Kenyan MEAT TOUR in Nairobi!!! BOILED COW HEAD & Nyama Choma!!!

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The sausage and that handmade pita bread?? Yes, please! that looks delicious

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

This guy is such an asshole it is hilarious.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ScabiestoRabies 📅︎︎ May 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
how much is like one coward one tell them three hundred kenya so about thirteen dollars i think this could feed like four people right four three eight people eight people i meant four giants very juicy okay [Music] welcome to kenya the heartbeat of east africa kenya is world renowned for its huge national parks and iconic wildlife but i'm here for the food this is heavy to move we're diving deep in nairobi the capital in largest city in kenya with a population of over 6 million a lot of people still just have that one reality of like oh they're people in some planes in dry arid area and there's drought and their flies in their eyes but that's not like a clear picture of what nairobi is there really is much more to this city today is all about the meat piles of it that's quite a stink right there from grilled do people ever just eat it loud to boil i don't know if we can even show that on the internet it's all here by my side travel writer wendy watta she grew up in kenya now through her writing she demystifies the enchanting wonders of this country and beyond how would you describe kenyan food lots of carbs lots of meat a bit of vegetables you know just to seem like you're healthy together we're taking on kenya's medius we had come to the church of meats juiciest i'm feeling it dripping is whoa protein packed plates so get ready to dab off those meat sweats we're taking on street food in nairobi [Music] good morning everybody today we are in kenya we have arrived nairobi and we're checking out some of the food along the street and right here we have our first victim our opportunity our first food exactly right now we're on the edge of nairobi this roadside stall popped up six months ago serving local favorites like chai tea and egg chapatis do you have like a fun slogan or a fun saying for your restaurant like chapati is so good your face will explode too many specifically including us so chapati the origin is from india we have a very big indian community in kenya so we typically have it for breakfast with tea sometimes you have it for lunch with like a steal or yeah however you want to do it how to make an egg chapati mix wheat flour with water constantly kneading until firm flatten it then to make it more flaky add oil roll and repeat i want to say these look incredible and i've never tried one in kenya before cook on both sides on a hot pan then the egg fry place in the chapati fold and you're gold just need to wash it down with some local tea welcome to kenyan starbucks some people have a coffee culture we have a tea culture in kenya right here you just have milk water tea leaves that's it so it's gonna boil here for a while yeah how do you know when it's done because it's going to rise and start like pouring all over the place like a volcano we have a couple utensils here we're not going to use our hands no no use your hands what are these for i don't know what these are oh wait oh we do use them put them to the side so there's an egg here oh yeah there's an egg and egg in the middle we're gonna roll it over i mean this thing is so plump heavy bit greasy and piping hot still and we're just gonna take bites out of it yeah like a pizza like a burger like a burger i took a huge bite oh it's so hot the flavors are simple it's like salt egg you see the flakiness layeredness i was talking about so if you tear this apart then it comes off like that so that's why they roll it several times the texture is my favorite part it just has a nice chewy doughy feel to it around kenya like what is some of the food that really like makes you feel at home so all cayenne food makes me feel at home but one thing that really surprised me was last month i was up in turkana when they're roasting this goat then they leave the skin on and that gives it like a very nice leathery smokey texture is that something we're trying no okay well good surprise though we got a side of tea water milk tea leaves cheers yeah mmm they put sugar in too right yeah they put sugar in yeah sweet a little kind of diluted flavor yeah not super strong or creamy nice way to start your day and wake up in the morning no doubt and it's a good pair to this really like greasy heavy breakfast right here we reached our next destination what is the name of the market kenyatta market so there's like the eating area where we have different restaurants that serve different cuts of meat but today we're out here to eat some cow head great [Music] our next food is not winning any beauty contests in fact the look alone might make you think twice but i say don't think just chew we are at me gingo niyato okay this is kennedy the restaurant owner and he's been serving cowhead for more than 20 years how much is like one cow headache one thousand three hundred kenya so about 13 that's a pretty good price i think this could feed uh like four people right sure eight eight people i meant four giants very juicy okay animal heads they're a real treasure trove of varied textures degrees of fattiness with an appropriate level of mystery like that tuna head i had in japan here's a whole giant tuna head it's got muscle and fat striations in the top of its head there's so much meat in here time to do the same with a cow [Music] start cutting off the skin and then off with the ears it's very quickly not looking like a face anymore it's the eyes of the cloud are you gonna eat the eye yeah it's very sweet also and you can see well also what about eating these ears what if i eat the balls you're the boss now you can see the tongue coming out now oh this is all going to be just one giant meaty chunk at the base of the skull this is a huge amount of meat i did not expect to find all this inside this cow head i'm very delicious so off with the whole cheek dude that's quite a steak right there this will boil for three hours but in the meantime kennedy has another succulent cut waiting for me have you had pig feed of course yes what's better cow feed or pig feed the cow is with sweeter and we can eat everything here except the bone except the bone really it's like a lot of skin and fat this is good for the colon my colon is going to be so happy after this i'm going to give it a little salt and yes cheers thank you you know what that would be perfect with beer it has such a bold flavor strong flavor nice texture makes you want to drink yeah where's the beer oh my god now i'm ready for more foot though [Music] so we have the final cow cheek we have the tongue and kind of everything beneath it and the next step is we just gotta start cutting it up what do you call this knife it's it's shocker the shocker if you wear the cow face and you have this as a weapon you could be a terrifying serial killer precisely [Music] so this is a cross section of tongue some fat beneath there's a muscle kind of below that controls the tongue you know the hanging ball thing would be about there this is the throttle oh yeah if you eat more throat you know what you can do better then i tell you you can talk better i'll talk better all right i would love to try a piece oh thank you so much sir wait for me to start together yes of course oh you've got good instincts that's exactly how this works are you ready cow tongue from kennedy thank you [Music] wow that's pretty good beautiful it does have some sweetness to it that is a great texture it's like a heart meat like chewy a little chewy oh i like that can i take this one another one yeah you think i'm oh you think i'm joking i like it do you like the chewy meat exercise chewing is my favorite kind of exercise cowhead one of the world's underrated meats i would be devastated if i didn't share my new meaty discoveries with wendy when you said cowhead yeah i thought there would be a cow head here that we were like just taking a knife to peeling off meat but it turns out by the time it gets to your table you're like oh what's that part i have no idea yeah it just looks like any other cut of meat so throw in a little tongue salt and let's uh rip into it yeah oh that's very soft soft that's really soft these are soft ones mine is chewy as heck but i like the texture you can like really feel the muscle tissue as you bite through it you can fill all the tendons in there it's not juicy at all through this whole process nothing's like gamey and he is right all the meat's like a bit sweet but man is it heavy you really can't eat like this every day no unless you're canyon of course which is a great meal one day oh cheers just on the edge of nairobi you'll find the highway populated with fiery grills selling yamachoma kenyan grilled meats today it's goat it's a sunday today i think everyone's preparing for the lunch rush yes we have goats grilling behind us roast potatoes and we have ugali going on ugali is like the main kind of carb that goes with a lot of different meals here that goes great with the yamatoma that's being done today this is what we're after but it takes a whole lot of prep to make this happen first we gotta back up and start with the ugali made with corn flour and hot boiling water it's energy packed plus making it in pots this huge is a proper workout so we are in the middle of the uganda making process right now my man is just pounding the heck out of it feeling good uh almost finished can i try oh that is sick dude it is about 100 degrees in here and this is heavy to move yes so how long where's my hold on where'd he go talk to people wait he got over here as fast as he could 10 minutes more cool i can do about 30 seconds more for ultimate freshness it's advised to place your butcheries right next to your grills beef sheep goat ribs legs they have it all question is what do i order this is a goat or cow what's your favorite part yeah yeah okay me too lynn i love ribs a little bit of fat a little bit of meat together mwah oh so good yeah cool could be our ribs you know what i'm saying so this is the best part okay we got goat ribs here it's about to go into the smoker in just a moment joseph thank you so much so this is the area where you guys let people test it right yeah yeah they have a little taste you get them addicted and then they decide which one to buy this is a whole leg look at the size of this do people ever just eat it now like take a bite right from them oh god look at this that is very nice you can invite it i'm going to bite it many times yeah oh my bro it's so juicy right so yummy wow we have come to the church of meat hallelujah yeah the flavor is super simple it's just some salt the goat already has such an amazing flavor by itself it doesn't need a lot of help to go with our meat spread we're going to need some more meat guys it's sausage time yeah it's just the time [Music] sausage it's basically a tripe sausage really this sausage is stuffed with all kinds of organ meats you have a little bit of everything here you have some lungs is it maybe a diaphragm stomach pancreas the sausage lined with intestine gets stuffed with even more finely chopped organ meats onions and spices it's a dramatic story we need to put all these innards into the intestines but our resolution here is this water bottle cut in half with the nozzle and going into the guts and then we're just going to try to stuff it in there once it's stuffed and tied off on either end it's ready to hit the grill [Music] cutting it into these thin slices but the inside is still very coarse and kind of crumbly falling out oh that's ah it is bursting where the organ meets all right here we go folks one two three [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh man that's so good i'm feeling it yummy i've never had a sausage that's like that coarse inside oh it's all hand chopped not ground by machine that's all yeah wonderful texture like so chewy yeah very fatty i'm going to grab another sausage put it on the tomatoes so it doesn't burn my hands off and throw it back oh i feel great i feel happy inside thank you very much sir i appreciate it it's lunchtime and our feast arrives soon after ordering [Music] goat meat hot off the grill and sliced at the table this is fresh we have a little bit of everything here this is a complete meal we have cachum barry bugali and this is an indigenous vegetable called managu so where do we start you got to tell me so you start with the ugali actually i do think this is my first time having ugali the texture it is kind of dry on one side soft on the side of my thumb it's like play-doh yeah so you make a little ball like a little bowl spoon and use that to scoop your vegetables vegetables no we can do this and then come here yeah guys let's start with vegetables no let's do it oh this is really fresh those greens really stand out and then the ugali itself is like kind of dry on it is normally dry yeah it's like a more solid mashed potato okay okay fine i mean let's go with that all right let's try the yamato finally look at this piece this piece is nice and fatty there's a little bit of mean let's try it out the flavor itself is good yeah it's just very simple a little bit of salt brings out the natural flavor of the goat yeah kenyans love their yamatuma like for socializing on a sunday like this it's like they go to let's order like bunch of yamato mars some beers some food and just chill these look nice so there's little pieces of meat along here that i'm gonna peel off this little guy and this little guy so this is ribbed meat i'm gonna get a little bit of ugali fill the bowl with meat and try it out [Laughter] i'm gonna lose the truth it's pretty tough meat is this usually what you would expect when you come to a place like this it depends like sometimes it's tender sometimes it's like harder but i think it's mostly because it's cooled down there's still some pieces here that are nice and tender you just gotta dig around for them don't take a huge bite of a tough piece you're just gonna be gnawing on it the rest of the afternoon [Music] our canyon adventure is just getting started next time we join kenya's maasai people to get a taste of the tribal life [Music] what is happening test do you want to test sure be sure to subscribe and follow along as we eat our way across kenya with the help of holiday destination safaris i want to give a huge thank you to wendy for being here for this fun adventure in kenya to follow wendy's adventures check out her instagram also for you guys if you're planning on heading to vietnam anytime soon i highly recommend a company called one trip one trip is the highest rated tour company in vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including hanoi nichiang danang hoi an and saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below i will see you next time nailed it was that good can we get your tooth yeah and we have a secret handshake oh my god i only get this jesus [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,252,947
Rating: 4.7889767 out of 5
Keywords: kenya, kenyan food, nairobi, nairobi food, nairobi travel, kenya travel, kenya street food, nairobi street food, kenyan chapati, best ever food review show, africa, african food, african travel, kenyan eats, kenya coffee, kenyan coffee, cow head, sonny side
Id: guwZXDWak8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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