I Make a Scammer Angry and Discouraged

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[Music] social security scammers they're the worst they want to get rich and they want to do it all at once let's have some fun [Music] all right well thank you for holding the line your pole has been connected to the senior officer from the Social Security Administration this is the ID given problem hello is Jason Brown okay I'm writing down your name all right maybe note of my badge ID number as well okay all right which is bad ID number which is FN FAL sim okay another FFF M okay SSI got it okay so what's this about thing okay the first of all make a note of my battery number which is FM three three four four seven nine okay okay have you got it close enough all right so I do believe that you have already award there one of the associate from the Social Security Administration and I do believe that he might already provide you the case ID number right now in order for me to go ahead and send more about your case I would like you to help me out with a fake ID number can you help me out with the kids Eddie number please sure it's DC 7 0 1 0 ok can you just pull on the line for a moment let me just go ahead and study more about your case I'll be right back with you all right ok all right thank you all right thank you for holding the line I stay on the line with me dating I did I'm still here okay all right so I pull up the information I can see that there is a case have been registered under your name but drug trafficking and as well as money laundering so is there anything you want to get out of this case yeah I didn't hang up on you even though you're threatening me with an arrest warrant and accusing me of all these things what I should be doing is hanging up and get my lawyer Joey dinner exactly the doctor is in before all like because we have already went through your past record we found that you are a genuine citizen of the United States which there is no criminal record on your profile so delicate he only lived it would you believe that it might be the case of identification tell people we have arrest warrant on me and yet you still put an arrest warrant on me you want me to cooperate when you guys are all threatening me with an arrest warrant okay so what do you want me to do are you willing to go ahead and help that department on to HIV Department of Treasury exactly see that we can go ahead and find the real culprits and at the same time the main the main important thing is that we need to remove your name from this kind of sensitive case of yours since you yourself y'all being on this to me that you are not the one who are involved in this case okay well what do we gotta do to move forward okay so first of all let me just go ahead and make you aware as it how it's going to be done all right the first of all Danny try to understand that there is a money-laundering case has been registered under your name and I do believe that the previous officer have might inform you on related financial documents which has been rated by the US Marshal and also they have found many bank account which have been illegally operated under your name by using your personal information yeah the first guy said you're gonna repeat everything he said we're starting all over again okay okay I also told that the previous officer from the Social Security Administration health might informed you about the related documents which have been raided by the US Marshal and they have found many bank account which have been illegally operated under your name so now why it fun I beg your pardon so I guess that doesn't mean yes we're gonna repeat everything that the last bunch of people said all your gonna just keep saying the same thing over and over and then transfer me to somebody who's gonna say me tell me the exact same thing that you're telling me again okay so let you'll let me know what you want me to do well I'm just saying that first I talked to a Henry Davis and he told me what you just told me they transferred me to Donald Jefferson and he told me what you just said and he told me to another person who coincidentally is called Donald Jefferson and he told me exactly what you just said and then we lost connection and I talked to Jack Martin and he told me what you just said and then he transferred me to you and then you're telling me the whole thing all over again and more likely you're gonna transfer me to somebody who's gonna tell me exactly what you're about to tell me so we're gonna make this as painful as well possibly can well go ahead go ahead well I'm what do we gotta do without repeating what was already done what are we gonna do to move forward to get me out of Charlie alright alright let me just go ahead and move forward then first of all out of kill you I need to go ahead and fill up on a Fitbit form for you which based on your true financial and into asset so whatever you declare over this form will be rippled back to your new social security number once we alerted back to you with a new one so what I wanted to do I just want you to help me out with some of the important information which I'm gonna ask you on behalf of this case okay why are you ready to pop it with me okay I've been alright okay so now my first question to you it's about your residents the residents which you are living right now it's your own residence or it was a rented residence it's my own I own it okay you own resident yeah I do believe you do have a car under your name yes I do how do you know that okay can you help me out with a model of that car yes it's a Ford Pinto I'm sorry the floor window okay alright so now come to your true financial so can you just let me know what out of this a little bang which we you found which has been operate upper ated honor your name and it just let me know like what is the legitimate bank which we are banking with are you citibank citibank okay yeah California Citibank okay all right so I do holding hope okay so I do believe that you are holding both saving and taking account on this baby bang well it's a checking account but I have acts like a savings account I save money through my checking account okay just checking account alright so can you just let me know like what is the available dollars that you have in your checking account without I can forward all this information off your student house so that they can differentiate which bank account belongs to you and which bank account which has been illegally operated under your name yeah I think it's just a bail a little bit less than forty five thousand it's not quite forty five photos and it's it's not quite that much okay it's not quite that much all right so is there any credit cards on to your name no I just used debit cards debit counts okay yeah so he's getting me all right so is there any future investment plan account under your name light for 1k plan or any IRA account under your name no there's not I just saved my money okay you just save your money all right yeah okay the first all Danny what I wanted to do I wanted to stay on the line with me as I need to for what all this information of yours to the courthouse and I'll be right back with you all right I'll be online with me okay I will mr. Jason you all right thank you for holding the line Danny I say on live with me I am all right so I just afford all this information off your into the courthouse all right and a good news for you that the courthouse are willing to go ahead and help you out in order to remove your name from this kind of sensitive case of yours all right okay so now okay so now what I'm gonna do for you first of all I'm gonna go ahead and connect your calls to one of the senior officer from the DEA department who is the right person in behalf of your case okay now I will go ahead and transfer your call go out and transfer your call one of my called the senior officer with the DEA who is the authorized person in the regards with your turkey he is the only person who can help you out that tells you I keep you travel to Ottawa I'm not the authorized person I'm just here to verify your assets so that I can't watch in the courthouse all right so here's the only person who can help you out in order to you pretty motion him from this kind of sensitive case of yours so what I want you to do I want you to cooperate with him try to be honest with him and let them let let him aware too that you are not the one who are involved in this case all right okay okay so please stay on the line are you outreach to be a department yellow yes my school I don't believe in planning yes I'm speaking with Danny right yes this is Danny Jasco all right daddy you're speaking with Sebastian Sebastian Martin one of the senior officers with the DEA Department which stands for Drug Enforcement Administration your call has been transferred to me by one of the agents from the Social Security Administration saying that you have a case under your name which is for drug trafficking and money laundering which has been actually issued by the courts of the state of Texas so right now Danny I want you to tell me the honest truth about the involvement that you have in regards to this case again just look at my file Danny all right it shows over here that there is a car rented under your social information yes just a white Toyota Corolla which was rented under your social information and saw the car there was some drug residues along some bloodstains on it yeah yeah you don't have to go through all that so please all right please I've talked to so many people already you don't have to go through all that again all right I will not explain anything more then basically I will go ahead and verify your assets as these assets will be real verified by the US Treasury as it will be rerouted to your new social all right so as you I can see here that you have a car your vehicle which is a fourth pencil correct yes all right you have a citibank citibank cic Y or is it CIT I they are two banks in the United States with the name city it's the ity and CIT I which one is yours CIT y CIT y three bank and how long have been banking with this Bank oh I know 10 years I guess I I don't know the excited all right so right now you're saying that your first of all we'll go ahead with the assets then I will explain to you about scenario so right now I believe you have a checking and savings both right it's the same account yes it's a checking and savings you can put money into your checking account and you draw interest so it's the same account and I understand that but on this recorded line I have to verify all of that I believe that your folder is going through with this but you'll have to go through this twice okay first three or four times maybe but yeah all right on the availability of the check confirm me the dollar man which is available I don't know the exact amount it's a little bit less than forty five thousand all right what about flaming Paul together that's one acute together one account it's forty four thousand I know it less then alright and Danny you know it very well this might also be a case of identification theft where your information may happen the fuse in regards to this case yeah my stress on that yeah that's what it sounds like sounds like somebody got ahold of my social and rented a car or something with it exactly so right now do you know any suspect that you think might be the one being involved in this case no no I don't know I can't think of anybody because on the type vehicle there was some to addresses which were linked with and the address has been this Rowlett in the city of Roland where we recovered eight to nine pounds of cocaine and you do understand that if it was cocaine with such an amount such a huge amount then it was growth markets and drug laws as well the cartels and right now on the supported line I believe I'm speaking with the real person and not a culprit or not an imposter right right right so you know it's not me all right so basically in order for me to confirm and solidify and evidence that I am speaking and I'm providing the important information to the real Danny chase so I want you to verify it for me so doubt Danny I believe you have with you a few little tasks oh all right all right verify on my last name is task oh I have that with me Danny cathc oh yeah yeah just a vacation purpose purposes all right Danny in order for you to verify me do you have a driver's license with you I have one in my wallet yes all right and I believe you own a smartphone right do you have a smartphone with you I do not all right what kind of home do you actually have right now under the flip phone it's a flip phone all right does it have a camera in it it's got a camera and app but there's no internet on it Internet on it yeah it's just a cheap tracfone you know tracfone is right it's just that you understand that yeah all right can you just click a picture and send it to me oh you don't understand them Hey I just explained it you said you understand it's a tracfone with no internet there's no 3G or 2g or 4G it's just a phone that's all it does this phone you can take pictures but you can't send it because there's no internet you can all right do two pictures okay do you have a computer with I have a computer but as I as I explained to Jack Martin there is no internet in the town of of San Francisco we're getting Internet right spectrum is coming through I don't know it could be any month now but there is no one in this town okay all right so right now as you know it very well I will be assigning one officer to arrive to your premises by tomorrow as this might be a case of identification theft we will make sure that your name will be clear from this case itself all right don't strive I will ask no no I will assign it will be assigned because these we will be providing three sets of documents with you as well with them as well so that you can provide it to you the first set of documents which will be the clearance letter which will state that you do not have an involvement in this case second set of documents will be in regards to the old social or the allotment of your new social where each each and everything will be rerouted to new social searches in regards to be also show where it has to be surrendered to the agent okay so right now I will go ahead and suspend your social and once I suspend your social all the accounts which has been open up under your name would be frozen for a period of 24 hours all right oh my I'm during this 24 hours there will be a rough check conducted or initiated by the US Treasury where any dollar amount which is more than a thousand dollars in your account will be confiscated by the US Treasury however I'm not gonna have any member we will well you will have we will give you a chance to claim your funds back as well within three months of time we will give you a chance without money exactly three months without my money that's ridiculous ridiculous I can't be three months without money how will I eat okay I can't go alright you'll move on without my money no way no way deal's off all right deal's off there's no deal for the vote Danny it's a deal it'll be little oh it was a deal that I was gonna cooperate with you guys and now you're saying I'm I'm gonna be starving to death for three months I can't buy food I can't pay my bills because you're gonna take my money away for three months no not a de novo three months hold on Danny all right let me peek hold your breath for five minutes is that a long time hold your breath for five minutes five minutes is a long time I don't want to be without my money for even five minutes cuz that's a long time all right this is the order from the government in which we have to take measures on and we will be suspending your social currently nothing has to be done by you all right we are not requesting you we're just informing you that we're suspending your social which all the amount were confiscated by the US region for for the investigation and it's not just your account but all the illegal accounts which has been open up on the your name as well however we will give you an access ability since you are a victim of identification step who will be giving you an access ability to say got your funds for the period of 24 hours have you ever heard of a federal voucher or paper bond hang on one second I'm heading to my where are you now I'm heading to my car I'm driving to the bank to get my money if you would draw any fun without legal authorization then basically we will be involved in you at the accusation which has been made under your name would be proven to be the real thing that you are you're trying to bring are you listening Savannah I'm listening I'm just driving to the bank some time if you would draw any dollar a month on the account I'm suspending a social right at this very moment then you take your chances I won't draw any money on all I'm saying is I'm giving you an accessibility to save you about just save your funds all right okay I'm going to give you an extra safeguard your funds for the period of 24 hours at least so that whenever you basically whenever you need it it will be there with you so basically I will assign one agent with a cashier's check of the exact amount by tomorrow itself all right you'll have to save god this one to the means of federal voucher do you know what a federal voucher is not really no a federal voucher which is not linked with your social so whatever the dollar amount is you'll have to convert into a better voucher and have the federal voucher to the agent who will be arriving to your premises by tomorrow and after handing it over to him basically what happens is he will be giving you the cash a check of the exact amount after he scans all the federal voucher yeah but Remo later I can't go no you are three months later tomorrow itself you will be with the cash your check but I won't be able to cash it for three months you will be able to in cash that at that moment itself as your information will be rerouted to your new social your bank your statements and everything but we reroute that your new social so whatever it is a bank which is frozen will be unfrozen and are you driving towards a bank and now you're trying to basically do all the fun right now no no I'm not doing that so what we got it right so legal authorization you know it very well if there is any dollar amount which you have withdrawn from the bank without any legal authorization then the black bank will be seeing that activity which later on during the investigation be presented to the courthouse the courthouse will be making a question or the statement to why this dollar amount has been withdrawn from the account if you fail to answer that would be considered as an ally to the person holding responsible for the identification day in which your house will be issued your name will be issued for a search warrant if in any dollar amount is available at your house in cash it will be directly filled by the authority without any chance of claiming it yes I'd like to pull out my money yes all there yeah all right do you want to safeguard your plan Thank You Kate um thousands make one of the thousands and hundred dollar bills please well mostly give me the rest of it 1000 dollar bills yeah okay I don't mind waiting good okay thank you okay I'm back [Music] sebastian you still there yep I'm here so you would draw on your photons right I did I did I I'm willing to cooperate though let's all right you have withdrawn in 1000 and thousand dollar bills and hundred-dollar bills you say I did I did I did but don't worry about don't worry about that though I'm willing to cooperate anyway I just had to safeguard little funds you understand I need to safeguard them funds yes you have safeguarded your fun I'm going to issue now the search warrant to your premises all right I thank you sir for letting me know that there's gonna be search warrant I'm not going home then I'm gonna hide my money someplace else [Music] pretty fun please consider subscribing and don't forget to click that like button and leave a comment [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 26,510
Rating: 4.9526978 out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, scambaiting, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, phone call to scammer, phone call to IRS scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, social security, social security scam, social security scammer
Id: Ou2qLsDZOe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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