IRS Scammer - Schedule H (animated)

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[Music] thank you for calling arrest how can I help you it's left a message on my user machine and return phone call and what are the otherwise small man feels on my answering machine okay Kenny hold me you're gonna love them so I can check it out why I got a call yes Diana Prince okay I'm sure you must be following your taxes regularly don't you yes okay let me pull up your file and check it it does that why I got a call okay hold the line okay okay Deion are you with me yes am okay we tried to contact you because there is miscalculation in your tax filing between the years of 2011 to 2016 and this reason there is a legal case while against your name so did you receive any phone call from your local police department regarding this case just from you guys okay so you're not aware about this case right no okay want me to provide you more information about this case or do you want me to forward this file to your local police department um can you just tell me more okay so just grab a pen and piece of paper handy and write it down some important information regarding this case I'm I'm ready okay what I did on your case number your case number is years of Davidge P as a Pennsylvania number eight four six [Music] zero seven eight okay now you can write it on my first name is Kevin and the last name is white like a color Kevin white all husband what will we name him we will name him Kevin white yeah now we can write it on my batch ID number my number eight is the Indiana are either Roger number seven eight six zero two four okay you okay now can it be your case number yes it's not it's DP eight four six zero seven eight that's right now you don't need to write it on anything and listen to me very carefully okay okay you okay and before I give you the information regarding this case can you verify me your date of birth yes correct can you ever find me your date of birth oh you want me to tell you my date of birth it's yeah sorry about that it's 10:20 975 you okay so Deana let me give Meishan about this case so listen to me very carefully okay okay okay hello as for then for me 1968 you to hell right look at the information before you get arrested so as for the law I can provide the limited information over the phone but you make sure that you do not interrupt me between while I'm providing with information okay try not to can you hear me yes I can okay and it is my job to make you aware that this is a three-way conference with the Department of Homeland Security so whatever you speak or come it must be truth and honest because this one recording will be starving in front of the bar consular first States to prove you innocent or guilty regarding this case tonight now I can see it ok I can see that you have found suspicious and breaching three imported lots of United State first violation of Internal Revenue Service second violation of federal tax rules and regulation and third if by description now I can see as the irises and the carotids on the last five years taxes and they found that there are lots of errors in the 1040a forms nine four one three phones and Schedule H form and just because of those errors there is miscalculated text amount painting on your name which is still owed to the government and the amounted you want to write it down the amount what is a Schedule H you you there was your wages and income form schedule H is my wages in income form what's the w2 then yeah those forms yeah I'm not talking about your w-2 forms I'm talking about ten forty eight nine four one three and schedule add forms I don't recognize that I don't remember filling out Schedule H I'm asking you what is a Schedule H this is your income form you not put the correct amount on this form there's a reason this amounted showing me unpaid under your name now we can write around there it's six thousand two hundred and forty dollars that's right stop writing can you say that again it six thousand two hundred and forty dollars six thousand two hundred and forty dollars Wow yeah a lot of money so now I complete my part now do you have any questions regarding this case you can ask me so after we can start the legal process um go all of them I don't understand what Schedule H is because I don't remember filling that out you and for Schedule H [Music]
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 10,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, scambaiting, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, phone call to scammer, phone call to IRS scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey
Id: zoKUzXW4HnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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