Irish Girl Reacts to IRISH Characters in FAMILY GUY

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so today by very popular demand i demand it and right now commodore stone right now do you guys have asked that i react to family guy episodes featuring irishness most of these are going to be brand new to me i have seen a couple of them but nothing stands out to me the way the leprechaun and the simpsons version did going with your suggestions for subscription curses today i'm gonna suggest you subscribe otherwise you will be cursed with a dog who's a bad boy a bad bad boy you're a good boy don't worry a very good boy is your tail lagging oh my god it's so fresh so subscribe in other news i did find my headphones so thank you to everybody who prayed to saint anthony to help me uh they were where i had left them let's watch some family guy [Music] and then chris starts in with all this yo-yo yo stuff and i don't know what the hell he's talking about so i started beating him with a hose and then my arm got tired so i came here peter perhaps chris has adopted another culture's mannerisms because he doesn't know enough about his own oh gee i never thought of that hey you know i should teach chris about his irish roots besides we haven't spent any time together i'm going for the funny bone dad oh you touched the sides oh geez he's waking up quick let's get him back to the bus station oh my god i'm gonna be chilling with my homies now chris it's important you learn about your irish heritage chilling with his homies yeah no he's definitely irish he can't pull that off a day in the life of an irishman [Music] see that wouldn't happen because that irish man appeared to be drinking beer and it's whiskey that makes men a little bit angry in my personal opinion it's not just irish men either whiskey just makes men very angry a day in the life of an irish woman ancient archaeological evidence indicates that ireland was a much different place before the discovery of alcohol most experts believe it was something like this gentlemen today we ireland's top scientists have found a way to convert our entire population to pure energy [Applause] yeah the irish probably would be very productive without alcohol we're very creative and for such a tiny country we have so many amazing artists out there musicians and actors imagine how many more we'd have but i don't know [Music] 25 that's how high i can count we've been here for three hours i'm scared dad what's gonna happen to us well he's a nazi chris if i had to guess i'd say he's going to make us into a lampshade or a wallet or a bar of soap i guess that means i'll be irish spring irish spring will get you fresh and clean as a whistle see star you cut me why what is that possibly supposed to show the consumer there's more soap inside the soap they know that okay irish spring soap some of you guys have sent me irish spring soap i haven't ready to go for a video i messaged the guy who was the irish spring soap guy who i know his brother so i thought maybe we'd get in with that i thought it'd be cool to feature him in the video but um he hasn't responded twice so i'd like to do an irish spring soap video if you have any suggestions as to what i could do with the soap i believe i have a suggestion wash my hands repeatedly for 10 minutes top class entertainment somebody suggested i could actually carve stuff with the irish springs up but i foresee that going poorly oh my god there's a lot everywhere you're the one who's always cooking brussels sprouts and broccoli it's like an irish bar fight down there you're from one town over so i hate your guts okay that one was brief but um yeah that's pretty accurate actually to be honest people fall out with each other because they're like living in different towns and they're literally right beside each other ireland is so small but you're like oh we hate those people from there but like it's right around the corner from you people i'll just fight about anything i hate broccoli welcome to ireland we'll be landing in five minutes quite a country brian you know ireland has more drunks per capita than people oh that's a negative stereotype i don't think the irish drink as much as people say they do [Music] uh excuse me is this mcswiggen village uh dibble a man who say a word to get it hmm is that a yes or a no hi tis mcswiggen village where the hills are green the streams are clear and the sweaters are so thick even the boniest fingered nun could poke you in the chest and it wouldn't bother you none don't be so bold with your dark hair and your proud i can't feel a thing actually if you've ever worn one of those iron sweaters they are so freaking thick but you do not want to be caught in one on a very hot day they are very warm like very warm also i know this is very pedantic but i couldn't help noticing that village looked nothing like an irish village especially one in the countryside in the countryside the houses will be far apart with loads of land whereas in that picture they were like all close together i know it's a cartoon but i'm just saying that's not accurate i'm here to react okay that's what i noticed it's not accurate hey what are those guys doing ah those are the mcmurphy brothers they've been circling that same spot for 50 years just daring each other to throw the first punch just you try it oh i'll try it just you try it you'll feel it when i try it i'd like to see you have at it now this is true you can't throw the first punch if you're a man of honor you have to let the other fella through the first punch because then you're just responding so yeah i could see that happening in a car get your way uh excuse me sir my name is peter pleased to meet you lad name's mickey listen um this may be hard for you to believe but you're my father who am i now yeah i came all the way from america to find you i suppose it's money you're wanting i owe you some allowance and so forth oh no i don't want money i just want to get to know you and be friends so i can finally have a real dad who loves and respects me you can't be me son you and me are nothing alike just ask me sheep o'brien whose leg do you have to hump to get a pint of guinness around here boy it's amazing isn't it you get two fathers and neither one of them wants anything to do with you there's got to be some way i can make him see that i'm worthy of being his son but the only way i could ever impress him is if i was a fat stinking drunk peter you are a fat stinking drunk what you're a fat stinking drunk yes from what he's telling us that's right on the money challenge him you must and i'm hayden christensen wait a minute brian that's it i'm a fat stinking drunk because my father is a fat stinking drunk and i got to prove it to him i have got to drink him so far under the table he'll have no choice but to respect me get me a beer brian i am gonna prepare for this as thoroughly as ben affleck prepares for a roll whoa i got to be henry the eighth in 20 minutes hello hello hello hello got it [Music] okay i will say that you will earn respect in ireland if you can hold your alcohol mickey mcfinnegan i challenge you to a drinking contest and what makes you think you can hold your own with the likes of me because i'm your son and i'm tough i made it halfway through failure to launch i just never managed to get my life together isn't that hilarious you're cute done yeah that film sucked as we say in ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our livers and kills us i got 20 on the fat one which one's the fat one wow [Music] [Music] what happened peter you won my god no but he's ever beat me at the game of drink now do you believe that you're my dad nobody but a mcfinnegan could handle that much of the creature you're the broth of me own stubby shellely all right welcome to me family peter you hear that brian i'm a mcfinnegan now i can forget all about francis you know there's something you should always remember peter francis may not have been your father but he raised you as if you were his own and if that isn't love i don't know what is wow i guess you're right but there is one thing mickey you knocked up my mom and never called her again yeah so what so what so let's dance oh he doesn't i'm sensing a song coming on i can't play that on this channel according to the editor so i'm going to guess how the song goes with the lyrics enjoy oh he doesn't smell like irish spring he never taught me anything but i slap my chest and sing with my drunken irish dad oh his face like a railroad map and he never shuts his freaking track but all the ladies catch the drop from your drunken irish dad ask a hennessy tennessee morrison shaughnessy reardon and rooney they'll tell you the same mcnulty rooney and connor and clooney all feel the same mixture of pride and shame finnegan hannigan kelly and flanagan look to the ground when their dad passes cafferty rafferty joyson and flafferty fight for his honor and then start to cry then there's a dance sequence this would be it a lot of punching very irish we irish lads are all in firm and our moods infect us like a germ because we're all just born of pickled sperm and we don't tan well either from a drunken irish dad thank you the album will be coming out soon that tan line's very accurate and there you go that was all the irish scenes that i could find i have no idea peter's dad was irish i didn't know peter was irish peter's a cartoon what are you talking about diane he's not a real person i'm very invested in family guy i want to say a massive shout out to the karmic goals crew over on patreon some of them you see very regularly in the comments here some of them not so much but either way they are stand up lovely human beings and i want to thank them so much for everything they've done for the channel as i mentioned earlier in the week they have made the equipment better they have made the audio the visuals everything better so thank you so much to each and every one of them and if you see them in the comments say boop that's it for today's list feel free to engage with another speckle away and i'll see you on the other side bye that was the worst stop ever quack quack quack quack quack quack oh that is so cute i hope the camera can see oh [Music] hennessy tennessee morrison shockness everyday and rooney mcnulty and mulrooney and cotter and clooney i don't know any irish clooneys it is an irish name but i don't know anybody called clooney finnegan hannigan kellyanne flanagan cafe rafferty joyce and olafferty i know all those people were probably related
Channel: Diane Jennings
Views: 606,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family guy, family guy irish, family guy ireland, peter's two dads, drunken irish dad, peter griffin, stewie griffin, family guy react, irish tv show, irish girl, irish girls, diane jennings, new facts channel, irish people try, irish people watch, irish people react
Id: 7R7KUDm7lG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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