VFX Artists DEBUNK CSi "ENHANCE" Effects

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there's a reflection [Music] i mean that's bold what if we take this and we use the most cutting edge tools we can and we enhance this as good as we can can we actually compete with the magical enhanced computer from csi wait what just happened nick dude someone just popped jordan coleman's tires what enhanced that niko enhanced remember all those enhanced scenes from like csi and law order and ncis yeah how can i forget it's like a full-on meme at this point there zoom in scale up hold on second i'll enhance enhance please you're gonna want to zoom in and enhance i've always wanted to see if us as vfx artists using the most cutting edge of modern technology can we actually compete with the magical enhanced computer from csi you know even with the modern technology we have now i'm not convinced because it was always just like fake in the shows you know it was always just not actually a real thing let's magnify it see if we can get a reflection off our eye wait what all right this is a straight different picture it's like front on now it's like we're looking down at her and then it was like this is not something we could just zoom in unless the original had this resolution although this type of jump plausible in modern times we actually have really good ai tools that upscale images really well and we did a whole video on this comparing the original iphone 1 to the brand new iphone 13 last fall essentially these ai upscaling algorithms are trained on millions of images and slowly learn to take any image you give it and create new pixels between the existing ones that increases the resolution of the input image it's informed by knowledge like let's say i have a picture of ren's face but it's really blurry if the ai knows how to draw faces and be like well it's blurry but i can guess that the eyeball looks like this because i know what eyeballs look like i know that these dark spots here should be eyeballs so there's that level of like information going into this stuff but if i were just to give it a random thing like a a pixel and i said you know invent i don't know what this is at all figure it out now you're getting to the area where there's like there's no there's no previous knowledge that can help invent that detail as for moments like these and csi that's where they move into the fantasy realm [Music] so now we're in like this hyper zoomed in photo of this person's eye and we're looking at a reflection of a guy in the person's eye and now it's a basketball i mean this is magic this is impossible there's no way you can take a single pixel that's one color and like turn that into detail i mean you can if you generate it yeah you can generate you can like you can make up i think the term is hallucinating your computer can hallucinate the detail but it's not actual detail like if you use this as evidence it'd be literally the same thing as an artist just going in and drawing a basketball and being like it's a basketball and they're like so it's like i drew it and you're like so it's like so it's evidence vix tickets were in section 203 see it's m26 and 28s all right there's a crowd okay a crowd okay that's actually pretty clever yeah that hold up you definitely would not be able to do that wash and wax we're looking at one pixel and now that one pixel looks like this or just words it's literally black magic it's literally like inventing detail out of nothing this is the security camera at the underwear store freeze there so this is perhaps the most egregious form of enhancement because they're like looking on the other side of the picture what but okay i feel like the movie gets away with it because it's like it's all just pure sci-fi under the guise of being current tech you know it's still sci-fi it's not realistic but it makes me wonder if there are any imaging tools out there that are like actually used by police departments or in ports and stuff like that so this is image analysis forensic software from a company called clonex so this is the actual this is the real deal this is the real stuff okay hold up i'm actually legit interested now you can see in this example from a tutorial video there's a blurry license plate and we can't really see the number but it's not just a pixel we're zooming in on there are plenty of pixels here and there's data and this is an example where there might be a pattern and if you know the motion blur direction and you have samples along each you know position of the car there and that in that motion blur there might be a way to bring it back together whoa n four four zero j j d i mean before i could just barely make out that there's an n and now i can very clearly see the next two characters after that 44. it's like fancy sharpening it's sharpening with a directional blur it's like undoing like if i take a pixel and i write a piece of code to smear it i can just do the opposite i can unsmear something all right so here's another example that's pretty crazy you think this one's possible what no way no way that's not possible that angle is way too steep oh they're gonna do a corner pin undistort wow it was literally just a mush of pixels that he enhanced and then undistorted and now i can clearly read four eight nine nine zero zero like this is not ai here this is just solid math this is like doing basic like harmonics and like pattern recognition this is literally sourcing it from the original data like that data was technically there it was just scrambled yes you can apply this principle like anything i mean you've seen potion seller right potion seller i want only your strongest potions you can't handle my potions they're too strong for you [Music] okay i've never seen that before but that's what you're talking about he's got like this weird post effect going on that's distorting his face that in theory we should be able to undo by just applying the inverse distortion so that's just the dude moving his head around wow that's actually working that's working like really well i mean honestly most of what enhancing really comes down to is deep blurring there's some really cool problem solving happening with the software but at the end of the day you are just de-blurring and de-warping the image but csi pushes this past the point of de-blurring into the point where it's like the pixels don't have any data to de-blur bring his face up all right here's a straightforward scene where they're gonna enhance it with their computer we don't know what they enhance this image to yet what if we take this and we use the most cutting edge tools we can and we enhance this as good as we can and we're going to come back and compare ourselves to the csi computer and see if we can beat the csi computer okay 10 minutes i'll be right back hey i'm filming you too yeah just to make sure hey you feel me i'll film you it's fine we'll just make sure that everything is is on the up and up everyone's upstairs doing csi type analysis to see if they can enhance video footage but have you ever wondered whether you can enhance audio footage well i have and i finally cracked it i finally found a way to get an enhanced audio experience like never before courtesy of today's sponsor raycon i know you've probably been used to a subpar audio experience you've probably been thinking jake i don't have the money to pay top dollar to get a premium audio experience for my earbuds well guess what that problem is a thing of the past courtesy of today's sponsor raycon with their everyday earbuds they provide a premium wireless earbud experience for only about half the price as the other guys now don't take my word for it okay i know you're probably wondering what other people think of this and i'm gonna see if i can enhance their audio experience right now now i've been crunching the numbers and one thing that's key to having an enhanced audio experience is the in-ear fit of your earbud and ray-cons have the perfect in-ear fit and guess what they also have eight hours of play time with a 32-hour rechargeable case i mean these things just keep going they have over 49 000 5 star reviews online now i want you to put these in your ear nico raycons have both noise isolation mode and awareness mode meaning that you can get that ambient sound from people around you and if you don't want to hear them you just turn on noise isolation mode and you get an even better experience they're getting it i can hear them i can hear they're getting it all right it seems like the entire crew was really enjoying their enhanced audio experience i don't know if you noticed but they were really honed in on what i was saying and that's because of raycon's so if you guys are interested in getting a pair of raycons for yourself you get fifteen percent off just by clicking the link in the description below just go to byracon.com corridor crew i'm actually i'm gonna put these in and uh if i hear anyone typing in by raycon.com corridor crew oh gregory i can hear you gregory so the only thing i know about this enhancement is that they're going to try to pull a reflection off of the sunglasses so first things first i'm just going to bring in the file to after effects my favorite photo editing program let's try adding some levels let's brighten that up something like that just kind of get as much of that detail back i feel like i've kind of pushed after effects to the limit here and i need the help of some computer magic so i'm going to use topaz gigapixel we use it on the iphone video this is like literally the embodiment of enhance like this is the modern actual equivalent of doing that there's a few different ai models that kind of focus on various things like low resolution is focused on just generally upscaling it from something that was not very much to begin with lines is more for like architecture and landscapes and so enhance enhance enhance oh hey hey that actually kind of did something there look at this so here's the original and then if i let it update his face becomes so much clearer what is this reflection wait dude dude i think there's something there you cracked the case you're right i think i did correct the case dude i know i know who the suspect is i know who the suspect is alright time to go show nico [Music] nico i solved the case you did yeah i found the suspect wow i'm actually really amazed i was able to pull a reflection so not too bad not too bad but wait a minute what's that reflection on his glasses yeah what is that reflection in his glasses evidence oh wow it was dragon ball z the whole time that's permissible in court that's actually the nance isn't bad it's not too bad but again it's in all the texture and detail we're seeing is invented all the lines are being exaggerated and it still is keeping some of those aliased lines in the background and along his face i i turned on the face enhancement option which tells it okay we're looking at a face apply some of the facial recognition stuff for the upscaling so it's able to actually add some of that texture detail around his nose there and along his cheeks and lips and that's something that just simply scaling it up we wouldn't have gotten but i think it's safe to say that this is like the furthest modern technology can push the idea of enhancing this is like literally as far as we can push it without full-on inventing and rendering something to be in there i'm excited to actually see the original shot in the context of the show so that i can prove you right all along there's a reflection oh that's what i missed out on was the the little the cross hair wait there you go what what wait what even was that they didn't even try to like make it look like part of the reflection where'd all that orange come from they're looking at all this blue stuff and then all of this orange came in man that's magic that's just i mean that's bull yeah it's like that's not magic that's just them being like and uh they're supposed to see this so throw that in there it's honestly kind of crossing the line from at all having any possibility of just being dumb suspect was last seen southbound on hunter street by the scene witnesses describe a square face and he was a-list wait what just happened nick dude someone just popped jordan coleman's tires whoa wait don't we have a security camera we do yeah we do renda white why are you dressed like a cop already dude it's it's how i roll man did you know that this was happening i mean i mean kinda so you're looking at like you know crazy magical csi footage but what about actually doing real security footage so we took our security camera nick put on a mask of another face just a paper mask a celebrity face and we're going to try to identify who this is using our tools to enhance this footage but first off let's just look at the raw footage so there's gonna be a celebrity popping tires on our street and we have no idea so far it's just this white blowing out oh wait a minute okay wait exposure problem okay we have to enhance this can we like maybe take a screen grab of that and just zoom in maybe we can see it if we just zoom in okay why does he look like freaking bilbo baggins when he's jealous of the mithril we're literally doing the enhanced thing right now [Music] wow is that nick cage no it's not in a cage wait what what what wow sam who is this we've enhanced it with a.i john candy or something right wow i mean that was close all right so the first one didn't work at all it invented a face and it was no one and so we chose a slightly different frame because it's video we can choose which frames to you know look at we're running it through topaz labs gigapixel once more oh it's like hurting my collarbone from laughing too all right so we got a hot tip through our tit hotline and we know a couple things we know that it is a male actor a-list celebrity and we've apparently brought in an expert witness what do you need ren i don't know what is that who is that who is that i mean it looks like wren niko could you do me a favor real quick could you enhance that uh sure oh whoa that was so creepy that's creepy because i did punch holes in the eyes oh yeah so i could see so he's got it looks like he has a big dimple chin he's got an extremely square face so there's no beard that i can tell either whoever it is has to have very deep like eye sockets because those are some dark eyes we should organize a lineup here yeah we need to line up this is how the cops find criminals is they pull up a low resolution photo and then they think of famous celebrities and they line up those famous celebrities and just pick one out of a hat harrison ford bruce willis steve carell mel gibson he would do some shady stuff is it woody harrelson enhanced he gets that nico enhanced matt damon wait matt damon matt damon yeah damien i can see a little bit of matt damon in there not he doesn't have the dimple it has to have the chin nipple that's the most refined part could it be our boy ben benny flick oh he's got a big chin butt okay that reminds me of mark ruffalo does that not look like mark ruffalo to you is it hulk mark ruffalo dude it might be the hulk nick i i don't is the criminal in this lineup yes what what all right i'm ready to make my vote woody harrelson okay woody harrelson i don't know man this is tough i might have to go mark ruffalo look at mark ruffalo's crow magnum features dude i see the deep sockets right there dude he's got that square head i find myself starting to agree more with dean here you guys brought me in here for a reason i think it's mark ruffalo all right but if he dies the blood is on your hands that's fine all right mark ruffalo you're under arrest for popping jordan's tire mark ruffalo all right so guys we just got a call and the tire popper actually just confessed and we're bringing him in right now i can't wait to see this scumbag [Music] it is mark ruffalo oh my god that's so creepy dude wait we nailed it no we didn't you guys didn't nail it but you got it so i chose it because i thought the eyes were very recognizable the deep eye sockets like dean was saying are kind of recognizable he's like mid bite at lunch dude he's like well gentlemen my work here is done he's a hero thank you thank you dean see you guys around see you later so in all honesty this we are way on face this does not help at all what happens when a court case comes up and exactly what we just went through ends up becoming real evidence and they're trying to use an actual upscaled image that's using some of that generated detail in the court of law is that is that like acceptable i think you have to be really careful with that machine learning algorithms invent detail they imagine it they hallucinate it and they're informed so it's it appears to be in the right spot but as we saw in like the eyeballs and lips were overlaid on these low-res pictures like that's effectively what's you know what's happening with various like machine learning programs as we saw with clonix there are actual ways you can do forensics or images and i think i think the distinction is at least in my opinion if you're going to take images to court and enhance them they need to be enhanced with a mathematical formula that does just basic math transformations the data that's already there in other words the data there can be manipulated and reorganized and patterned but you can't add new data i think the main conclusion we can take away from this is that the enhancement shows like csi actually use is not admissible in court their whole foundation is wrong man this makes me want to like investigate more sort of tropes like this out of movies and shows so if you've got any suggestions leave a comment down below we'll check them out this was a really fun video to do yeah this is fun this is i've really wanted to do this science experiment for a long time yeah you mentioned this video months ago and we were just finally getting around to actually doing it i'm so glad we did also subscribe because next week we're gonna satisfy you
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,655,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, enhance, CSI, CSI Miami, meme, funny, test, experiment, react, debunk, debunking, debunked, machine learning, ai, crime, science
Id: jT2sAz3e2yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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