NileRed Burned Himself with Acid While Recording a Video

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I always wondered right uh not not to get sidetracked we can go back into the street this is entire thing yeah I I don't know I've been like I always wondered if because I I don't think any of us understand the world of chemistry yeah and I think when you're watching it it's hard to gauge I'm like am I watching someone who is extremely knowledgeable and an expert at what they're doing or am I watching a guy who is just winging it and also just seems really good like I don't like is this a call ahead no I'm asking I'm asking like like if I would have like I on the level of like chemistry professionals where where do you where would you place like where would you sit like because like I I I don't know like because I I it's completely out of my depth and I'm like insane to us it's so absurd to me when I'm like this dude could tell me he is like one of the most knowledgeable chemistry people of all time and I'd be like yeah I believe I should totally make that claim no no no so what's kind of interesting is I remember I mean to Jump Ahead like I started doing all the chem stuff after I finished a biochem degree and I was a lab tech then it ended up being uh a chemistry Master student okay and that's when I started I started pushing the envelope of like things that I felt were quote unquote like safe okay I say like it's like I felt safe doing them yeah but like I started just I guess like being having more confidence in myself but I would ask my lab mates for help being like Oh what do you know about this chemical yeah and it's when I start to realize that like most people don't know like a broad range of chemistry right they're very like specialized the moment you get to grad school you start doing like projects that are in a certain realm but when you ask I'd ask the person well how do you distill and purify sulfuric acid and they're like I don't I buy it like why would you do that and then I'd be like well how do you work with bromine and they're like I I've never worked with it before and in chemistry there's a lot of like I call them like Boogeyman chemicals because people will never work with it but they just hear from a friend of a friend that it's really scary yeah so when I was in one of the labs they're like they kept saying bromine if you if you like go near it it does this and this if you get it on your skin you lose like it was like so hyped up but everyone stop your new bro meme drop but everyone's just so fearful that like I'm fearful wanting to make it right but nobody can help you because no one's ever made it right right and almost nobody's work like a lot of people haven't worked like I want to enrich uranium no reason why just wondering does anyone know how to do it but like the reason I'm saying this is that I start to realize that most people don't have like a they know a lot about one topic they don't have a huge range of chemistry yeah so it's like so what I realized that my skill was not being great at one thing it was being like a mediocre a lot of stuff so like you're not gonna make any breakthroughs but you you have a very good understanding of the general I guess like any breakthrough because there were some things like for example like when I was looking on making like I say like Aero gel superconductors there's people probably out there who know how to do it properly but the info is not publicly available oh so you made it so it's like I have to come up with a method and it's like for for example one thing I did was ferrofluid there's no recipe on the internet like no there was not a single recipe or tutorial on how to make it so like I was super proud when I came up with something that was literally the only method on the internet do you ever get like a lot of people like emailing you Italian foods like everyone but I also I made it it's one of the most finicky things ever like I've tried to make it like eight times and it fails like seven out of eight times and I don't even know why but it's like your question was like am I really good yeah I think I just built a confidence of knowing like how to see something new okay and then navigate it safely huh I think it's also you have the confidence to actually try it out physically right whereas like as you were saying like a lot of other chemists would just be like be too scared to even try it yes and the big promise since there'd be you can't get there you have to find the people who work with it specifically to get help right because the average chemist can't help you um so even recently one thing I worked with was hydrofluoric acid which is like and the pro like a lot of these chemicals that I would work with the first time it's like legitimately you don't see in the videos but it's like I would be like shaky for certain things because not only am I working with it I have to film so it's sometimes like weird awkward positions and I have to do things quickly and but if I spill it on me it's really bad right so it's like not only am I working with the chemical I like practice a little bit but you're gonna get the shot but I'm not so familiar that I'm super comfortable yeah um and terrified and with hydrofluoric I'd ask some people who work with it and they'd give you tips but it's like what kind of tips don't well you know you know what you're supposed to do don't get it on you yeah right right like where you have to there's all the protocols of like wearing gloves you wear like a face shield you wear but it's still like nerve-wracking because you've never worked with it before yeah yeah and you kind of just have to yeah I think even if you're in a lab like we trained some people when I was there uh with chemicals that we would say they're dangerous you can't get it on you and like this people would be like shaky right we would have to be like that's just part of it like you have to get used to working with it wasn't too crazy but it's like when you come from working in Labs where it's like all like more or less just like completely stuff but the other one is like you just like don't you don't want to breathe it in so you have to be careful you're not going to die if you get it on you like the stakes weren't that high yeah it won't be a fun time but it you obviously probably be fine but it's like just because you've never worked with it before you're like really afraid of spilling it so it's like and you're trying to like use like a glass pipe head and it's like maybe put it in a tube so you have to be pretty accurate yeah and then when you see yourself shaking that makes you more scared because you're like now thinking you're gonna spill it yeah so you have to I find that that was a lot of they're just building a confidence that I'm like okay I've I've tried a lot of stuff and do you ever worry that you make it look too easy so it's actually a very good question because that's what like not that fear directly of like whether I think it makes it too easy but I feel like I make chemistry look like not it's not fun no no not like so I won't say like fake yeah but it's kind of like the movie version you cut it all the [ __ ] up so yeah there's no it's all clean it's not it's it's none of that like I people don't know when I planned my procedures like I plan Beaker swaps and how it's going to appear in the camera so it's like I won't fumble with things so like I will if I if I have to take a beaker out right away I will pour with my left hand and then move with my right oh I'll plan like the movements of my hands and so it's like I if I have to like switch beakers and stuff I also plan how I'm gonna pour it how I'm gonna add stuff so it looks very clean like actual chemistry is insanely messy yeah like when I'm off camera doing tests there's just dirty beakers everywhere like things sometimes I spill things and they fall over but because I plan it so much like let's say there's something here yeah I plan the direction that I'm gonna reach in and I even practice how I'm gonna reach so I don't spill anything so I don't knock stuff like if I'm pouring something I think it's going to be difficult I I practice like three times before yeah because in your videos you make it look very natural yeah it's very very smooth yeah very very like that's why I say it looks kind of like it's like the movie version because I've practiced and some of them if I do screw up I will redo the same thing like seven times until it looks smooth right wow yeah I always wondered if you maybe gave some people false confidence in handling some of these chemicals yeah yeah with how easy you make it look bringing up liabilities it's like watching a stunt man jump off a thing and then roll you're like oh it's so easy I couldn't do that and then you do it and you [ __ ] it up it's like it's like it's not it's not that it's not your fault that you operate like professionals handling it it's like I always just wondered if there's ever that element to it where you're like oh [ __ ] I gotta I gotta make sure everyone knows this is [ __ ] dangerous yeah I try to like slip it in like I know I've watched I've watched like the bromine video uh the ones that you've done with it and it looks [ __ ] terrifying it looks like an Elden ring [ __ ] smog appearing it's terrifying you do get used to working with bromine now like that's the one thing like after a while I'm saying I remember the first time I made it like I was so terrified but then now it's just like you because you you know what it's capable of yeah like I I don't think I tamed it I might have spilled it on me before you know my uh what like a splash on me and then you why are you the thing is when you work these are things you don't like and they don't talk about like when you work with it you have a bottle of salt like that's not an antidote but it's like it's it will neutralize it oh okay okay so it's just like you when you work with it you have to have that and so if it gets on YouTube did you get it on you you just like I would just ah and you spray and it disappears instantly oh that's good so it's like [Applause] gets on my glove you immediately take the glove off like I still don't want like yeah you don't want to risk it obviously you don't want to burn or anything oh of course I actually have a scar here are you serious what's that from from Acid oh my God but that wasn't from filming my own videos it's actually fulfilling for will oh my God I was filming or I don't remember I think I think I was filming yeah I know he was filming something was happening and acid spilled on me but I didn't want to ruin the shot so I just like I let it go until the shot was done he's just holding the camera why was just like like I threw and through you know like I I feel like there are a few jobs anything for the shot yeah yeah I feel that there are a few jobs that can really and that video is never posted Sam yeah I feel like there are a few jobs that can cater not only to your expertise but also your mentality when it comes to danger and all of the ideas that you want to do aside from being a YouTuber I feel like getting the shot like I've I've burned myself before and everything just to make sure if the shot's nice then you'll say that again well I like I I mean I said I've gotten burns like okay okay because like um just to make sure that I know how to handle it you know what the first video I ever saw of yours was and this is before I ever started like watching your stuff a lot I remember just popped with my recommended and I watched it and I was like what the [ __ ] is this yeah it was one where you bought like anal lube I knew you're gonna say that because did that blow up like back in the day because how old is this video oh that was one of the first earlier ones I remember I saw this you're like I bought this brand new anal lube never used and it was like as funny as I don't I don't think that was a joke but it sounded like you know uh no like let me thinks he protests too much you know it was I remember like I obviously I remember doing it yeah but I what were you making of the anal lube again I was getting the uh the local anesthetic out of it yeah so what was funny though is like at the time what year was this this month that must have been 2015 or something yeah this is like I remember I watched this when I was like I was still in like [ __ ] like school yeah I didn't know that you you were you were aware of uh those videos I watched that one never watched you again for like five years because it was like I just watched this one video around it's the interlude guy and then I remember I watched I was recently watched back and I'm like holy [ __ ] this is the same voice as the anal lube dude so I explained the anal Lucy so I in the video I said like now I got this anal lube like brand new sealed never been opened I'm like crazy like that it's too good so funny but what happened was it was it was weird because like watching that really in my head made me realize how different my content is now because my videos back then yeah I would just drag and drop the videos into the editor right I'd pick up a mic and I would just us say stuff I don't even think I ever really said the line twice I just narrated what I saw yeah right sometimes didn't even rewatch I I for the first like I would say probably three years of my channel I never re-watched the video I to this day do not even understand how they're coherent because I would literally just say stuff as I saw the clips right right render upload and so like but I remember with the antelope part it was I think it was an actual concern of mine that people comments the comments would be like oh I bet this is his so I think I was actually defending myself right it just makes it look worse but watching this it was absurd to me I'm like why did I say this not sarcastically like I was genuinely defending myself that's good it's kid I'm sorry to bring that up does everyone bring that up no what's funny is that like that's one of the ones that is brought up a lot and even more even recently people shared like a screenshot it was another guy on YouTube he was a complaining about YouTube recommendations and he specifically reference he's like what have I done to deserve this recommendation he's like no offense to the Creator but seriously YouTube and I was like okay and even like I took a photo of it I was walking through I know maybe it was actually sorry it was a different video okay because I was walking through like Best Buy yeah and I saw on the random computer that one of my videos was recommended this was like in 2019 and I was like super proud yeah I remember now it was not the end I thought it was which one was it it was like making like a sedative or something right not as fun not as fun no for a second in my head for a second I thought it was the anal lub one funny recommended at Best Buy
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 842,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: -xCZZJqnPUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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