Invest in VeVe + Immutable-X or 100X Collectibles? | Ecomi Analysis

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all right today we're going to dive into another big topic that i think you guys are going to love and that is the topic of vv and kind of the whole ecosystem that is building within electronic comic comics and also the token itself omi if you guys have not had a chance to see some of our recent content make sure and check it out my name is paul barrett welcome back to techpath joining me today is a gentleman by the name of kyle wilson who is a youtuber and analyst on vv and kind of the whole gaming explosion that we've seen here in crypto kyle great to have you on the show hey thanks paul it's great to be here thanks for having me on excellent kyle let's first learn a little about when you first started really kind of diving in deep let's let's stay on the vb side of things and then we'll kind of talk a little bit about omi the token side that runs it um but within vb and analyzing what's happening around vb's ecosystem the whole evolution of what's happening with how this kind of nft trading might you know kind of become super popular when did all this start up for you guys yeah yeah so i think back in earlier this year in february you know that's when the whole macro nft space was just coming together there's a lot of excitement going on and that's when really vv took off so yeah it was kind of you know paralleled right with the the macro nft space and uh since then it was five to ten thousand users since february and now we're at right over a million you know active users on the app so that's crazy can you imagine that kind of growth in just a short time especially in something that has a certain level of entry difficulty for the average person that is trying to get into this and i think that's one of the the challenges that a lot of people are really facing right now is at some point you know there is going to be a handoff of ease of entry to adoption you know where do you think that is going to occur when we see mass adoption on some of these projects well i think that you know apps like vv make it really easy and simple for the average you know mass mainstream user to come on the platform and use a platform like vv to you know get into the nft space and i think companies are noticing that especially bigger brands and ips so i think as as far as companies go as long as they develop a certain mobile application or some way that it's easy to get into the app and partake in the ecosystem i think that's kind of the move and strategy that most brands should do if they're not already doing that you know currently so i think that that's going to be a big deciding factor as far as going mainstream for some of these companies yeah in looking at the vv app i want to kind of get into the current state of vb what are you finding in terms of most recent news that you're interested in any particular strategic plays that you see coming to fruit like in 2022. uh for the app and vv specifically yes yeah so i would say you know there's still a lot of brands that have yet to be announced and i think they're just under 30 and they probably have more ip and brands coming to the app so that's super exciting to you know to look forward to and just to realize we're still very early on this app and in the space in general so um i'm super excited for that and the the future for 2022 as we see vivi you know you know enter more interoperable you know features inside the the ecosystem so i like the uh you know i was on the app this week and was trying to of course trying to get a drop that's almost insanely impossible here but like looking at the amazing spider-man did you get a chance to get in on this one no unfortunately yeah like you said it's it's quite difficult now to get them off of off of the retail drop yeah is there any tricks that you are using that you feel like hey there's an option at least to give me a better chance here of grabbing one of these things yes yes so i use a my bag of tricks i use all of them you know and you know i highly recommend everybody do the same if you want to you know if you're serious about getting a a drop off the app you know i take off my phone case cover you know make sure i'm kind of next to my router you know doing all the little tricks uh that i can think of and and so that's gonna of course better your your chances of getting a drop right off retail and some of these you know drops as you know um you know if you're able if you're lucky enough to secure a drop then the the the financial part of it is that some of these end up being 10x all the way to 30x exactly on some of these collectibles yeah of course that's the what have you seen in terms of the kind of returns uh on the you know on some of the drops that maybe you've been spying or maybe some of the community that you've talked with or you know been on social media with have you seen any amazing stories around um returns comparisons yeah yeah definitely there's um the blue chips on vv just like you would find in the macro nft space and so a lot of attention are coming down to the the brands that we know trust and love like the batman's the superman spider-man so i think those those iconic you know superheroes are the ones that people are paying attention uh to the to the most and as well as of course disney so um those are the big blue chips that i see a lot of people getting you know a tremendous amount of gains as well as the collectibles that have very historical importance in the real physical world like the comics as you say and yeah you mentioned earlier so yeah how do you think so that's i think when you have systems or ecosystems like vv and and plus the community the large community that's around vv if you look at that and then you look at the closed system of what vv has done do you think there's any potential down the road that they would ever open that system up yeah absolutely and i think at first they wanted to close it off because the brands and the ip but as we're growing in the macro nft space we're seeing these brands open up a lot more so therefore vb will also open up more and they are also moving to immutable x which is a layer 2 solution on the ethereum network so there will be definitely opening up the ecosystem for sure i think that's going to be a thing we'll talk a little bit about immutablex uh today as well i want to get your thoughts on that all right let's talk about moving collectibles into third parties uh the likelihood of that where do you see that strategy moving and do you think it's going to be something that's going to be popular in the community itself yeah so i think we've seen some of the you know independent artists and creators kind of opt in for that interoperability and so i i believe we will see um that pretty much almost immediately as far as you know i don't know what the timelines as far as they're going to roll that out but i do see that that that will be a part of the platform and pretty soon in the in the near future yeah kyle you you look at whether it's ecomi or omi the token and also projects like or imx immutablex if you're out there investing in this space what are you seeing in terms of people that are going in one direction or the other is there any any strong play towards maybe immutable x and where that future is going versus what's happening with the comey i think um they can coexist in the same realm just because imx is obviously there's a lot of you know projects and platforms coming to immutablex so i think that's a solid play and i think eventually what we'll see with the uh the omi token is kind of a similarity and it'll already be integrated anyways on on immutablex as well so i think that'll have both benefits and kind of work together um in svb being one of the bigger platforms on imx i could see that uh being beneficial for both parties so i think both plays for me are are pretty um you know pretty great play on both ends yeah i yeah i'm i'm only i lean a little bit towards imx right now even though i like the the ome token and just really mainly because of the the ecosystem itself and what this represents in terms of future around these kinds of collectibles if you look at the overall space on nfts collectibles we've seen all sorts of nft drops this week pepsi is in the game now we've got company after company brand after brand how long do you think it will be before we'll see a lot more brand acquisitions on the ome or excuse me on the vb side especially for the app itself yeah i think they have a lot of under wraps and so you know with the head of licensing alcon on on you know the comey team i think we'll see a lot coming soon and they've they've hinted that they've secured a lot more brands and licenses so um i think there's gonna be you know some of the bigger brands that we know of that we maybe even we haven't thought of yet that are going to come to that for sure yeah jim's right now what's your what's your library look like right now in terms of collectibles is there one area that you're really active in or are you all disney or are you looking at all sorts of of angles here in terms of your collectibles yeah yeah so you know originally it was i was building sets and kind of working towards the master collector program but as i'm moving forward uh you know i'm focusing more on maybe some of the more blue chips or even some of the collectibles that i i know trust and like as well because you know the the collectibles that i know um i that you know like say for instance batman not to give a specific one away but you know the future of those i know that some of them will be worth you know much more than they are now so i'm diversifying in kind of the blue chips and and the ones that i think that will do really good in the future yeah i think from a strategy standpoint that's one thing especially around nfts because many people are looking at nfts maybe for the first time if you're watching our show today it's likely that maybe you've never bought or purchased an nft whether it's on openc or something easier to do like on the vb app and one thing i think a lot of people are looking at because we're seeing you know acquisition now of land and spaces like sandbox you've got star atlas getting ready to release their big drop on space you've got all these nft potentials then you have you know projects like neo tokyo you've got projects that are just flying off the charts in terms of interactivity mental identities all these kind of things is there any particular trend around nfts that you feel has long term you know use case and or utility that would really help this market go mainstream yeah yeah so a lot of that like going back to the gaming i could see that definitely driving a large utility we're seeing a lot of these major companies like ubisoft for instance launch their nfts and other companies like come into the space like epic games um as a matter of fact like you said neo tokyo that's actually an nft that i hold i'm a investor in neo tokyo so um yeah i see big potential in not only gaming but the metaverse as a whole as you mentioned sandbox and we know we've seen you know big you know artists like snoop dogg for instance build their own metaverse and they're more than likely going to hold concerts and events in that metaverse so i see a lot of potential around that and i think a lot of that stems from uh the entertainment side and also the game of you know the gamification and game side of it as well so yeah um i think that's what's really going to drive the mainstream here in not only the short term but long term as well i think year over year gaming is just going to continue to be a powerhouse in uh not only crypto but the entire macro gaming space as well so yeah is there any particular game maybe it's a group of games that you you are watching your personally that you are thinking hey whether it's early stage or maybe pre-ido those kind of scenarios anything that you're doing in terms of identifying new projects out there yeah absolutely you know if you follow you know alex becker on on twitter you'll see that you know neo tokyo is working with a lot of the ceos and founders of these gaming projects that like you say um some of them are in pre-ido and and soon to launch like sin city um there's a lot of you know huge names in that project alone um there's other projects that i'm definitely looking at that have huge potential just because the game loop involved in playing that game is you know it can be a very addictive thing which is good it's a great sign that that project is going to have longevity like big time there's you know other brands that are also you know investing in the neo neo-tokyo or at least the founder of animoka so i'm definitely looking at some of those projects with uh huge potentials alluvium is also another one that that i'm looking at as well yeah we've done a couple of game rundowns here in terms of our sentiment structure of how we analyze token but more importantly what i've found in in at least our data analytics and this is even surprised me crypto we've been analyzing for quite some time but once you start honing in on the game in sector within it especially around around metaverse games is the amount of community that is driving these projects is it's really surprising in terms of just mass and also growth of how these communities are growing so fast why do you think there's such a great adoption to this point yeah i think it's translated over the years you know it's you know you fast forward from 2017 to 2018 and maybe some projects have been under development for you know x amount of years i think that a lot of people have been waiting for something like this to happen and it was only a matter of time but it also some of these projects give you true ownership of your assets and i think people are definitely gravitating towards that and identify with that especially you know playing games like fortnite or call of duty we're spending tons of money on these games but you know the next call of duty comes out and you know where the next game comes out but you actually don't own these assets or you know xyz so it becomes a little bit of a you know a money pit where if you look at these other projects where you can actually own land or own avatars and buy sell and trade that definitely helps out the user at the end of the day so i think that's why these communities are getting super excited and very bullish on a lot of these uh and and long on these projects yeah i think that is uh and in you know our game analysts internally we watch and really dial in on some of these early stage projects to understand whether or not they will make it past that you know the growing pains that typically everybody has you know we've seen it with monkey balls here recently we've seen it with even super farm with a little bit of a hiccup uh nice recovery but the point is is that in many cases these early stage games are real really starting to fight with one scalability and because these massive audiences are growing you know you've got this um kind of this demand much like vivi if you look at you know just the app crashing aspects of vb when they drop something do you is there anything i'm kind of curious is there anything that you think is coming down the vb pipeline that's like another app crashing you know event like maybe yeah definitely i could i could think of a couple of uh of big brands in ip one being uh pokemon for instance so i think that one is is a big one um even some smaller brands like dragon ball z who who's carried a huge fan base uh for years and years and it can just you know continues to grow so i think brands like that have definitely the potential to crash the app again just from uh having a wide you know audience and fandom let's get into the token a minute for a second i want to jump to the chart because this is a little bit of movement in the space we pulled the most recent data on ome the token and if you kind of look at where this has been falling it had this nice little run up right here around the end of november had sentiment running at about 7206 for our fans that loved to track you know these tokens and amplification was a little higher again amplification is when we see the community starting to really you know the chatter just is rising the potential for impact on on price action is real we got a nice little move here i'm not sure what that growth was let me see here looks like that growth was right there to the top almost a 40 rises um and then kind of pulled back down to around 34 and then we saw this movement down here where we are right now even though we did see a little bit of a recovery uh over the past couple of days your thoughts on omi you know for for a long term investment here because it's so tied to obviously with vb and kind of just the ecosystem in general any potential i'm just kind of curious do you think the potential for the gem transactions to at some point start to be able to exchange that out into omi tokens because if that ever happens that's going to be absolutely huge yeah i think the big factors right now for for a lot of uh folks out there is is definitely the money transmitter license that i believe they're working on um they're in beta test and and i think they're rolling that out very soon so i definitely think that will have a big impact on the token and as soon as they roll that out i think a lot more people are definitely going to invest in the actual token itself um as well as we mentioned the immutable x transfer so i think those two are the one of the going to be the biggest short-term drivers but as well as long long run that's going to help with you know adding exchanges and liquidity to uh to the volume and the tokens yeah i was looking at the all-time high here looks like right at 008 and it came back to that point here in early november that was back in october on the i shouldn't say all yep all the time let's go to the all on that just to kind of zoom out is there any traction when you look at where this is going any traction potentially of this going into at least another recovery phase in the near term or do you feel like this is going to be a 2022 token that might get more action as more news and information releases about these you know the potential of what vb uh really brings to the game yeah i could see a q1 short-term recovery a few catalysts there adding exchanges and post immutable x you know uh transfer so i definitely see a lot of short-term you know catalysts that could happen in in the short term as well as maybe quarter two where we see you know possibly the vv verse roll out its first iteration and so i think that's going to drive a lot of uh you know hype and and like you said sentiment is what you guys are tracking so i could see that definitely playing a big part in the short term and you know in quarter two recovery as well what are your thoughts on staking when this occurs the likelihood is going to be the case obviously we've seen performance for maxi and many other projects once they enter staking immediately we see a bump on the token what are your thoughts on that timeline etc yeah absolutely as you know staking locks up the token that obviously could drive another massive catalyst where if there's a million users on the app active users and everybody is wanting to take some form of staking or even if it's a percentage of users on the app i think that's definitely going to cause um you know a supply shock somewhat and we will see the token move uh based on staking as you mentioned yeah it's been good for most of the projects you know as they go i think in in terms of what the potential is down the road especially in the staking side of things depending on how long that you know the total value lock up is is for will be an interesting uh track especially on a lot of these kind of early projects like this you look at nfts you think most people whether it's board apes or you know the traditional known nfts out there i mean even myself i've been caught up in the galaxy egg you know nft got got involved one of those some of these uh they rise hard and they crash hard uh so you kind of get both ends of the world here your thoughts on one renting out nfts in some format or fashion or other ways that these nfts are going to be used outside of the game ecosystem you know from a utility aspect are you seeing any trends in that particular sector um i'm not seeing a huge trend there yet but i do believe that with the announcement of niantic launching their you know metaverse and the ar cloud so i i think there's a massive potential for some of these not even only vb but um in the macro nft space where we'll see more augmented use cases and i think vb is at the the kind of the forefront and kind of pioneering and leading the way in that use case so um you know the community has you know they do showrooms and vaults and and create beautiful art using you know their collectibles so it's very cool to see that and i think that's going to continue to trend and uh and like i said i think vv is even leading the way in that sector we've covered ar and vr on a couple of video videos now we just went through a project the other day ovr and many others that we've looked at and some of these projects have one have big big fan bases and what potentials are but it to me at least in looking at the space right now it feels like even though we've got action activity from you know with with the big zuckerberg over on meta and kind of what that might mean but do you think it's too early for ar vr in a space like maybe what vv could potentially implement into their own app because i could just see that being a huge explosion obviously i don't know if you follow matrix you know they just had the big unreal engine exposure and i'm just seeing this kind of advancement in game play and potentially for nfts what do you think ar and vr will be to the nft space in terms of growth yeah i think it's going to be a huge complement to the nft space and i see it definitely being a huge catalyst for the nft space to continue to grow um you know there's going to be very unique use cases for vr and ar i think both of them is kind of like the you know a good combination to have both and i think it's going to you know be huge for some of these projects and some of them maybe make or break but others like vivi they can pivot to one or the other or maybe do both so um yeah i think that it has huge implications for the nft space as a whole i'm kind of i'm i'm interested just because i think at some point we're going to see some e-commerce start to really become part of the metaverse and vr will be a big you know part of that if if in fact we can pull it off whether what are your thoughts on companies like meta or whether it's someone like a sandbox or or others out there maybe even like a blocktopia from the stage of where metaverse is moving and what that means to companies do you you see or think there might be any one of these groups or projects that have early mover advantage yeah obviously facebook has a good early you know mover advantage they have the oculus and i definitely think that they're going to go definitely into the ecom space and you know people putting on their vr headsets or whatever the case may be there's applications on computer um i definitely see people purchasing things in you know the metaverse or maybe it's the ar cloud version of the metaverse with niantic but uh i definitely see these uh early these companies putting serious funding and serious money to building their metaverses and maybe even sandbox where they already have integrations with nfts and if you click on the nft you can actually buy it so it's a matter of time before these big brands like maybe coca-cola or pepsi starts you know sponsoring some of these nfts and if you buy it in the digital world that you know you might get a physical shipment or something like that so um it's really early but i definitely see that definitely being a big um you know potential for a lot of these companies and brands and even games like sandbox my thoughts on you know i think where we start to see things really start to move is when we see real real application use whether it's e-commerce whether it is game play obviously game i think will be the first you know the big big one and of course many people are looking to that in in the terms of um well close to a trillion and then you get outside the the gaming sector and now you start blowing up into education uh social media which many people are still pointing to i was just listening to the polygon founder the other day talking about what meta social might look like in the future outside of gaming is there any category that you're watching in the metaverse that you think um this this is one i might want to start looking at in the early phases of its development yeah in terms of social i would say sandbox is going to be one of the you know leaders in how we interact with each other in the metaverse and a lot of these companies i think are going to pay close attention to what the sandbox does with it attracting big names like like i mentioned earlier sandbox they have the walking dead um and a bunch of other brands in ip that are moving to a platform like sandbox so i think you know with these metaverses like sandbox decentraland um and even somnium i think that's going to be definitely these company big companies even facebook are going to be paying close attention to meta social and what that looks like and i think zuckerberg already is paying attention um just based off of his initial you know video launch of meta just seeing what they how they went about the uh rollout of of the metaverse so um i definitely see that being a big catalyst as well let's i want to wrap up on uh neo tokyo just quickly um you know with alex becker's project and kind of just the uh for a lot of our audience it may be the first time they've ever heard of neo tokyo explain to me what it is and for our audience so they can kind of kind of get their head around it because even i who i feel like i study this all the time uh understand kind of where it's going but uh it seems to be a very uh much more of an edge case edge case nft play than anything out there uh what are your thoughts on it yeah so it started off as a free mint by alex and elio and you know you basically had to solve riddles and clues just to even get in so they made it really difficult and a high barrier to entry just to get the free mint but fast forward to today you know they've been rolling it out and and teasing a lot of things and alex becker says it's the illuminati of crypto gaming and so that's what it's sort of becoming and uh we're seeing a lot of huge news surrounding neo tokyo and uh you know if you hold one of these nfts you know that that's gonna provide you you know access to some of these ceos and and things like that to some of these companies and i that that's huge you know so it's something that i don't think i've ever seen in the space done before and uh basically alex is going to alex and elio they're launching on twitch and going to hold the metagames i believe it's called on twitch and sponsor uh their games there so um yeah it's it's definitely special and and very fun to be a part of that community yeah for sure listen it's been great having you on the show today kyle i think the interesting aspect of this we've got to get you back on soon is is the the explosion in the gaming sector whether you're watching our channel here you're into crypto investing the reason that we go this direction is because the sector has just absolutely exploded we're seeing a lot of activity in terms of token opportunities in terms of early stage investment whether it's ido or when a token gets dropped on some of these exchanges and you go out and you do a you know an acquisition via you know something like a meta mask or even a swap over on pancake swap so there's a lot of movement here in the space but kyle we got to get you back on to talk about some of those things for sure but thanks again for stopping in today we appreciate it absolutely it's a pleasure thanks for having me on paul excellent all right so you guys are tuned in over here on the podcast make sure and give us a like and a love over there we we love the feedback for sure but you got to join over here on the youtube channel this is the place where we really drop a lot of the analytics and the insights around what's happening in the crypto space and technology overall especially in blockchain make sure to join the diamond circle it's very easy to do so just click the link below it's free to you guys it's where we drop additional token analysis a lot of our insights and guess what's also where we do a lot of giveaways that are digital 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Channel: Paul Barron Network
Views: 53,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omi millionaire, veve nft, veve collectibles, best nfts, ecomi nft, veve nfts, veve ecomi, ecomi crypto, omi nft, veve price prediction, disney nft, veve marketplace, omi crypto, omi coin, ecomi news, ecomi veve, ecomi price prediction, ecomi token, veve nft prices, amazing nfts, omi price prediction, omi ecomi, best nfts to buy, ecomi omi, ecomi nfts, best nfts to invest in, future of ecomi, pokemon veve, immutable x, IMX token, 100x nft, 10x nfts, kyle willson
Id: qAPfpsm_rI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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