Bill Burr - Motherhood Isn't The Hardest Job | Irish Girl Reacts

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if you love oprah i'm so sorry i'm not a fan i thought she got one of those little dogs you know like a yorkshire terrier or something you could punt across the room if it got out of line so today i thought it would be interesting to check out a billboard video clip i have recently checked out an audio clip but a lot of you guys asked me to dig a little further and check out something visual so that's what we're going to do today this video is called the hardest job in the world i can't think with the hardest job in the world is i remember there was a tv show on ones called the hardest jobs in the world and like a lot of them involved rats and sewage and all that good stuff but i gotta think it's gonna be something more mundane than that or maybe it is rats and sewage before getting to the video do be sure to like share comment and subscribe otherwise an unfortunate curse will be for thee and that curse will be the next time you go to buy something you really like they won't have it available in the color that you like and that'll be an awfully big inconvenience in your life so to avoid such a niggling annoyance like share comment subscribe was that an angel no it was dust clean your gaff fantastic the other day again we're arguing with my girlfriend right she likes watching the oprah winfrey show and i love to watch her watch the oprah show oh and then i went okay unpopular opinion coming at you oprah winfrey i do not like her i do not like her i do not think i applaud her first okay let's be fair i applaud her for all that she's achieved as a woman as a black individual she has made some incredible accomplishments and she does a lot of great things for charity however unpopular opinion i find her painful i don't think she's a good interviewer i've never seen anyone less humble in their lives if you told me she believes she's god i i i would not find that surprising if you love oprah i'm so sorry i just i'm not a fan we can like different things and still be friends okay wait for oprah to say something that i don't agree with and then i take it out of my girlfriend because i'm an so ober brings out this guest she gives her this huge intro she's been on this she's been on that and she does the most difficult job on the planet she's a mother my girlfriend i'm like really being a mom is the most difficult job on the planet i get where this is going okay well being about their cat being a parent can be a very difficult job if you do it right i would imagine i'm not yet a mother but i would imagine if you do it right it can be one of the most stressful things you'll ever do in your life uh i get i get where he's gonna argue from a logic perspective though how many mothers died on ice road truckers last season any moms get washed overboard on deadliest catch i'm not trying to be disrespectful but would you rather have as a job you want to scoop scallops off the bottom of the ocean catching that lobster trap to the back of your head what do you want to hang in the sunshine with a couple of rugrats you'd send them to bed anytime you want and some trumped up charges because you want to have a drink and watch the prices right good shot to be fair i don't know maybe i'm wrong maybe maybe it is the most difficult job i mean i thought roofing in the middle of july is a redhead you know i thought that that was a difficult job hooray i thought it was difficult but evidently evidently these mothers they're bending over at the waist putting dvds into dvd players going to war pinned down by a sniper what a joke you ever burp a baby and forget to put that towel up there there's another shirt you gotta wash oh lift with your knees and put it in that machine that does it for you dude any job you can do in your pajamas is not difficult it isn't oh oh there are a few jobs you could do in your pajamas that are particularly difficult i can't think of them now but there are some yeah the hell with these mothers watching cartoons taking naps but you know come on i know it's a difficult job but the most difficult job on the whole planet remember when saddam let the oil fields on fire and those poor bastards had to go put them out 4 000 degrees walking in with the asbestos shield just walking into flames [Applause] i got a dog recently i did i went down to the pound i got one of those free dogs yeah that's how i say it i don't say i rescued a dog i hate when people say that it's like totally obnoxious it's complete exaggeration she's a rescue yeah i rescued her really did you pull her out of a burning building did you jump in a river with your clothes still on with no concern for your safety or did you just go down to the pound and get a free dog isn't that what you did stop acting like you had to take out a couple of guards crawling on your elbows using hand signals dude you ever go down to the pound that they're just giving them away they don't even do a background check you want to get out of here really is that true in america because it's very hard to get a job a job freudian slip it's very hard to get a dog in ireland i know that for a fact you have to apply and well it's not very hard i suppose it's difficult it's not super easy do you do you really just walk in to a place an environment just kept giving a dog because if that's the i'm sure they're i'm sure there are some kind of but well i was gonna say i'm sure there's some kind of background checks but maybe not who's next you want a poodle come on you got a perm it'll be hilarious actually my uh my girlfriend got the dog when i was uh when i was on the road i was on the road she got the dog classic girlfriend move right that's just a 10 to 15 year commitment why would you include me in that decision that is terrible what would i need to know that's terrible so we're skyping i thought she got one of those little dogs you know like a yorkshire terrier or something you could punt across the room if it got out of line i stopped your chair terrier i don't think he meant it okay you're all you're all maltese he didn't mean it nobody would ever no it's okay he didn't mean it right something you could take your day out on you know what i'm saying [Music] [Laughter] so we're skyping and go let me see it so she pans around and i think i'm gonna see you know some little little chihuahua whatever the hell those dogs are i don't know i'm immediately staring like this hellhound it's just massive dog and it looks i start freaking out i'm like is that a pit bull please tell me you didn't get a pit bull she's like it's not a pit bull it's a mix mixed with what another pit bull look at that thick it's pretty bad that the girlfriend got the dog without his consent if you're getting somebody a dog i don't i i think it should be like a proposal okay like if you're gonna surprise someone with a dog it should be like a proposal you should know the answer you don't just give somebody a dog when you don't know for sure if they want a dog and if you're part of a couple you don't get a dog without consulting the other half of the couple like the other person has to be in on the decision yes you can talk them into it that's fair his front paws were still taped up but shadow boxing he's got a teardrop tattoo it's a pitbull what more do you need to see oh it gets worse her and her friend actually didn't get it down at the pound they found it by the los angeles river yeah this thing was a real deal she's sitting there going it was out there for 10 days don't you think that's sad no it's scary because judging by its physique it got plenty of protein over the last week and a half wasn't eating nuts and berries all right it was choking out joggers it was twisting hands off of rabbits you brought a murderer into the house just rescue an alligator while you're at it stick it under the bed add to the excitement you know what's great though i fell in love with the dog yeah absolutely love this dog and i'm totally sold on the breed and i know a lot of people don't like pit bulls cause they ate a couple of kids i understand that i'm telling you owe it to yourself at some point in your life to walk down the street with a pit bull you gotta do it it's tremendous people just get out of the way big dog privilege three four blocks away they see me coming they immediately start crossing the street i love it i feel like a king okay i actually this is a funny thing i always find when i'm walking chewy if i see a large dog any kind of large dog it could be a labrador golden retriever any of the even the friendly large dogs i do tend to go over the other side of the road for two reasons chewy i know you see him here all lovely and quiet and and being a good boy on camera but he can kind of be an when it comes to big dogs he will bark at big dogs but because he's an to big dogs i am preempting him being an but then the big dog owners think i'm like oh my god you've got a big dog i'm like no my little dog is an your big dog doesn't deserve my little dog being an so yeah i always see people with big dogs being like that little dog owner is scared of my big dog no that's not why because my little dog is a jerk i don't know why black people complain about that i love having the whole side of the streets myself it's awesome oh my god [Applause] no idea how difficult it is as a white man to have to walk down the street every half a block have frivolous conversations about the weather i think it is going to rain why why do we have to have this conversation no it's tremendous i like the respect look at me my whole life i've looked like ron howard you realize that my whole life i've been mugged repeatedly i've never had any street cred whatsoever the second they see this four-legged p90x body coming down the street that's it all right let's wrap this up here i uh i had lunch the other day uh i'm a big time conspiracy theorist i drive my girlfriend nuts you know i think they're about ready to microchip all of us yeah they got this commercial down in the states you know you got that commercial up here for duracell batteries they're selling batteries and the commercial is some woman can't find her kid in the park that's how they're selling batteries what the hell kind of way is that to sell batteries do you remember the old commercials they just show some guy in a rainstorm has a flat pulls out a flashlight don't go there duracell you can see how wet i'm getting how was it i never saw that now that's showing this woman she can't find her kid in the park she's sitting there going kevin [Applause] does anybody see kevin sitting there freaking out that she pulls out this little device and here comes kevin running out of the woods and they're like duracell batteries it's like dude the hell with the batteries what was that thing she just took out of her pocket what was it how did kevin know to come in the woods he didn't have an antenna his sneakers weren't glowing what the hell is in kevin that's connected to that device don't just show me that like that's normal oh yeah robot kids damn let's go team mommy you guys were awesome thank you so much oh my god okay that joke was supposed to be controversial but it definitely wasn't in my opinion i think it was pretty funny i think most mothers would find it pretty funny too comedians are not supposed to be speech people what are those people called comedians aren't the that of all knowledge they're telling jokes they're jokes and do some people go too far yeah but i found that joke funny you know maybe i'll find it less funny when i'm a mother maybe when i'm a mother i'll be like that is super offensive i highly know it but you never know today's patreon shout out is a very special one michael e dougherty wants to shout out all the veterinarians who help our furry friends stay healthy and happy especially those working in critical care hospitals he says when it's near time for our furry family members to depart from us it is these people who try to help us with that inevitability and impossible task so true thank you michael that's it for today's video see you on the other side bye i think our house is haunted no it's just noisy neighbors i do not get big dog privilege no no no no no in fact people are quite mean to little dogs sometimes they're like oh look at your rat dog but he's not a rat dog you're not a rat dog you're a fluff monster i do wish you wouldn't be so nasty to big doggies that would be better okay can we not bark at big doggies also while we're not barking at things cats although cats are kind of mean to chewy sometimes
Channel: Diane Jennings
Views: 518,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diane jennings, irish people try, reaction, irish girl reacts, Just for Laughs, Stand Up Comedy, Stand up, Comedy, Comedian, youtube comedy, bill burr, bill burr full, bill burr conan, bill burr tour, bill burr comedy, bill burr stand up, bill burr standup, stand up bill burr, bill burr youtube, comedian bill burr, bill burr comedian, Bill Burr Motherhood Isn't The Hardest Job, Bill Burr Motherhood, Bill Burr Oprah, bill burr on getting a dog, bill burr dog
Id: 6D8hXL8n5GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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