bad but so i'm like hey man let me in let me in whatever you know it's like 5am like dude i really want to [ __ ] sleep so he he opens the door and comes out block oh [ __ ] blocking the door so i couldn't get in right i'm like yo what the [ __ ] man like let me let me in i want to sleep it's 5am and he's like absolutely hammered he's like listen connor i thought you were cool man party i'm like dude i'm like dude i'm so sorry but like not now man it's 5am let me see yeah yeah yeah you talk about it in the morning dude please let me sleep and then whatever so we slept whatever finally i let me in but i thought it was weird that he i was like i was ignoring him i'm not trying to open the door he's blocking me and i'm like the [ __ ] man let me in it's five mm i paid for this room let me sleep and uh like near the end one of the other people's in my room who was like a lot smaller and like i i guess he thought they were cute and then they called me up and he's like hey uh he just tried to pay me uh to suck his dick and i'm like uh what the [ __ ] uh what the [ __ ] i'm like what is happening in this hotel room yikes and then i was like i am so [ __ ] glad i didn't introduce you to any of my friends you're generally asking people to suck your dick for money are you kidding me so needless to say uh i i went to the hotel room just explained him like hey what the [ __ ] man don't do that you [ __ ] like yeah this is my friend don't make them uncomfortable and then he didn't do anything and he went stayed somewhere else like the last night because i was like dude don't stay in this room with them and so i've never stayed with any random people on discord that i've never met before ever i've heard so many horror stories from discord i don't i don't know what it is about discord and i'm going to call it like the discord hotel room yeah those never ever go right like i've because even like the best you can do is have like a little bit of drama but there's never zero drama no nobody nobody ever comes out there we're just like yeah everyone was just chill we had the most cheerless time everyone was understanding what to say that everything that's playing on discord just ends up horrible what is it about because you can't like really know who's weird on discord like the problem is that you don't really know how weird people are until you meet them yeah yeah exactly you also it's it's it's doubly true on discord as well where you're here for this like you're here for the server which is like solely where you talk about this one you know common interest or whatever and you you rarely talk about your own personality i just don't understand the mentality though of like looking at a discord group and being like okay there's three other people in here never seen their faces i didn't care because you've never met them before i'm going to stay in a room with them overnight it's like i was broke joey what do you want from me like what like at least like you know hang out with them outside i understand to all the convention guys out there who have done the same thing as me because you're broke as [ __ ] like you got to do what you got to do and plus i knew i could take care of myself like i know i'm fine like i didn't worry but i you know for when i hear like like 18 year old girls that do it and i'm like whoa with like with dudes i'm like that's just that's just calling for a desire i mean i mean like it it's it's the it's a recipe for disaster right because i've only stayed in i've already i've only gone to conventions after i have had like uh like after i had a full-time job so like even even if it wasn't like a great paying job at least i could just afford my own hotel room and stuff like that or like just a really cheap motel room right you know what i mean um but if i had gone before i was like say 21 22 when i was just a broke uni student or just god forbid like like before even uni yeah like i can imagine so many horrible situations that could have arose everything all right right um which which kind of like no there's no real way to protect yourself around that especially if you're just rooming with random people on discord which is such a coin flip you know and i would argue like is the anime con really that worthless yeah yeah honestly honestly you know what all that weird [ __ ] that happened aside that i don't think i told you guys that ever but yeah i mean all of that weird [ __ ] the site that i had to deal with yeah i [ __ ] do it again easy yeah but you [ __ ] do anything i have i mean that was fun i mean like the commitment i mean the convention was fun yeah that was a nuisance but yeah you know i mean it's it's nice exercising knowing that i can tell someone to [ __ ] off you know i don't know what i mean it is what it is i knew that when i when i did that there was a chance that it could go horribly wrong and it did go horribly wrong and i learned my lesson and i'm not doing that again yeah but he said you would if you have the chance no i mean i said i understand if you know when you're like 18 yeah you got like 200 bucks max to your name right the [ __ ] ticket is 50 bucks you got to get that hotel room down to 100 bucks somehow it doesn't matter how many people got to go in that room you you got to divide the room with the amount of bodies that will fit in it if you need to sleep on the floor you sleep on the floor people who people who sleep in the bed they pay a premium like a [ __ ] human trafficking it is a human have you ever been to a [ __ ] convention room joey jesus christ like like a [ __ ] bomb could go up in there and it would be less messy than it is with just like the amount of like if and if you've got a cosplayer in there oh no say goodbye to floor space say goodbye to the [ __ ] floor for some reason they are allergic to closing their [ __ ] suitcase it has to be wide open the whole [ __ ] time can't close it okay fine yeah i don't know i mean it's whatever i you should try sometime hanging oh thank you i can afford my own hotel room i'm good dude for the frills dude [ __ ] roll that dice dude okay i i don't know i like like i know this sounds like super i guess it sounds weird or dangerous some people i love just meeting new people in that kind of way i mean look i don't mind meeting new people either but i don't mind being a new person for the first time yeah i don't want i don't want to pull a gotcha role where i might end up you know sleeping with a [ __ ] murderer you know i don't get that i'll take that off you know you might get the [ __ ] coolest friend for life by doing that there's other ways to meet cool friends for life man like you get that [ __ ] story of we met in an anime that's what i'm saying you'll do anything for content i love i love a [ __ ] like a true youtuber i just know i don't even think of it as content i just love like the idea of like making a friend through such a weird and unconventional way like i feel like it makes such a good friendship i don't know i mean again but that's another coin flip though i feel i feel like i'm somewhere in the middle of both of you yeah because like i i do like meeting new people and everything like that and i i used to be that guy was just like up for anything and i'd be like yeah i'll go i'll go meet you down at like a dark alleyway whatever but like i've had like enough bad experiences to be like you know what maybe i'll maybe i'll do like a just a little bit of a background check yeah before before i do some research before i jump right into it you know yeah yeah oh my god yeah i've met so many people on discord who turned out to be really sketchy yeah uh yeah yeah just gotta there's a lot of dudes on on uh discord who like underage girls and you just gotta call that [ __ ] out when you see any signs of it man yeah i i feel like a lot of especially in anime conventions a lot of people especially obviously like anime you know anime fans and weeds and everything they don't have the confidence to confront people when they see some [ __ ] happening so i feel like with a lot of convention stories that i've heard it's it's mostly bored down to people just people just didn't know how to handle the situation right because they've never seen it happen in front of them and so the first time you experience it you just you kind of just freeze up to be like what's right is this is this happening now is this is it something now you know what i mean and no matter what you tell yourself you're going to do at that moment you you're totally unprepared for that moment so i would say like the best advice i could give is if you see anything bad happening like don't let that [ __ ] lie call it out also especially if they're your friends like i know a lot of people who are like it's hard to like you know bollock your friend and be like dude what the [ __ ] but you gotta call that [ __ ] out yeah it's like if you let it slide they'll just keep doing it we gotta stand this [ __ ] out of our community because we saw what happened to the smash community right and i don't know what's happened behind the scene of the anime community i mean i i don't want to imagine it because i yeah i wasn't part of the community when some with some of the worst stories i've heard happen behind the scenes i mean yeah with like the seattle youtuber that i used to do stuff with and i've had people on discord who i considered friends who later on found out that they like did some [ __ ] horrible stuff and like honestly they were like you know there were signs and i just ignored it because i was like oh well i mean i think you know they're just quirky they're not gonna hurt anyone yeah like you just gotta you gotta call that [ __ ] out when you see it unfortunately so if your friend even if it's your friend please call them especially especially if it's a friend you know only through the internet because you know we i mean we all met through the internet right but i mean we've also met in real life and we've hung out so many times before i really knew your guys's real personality and everything like that right so if it's some guy or some girl you've met through the internet especially if you discord something and you've only talked to them through the internet meeting friends making friends on the internet is completely fine but understand that that's totally different from being a friend irl and until you've hung out irl a few times you really can't have a true grasp of their personality and what they might be like and that's why it's always such a gamble right like when you meet again like when you meet that person on discord and then you feel like all right let's go to a convention together yeah and you're hanging out with a completely different person yeah you know this is like oh you weren't like this when we were chatting on discord what the [ __ ] like yeah and i've had a lot of experiences like that where i would be talking to someone online and then i'd be like oh you're going to ax oh i'm going to ax as well let's meet up and hang out and then i talk to them i'm like wow um this you weren't what i expected at all yeah you are not the same person i texted two days ago yeah [ __ ] for better or worse right sometimes they're way cooler in real life sometimes they're just like oof in real life and there's so many social norms that you like i i don't know like i thought of all the dumb [ __ ] that happened common sense just doesn't seem to like make sense like common sense just isn't common in in anime conventions right especially when it comes to like meeting people and stuff because you talked about you talked about you know the introducing the one friend to like your friend group or something what happens if you're like you're going to this party right and you can be like okay you can you can bring like this one friend that you might kind of want to introduce but they're with a group of like five six people and they're like um can you like get all these people in as well oh yeah and you're like what is it about these people who are like oh plus one also plus one group of friends all right like that's what it means yeah all right cool i've got like seven people it's hard because obviously you don't want to be like yeah you know you only one person can come in but yeah you're also gonna have the balls your son might be like all right mates i've got a sick invitation from a guy i'm gonna go to that i hope you all understand yeah like that's what i would be like i'd be like hey man i got an opportunity that i don't really get come across after yeah can i take it please don't be mad at me yeah yeah i think it's just understanding that it's a convention people you know you're not you're not always going to hang out with the same friend group so i feel like if if if you have like some other people you want to meet then i feel like you just just just let them go don't don't feel betrayed by your friend hanging out with other people or whatever
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 986,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: 20WZiaJuwn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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