Is *CATS* Really That Bad??

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hello troublemakers welcome into another movie commentary Monday when I post movie commentaries every single Monday without fail I have chosen very neutral like a doe piss colour cats piss segue now I chose those colors because they're neutral and I don't know if this movie's gonna be bad or good I'm a bit of a contrarians so if I like this movie even a little bit I'm going to top this movie as the greatest movie ever made that's what I'll be doing because so many people hate it I saw this trailer for the first time in a movie theater and the girl I was with started weeping openly weeping so I was a bit of a surprise when so many people hated it can we just check the Rotten Tomatoes real quick no Jesus where is it let's do this thing I thought I did a dang obviously I am a huge musical theater fan I have seen countless Musical movies talking High School Musical High School Musical 2 High School Musical 3 and others probably also working title who was the one that came up with that production company guys what if we're working title it's so clever it works on so many different levels because it's like did they ever come up with a title but no that's the thing is like we're not working too hard to come up with the title let me reiterate to everybody that's new to the channel hey welcome also don't recommend movies in my comment section for every movie that gets recommended cat dies we don't want that [Music] look how good this movie is so far guys 10 out of 10 I wasn't put off by the CGI in the trailer like most people were let's see if that changes I'm already a little creeped out maybe cuz someone was openly crying next to me I thought it was like a revolutionary Marvel thing to look at what kind of cats no no I know cats are good cats can't scale walls like that is this cat or man did a did a human get bit by a cat a genetically modify cat like spider-man you get it all right wait isn't Jason Derulo in this I cannot wait to see Jason Derulo someone speak because I'm not feeling good right now that bad he him right there I don't know about his performance in this movie I don't even know who it is I can't tell through all the [ __ ] fur but I will tell you something does not look right as him as a cat this person cost some katish features that man none of them whatsoever I don't like the way your tail just moved there I don't know man maybe this is never gonna work cuz I can't not be freaked out by the way they move I'll grow accustomed to it I think and then I'll have to go to therapy to reverse that damage I know we haven't really gotten to the plot yet but I will say that I think this story could use a good murder mystery plot like knives out meats cats and then you just meet in the middle knives cats cats with knives in them dead cats Derulo is that you do real Oh naughty dress elbows all right god damn I know this is a musical but it's been six minutes I just need some dialogue what I'm so bored oh yes right hey [ __ ] take the movie with you I'd rather stare on a blank screen at this point I wouldn't if I were you yes dangerous Hedra sell bows see he looks like a cat that could stab a [ __ ] cat got your tongue that's not funny that's really not funny when I tell you a cat must have three different names it's the name that the family used daily such as Vita august's who names their cat Peter how about sir twinkles that's a normal name I will say because I'm looking for positives now because this is going to be the greatest movie of all time I like the way that the camera is moving it really makes you feel like you're a part of it so instead of having like steady shots or just having it on like a track they just have a handheld camera that's down with them so it's like a little bit of shake to it to most of these shots it gives a little bit more grit realism I guess but is realism really something you're going for in a movie about cats human cats bro I just I am craving someone just to say a sentence normally just to say like hey work work cats you want to go lick our look our furball just say a line without being weird why are they so weird I swear to God if a cat had a human brain and was watching this they'd be like we don't do any of that we certainly don't do what she's doing wait I'm starting to see what this movie is it's a series of songs that are that string together a plot it's not like a story with music in it it is strictly music that is a story yeah Dylan that's what the Broadway play I don't talk to me about that I am NOT a broccoli guy I don't know anything about Broadway except it's a broad place okay with this new knowledge I am going to watch this with a different eye let's do it so they can be here they've always dreamed of be oh wait what they're talking how will they be Jason please do more of this [Music] like the sets the sets are gonna be cool wait were those mice are those cats are my Mouse's my sees didn't end the show dinner yeah so they're mice brought those mice look worse than the other cat see to explain something to me if the mice are that small why is the mousetrap that big the mousetrap is like the size of a third of a cat then it's too big of a trap who's that funny - is that funny - like a seven year old that's wait did she fall again I'm sorry I was cringing away oh if she felt she's a klutzy cat we get it she's gonna fall we're using the same joke eight times in a row set set is cool I'm gonna keep talking about it until there's another positive to talk about [Music] when I was ill wait why are the cockroaches have completely human faces why little old-fashioned don't you Jason Derulo I feel like the mice aren't appropriately sized why would they even eat that thing they would just one bite that I don't know how to put this but this whole movie even though they're all cats I can feel how white everybody is does that make sense and now that I'm hearing Jason Derulo saying I'm like okay is that Jason Derulo's whole ass head is it just because it's a little bit blurry no that isn't there is no fur on that hand my god guys if you want to see good animation you just had to ask all you got to do is go to slash dil it is in trouble and we're into the and read crunchyroll is the number one destination for anything anime and manga related if you need your palate cleanser after watching this horrible cat's animation go to slash Dillon is in trouble and watch five centimeters per second which is not only a phenomenal story but it looks freaking beautiful one of the best things about crunchyroll is simulcasting which means that with the number of shows one hour after it airs in Japan it is already up on crunchyroll and ready to watch and with my link which I will leave in the description you get two full weeks absolutely free no ads HD the whole works quite honestly with the size of crunchy rolls library there is something for everybody I highly recommend watching 5 centimeters per second but only if you want to cry both at the beauty and also the sadness [Music] why are they looking at him all lovingly he's literally singing about how even if he keeps something he likes he wants something different girls you're not gonna be enough for him I'm trying to give you a love advice your cats why why am I doing this was that a dress elbows oh no that's Jennifer Hudson why are they so weird Oh Hersh it's gonna be the best isn't it [Music] so tell us on what did she do what did you know I'm too stupid for musical theater I need you to tell me who was she oh now you're gonna explain it's me and she went with Macavity she lives on the wasteland oh okay that's what I was looking for so she went with a Juris elbows to become a bigger star and Hebrew and her life Jesus Oh No look what the cat dragged in I give these cat things they gotta stop they gotta stop you know your work should be on the world stage wipe her soul what I need yourself owes do Matt he took all her nine Souls okay now now I'm invested okay I'm telling you right now you suck out some goddamn Souls II drous take their [ __ ] lives I'm so glad that that girl's out of this movie though she was so annoying look at you and look at me and you know you know that I'm sensitive about my size I was so close to giving this movie props for pulling off a funny joke leave it understated he tries to jump to fling go up in the air make this a spectacle but he can't because he's fat funny because it's not what you expect the music's the trumpets like mm-hmm that's what the trumpet ear does when he's playing the trumpet to make that sound he's like but don't have this whole thing about like I'm thinking about my weight cuz that just took all the humor oddities a dress we need you kill this one now yes good my god these scents like to engage okay this is probably my favorite numbers because this is about criminals criminal cats i what evil I'm not here for a romance you know what I'm thinking there is a series on my channel where I do movie commentaries but the series is called until I hate myself where I only watch up until the point where I physically hate myself and cannot continue and I have never not one time hated a movie so much that I stopped and there was one time when I watched princess protection program where I wish I did because it ruined like my whole week I'm getting close to that point and I'm looking at this timeline right now and that is a lot of movie left what the know what they're still alive well and I prefer my competition chained up oh he's just kidnapping them temporarily so that he has a better chance of winning this competition that I didn't pay enough attention to to figure out what they win he sucked a goddamn soul and this is all I get did he just stab him a little bit kind of so I'm noticing all their hands are kind of like Jason Derulo's hand or they just don't have any fur on them so they really only went half way here with the CGI they're just in time to see old Deuteronomy ah Julie Dench is that it what's that stench it's Julie Dench but she's a cat I assume she may be smells bad no I don't think I can do this anymore guys I am so [ __ ] bored Oh what the [ __ ] oh why are they vibrating like that ah Magneto its magneto I know it oh this is the this the girl he used to be a superstar but now she is on crack or something [Music] she's so talented and yet I'm still so bored because they're not doing anything with the camerawork it's like when they twits when her songs come up I don't know if she had like one day to shoot so they're just like we can only have one shot on you you can't do any choreography nothing extensive we'll just stick one camera on you and we'll leave it at that [Music] another song hey I haven't made one [ __ ] joke yet I'll see if I can fit it in that's what she said god she's such a little crack addict when his this cat said a single thing this whole movie I don't think she's saying at all oh she's probably saving it for the end she'll get a name she'll sing and then I don't think she'll win she'll probably give it to that little crack addict or something you do say who is this anyways cats cast yes Todd Taylor Swift's why did Taylor Swift get top billing on this Francesca Hayward Victoria she's like one two three four five I'm gonna show you real quick what we're her billing is so this is the top of it she's not in this line not in this line not in this line and she's down here she's like the main character but these two have [Music] hey man I'm into this [Music] it took 55 minutes for the main character to do anything anything this is what would it maybe get invested and maybe the original was like this but I just don't care unless I care what the main character and you never made me do that until maybe now dance with these beautiful girls good job okay you're still going I thought that was the end okay you said that already beautiful ghost right Gus Gus come on get the wreck - oh yes suck is so bad sounds like a crime show is about to start Oh Taylor Oh - Earl OH tasting the beer now why do they have hands man why not give them cause if you made their entire faces cats the decisions here I don't like him naked you're a cheat macavity yeah oh he sucked the ditches so we can't just magic aback yes we can oh hello newbie finally you have a role in this story you're a magician oh Jesus nope she just offloaded it onto someone else don't mess up the crazy lady aah aah you make me angry did you see how he Magneto did that dude off at the boat okay so they sent off the Kraken and she gets a new life now the cat's alfihri much like you she's singing at me she's got a new love interest which is disgusting I guess congratulations what are you gonna do denture I believe you truly are a Jenica cat okay cool sick [Music] thank you for ending woohoo I'd skipped pretty heavily get in this movie I'm not gonna lie okay this isn't finished though I don't care cuz guess who makes the rules around here this guy I like hey man it's not my forte not up my alley first of all I'm more of a dog person myself and secondly they use song to just carry the entire story whereas the musicals that I like are stories that have songs in them I had pissed off enough people like the og fans of cats probably so it's safe to say that my work here is done what's this though oh it's the Broadway play just in movie form I would prefer this so much more because it's not trying to be something that it's not yeah I think once they lose like the direct connection with the audience that's right before them you lose a lot of the good part thank you again to crush your over sponsoring this video just go to slash Dillon is in trouble sign up you get two weeks absolutely free no ads delightful I'm a jet so
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 968,591
Rating: 4.9784808 out of 5
Keywords: cats, movie, trailer, netflix, full, reaction, review, cringe, clips, soundtrack, taylor, swift, scene, cockroaches, memory, ending, dylan
Id: GUmR74xvSbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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