Family Guy Roasting Everything Black!

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you feel like I rushed everything black yeah that's all we do we already know that's gonna be good we've been doing days on days of these yeah we yeah it seemed like as a group I feel like we enjoy when people make fun of us the most because we can relate with my own two hands but today I'm hurt and I'll tell you why I got a hand name I'm hanging from my cuticle it hurts like a Ben 10 I did last night I'd have to pretend not to notice People's race day have you seen Reggie around which one is Reggie uh he's got a gold tooth and a diamond earring um it's got that big necklace with a dollar sign on it it's always grabbing his crotch when he's telling a story like the one about when he found out his mother is really his grandmother uh he always wears cheap cologne uh no he's just alimony uh he's extremely cut for a guy who never works out thanks anyway because there's the black forest we gonna take the whole family on vacation this summer the 10 of us don't load up the Impala and head on down to Highlands check cashing place I was in and out with one ID you know my boys out on bail next week right man it seems like yesterday he was in juvie gosh tomorrow but I can't imagine if we had our own medieval castle I better be even more fun but when I went to White Castle thank you names are a little deceiving man dollars getting all over town you know yeah like your mama oh man you know I'm just playing hey man you seen that movie The Code the code I'm just gonna be talking about the cold I mean I saw the movie but I was like oh oh honey I'm so excited to finally meet your girlfriend here she comes down Okay YouTube channel let's see how we're doing boy they just went right after Cleveland didn't they geez that word looks even high what if I had a YouTube channel it just went right after Cleveland OH no Okay YouTube all right let's check our YouTube channel and see how we're doing boy they just went right outside didn't they please that word looks even hush in when it's in all caps here are the products we'll be unveiling in the new fiscal year the African-American heart monitor yeah yeah yeah [Music] I really are it's old man Barney Frank and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you nothing Republicans thanks for all your help load Trotters that was a cold swish put her there oh no no no no no no no no no no no nobody please it's 1955 please re-enter the clubhouse in a more stereotypically animated fashion [Laughter] if I were you I'd keep your mouth shut till you talk to a lawyer I didn't kill anybody [Music] is this what black people see all the time no they usually don't come to funerals since I'm a cop I always wind up getting hit by a black woman with a purse let's talk about it hey Lois what are your parents doing here oh they surprised us for the visit after I told them about your recent discovery yes Peter we hear you're a negro now yeah I even got my own privacy keep on shakes you guys go make yourself some sandwiches we'll hook up later my jacket's in the kitchen please don't write on it the same way her cooking show taken off the air by saying the one word you can't come back from what say the word right now yeah together okay Cleveland population you could have just quit the show [Music] hey you're that black guy I saw on the news conference ain't you oh yeah that's me this is current 15 I'm gonna need backup I've got a stolen vehicle here but this is my car we actually made a movie yeah I don't want to call this a movie we made a film we made a film guys [Music] ah listen to these lyrics I rip it hardcore like porno flick [ __ ] I roll with groups of ghetto bastards with biscuits oh look they got a translation for white people I give 110 when it comes to helping my community even though I occasionally associate with some less than reputable characters out with yo Romeo check out that [ __ ] Juliet in the window no the problem is Juliet's Pizza like east coast rappers and my Posse's recipes just like my boys Tupac and Biggie you know what I'm saying dog Peter what are you doing prank what the hell okay at least I'm not drinking Brian yeah this isn't exactly a good substitute where'd you get crack from blacks what no yeah right behind Black's Hardware Store there's a white guy selling it you're too young besides the Army's weak now the Marines those are the men you want are you kidding Lois the Army's great you get to save money for college there's free food and all the brown people you can rape going into the inner city and I'm gonna yell the n-word [Music] foreign anyway he's like you got something on your nose scratching your nose yeah it's like blood or something let's see fellas blood something oh I got yeah yeah all right oh reaction it's all right that is hilarious though don't hit send please don't wait why do you put on a pistol and then yeah you son of a [ __ ] [Music] just a lot to take in oh yeah you're telling me Oh come on those kinds of jokes aren't helping what do you want me to say you're being silly I mean Jerome and I dated of a 12 inches ago white men have been spotted nearby laying traps and forming slow pitch softball leagues whatever makes him happy Live and Let Live that's what I say and I'm sure that's what they say too hello I'm Cleveland from South Carolina wow you're a different killer than me would you like to be equals we now return to Rodney King of Queens Rodney did you take out the trash uh I forgot [Laughter] it's so funny we now return to right did you take out the trash um I forgot can we look at Stewie oh my God he's doing has anyone seen my son hello hey it's the crows from Dumbo hey you guys seen my son well I don't see anybody to everything but I saw nothing good old-fashioned family racism uh excuse me hi yeah is it like a human resources guy we could talk to um I have a work related grievance what yeah the quarters are too crowded the hours are long and you know I don't like to be this guy but a couple of the overseers have been making racial slurs what are you doing up here whatever Frank tells me to do man hey Sam get back in here and carry my golf clubs yes boss seems kind of racist doesn't it no no because because Sammy's in on it but he's still carrying the clubs in Cleveland I just wanted to give you a heads up that Peter has a whip because well you know given your racial Heritage it seems like something Estates is a very exclusive neighborhood I got an invitation to go to the mayor's house so you're telling me if I ran these plates they'd come back clean absolutely all the attitude walk up wearing our Bill Cosby masks Peter that's President Obama did I just do a racism I don't know you guys we'll be as out of place there as a black guy in Sweden yeah black insipids oh we're not the first people to be dragged off against our will are we there yet no are we there yet no are we there yet I will turn this ship around that works okay teach us a lesson yeah that's even better all right if that's what you wait a minute yes you here here are a racist and a rude one at that so you're not a mailman okay yes I am a mailman but these are my 1983 Maurice Cheeks show up well I thought it'd be good to get out of the house I don't like the kids being around that racist sunflower that's grown in our yard hey boy don't you come walking by this house you're ignorant Eva excuse me I'd like to say a couple of truths to the man in this audience it's your fault we have so much crime in this country it's your fault we have so much violence in this country oh my God I don't think he's ever as innocent as it seems [Music] not a boy oh no I was thinking of writing an article about you for my school Pages black guys more or less that's a hard question to answer most of them get a group rate jail is in prison prison is big and scary and a jail is just a sleep and Deputy with keys that can be grabbed by a long broom handle or a mischievous dog the black people ever go to jail no they go to prison oh my God I must say I do feel a strange satisfaction watching the black ball topple all those self-righteous white pins they blame them for being self-righteous the black balls in their neighborhood Uninvited nothing wrong it's the black ball is innocent it has nothing to fear because I had a lot of funny ones oh man Family Guy yeah I don't give a [ __ ] they do not we see them back to back to back to back it's like wow that's trying to think of the funniest one from that kid it wasn't good it was a great ones too many I think the most foul give me hitting them with the rock is pretty foul that was pretty fast the kid he said I don't know man it was a lot of fun with it okay he was like yeah he's cut for some reason but he doesn't work out it was the funniest one oh my gosh man y'all let us know some more that y'all want hit us up we going
Channel: CartierFamily
Views: 1,623,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _yFWknpiPuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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