Explaining to a Normie What "Eroge" Are

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yeah i mean with lockdown there's not so much new i can be doing so recently i had this um had a woke up one day and i was just like i should get back into fake go no no i saw your thing about that i was just like no no no no it's like watching it it's like watching your friend start a new drug you know what i mean it's like no please stop it's just seeing your mate like just relapsing just like no no you just we were past this you were 10 weeks sober man come on i mean i'm kind of the same way like i uh i did something that i haven't done in literal years which is buy an arroga like a japanese okay brand new yeah just came out arrogant so because okay so i was in archahabra a while back um doing some shopping for a video and uh and i was walking past like melon books which is like you know where they sell a lot of like doujins and stuff and out the front okay so basically so out the front they have like a bunch of signs for like new games that come out right and every now and then they'll also show some signs for like arrogance right because yeah that's where they sell it and there was one where i was just like that actually looks really cool like i didn't actually know it was an arrogant i thought it was like a standard jrpg or whatever yeah but i was like that actually kind of looks cool so i looked it up found out it's an error game by alice soft and i was like wow alisoff actually just [ __ ] like click baited me into thinking that this was like a legitimate jrpg when it's just a [ __ ] arrow gate with jrpg elements in it so i was like all right you know what i'll bite i'll buy it it's locked down i can't really go out anywhere yeah and i haven't [ __ ] bought and played an error game so many years yeah [ __ ] it i'll do it played it and uh that's kind of all i've been doing for the past three days really trying to give context to connor about what alisoft has done yeah i just zoned out so i don't know if there's any games like that are famous outside of japan than elsa basically alisoft is like one of the oldest i guess like most well-known in the aero gay world yeah um there's like illusion like alice soft um [ __ ] what a leaf uh leaf yeah you shouldn't name it pokemon leaf uh you know maple is another maker my favorite pokemon type maple lump of sugar is another one there's like basically it's like it's it's basically just like an ogee uh irrigated developer yeah and they came out with a new game that looks completely different to anything that they've done okay right so i've played a few like a lsoft games back in my life wait what what the [ __ ] do you do in an hour again explain to me it's a visual novel novel with porn jack hartford if it's good [Laughter] connor's like wait how can you get off how does that work so like if it's good basically think of it as it's like perfectly halfway between jacking off to a dozen and jacking off to a hammer i can't imagine how the latter the former feels so basically it's like jacking off to a dojin but the audio from the hentai is playing okay yeah so there's voice acting and there's sound effects so it's it's dubbed doujins dubstep that can also be autoplayed yeah and so like you you're playing this story game and you might say you just beat one out and then you just carry on yeah i sit there for like you know 30 seconds after i'm done and i just look at disgust at what i've been watching like i might i'm like turn that [ __ ] off with all the milthenza you've been watching yeah because right after it you are in like a heightened state of like you're basically like a monk for 30 seconds where you're like i will never have sex ever well i'm not i don't know like i'm like turn the show you get post not regret a percent every time every time and then i'm like especially that's weak will with [ __ ] with porn now if i could abandon porn i would you know what i mean like i would wouldn't yeah i would if i didn't if you could every guy says if you could say conor you just never need a masturbate ever again i'd be like sure why not let's try it let's see how it goes have you ever completed no not november no i've never attempted it well you should well it sounds like you're you're wanting to attempt it right now because like a wet dream eventually right like that'll happen right if you don't oh yeah well if you leave it for a month yeah if you when was the last time you didn't jack off for a month i will never but that's because exactly but that's because i'm not going to [ __ ] spew [ __ ] being like i can live with that point like no i don't know i want i want porn no i want to i want to live without it i don't want to be i just i don't know this is this is the literally i don't want to be horny i want to be happy like i've ever seen in real life i hate being distracted from what i'm trying to do and it's just distracting i look at that meme and i'm just like i want both really i want to be horny and happy so what's wrong with that so you just you know you so you see this as like a distraction from your optimized life yeah exactly pretty much yeah my optimized lifestyle is being ruined by this oh my god so i can never hear the word optimized in the same way after this [ __ ] podcast so you're playing this game you know yeah it's a game how is it a [ __ ] game it's reading it's tricking you in a jackpot no because this alice soft one has like full-on jrpg elements as well oh so you're like you're in the middle of a battle and you're trying to jack off no no no no no so the j okay so what are the jrpg elements okay so think of okay this is i hate the fact that i'm using this as an example think of persona oh god here we go where like the persona games are in my opinion persona games are the perfect blend of visual novel and jrpg where like they've somehow managed to make two like elements of two completely different styles of games and mix it perfectly right so in persona the jrpg elements are most often than not completely separated from the actual visual novel elements right in persona yeah in persona whereas what well what's a visual novel we just get a earthquake i don't know if i just felt a small jig well it's probably this okay so in persona right like the you have the visual novel elements and then you have the jf in between the yeah yeah so like you know you'd have like you go through a dungeon or whatever and yeah and you know once once you complete that dungeon then it goes into the visual level i mean i would argue that the jrpg elements are filler for you as well but regardless right so you know you have like the story elements and you have like the actual like gameplay elements right yeah whereas in this arrow game the the sex scenes times start to happen during only the visual novel elements hmm okay so so the the vision of elements of the sex scenes and the gameplay stuff breaks up that so like playing so like so like the standard error like a standard error gate that doesn't have jrpg on the heart it's basically just a visual novel with sex scenes put into it yeah right so it kind of intuits with the story with this one it's just that separately it has a jrpg portion as well that is what do you mean like you battle like what are you doing like what i'm confused what are you doing well yeah what the [ __ ] else do you do in a jrpg so you're just so it's just a dead ass a normal jrpg game where you're going around battling monsters leveling up yeah and then it cuts to like a visual novel with [ __ ] yeah who comes up with things like this i'm looking at this on like kind of slightly i can literally hear the gears like turning in his head and it's just not computing it's just like wait why not why the gears are not like they're not they're not they're just stuck right now i'm just like this sounds to me right this is the equivalent of being like so it's a food tray that jacks you off it's like i don't want those two things going near each other what are you talking about like those two elements the jrpg game and then just a visual novel with pawn on it like just two elements that just shouldn't be involved at all why not why why would they why wouldn't you want to trigger the character okay look don't look like you're thinking about it as if like there's the visual novel like storytelling part and then there's a sex scene and then immediately and then immediately there's a battle that's not how it works how does it work then it it works as if like there's the storytelling element the visual novel element and in the middle there is a sex scene so it's sandwiched between the visual novel elements okay so there's the visual novel elements where they're telling a [ __ ] story and there's pawn in the middle and then it just cuts to when when they're done with the talking it just goes to a normal dead ass game yeah what why does this sound good to you am i insane this sounds awful it sounds great no it doesn't you're just playing devil's advocate no no no i'm terrible okay i've i mean i've i say this as someone who has also played aero gays before and there's there's something there's something about like hentai games and eroges where the sex scenes feel like there's there's something different about feeling like you've earned a sexy it is it is like you could have the most mediocre sex scene but you feel like you've earned that and it's even more so in this game because like you can unlock certain sex scenes depending on what you do in the jrpg you'd like a person who watches a hentai i don't want i don't want an xbox achievement i want a hentai achievement a person who watches a hentai and skips straight to 15 or 20 minutes will not know what's we're talking about i prefer the story in hentai but i don't want to sit there and read a [ __ ] book and then jack off into the book and then wipe the [ __ ] off my hand and go around my rpg world leveling up my character right i don't want to [ __ ] deal with it oh no like look don't get me wrong like this i'm just statement this is not the type of game for anybody this isn't this isn't like [ __ ] i completely understand that the stuff i like in hindsight is pretty [ __ ] yeah this is like you know what i said i don't eat where you [ __ ] right this is like eating the [ __ ] that you're sleeping like this is like this is so [ __ ] like this shouldn't be a combination of things like only japan would make something like this because this is so stupidly like like this shouldn't exist well that's not true like look at honeypot yeah that was yeah that was made by americans yeah i don't [ __ ] like honey popeye i enjoy honeypot oh my god because it's literally what i just because because because like i for example like bejeweled or some [ __ ] wasn't that game like it was one of those [ __ ] it was like it's like a puzzle game yeah it's a puzzle game but i don't want a puzzle game that i jack off to but no no no because the thing is the thing is it's like jacking off to a jigsaw puzzle being like oh oh it's making porn the pieces are making a porno yeah because the thing is the thing is right you have this gameplay loop right you have this gameplay luke but unlike you i need a reward for playing this game i need a reward for playing this game gameplay most of the time it has to be story most of the time that's that's why i play games if i have a gameplay loop you can have the best [ __ ] gameplay loop of all time if there's no motivation for me to play it then i'm just going to not play that's why i don't give a [ __ ] about most games that don't have a story because it's like what's the one why am i playing this yeah there's there are so many games that i agree have a great game play i can totally agree with that but why is there porn in it because that's the reward you get for playing the game because i'm sorry if i'm feeling a little horny sometimes like for example i just can't imagine holding the xbox controller and then just all right put it down get the tissue box out like what that's insane for example like a game like foreign degeneracy should not be reached like first a game like dead cells which i heard which i which i played and i was i played it for like five minutes and i thought this was a really good game and then i got bored for five minutes because i was like why am i playing this game there's no motivation for you to actually play through levels it's a nice gameplay loop same with something like celeste that's amazing this is an amazing game i went through one level when i got bored because i really couldn't care about the story but that's the thing if it had a reward for me to complete the level that i would have played through it yeah there need there needs to be some kind of what is saying is if every time like if every time i completed a level celeste there was a hentai scene or something like this that's what you literally just want like gant wants to to have like a bit of level and then the pornhub music starts playing that's what gantt wants yes that's wrong that's i want that dude you guys are too comfortable imagine checking imagine an aurora with something on the gameplay level of dead cells or celeste or something along those lines masterpiece my masterpiece i'm just imagining that right now that would be a that would be a master that would be [ __ ] amazing because like you know every time you finish a level of celeste you you have such like [ __ ] yes like moments right it's like yes i i went through that i died hundreds and hundreds of times yeah and now here is my reward hell yeah that is gonna be the best jack off you'll ever have yeah two two uh i'm not saying make celeste porn no no that's what i'm saying we don't want to hoot the [ __ ] characters no no no no no no no that's not my tongue we're talking about if we had a gameplay loop of something like celeste or something on that level and then we had we had it hentai to it my god that is improving upon perfection you people have not how has no one crowdfund this [ __ ] out i'm making please kickstart this [ __ ] i am going to spend some money right now give me some money i will make it happen it's [ __ ] animals like you of the reason why we have [ __ ] like minecraft sex scenes like this is the problem you guys who want to put [ __ ] porn in everything have you seen the minecraft porn on youtube at all some of it's kind of hot getting some diamonds and minecraft just swaps over to the next tab and starts playing minecraft oh dude do you know how hard it is to get diamonds in minecraft that's like a great achievement oh my god because i know i'm not the only one who genuinely thinks that the fact that minecraft porn even [ __ ] exists means that i am not are you saying you like minecraft porn no i'm not that sounded like you didn't have a problem with it no i mean i don't care what this is it's like a kids game though i've uh this this podcast has been a weird one i just think it's sad right that there are kids out there who legitimately like are curious about porn and the first thing they think is my two loves steve and minecraft i would like to see if they did that to him because it's only kids watching these things right because no cattle can jack off to steve steve blocks [ __ ] something you know i mean no joey come on come on no i'm not saying i am but i think i think you underestimate some like adults willpower i've okay i i have what i don't reject off to minecraft no no i've this is the first i've ever heard of minecraft porn really being honest you've never seen it i've never seen this describe it to me please oh wow i mean we just kind of have to show you no no no no no no no no no this you need to describe it this might have been like four or five years ago youtuber made the video about it but there was actually like so much like full-on traditional pornos like made in minecraft when when you first mentioned that i thought okay we're just being sarcastic i know there's what's his name captain sparkles right one of those like minecraft animations yeah basically imagine that but it would literally be like a porno situation where it was like someone would be like oh no it's like a high quality like minecraft images like steve like [ __ ] a creeper or something or something yeah yeah and the creeper is like tits all right yeah yeah yeah this is legit this is actually we'll we will show you this is the part afterwards if you don't hold back right if you let your creative juices run wild on projects like joey wants to do with all of this [ __ ] this is what happens and we don't need this we don't need this we don't need this i don't know no we don't no don't get me wrong we don't need it no that's the thing right people want it no no no it doesn't matter what people want people don't deserve what they want i don't know if it's worth i don't i don't know if it's worse what i just imagined in my mind from you describing it or actually watching the actual thing we'll show you afterwards and we'll i don't know maybe jesus can add a clip of like god reacting to it when we're done with the episode we'll leave the cameras rolling yeah yeah i'm just like this is a [ __ ] post right it's literally it can only be kids watching it right it's so disturbing that it's just funny well i mean it's funny to us but yeah obviously i'm sure i'm sure but like the mummy walked in on the kid watching it have we reached that age is this what our parents felt when they walked in and saw us like jacking it off to animated easter eggs is this is this how is this how they felt now i mean i'll never forget the look my parents gave me what whoa whoa wait you've never had like your parents like walking on you jacking off no i've hit it very well if they have really yeah again i remember there was my stairs would creak i had a warning oh yeah that's right yeah yeah yeah your parents walked in on you with my my dad walked in on me once how big was the screen of like this oh no it's tiny the men jacking off on like a game boy no you know like my old like shitty [ __ ] desktop computer with like i think it was like a 16 inch or whatever i had a black and white tv oh really yeah it was like kind of black and white it was like a hand me down and it could like it couldn't play like v yeah it's [ __ ] awful so i couldn't put
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 536,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: FjQf1BvgezI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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