Iron Man: 20 OP Weapons Hidden In The Iron Armor

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[Music] tony stark might want to make you feel like he's the cool exec with the heart of steel but when it comes to people who mean to do harm he wants to make them feel like it was a bad idea and never want to do that again to that end he has arranged an array of weapons that he's managed to fit into his slimming metal suit let's look at some of the ways iron man can bring the pain the real star of the show when it comes to the iron man armor is the repulsor rays repulsor technology is the sci-fi workaround that allows iron man to provide thrust through his hands to assist in direct flight boring real world solutions would require an engine of some sort which would make fitting it in the palm a non-starter in the mcu the repulsors do the flying while the arc reactor does the buy-in power-wise but in the comics the repulsor not only helps him fly but also generates massive amounts of energy needed to power the iron man armor how does it work well it projects a high volume of mound particles what's a mountain particle a clear indication that i should have paid more attention in science class it's like an electron but different and you can't break it down into smaller parts sometimes it takes more than the usual fare to put an enemy down sure your hand blaster is good for mowing down the faceless horde of henchmen but boss levels require boss level weapons when it's time to put away the kid gloves and get serious about hustling some mounds at someone who needs a hurt put on them you go for the unibeam think of it like the blazing sword from voltron sure it's fun to run through all the other gadgets and doodads but when you really need to get serious you bring out the big finisher the question then would be why not just start with the unibeam show up chest pass the baddies home in time for dinner well because with great power also comes great power drain takes a while to recharge the blast once it's been used plus it looks cool when used back to back with rescue in an epic final battle if one beam is good wouldn't three beams be better yeah just strap in this pattern is gonna play out for a bit premiering in iron man number 218 the tri-beam pulls power from the entire chest plate to deliver its killer blow this one packs a bit of a punch with a considerable kickback the suit wasn't designed for extra firepower it was actually designed to up iron man's underwater game it goes by a few names including mod 6 or model 06 or just a much easier to understand deep sea armor deep diving and triple blast chest beams weren't the only tricks that this suit had before you can go underwater you have to get to the water the suit could fly like any other iron man suit but just in case land scuttling was preferable the boots also had rocket skates think of them as hueys for superheroes we're at the beam variation halfway point what's better than three beams well if you're going to say quad beam you're not beaming hard enough that's right it's time for the penta beam when shooting mountains of people isn't enough then tony has you covered with the penta beam now along with whatever mounds are regular electrons neutrons protons and acoustic energy just for the fun of it microwave lensing focuses the whole thing by being very science sounding like his other fights over now chess beams the penta beam will drain a lot of power from the suit so why five beams when the other ones have been delivering the goods well vision has an equation for that the tougher iron man gets the tougher his enemies get by combining five different forms of energy to be beamed he not only increases the punch but also the chance that at least one of them will be something the bad guy is vulnerable to tired of the word beam yet well here's the multibeam you know how it is you pack your bags trying to think of anything you might need while away from home toothbrush clean underwear sunscreen shorts a jacket cigarettes to use as currency you don't know what you'll get up to but there's always that one thing that you don't anticipate or that one thing you thought you packed but your cat pulled it out of the suitcase while you weren't looking and is now under the bed along with half a dozen unmatched socks you need to grab what you can on the fly the multi beam is the shopping in the hospitality store of weapons instead of a set of particles to fling at somebody with dangerous intensity the multibeam shops off the menu grabbing whatever energy is nearby handy for not running out of stuff to emit but like all the other beams a big energy suck so you've gathered all the available energy from your surroundings and concentrated it into a powerful beam but the end result is kind of repetitive isn't it four different kinds of beams and so far they all ultimately have the same effect a whole lot of ouchy on the business end of the blast sometimes you want to make sure the bad guy goes down and you want to hit them with as much as you can hoping that at least some of the damage sticks how about heats in the vicinity of 25 000 degrees at around 5000 degrees fahrenheit if some other specific conditions are matte water splits into hydrogen and oxygen goes from dousing fires to encouraging them at around 10 000 degrees fahrenheit you're now generating enough heat to support a solar system that's a spicy beam it also produces a blinding light and just for good measure a powerful ultrasonic blast as well so if you somehow survive two and a half sons you're now blind and deaf all right enough with the beams already let's talk about hyper velocity impact tony stark much like the billionaire vigilante at the distinguished competition has contingency plans for his contingency plans while bruce wayne is driven by a mission for justice tony stark is more on the selfish and arrogant side of things that includes feeling that the world simply can't do without a tony stark so in the mark 28 armor he installed a failsafe that would attempt to upload a copy of the consciousness of the person in the suit which came into play when the awesomely named beautiful garbage hit him with a railgun auto backup wasn't the best feature though the hyper velocity suit was all about speed the acceleration ware could think half again as fast and was capable of near supersonic speeds underwater i'm not sure what the fluid dynamics of that are but they're probably not great with a flesh and blood tony stark inside that's amazingly fast when it's all acceleration wear and no tony that armor was blindingly fast in the mcu captain america's mighty shield is made of all the vibranium that howard stark could get his hands on most of that is to streamline the story of the shield as well as to cover for the fact that marvel didn't have the rights to some of the alloy known as proto-adamantium it's the adamantium part that is most often associated with everyone's favorite mutant with anger management issues wolverine the shield was a result of a little bit of metal similar to hercules mace adamantine a little bit of vibranium and a little bit of chemical x an unknown element that entered the process while dr myron mclean took a nap this creates a shield that's hard to replicate as a garage shop project well replicate and last never mind all that tony created the shield of energy to replicate the irreplaceable one cap naturally is old-fashioned and kept the original it's not a total loss though because tony used the same process to create an energy blade for himself one of the most feared mutants in the marvel universe is magneto who has total control over magnetism if you think of magnets as just that thing that held your stick figure drawing of your family to the fridge that might seem out of place but it turns out magnetism is a powerful force not just making metal things stick to other metal things but it even helps birds and sea life find their way around the planet while tony stark isn't able to replicate the total control over magnetism that magneto is capable of he did think that getting in on that action wasn't such a bad idea so in the hyper velocity system he added magnetic control that he can attract or repel objects that are subject to magnets just for good measure these days people carry at least one if not a few things that run on rechargeable batteries and if even one of them runs out of power our day is ruined there's no fear like five percent battery on your phone and no charger will it make it to the end of this video oh no charging on the go has gone through some evolutions from proprietary power cord connections to wireless charging but for s mundane folks it pretty much comes one way and charges to a finite point tony's armor is not only adapted to gather any needed extra power that happens to be around when he needs it his armor also has the ability to overcharge and then discharge that overcharge on the nearest bad guy or god of thunder that just hit him with a lightning bolt full of power me up with all those beams and repulsors it might be easy to forget the energy weapon that isn't entirely science fiction and that's light amplification by stimulating the missions of radar better known as fricken laser beam science fiction does tend to focus on lasers being a weapon but it turns out lasers became less science fiction and more just science those things are good for all kinds of stuff they can measure things they can let people know you walk through a door they can help with surgery they can drive your cat absolutely bonkers you'll get that red dot one day fluffenstein she's never catching that dot iron man's lasers are equally versatile acting as both a cutting and mending tool in addition to get another weapon in the arsenal the iron man armor is strong and obviously armored that makes punching and kicking largely advantage iron man but why risk it when you can deliver a hefty punch from a distance when a beam just won't do firing off a pulse bolt might be the answer iron man is looking for pulse bolt sounds a little bit like whatever that ranger was firing in that dungeons and dragons cartoon but no that's a magic missile you haven't even gotten the missile the pulse bolt is a plasma blast that increases in power the further it flies before hitting something though thankfully there's an upper limit at which the bolt dissipates otherwise that has some pretty tragic collateral damage one of the most useful substances in the marvel universe is that rare metal from a meteor that landed in africa and was discovered by the five tribes that would make up wakanda that medal was so amazing that they figured that as soon as the outside world found out about it they'd be staving off invasion constantly i mean they're not wrong gold is only useful not super useful an entire civilizations have been destroyed trying to get some of that while the cat's out of the bag on vibranium and wakanda they have a few thousand years of a head start working with it to create technology so advanced that it's basically a courtesy that they don't colonize everyone else while wakanda's grip on the world's vibranium supply is pretty tight it's not airtight some gets out and to deal with the chance that say a giant killer robot your fellow avenger mate on accident who is covered in vibranium you have a plan iron man's plan is a plasma discharge that happens when he comes in contact with vibranium that doesn't sound gross at all with a wide variety of beams and plasma weapons and energy shields and swords you'd think that tony stark would balk at something as pedestrian as plain old missiles but this is tony stark his redundancies have redundancies besides variety is the spice of life he has a beam-like array of missiles including shoulder-mounted mini missiles that allow him to take out multiple targets all at once including more punchy missiles that he can fire at tanks that took a pot shot at him and then walk away all cool and menacing humming the guitar riff from black sabbath iron man did you know that you can sing the book green eggs and ham to the tune of iron man give it a try cool right not all opponents are the same some pack an epically big punch and they need some epically big armor to deal with it some of those threats are even on the same team when juana maximov did a little mind wiggle thing to bruce banner she unleashed a fully enraged hulk on johannesburg tony stark's plan for an off-the-wish hulk who doesn't want to hear about sunsets was veronica my 67 volkswagen bus no wait that won't stop the hulk no veronica was an armor upgrade also known as the hulk buster armor it ups the iron man strengths of that coveted class 100 or capable of lifting 100 tons as well as an array of enhancements to take on marvel's unstoppable force in the comics tony has also developed a faux specific set of armor for ultron which is the regular armor just more and some long arms for the dragon from space that also gave the mandarin his rings there's the fing fang fume buster armor which has a little nod to voltron in the helmet and being 20 feet tall and operated remotely because it's a space dragon even bigger is the godbuster armor meant to stand up to celestials who themselves are super big on an alien planet during a secret war peter parker found what he thought was a costume upgrade that instead turned out to be an alien symbiote that was draining him of adrenaline and then when he got it off bonded with someone else and became obsessed with him for some reason the entire marvel universe saw that and thought i want one this includes alignment swapped tony stark otherwise known as superior iron man who harnessed a little symbiote to bond the iron man armor with his skeleton so that he could armor up whenever somehow that didn't manage to be the key to his downfall the name iron man is euphemistic not literal he's not literally covered in iron more a space-age fancy metal except when he is in fact covered in iron the mcu has been cagey about magic in the early stages classifying the norse god of thunder thor's magic as sufficiently advanced technology but then his mom was a witch and now doctor strange has taken sorcery to the mcu and wanda maximov has used her chaos magic to turn a town in new jersey into a living sitcom the comics haven't been as shy about all that magic has always been around and when iron man had to face malikith and the dark elves he suited up with the one thing they're vulnerable to actual iron iron man 2.0 wasn't the only time that tony used uploading his personality to extend his life he also saved simon williams consciousness and gave it back to him after letting vision use it to develop a personality later on tony developed escape that's escape with a capital s because tech company names are weird it was supposed to be like second life a virtual environment where you could do anything and go anywhere but it really was an overly elaborate touring test to see if humans and ais could interact just in case he had to save himself as an ai surprise he did caught in this virtual world he created the e-space armor made of solid holograms that he then used to rejoin his reconstituted body using holograms isn't restricted to a set of virtual armor that made its way from the digital world to the real world tony stark is a tech guy remote working is part of the landscape plus he wants in on some of that dr strange images of icon magic where he can make multiple copies of himself not being a master of the mystic arts but instead master of the engineering arts he's done the next best thing equipped his armor with the ability to protect holograms of himself like when loki isn't into consequences or if he has a conference to attend but his protege is busy punching above his class in new york and needs to talk him to he can send his suit in remotely science fiction has a tendency to focus on promising technology at the time as if it's the last big advancement we'll need as solid rocket fuels promised to send human beings into space everything became rocket thing space stories indicated they were in space by putting the word space in front of everything the 80s and 90s like to put cyber in front of everything how does any of that stuff work by being that thing of course one of the word de jour these days when we need a piece of technology to act like magic is nanotechnology which really just means crazy small but it does everything including create stow and deploy an entire suit of armor with the touch of a button and change that armor essentially into anything tony needs oh nanotechnology is there anything you can't do this really only scratches the surface of the various things that the iron man suit of armor can do and a lot of it is used once and never mentioned again there has to be things in there that he forgotty installed until the suits ai goes maybe try this thing you installed during an all-nighter
Channel: CBR
Views: 66,904
Rating: 4.9364562 out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Edward Stark, Marvel’s Golden Avenger, The First Celebrity Superhero, World's Greatest Hero
Id: xPDfmg-Om2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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