15 Marvel Objects Enhanced By Vibranium

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this vibranium all around us i got a vibranium when you've got a magical metal that is nearly invulnerable of course you're going to find every opportunity to make cool stuff out of it it's worth billions armor knives shields and more there's nearly nothing that vibranium can't do vibranium is one of marvel comics magical unobtainium metals alongside adamantium in this video we'll be going over some of the best examples of vibranium being used for good or evil here are 15 objects enhanced by vibranium christopher nord also known as agent zero is the classic marvel mercenary he's worked for many different groups in his time originally working to overthrow the communists in east germany however it wasn't until he was tasked with the assassination of wolverine that he came into possession of his vibranium suit agent zero used his vibranium weave body armor to enhance his combat abilities and his stealth to absurd levels his vibranium-enhanced armor allowed him to move in complete silence and refract light which made him nearly invisible in the dark armed with his adamantium knife this is one mercenary that you definitely will not see coming james proudstar is a massive seven foot two inch 350 pound mutant martial artist who is most commonly associated with the x-men and x-force upon graduating to full x-men status james proudstar who goes by his superhero name warpath was given a pair of bowie knives infused with vibranium these became his go-to weapons and he's almost never seen apart from them with his vibranium daggers at his side he was able to go toe-to-toe with a juggernaut and even hulk's arms for a short period of time vibranium may be best used as a defensive weapon but being able to the hulk proves it's got much more going for it than just an expensive shield kzar is what you get when you put tarzan in the marvel universe no really he's a british-born man who was taken in by animals when his parents died and he's known as the lord of the jungle this lesser-known marvel hero is actually quite notable for the fact that his father discovered a new type of vibranium that was different from the better known wakandan vibranium antarctic vibranium or savage land vibranium is known as anti-metal and is capable of destroying the molecular bonds of any metal with his vibranium belt buckle quesar is able to survive ulysses claws devastating sonic attack with khazar defending the savage land it's gonna be difficult for any villains to get their hands on his vibranium being the daughter of cosmic men oobly had midas was never going to have the best upbringing oobliet was raised to be a sort of perfect wunderkind made to live in a greenhouse and taught to kill by her father donning the alias of exterminatrix and the outfit of well her name says it all really she went out and did her father's bidding with her impressive firearms skills and her vibranium sold boots her boots provide one of the most unique uses of vibranium allowing her to walk directly up walls as far as vibranium goes walking up walls very well might be the most subdued use of the magical metal being a mostly regular human with the ability to fly in marvel doesn't seem like a super impressive feat so why not give them some vibranium armor is there any chance of course you could say no that i could get a selfie with your arms out are you serious unsurprisingly falcon's flight suit is equipped with a ton of technology but it got an especially big upgrade after it was destroyed when black panther offered up a new suit this powered up suit came with hard light wings radar scrambling technology and of course vibranium the vibranium weave that was installed into the new suit gave sam wilson an extra layer of defensive capability that helped him stay alive deflecting most conventional firearms [Music] his vibranium-laced armor certainly doesn't stand up to captain america's shield but it gets the job done the marvel cinematic universe version of vision is an interesting case on this list as he himself is formed of vibranium in the mcu vision was originally going to be the body for the evil super ai ultron made by tony stark fortunately stark was able to upload his jarvis ai into the robot body and with little hammer time help from thor the artificial creature vision was formed vision is easily one of the most powerful characters in the mcu seeming to be far more powerful than the other heroes with the possible exception of thor it goes to show how strong his vibranium formed body is that the first time we see him truly damaged in the films is when thanos with all but one of the infinity stones gets involved maya lopez also known as ekko is one of the most skilled fighters in marvel do in no small part to her ability to instantly duplicate the abilities and fighting styles of other combatants hence the name echo echo was born deaf but much like daredevil being blind you likely wouldn't be able to tell while they're in combat after breaking the staff she uses in combat buck lime a former shield agent repairs it and adds a small sliver of vibranium to and i quote give it a little kick this becomes immediately apparent when she is able to beat down the powerful count netharia with her newly enhanced staff it works for a time but unfortunately the fight doesn't end well for her to say the least gentle is a mutant human who quite possibly uses vibranium in the most insane way by grafting it directly onto his own body gentle has absolutely incredible strength able to rival even that of colossus or possibly even the hulk at least when his body isn't tearing itself apart that's where gentle's vibranium tattoos come into play before getting his vibranium tattoos gentle wasn't able to handle the stress his body put on him but the vibranium allowed him to push it beyond his limits the tattoos also offer him an extra layer of defensive capabilities as is common with vibranium hawkeye is a pretty basic superhero i'm out of arrows what of course no archer in the marvel universe would be caught dead without some vibranium arrows in this case antarctic vibranium aka anti-metal which can disintegrate any metal it comes into contact with frank payne was originally a shield agent that went undercover as a supervillain named constrictor his power comes from his vibranium cables that he uses to what else constrict his foes though as well as whipping and shocking of course his cables are incredibly strong due to their vibranium construction and are nearly unbreakable for all of the crazy uses of vibranium a prosthetic arm seems to make a lot of sense in the case of mercedes knight who lost her arm to a bomb tony stark was able to build her a brand new one better than ever before for the second iteration of the mechanical arm stark made it with antarctic vibranium which she can use to melt any other kind of metal and is nearly unbreakable charlie weiderman had a hard time in school being bullied even worse than peter parker was charlie however is a genius he even tried to make his own super soldier serum which failed and left him hospitalized eventually he made a skin-tight polymer suit that he inevitably formed out of vibranium unfortunately for charlie the vibranium he was working with exploded and left him coated in his mixture which gave him the powers of the material but led to him becoming insane black panther's suit is one of the more famous uses of vibranium in marvel and for good reason his suit represents the ingenuity of his people and is the representation of their much sought after resource vibranium fully automated it's no surprise that in black panther's home country of wakanda which is built on a vibranium meteorite it uses the incredible metal liberally nearly everything in the african country from its technology to its architecture uses vibranium in one way or another and it's the main reason for the prosperity black panther suit makes him nearly invincible and provides him with offensive capabilities such as the trademark panther claws as well as several bladed weapons such as the sword sky maker and king's mercy vibranium is so relevant in wakanda that even the heart-shaped herb that gives the black panther their super abilities was formed from the radiation of vibranium much better effects than regular radiation it seems in the aptly titled mini-series doom war doctor doom uses wakanda's vibranium supply against them by doing what else building his own suit of vibranium enhanced armor of course doctor doom also takes the opportunity to use the vibranium to make a legion of robots formed of the magical space rock doctor doom's already formidable combat ability is cranked to 11 with the introduction of his vibranium armor and he is nearly unbeatable seeing no other way out black panther is forced to make a massive sacrifice by rendering all vibranium useless and in turn all but destroying wakanda's future was there any question that this would be on the list captain america's shield is easily the most well-known vibranium object in all of marvel heck it's one of the most well-known symbols in all of comics period this incredible shield allows captain america to defend against nearly any conventional attack and can bounce around the battlefield effortlessly due to its vibranium design vibranium is stronger than steel and a third the way caps shield was formed of proto-adamantium which is a mix of vibranium steel alloy and an unknown substance cap's proto-adamantium shield is the only use of the metal compound making it truly a of a kind and possibly the most indestructible item in the marvel universe my shield doesn't belong to you my father made that shield if you know anything about vibranium at all chances are it's captain america's iconic shield whenever this shield breaks you know that things are going very very bad so that's 15 marvel objects enhanced by vibranium i kind of wish i could enhance one of my everyday items with that sweet sweet metal oh a vibranium blender oh that's going straight onto my christmas wish list
Channel: CBR
Views: 53,875
Rating: 4.947062 out of 5
Keywords: Savage Land isotope, MCU Plunderstone, the first avenger, captain america shield, black panther suit, doctor doom armour
Id: K6sxm9GznwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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