Miss Delight and Mr. Delight Get Married?! Miss Delight has child! Poppy Playtime 3

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[Music] wow Miss Delight you're looking fabulous hey there let's start the ceremony are you ready to become husband and wife yes I agree yeah congratulations thanks sweetheart thanks a bunch now just hush for a bit so many guests everyone's happy everyone's laughing time to toss the bouquet [Music] help me we've got a problem got it time to hit the road let's bolt help me save the girl I'll untangle the guests yes of course hey there how's it going just standing here what's going on why all this shouting let's go away from here hey where too okay this ain't working can't trust anything I can't wait to see our new little home let's go brondo la la la la home sweet home ain't it sweet almost too sweet I can't stand this disgusting who decorated this Hearts everywhere and what's [Music] this we could tidy up a bit great idea let's get to it come on grab it there you go take this take this hey kissy there much better but did we miss something after all all these vanilla thingies do I look like a princess who do you take me for w be careful I'm falling gotcha thanks SE no problem cuties adore horable and the Final [Music] Touch hey Critters want to hang out a bit I've always dreamed of doing this beautiful this is your spot buddy creepy like a nightmare I love it gorgeous just adore it poor Critters who would have thought they'd become Decor my name's Detective catnb I got a couple of questions for you want some tea sure thing thanks dog day what went down here hold on these two they kidnapped me horrible detective dog day collect the evidence here all rat was it Huggy no not him all right how about her let me think no no okay then maybe poppy definitely not got it help save me be right back okay and in the meanwhile I'll draw the villains this thing attacked me let me assist just a few touches there take a look can't trust anything they look like this holy moly they had these creep Smiles get your paws off calling for backup folks do you know who they are if yes write in the comments thanks take another look darling let's play a game uhoh here you go now it's your turn I give up had enough yep run little mouse run Mouse I'm terribly afraid of mice get rid of this monster please quickly where is it did it Escape sensing my might well Mouse your time's up come on ugie get up it's your chance to escape time to bolt yeah freom oh my I hope he survives rodent defeated hooray you're my hero now you have one more kill under your belt congratulations I'm proud yeah I'm cool Mister Falls a bit behind when did you manage well you were sleeping don't worry you'll catch up got anything to munch on nibble on a mouse while it's too warm you're kidding chew on it yourself what's up I'm hungry get me some food all right all right food's coming up here one big menu be right there good here's your order enjoy your meal you're a lifesaver here have some treats finally food and the P just a moment bring more anything else no looks harder don't fret let me check got some sushi left give it here well done this is for you you're so caring Sushi's my weakness so delicious another piece yum come here sweetie nothing left bring more give me everything you've got just a moment here you go that'll do give me a penny is that a mouse wow you guys are weird here's your burger delicious wow I want more is it okay yeah just starving maybe we should get checked here you think so wait here I'll be back soon who would have thought we'd have a baby we need to buy a crib a stroller and a bunch of other stuff take a look what's there show me two sticks it means means I'm pregnant hooray I'm going to be a dad and I'll be a mom eaw love you detective dog day on a case I got a sharp nose and Keen ears follow me keep your eyes peeled H they're not here we too trust my intuition this way we're just going in circles what a detective well these faces I'll leave this here what's so funny don't fall behind ouch my buns look what I found it looks like a pencil this could be a clue pick up the scent stay focused snip it out whoop let's go look another one and another I think I got a trail good boy well done you've earned a treat children grow faster during sleep Shar cool life hack no one will touch the belly now let's test it out it works oh now I can be a pro at throwing Rings let's try Bullseye Bingo how did you know that hold on a sec what's this now life back from Dro talk don't worry get out of here let me get up can't why are you grinning I'll call a tow truck you asked for it catch Oops I was just kidding that was close sorry oh it's nothing look at this crib all right show me it says here that it should be high so the baby won't fall out look you can hang toys from the top got it I'll take care of it right away it's so time to bul up Miss Delight take a look yes this is exactly what we need he likes it too strange thing there should be toys in there I got an idea hey Critters your time has come it looks quite cruel you're so caring all for the baby oh I think I'm in labor my bones need to go to the hospital right away breathe deeper inhale exhale he's pushing doctor do something first in ultrasound hurry up he calmed down what's there show us what a horror it's going to be sick now oh so adorable are you sure what did you say say Here We Go Again everything will be fine dad step outside hang in there darling that's it stay calm Don't Panic it looks like they live here seems empty Co it place but it smells strange wow there are Clues everywhere let me check H where to start nothing unusual oh my goodness those eyes they're staring right into my soul yep it's definitely them absolutely yes I recognize them I sniffed something out nose don't fail me now and why do they have so much rope it smells like death search pup we believe in you wow want to play Let's Play stay calm catnb but what if it's a trap kiss and Miss's head and what's this it's me why is it taking so long come in I'm running we have a boy he's so tiny such a cute baby hey buddy look what Daddy brought you here your first weapon he's so precious he has my eyes I guess I'll go for now bye-bye time to go home yes my sweetie you'll like it there these are just toys they're just like the real ones H what's this thing for suspiciously looks like a me hide coming I'm not here oh where where to run ouch it's okay no need to cry we're home you'll live here now gotcha fellas you have the right to remain silent well done dog day good job for what you're accused of kidnapping take it off from where did they get the child no idea hey stop it you're scaring the baby detective let them go I beg you are we free okay you can go thank you listen here you're free to go but on one condition I'll take those toys with me fine no more kidnappings we're watching you yeah I'm watching too let her take them we'll find new ones where to place all of you I got an idea whoo wo not the best landing why Chuck us like that huh looks like The Smiling critters have a new home now new house for us it's so spacious here Critters are loving it what Joy head off my quter this is mine purple's my color Beat It hoppy Yik catnaps on the war bth H woof woof W stay off my turf or I'll nip you leave me alone green Corner finally found my spot looks like you're settling in now let's see who'll fix up their Corner better this plan will help you so heavy all right challenge accepted Critters are puzzled scratcher yarn got it carrots greens ear got it got to think honey bees easy peasy dogghouse bone I'll top you all colored challenge Critters are all for it all right time to get to work folks got a fine Lookout scope here what's going on first got to clear all the junk out slippery clumsy bunny what's dog day up to the main thing is to build a started dog housee basketball wordss clear loser what about Bobby the whole barrel of honey let me out somebody help I'm stuck well I have some competition here each one is better than the next plank just what I need hands off it's mine the plank was on my side friends why are you fighting over pie of wood I'll settle this quickly with my lightning bolt okay there now each has his own plank cool huh ow I usually land on my Paws oops happens hey dog day catch thanks this is perfect I'll turn it into a chair I'm a crafting Pro I can handle scissors with one paw VOA done what do you think huh wow that's a cool resting chair hey Poppy this butt's taken get out of here save me while Grizzly's attacking I'm not a Grizzly at all just a cute little plush bear so comfy what and I need to work on the lighting it's so dark I can poke my eye out all right my Talisman is the sun I'll take it and stick it on the wall Wonder what'll come of this and nothing what a let down final touches done dog day this is for you wa that's huge fits need to turn it on quickly let me help slightly to the left here nope Le got it here now lower it and to the right you know what eat honey I'll figure it out myself helper like this super but something's missing oh now it's bright here oops oh too bright for nocturnal [Laughter] beings Bobby and dog dare decorating their quarters so nicely what should I do oh I know I'll plant everything with plants lots of freshness and oxygen all right sewing seeds more the packet done now they need need watering no my tears Aren't Enough bummer but where can I get liquid to water the seeds Poppy I have a gift for you catch wow just in time thanks Alice now my plan will definitely work and I'll have the most beautiful greenest coolest Corner oh wow this is amazing puppy you're awesome [Music] M this Rose smells so good now the garden will need a lot of work get to work Bunny and I'll gather ballet in the meantime uh wow now my barrels fold to the brim CAU what are you up to Bobby uh just nothing stop this belongs to me okay okay take it grow your own hours and enjoy and don't touch my roses I'm making a wonderful bed I just need to lay the mattress and done I can't sleep on a hard surface my sides will hurt ooh what a blast I just need some pillows now but it's easily fixable poppy let me the watering can for a sec dog day I need your gum but I had onion pie very soon I'll have two super soft pillows my imagination knows no bounds I'm such a smart cat Wow real Miracles my plan worked I have two stop they're white what a pale color how do I make them purple come on nothing's working catnap I know how to help you a few drops of paint and done wow amazing Alice you're the best perfect I just need to add a crescent moon here I'll take my amulet and also sprinkle water oh wow it's grown just what I needed now I can relax and groom my fur oh getat that you're so cute I can't contain my feelings ah right I'll add a bit of love to my corner there have little hearts the more Hearts the better woohoo it turned out awesome dog day what do you think Hearts h too sugary and cute not my thing you have no taste but I need to sort out the Dog House urgently another wooden blank no nothing's working dog day I'll give you a helper Builder Ken he'll handle your task in a Flash where am I oh he there are you really a builder please help me build a dog house what do you need my balls are not cooperating I can't get it right I need a house like this on the blueprint that's easy my tools are always with me and I'll finish the task very quickly it's clear that Builder Ken knows how to handle a saw and Hammer dog day open your eyes job's done hly dogs what a beautiful dog house it's like a palace keep it buddy bye got to Mark ever with my scent right away let them know this kandle belongs to dog day I love working in the garden my Paws so dirty watering can one won't be enough here puppy look got to be a broom step aside I'm throwing you a bath oh wow Alice you're always the best great idea and the carrots just ripe but how do I get it oh no not budging catnap I need your help so what else okay okay can't do without catnb as always I've only got five minutes so let's hurry you got it got it 1 2 3s are you alive seems like it now scrams R out got the rout looks like my help is no longer needed I think I've earned a carrot bath for sure vitamin A will improve my vision and make my first shiny like this and Finishing Touch quietly so they don't hear my footsteps got steamed up nicely what's he up to strange Critter come here thre red you're mine does he want to escape really funny catnap is hunting a threed anyway here's the horse skin wow ah now it makes sense it's a gift from Alice nothing interesting going to make some great Decor need to tidy up my burrow much better something's [Music] missing like this now it's in order hang a bell so guests can ring when they come perfect hop hop time for a rest [Music] I'll prank this little jumper just who's messing around imagining things or not Bobby my sweet honey potful o I'm a happy bear hold on little prankster I'll get back to you properly like hiding your hive please help ouch I've been stung not this ouch poor Hoy she needs a doctor urgently oops smooth Landing what happened here I got stung baby let me see Sharp sting but I've got something in mind please help me get it out quickly the pump will suck it out the doctor's confusing something Poppy's inflating like a balloon ouch oh my oh my done doctor your plan worked no more sting all done now huge thanks Doc chilling out my stomach isn't happy I'm hungry heard that rabbit meat is very good for growing bodies no no no dog day don't you dare grab your snack oh I also love duck meat I haven't tasted bird in a while what a bloodthirsty neighbor could e to e carrots I'll stash the leftovers for a rainy day never know who do I see in my garden just thought I'd drop by bad pun puppy give it back fetch B my good one want to play gentics can't be fixed Critters are bored time for games strings yes how fun what entertainment play with Str but he doesn't even have claws [Music] hey ooh ball of yarn perfect timing I'll make a scratching po a fabulous one from this lamp a bit more like this hooray done now they won't laugh at me yeah just a little more just a bit wow doie we were joking sorry that's a better friends write in the comments whose corner do you like more I like all your Corners you've worked hard oops Abby's back yeah imagine a smiling Critter's party strictly for 16 and older a party take me with you please Abby no way you're too young loser I'm begging you sis okay fine but first put this on Wow cool t-shirt I'll be right back naive kiddo go what do you think girls no they lied to me wait where are they wow hello catnip crafty smiling Critters In the Flesh Mary you're one of us now you want to adopt me I'm in do you want to go to this party huh yes yes I I do good but it's only for teens over 16 uh-oh whoops it's okay a crafty yab it's my tingle a [Music] little oh it feels so weird wow I'm a grownup at last her clothes don't fit you're right this one's better try it on WOW nice I'm so blushed now you're ready for the party Abby and her besties are going to be so jealous such a cool party wait is that surprise surprise they should have seen their faces howdy guys that's Mary with smiling Critters I see something stinks here my first adult party so cool come on let's dance oh I knew it catnip come on we have an important call to make H call her hello Bobby it's all set I'll be there soon oie dogy things are going as planned they're obviously up to something the party is awesome Let's Dance until dawn sorry I'm a little late hey there moo stop it buys every tongue okay you're free you got it with your electric pranks oops this is our new friend Mary hi nice to meet you um I'm not a handshake person smart girl want to find out more about us you bet I'd love to come on over to our home then a couple of moves for last yahooo poy kick of the Dance Floor bye guys oops are you spying on us a ouch Ser you right very deep but not a pleasant feeling we're the first this is where we live it's so cool here oo why is he always running well he's a head Welcome to our new family thanks so let's check out our promo huh get comfortable are you ready enjoy watching look it's starting I'm happy hop scotch I adore activity and I'm bobby bear hug crafty corn creativity is my everything catnap hat your service I can lull anyone we are smiling Critters you're fire now I love you even more friends which family would you choose smiling Critters or my old sister Abby hey Mary you want to draw I love drawing nice you draw and we'll leave for a minute we'll be right [Music] back I wonder where they went they must be preparing a surprise for me I'll go check well it's almost done our idea is brilliant very soon we will turn the naive Mary into picky Pig are they making candy what and she'll stay a smiling Critter forever foolish girl let's get to it what but I don't want to become piggy what should I do come on Critters time to finish our intervention I got to get out of here somehow huh I see the door it's locked what's that the train can be a clue I've seen it before somewhere think Mary think right there it is I've got the key now let's run and the faster the better I can't open it friends help I need your thumb so I can open the door yes just a little more almost there yes it should be enough thank you guys well it worked what the heck I'm busy here actually I'm sorry I didn't want to bother you get out oops wrong door M I don't feel like going at all but I've got no choice want to order some food choose whatever your soul desires I don't know it wouldn't hurt to have a snack Let It Be Pizza got it oops I'm at the right place yeah totally greetings your pizza bring it here got it he earned a good tip smiling like that hi your pizza help me please uh what are you talking about I'll explain everything later just be quiet good [Music] luck your tip kid thanks hey how's our Mary doing how do you like the pizza Hey where's Mary get did you scream the girl figured it out get her here we go no don't even think think about trying to [Music] escape really she's got to be kidding right safe where do you think you're going you're staying here go back my apologies for the confusion it's okay now beat it uh you don't get it you're going to love being a pig the main thing is not to become like ugie wagy didn't want to be one of us take that crater soon you're going to Grunt and smile I'm not we must finish the gun leave the punch bag alone and you wait [Music] here I got it Huggy will save me there's one problem M it smells like heaven I have an idea M the food of this smiling Gods my tummy is Happy means I'm happy okay let's be careful who dare disturb me Huggy wuggy hi help me please what you don't stand the chance against me fluffy uh-oh we're going to see that now defend yourself I'm a boxer actually yeah Mommy oh no no no one will save you here forget about escaping I got to help the girl oops no more tricks so sad nasty Critters such evil creatures but there must be some way out I think I figured it out this has to work it takes craft and cutting and I'll be free let's SU up what ears a Last Detail I'm ready to go sh Yum Yum Yum will you give me the keys to the door here you go catnb hooray let's get out of here where are you headed to look at that impostor shame on you I'll run away anyway you I barely got here sorry Mary I was wrong I miss you so much if only I could find you Abby who's there it's me hi Huggy wuggy I know where your sister is really your sister's location is Poppy playtime Street three I know how to defeat catnb Huggy thank you Mary hold on life is good crafty how could you confuse me with her throw away the food it distracts you You're right our plan is more important go and you don't you dare do something like that again Our intention is complete great let's do it don't transformation time stop stay where you are let my sister go or I'll use this y how' you find us interesting what is that beautiful horrible catnip and hoppy are neutralized Mary gross sis let's go home yep hurry [Music] up what's going on here oh hi Bobby where's the girl what happened you have no idea she and her sister ran there hurry we have to catch them well that pizza was lit I'll order a couple more nothing in the world makes me as happy as much as a tasty pizza for lunch wow what was that bit weird freeze you nasty horse I'm little again now we can go home it's time yeah they did it what they they where's Barry where did they go that the way wow smiling Critters I adore you are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah get our gun ready friends I'm a big fan hello we like you a lot too welcome to your new family hooray you to adopt me already did that let's hop home here you go whoop we're first happy you're so fast too fast my paws are not made to run like that well this is our place wow it's so cool here you have so many awesome things and all they are in the Critter style wow I like it wow aha they kidnapped Amber and now trying to rbe her with trinkets Amber these are your new clothes check it out wow this is my favorite color I'll go put it on she's darling and seems like their tricks worked you used to love me and now you have new friends done so how do you like it you look adorable the suit fits perfectly it's so comfortable and soft can I wear it forever you can do everything anything you want even jump on the couch happy can she sure what is life without jumping awesome you're so much fun maybe she'll be better off with them yeah this is the best day of my life Amber do you want to know more about us I do I really do then make yourself comfortable and watch carefully this is our brand video presentation we tried very hard to record it oh this is exciting look it's starting I'm hoppy hop scotch I adore activity and I'm bobby bear hug crafty corn creativity Is My Everything catnap At Your Service I can lull anyone we are smiling Critters the end now you know more about our abilities wow you are so cool now I love you even more guys write in the comments which family you would choose smiling Critters or Huggy wuggy and Kissy Missy Amber I have a present for you do you like to draw of course thanks I'll draw us all together you're so talented we got to go yes let's bring some yummies it's time for Amber to grab a bite she's amazing right she's perfect for us then let's grab the burgers and go what a smell do you think that's enough just one bite and she won't be able to stop until she turns into picky Piggy and then she'll become one of us and she'll never come home again exactly oh no I must swart their evil plan and save Amber all that's left is to heat them up yes cold snacks are bad for kids soon there will be one more Critter with pencils like this I can draw forever oh what's that noise the critters is that you Amber come here was it me or did someone call me maybe it's a draft bit weird Amber hi Huggy what's up hush you are in terrible danger what what are you talking about the critters are up to something horrible come on I can't believe it get in oh my head oops ouch are you okay now get up and tell me everything look that's their plan the plan or you're just making it up see for yourself they want to turn you into pigy piggy but I don't want to be Piggy
Channel: Troom Oki Toki
Views: 406,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miss Delight and Mr Delight get Married, Miss Delight has child, Poppy Playtime 3, have children, awesome parenting hacks, miss delight, who is mr delight, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, miss delight poppy playtime 3, poppy playtime animation, miss delight chase, first love of Miss Delight, What if MISS DELIGHT meets with MR DELIGHT?, secret scene poppy playtime, miss delight meets with mr delight, mr delight, troom troom, oki toki, oki toki miss delight
Id: c9w3BSzEcDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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