IRISH Girl Reacts to AMERICAN MARINE Bootcamp For The First Time

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so today by popular demand i'm gonna check out marine boot camp a lot of you wanted me to do this so that's what i'm doing i looked at army boot camp training and people were like oh that's a piece of piss basically i'm expecting it to be a lot harder before i get into the video do be sure to subscribe otherwise the next time you're out walking a very crazy thing will happen you're gonna be just randomly walking down the street when a discus hits you in the head yes a discus and it just knocks you out you can avoid such a burden if you subscribe so subscribe okay i'm gonna get right into this [Music] in paris island south carolina carolina they become united states marines all recruits have to graduate from the marine corps for 13 weeks oh my god it's like training physically and psychologically no i feel sorry for you it's a pressure cooker for 12 weeks under the pressure of an intimidating drone instructor someone that's putting you under the scrutiny of attention to detail every single day and to a certain degree everything you do is never going to be good enough oh it looks like in a movie everything at boot camp sucks it's going to hurt it's going to be painful but it's only going to hurt more if you look at it that way around around around it's boot camp and it's supposed to prepare you for the challenges that lie beyond okay people tell me in the last video that they don't get real guns we spent initially days [Music] and without question do you understand yes sir on day one of boot camp new recruits arrive at the recipient where they take their first steps toward becoming marines by walking through these silver patches symbolizing the threat the leader of people's uniforms they are so super pristine [Applause] i know i'm not supposed to be focusing on that but it's working groups are processed and assigned to their platoons [Applause] after graduation marines commit to a minimum of four years of service dishonorable discharge recruits are required to make a phone call to a family member or their recruiter to let them know they've arrived they're all very in sync please do not send any food they're only allowed to read the script printed for them inside the phone bank i will contact you in seven days my mom would be like you have been kidnapped we need to send someone immediately recruits are given three chances to get someone on the line sir my recruiter's not answering sir i would be today the first day accurate not every recruit is able to make a connection if there is no answer all right sir but they won't have long to dwell on it the marine corps recruit depot in paris island sits on 8 000 acres of the south carolina low country it's one of two enlisted recruit depots in the united states the other is in san diego we take young men and women from all walks of life all cultures maybe they were rich maybe they were poor they've got different religious backgrounds they are the melting pot of america and they come here with one common goal and that's the united states marines male recruits have been trained at paris island since 1915. female recruits began to train there in 1949 today females comprise under 25 of recruits at paris island and approximately eight percent of the united states marine corps the lowest percentage of any united states military branch a recruit's day begins before the sun comes up their typical wake-up call is 0-400 or 4 a.m [Music] some recruits arrive in better shape than others some never do anything more than senators and some may have been collegiate athletes so there's a vast spread of what their athletic fitness and ability is i'd be the one puking on a corner of the pitch much of their training happens here in leatherneck square where a series of intimidating obstacles comprise the confidence course oh my gosh we did that in transition year in school jacob's ladder no i'm tired of watching you freaking fail you failed this event the training program is progressive in nature someone's nice to me imagine you turned around i don't think that would come with all its requirements at the end of training regardless of how they started [Music] slipping please please help i don't want to do this no i'm not pleased any recruit with a fear of heights gets the chance to conquer that fear courtesy of this 47 foot tall tower 47 foot crews must repel down using two different methods for me the rappel tower was hard because i sort of had a fear of heights rubble on my right hand with your right hand you have to trust the road 47 feet up anyway you'll be safe all the time can you please help me i'm trying to help you i don't want to go down recruits with a phobia of heights have little choice but to face their fear immersion method one of the most dreaded parts of training is the gas chamber oh we saw this in the army crush where recruits are exposed to cs gas more commonly known as tear gas you guys are telling me that they have to take off their mask in there that is cool enter the chamber they break the seals of their gas masks you go in you feel it instantly hit your skin you just feel burning feels like those few minutes felt like an hour jesus after around five minutes the recruits are free where are they running to but the pain [Music] indoors because it builds confidence confidence in the gear confidence in the drone sweaters and then confidence in themselves recruits are trained in different styles of hand to hand combat wow looks the key aspect of their martial arts training is fighting with bugle sticks [Music] here in the marine corps we have a kind of a little ditty that means red is dead [Applause] so that red side is supposed to emulate the actual knife portion of the actual bayonet mounted on the weapon so anything that you strike with that red tip nine times a 10 are either going to be incapacitated or laid to rest obviously it gives them an opportunity to blow off a little steam they have a lot of picked up aggressions they're out there they're actually doing what they feel like they signed up to do which is learn how to combat the enemy recruits also practice with actual bayonets [Music] although male and female recruits do intersect during training platoons are separated by gender and although the recruit depot has experimented with integration before the marine corps is the only military branch that separates male and female recruits during basic training is first and foremost a rifleman recruits spend the bulk of two weeks devoted to marksmanship the first of which sees few shots actually fired first off is the fundamentals they have to understand how to aim they have to understand exactly how to breathe when they're taking that shot they have to understand exactly how to squeeze the trigger and how to have follow-through and recovery with a rifle yeah well having done it that one time this is definitely a foundation for every single regardless of what your occupation is what it is to sit behind a rifle look down that barrel and be able to put lead on i guess that comes over time the marine corps is defined as an amphibious warfare force therefore swimming plays a key role in training [Laughter] during swim week recruits go through numerous exercises in the pool while wearing their camouflage uniforms but training at paris island isn't all physical recruits also spend long hours in the classroom but what may seem like down time a lot quieter can end at any moment it's an experience you realize the thing you've done to get in the sandpit physically it hurts but me personally i never worried about the pain i was feeling in my body it was more thinking about the mistake i made and how i need to correct it the next time oh he's got it so there's going to be some chaos because when they come here we want to tear them down a little bit and we want to bring them back up in the mold of what it is to be united states marine recruit training culminates in an event known as the crucible that doesn't sound like a walking support over the course of 54 hours with minimal sleep and food recruits must endure realistic combat scenarios the sounds of gunfire and shelling are played over loudspeakers mounted in the training area [Music] recruits are forced to work together to overcome obstacles and achieve objectives that require problem solving and strategy [Music] this is what we saw on the second day the second day recruits have become exhausted and irritable you're not even jumping you're just falling it's hot i'm thirsty my arms haven't felt this bad in my whole life well halfway there come on you just keep looking at the person to the left and right here you're like well i'm exhausted just watching like i'm not gonna let him do it on his own come on come on come on come on so there's no reason not to push once the crucible is complete these recruits officially become marines the day before graduation friends and family see their new marines for the first time in more than three months [Music] three months you go in a boy or come out a man they do look slick though don't they like those uniforms wow families have come down for graduation day that haven't seen their son or daughter in about three months immediately you notice not only a physical but an intangible difference when they walk across that parade deck on train day 70 and they graduate they're no longer recruits the marines [Music] meanwhile in the barracks of lima company i'm talking to you either all right brand new recruits diligently square away their racks before being warmly welcomed by their senior [Music] to train drivers one of you to become a united states marine discipline and spirit are the hallmarks of such a machine wait whatever you're about to people even after some of you have given up on yourself starting there you will treat me and all other marines with the highest respect physical or formal abuse by any marine or recruit will not be tolerated my drawstrings are now abused you every day everywhere you go you must get 100 of yourself i don't sleep at night after that never quit i'll give up exhausting just oh for yourself and the opportunity to earn the time united states marine [Applause] well that was interesting i mean i could see a similarity between the army um and the marines but at the same time it seemed a little bit more intense maybe we delved a bit deeper into this one would i like to try it no i probably would do it for a video though just for the fun on that note over to jimmy for a shout out hi guys today's fourth patron shout out goes to kevin swigger he wants to shout out all the kids in hospitals anywhere in the world he wants them all to know that they have everyone's love and support thanks kevin the next shout out goes to jason moyer he wants to shout out all the families with young children he's hoping we all get to go trick-or-treating like normal this halloween fingers crossed and thank you jason i must get my costume sorted chip palmly wants to shout out his niece stephanie she didn't listen to the naysayers and trolls when they told her she couldn't start her own business and become successful she kept on baking and kicked by cake has made a name for herself the cake here is all buttercream and no fondant and he says that they all taste as good as they look oh well they look very yummy i would eat that top thanks chip this is so cool and that's it for today's video see on the other side bye did you jump off the couch because you got scared i've done my wings um i'm gonna get right into this okay i'm gonna okay i'm gonna get right into this my fuck-off mug got banged
Channel: Diane Jennings
Views: 162,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider, Business News, marines, boot camp, military, parris island, south carolina, army, us military, defense, irish girl, irish girls, irish people try mre, irish people try army food, facts channel, american army, american army bootcamp, react to american army, react to bootcamp, marine bootcamp, react to marine boot camp
Id: ii0T7FzaHIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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