Garnt Was Lead Guitarist in a Rock Band

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but yeah i mean like i don't really know what else to say about the cougs that's that's why the cougs is on there if you want to have a good band hey yeah it's it's it's a good bat it's a good indie band okay so a lot of these uh so a lot of these a lot of bands i wanted to put on were of course indie bands especially a lot of indie bands from england i guess because i did i did go through i think the the period of life in my life where i went where i listened to the most music is probably in like between high school and university where i listened to a lot of [ __ ] indie bands um and a lot of that was because i was actually in a band myself i don't i don't know if i were you yeah i don't know if i've ever talked about this no you've never tried we've never talked about have i never mentioned never obviously right on guitar and i'll just like film whatever happens there's always the prince you can do everything else have i never mentioned this before no i've never mentioned this you've mentioned that you used to play guitar like a little bit this feels like something you should mention more yeah this feels like a personality trait i feel betrayed that you haven't mentioned this yeah i mean um i guess like okay so i i guess i gotta get to get into this story then okay let's okay let's let's let's let's start right at the beginning i'm actually gonna say that you were a member of the cooks he was a platinum-selling artist so i i guess the reason i wanted to learn how to play guitar in the first place is my first choice on that it's muse um i remember the first time hearing plug-in baby and just hearing that riff oh and like just gone like something just clicked in my mind and i was just like i need to be able to play this and i i need to be able to play this and like i remember before like my um my mom had always tried to get me to learn guitar because she's just like you know people play guitar oh cool you know my mum thinks it's cool and i'm just like she set me for like guitar lessons as a kid and i never really took them seriously right i was just like i'm doing this because my mom wants me to do it right i can play [ __ ] oasis wonder wall whatever the [ __ ] you know which i would argue is the only song you need to know yeah the only song you need to know okay i was just like whatever and i only we only owned a acoustic guitar at the time yeah and then i went uh i remember i went into secondary school which is like just i guess just before high school age in in the uk or is it high school age i don't know secondary school yeah um and i remember the first time hearing plug-in baby and i was just like why did they never teach us how to play this in [ __ ] guitar lessons what the [ __ ] i i i know how to play a bar code a bar chord sorry um i'd like like what what do i need to do to learn how to play this and so the first thing i did was i uh did your acoustic yeah i ditched my acoustic i signed up for guitar lessons uh in my in my secondary school and i was like mother i would like an electric guitar did she get you one huh did she get you one uh she i remember we we got like a like a [ __ ] cheap ass electric guitar basics not even amazon basics i got one lap that was like on like a car boot sale or something like that which which was what i would do the trick yeah yeah that was that did the trick so um so i can't remember what my first guitar was it was it was it was a [ __ ] guitar it was it was one where i had to like replace all of the [ __ ] strings on the guitar because all of the strings were like rusted already didn't like at that point i didn't even know how to like properly tune or uh or like change the strings of a guitar so like my teacher at the time had to uh teach me how to do it but uh yeah i mean um that's when i that's like that's when i first look properly got into learning how to play the guitar um and uh and at that point as the point where i was building up my skill level to uh you know be able to play plug-in baby which eventually i did yeah and uh and then i actually now that i think about it once i learned how to play plug-in baby i that my drive to like improve my skill level just kind of just stopped so i have reached peak like yeah you never need to play you know when i like you know when you've reached the goal you set for yourself and i just never found a next goal to set for myself so like for me it was just like play guitar to play plug-in baby i can do it now mother i can stop playing the guitar now oh my god dispose on this i always wanted to play guitar hero more than yeah so uh yeah and then so then in that time uh one of my friends he he wanted to start a band and i was like you know what why not i've i've got nothing better to do at this time you know i'm uh i can play the guitar might as well use it for some first day lessons do you know plugging me a little stuff yeah um and so yeah i mean i joined because i wasn't doing really doing anything with the guitar aside from trying to learn how to play plug in baby so i'm just like maybe i'll just join the guitar maybe i'll just join a band for fun yeah um and i mean i don't think we were the greatest band but did you ever play yeah yeah we played like a bunch of gigs actually i got like what yeah yeah i've like i think the biggest crowd we played in front of in was kind of like 500 to a thousand people what what okay okay oh my god how have you never told the story okay so okay so i remember when we were trying to think of the band name i i think we have like a [ __ ] stupid bad name they're always stupid our band name we we like we like try to like brainstorm a bunch of [ __ ] band names and like nothing just seemed to click because nothing everything sounded either like too metal or you know too campy or whatever uh and then we just went on we just went with the name nine and a half pounds because uh because the month before my mate uh one of the lead singer went on a diet and he lost nine and a half pounds and that was like we were just like you know what we don't know what we're going to call our bands let's just use this as just the name until we think of the actual name for the band and then that just that was just like that's amazing as with a lot of names you know uh you you just sticks right you pick a filler i mean you're just like can't be asked to change it now so you would just like play any song what kind of songs did you play um so i'm used that just means no i mean uh we wrote our own songs oh um so we'd go uh so my mate had uh we we uh we went to the drummer's house because uh my the our drama always gather at the drama you always gather the drama sounds cause you can bring your [ __ ] guitar you can bring your you know you can bring your you can bring your bass or whatever to someone's house you can't you can't transport a drum kit yeah you know what i mean so um at first we went to the drummer's house to practice and then and write songs and eventually we had like this really like this really like [ __ ] old music studio that suck that a friend of a friend of her friends yeah dad owned you know you know that kind of kind of thing and you walk in it's like a back alley and like the [ __ ] door hinges like like broken in like 10 million times or something and you're like i might get stabbed here but they have a drum kit and a recording studio right so whatever that's just amazing and i remember the biggest uh the biggest gig we played was like we signed up to what was the equivalent of like a battle of the bands kind of kind of kind of deal bro you had an anime arc yeah so so okay so like this is just this is just back no part of the reason why i got so into back and why beck was one of my like my favorite you say this when you're talking about ben yeah i think i did mention it i must have mentioned it i would remember if you were like yeah by the way i was in a battle abandoned i think i would remember the name nine and a half pounds okay okay so we were just a band for fun we weren't taking this seriously um but like we we met like a lot of bands who were like [ __ ] amazing that came out of our school because like i guess part of the other reason why we formed a band was because we are the school i went to was a performing arts school so a lot of people there were doing were doing performing arts whether it was theater or music or something so there were like some people in my school like my classmates who were taking like music really really seriously right we were just like whatever i'm learning guitar i i'll just play i'll just play in the band because whatever that seems like a cool way to spend my time um and so i remember for this battle of the bands we literally had to like audition to get into this battle of bands right and it was like it was a pretty big deal at the time because this gig was pretty famous for like a lot of students and there was like there was sometimes there would even be people from music labels who would attend like events like this yeah so we weren't like we weren't expecting anything to come out of this we were just like you know what they're holding auditions at our school and we could sign up so we're just like what have we got to lose we didn't really we didn't really expect anything because we didn't really think that we were that good of bands right uh so we obviously we obviously auditioned um and it was literally like the [ __ ] x factor kind of thing kind of deal right because the big golden buzzer in the middle yeah yeah because literally we uh because because our school was a performing arts so we had like a theater set up right and the theater we had like a drum kit in the middle and we had there there were judges on there oh wow and uh we had to uh we had to play two songs right we had to play two songs in front of the judges and i remember god plays plug and baby and the crowd goes wild sorry and now for our second song plugging baby one more time the montage starts everyone gets up on there okay yeah and then uh i i remember we were like we were hearing some of our [ __ ] some of the other bands that were playing before us yeah and we were just like [ __ ] my life we gotta follow these guys we gotta follow these guys what the [ __ ] yeah and so and so i remember thinking we're not gonna get on because there were a lot of other bands that were [ __ ] better than us i'm gonna say that yeah but so we went on uh we we just we just played our songs you know the the the judges you know waved us off whatever we didn't expect much and so we didn't get into the battle of the bands we actually became like a backup choice just in case just in case you know okay uh and so we went on with our lives and then we get a call like a week before the event and went out and they were just like uh so one of the one of the bands is dropped out and we got an extra space in this battle of the bands concerts um do you wanna do you wanna come on and we're like what the [ __ ] this this is literally carol on tuesday like that's exactly what happened in carolina it's an anime and so we were just like i mean yes but how the [ __ ] can we prepare in a week yeah for this battle of the bands which is which is like other bands have prepared for for like a good month or two you know like like playing with a band is [ __ ] more much more difficult than you imagined it if you've never played in the band before uh because you're in a live setting right and a lot of things can go wrong and you need to be on the same wavelength as your other band members i've played plenty of gigs and some games are better than others sometimes you make mistakes and sometimes you know you you're not in sync with the rest of the band and you need you know you need to be tight you need like the performance needs to be tight so you need a lot of practice so uh we said yes but we didn't really we didn't really have time to practice the songs that we wanted to practice right um but there was like well that was like one joke song that we had practiced uh we had practiced before because we didn't really have any gigs coming up and it was i just had sex no no it's it was an indie rock version of hit me baby one more time by britney spears that's [ __ ] awesome it was it was it was hit me baby one more time by honey spears hell yeah and and we were just like well we don't really have time to practice some of our more complicated songs so let's just put that in the set whatever whatever right um and i remember we had the conversation before of um we always wanted the experience of like having the audience you know i having the audience sing part of the song yeah like like a lot of bands yeah of course and uh and i remember we were having this discussion of you know the perfect point of this song would be uh what's what's the line um how does it mean baby one more time go again i think he's thinking about the chorus right yeah yeah uh with me baby one more time no no no no no no no no no here it is it was it's when the line goes my loneliness it's killing me yeah and uh yeah and we were saying that would be an awesome point for like the audience like chime in but like we were just to do the end to do the entire because that would be that that would be like an awesome feeling yeah of course but we were just like now we're not gonna do it because like what's more embarrassing than like stopping because then stopping a song letting the audience sing and no one sings like we we did not have the [ __ ] balls right um and so i remember i remember we we we go to the battle of the bands and it's like the biggest audience so far normally we're used to performing for like 50 to 100 people so this was like a lot which is which is still a lot you know we're just a lot but like this was like about 500 people it was that like it was like concord 2 which uh if you know in uh if if you know brighton congo is actually one like one of the biggest venues that's not like the brighton that's like that's not the bright the main brighton venue it's like a lot of big indie bands go there um and so uh we go on stage and we're just like guys we're not gonna take this seriously a lot of these bands are [ __ ] amazing we're just gonna have fun we're just so anime we're just we're just going to have fun right um and i remember so we go on stage we play the set and this is this is me like playing on pure adrenaline so we're so we're not practiced at all we're not as tight as we want to be in terms of our performance but i seeing like for some reason just like playing in front of like the biggest crowd kind of like hyped us up and i can't really explain the feeling but it just like something that day just clicked you know you know you know some days where you're just like in the zone like that day for some reason all of us were just in the zone we were like at peak performance right yeah and then i i remember we uh we decided because because we were going to meme it up we decided we were going to end it on hit me uh on hit me baby one more time yeah uh the rest of it was just going to be our original songs and we're going to end it on that because we're just like we don't care whatever yeah the audience is probably not going to like it because it's [ __ ] britney spears but we're just going to have fun with it um and then i remember when we start playing the song somehow the audience just like erupts right the audience because like this is not the type of audience that would listen to [ __ ] britney spears yeah yeah they're here for like [ __ ] arctic monkeys they're here for [ __ ] block party you know like the claxsons or so or some [ __ ] like that and and i remember playing this song right and obviously we had agreed that we weren't going to stop the music with the and i yeah right but you saw we saw the energy in the crap right you had no choice and and and we were like it was it was such a it was one of the most surreal moments in my life right where we had this we had this performance where we were just all like in this we were in flow you know we were just in in like we were like kuroko basket in the zone and i remember i remember the the moment was coming up right i looked over i looked like i went to the drama that's so animated cause i remember i was just i was like i want to do this but we have we we agreed that we wouldn't and i remember i i remember thinking i want to do this and i remember looking at the drummer and he had like the same look as i did i looked over the basis and the bass is just like oh my god and and then and he nodded at me and then uh and then i i looked over to the singer and in the corner he sees me on the corner of my eye uh at the corner of his eye and i'm just like and then he nods back and i'm just like okay it's going to happen and so and so it goes my loneliness is killing me silence and i and like the [ __ ] entire like concert hall just like [ __ ] they complete the line and it's just like i can't explain that [ __ ] feeling it it is it's better than saying it is like it is like the biggest orgasm i've had in my life like poor sydney because because it was i don't know it was it was kind of like a disney moment for me because like somehow everything just [ __ ] came together and then we just we continued the song and it was the best like the best reaction that we've ever got from a crowd um so the battle of the bands was done by votes and there were 10 bands there we came in third oh [ __ ] did you get anything any prizes no we didn't get any prizes we didn't get any prizes but that that would get the biggest orgasm of his life yeah that was that was the peak of my of music career that was that was the peak of my music career it all went down i mean that's pretty ridiculous considering this what how many [ __ ] hundreds of bands that have probably never experienced that true and that from that day onward he uh relinquished the name grant and became gone he wasn't right to use the name leveled up and evolved yeah i can't use the name anymore that that's great how the [ __ ] have you never brought this out i never brought this up i don't i just i swear i've said i've been in a band before and no one's ever just everyone's been in the band before not everyone's been in a painting before oh yeah i've been in a band for like 10 seconds until i realized it's a horrible idea yeah i don't know i mean yeah that's why i really liked back because i looked at beck and i'm just like [ __ ] i get that that's my life so you were like actually good at guitar i was like competent at guitar well you played in front of people that's pretty good i mean i played in front of people but i mean that's my mind that's pretty good so we're starting a band called ten and a half pounds soon ten and a half hours i look forward to a guy who's like unlocked memories in me like i heard the [ __ ] zelda thing when you were like i i remember i tried to learn guitar well i tried but i think my parents nudged me towards it right i just remember being in in someone's house playing guitar trying to do twinkle twinkle little star right and i just was like i don't know i said i don't get this and then he was like gave me this device that was a tuner but i don't know what it did he was like you got to do it until it goes green the light yeah i was like why it all sounds the same it all sounds very similar it's just one beep to one another and my parents bought this tuna for me and i remember just even at that time i was like eight i was like my parents just wasted their money on this channel i'm never gonna get good at this so i've never never learned guitar and then i remember i went to learn drums which seems pretty fitting for me because i'm you know you just need a sense of rhythm yeah just like hand eye coordination which is great i've had great hand-eye coordination unfortunately no rhythm so that that was the crux of that one and that was over with and i never really learned drums i went for like a year and i've never really learned anything really they try to make they try to teach me how to read the sheet music that's where i was like no yeah i don't want to do this jazz drumming methods yeah yeah i i think i i stopped learning at the point where sheet music started to become like a thing of my lessons i'm just like i don't like this anymore this used to be fun when we were just talking about beeps and boobs now you brought reading into this yeah that's why i draw the line yeah because like i like like like i think we said this last time where i go by i go by feeling like and and that's what i went when i wrote like a protagonist because i don't understand a single thing about [ __ ] music theory you know i know which chords sound nice in my head and sometimes i have like a nice like like beat or rhythm in my head and i'm just like let's try to play this out guitar i i do not know what [ __ ] you're literally from like like 100 like in the way you think it's like 100 it's the exact same like i can't read [ __ ] i just feel and i can play i remember at one point i uh for some reason one of my friends was like yeah we need a singer i was like all right i'll do it then i'll do it i'll do it yeah i i couldn't sing at all right i didn't have any confidence in it the first song i'm not even kidding the first song that we had to learn is the only one i ever bothered learning yeah yeah we never did anything this this died by this song guess what song we had to sing museum no it's [ __ ] smash mouth [Laughter] i remember like actually why did you not pursue it i have like very vivid memories of me actually seriously trying to learn how to sing yeah [ __ ] all-star before it was a meme right right right and i when this came when this became a huge meme i was like this is like i had like nam flashbacks like just like oh my god oh my god this is the song i i need to hear an actual serious cover of smash mouths all stuff karaoke yeah because every time every time we go to karaoke of course all star comes up at least four or five times throughout the night and every time it's just kind of singing like a dumb voice i want i want you to actually like be serious and like try if i seriously try and sing yeah i feel vulnerable i feel criticism i can't do it no no no i won't if i'm the clown it's safe no no no no no no no safety i get that corner i get that i'm bad at something you can't hide you can't oh hi now that you've said that you hide behind my clown makeup thank you very much now that you've said that you have to do that what was your first pick that was my first picture oh my god it's been like four hours
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 533,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: RJYjBDQ39cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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