Crypto Update: Raoul Pal’s Sequel to the Exponential Age

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RAOUL PAL: The world of crypto is an incredibly  exciting journey that we're all going on together.   We don't know where it's leading to, but we know  it's going to be absolutely massive. Join me,   Raoul Pal, as I guide you on our adventure to  discover just what this new world will look like.  ASH BENNINGTON: Hello, I'm not Raoul Pal.  I'm Ash Bennington here to kick off and host   this conversation with Raoul Pal. Raoul,  it's always a pleasure to be with you.   But especially a pleasure to be with you today as  we discuss you going down the rabbit hole on your   journey in Raoul's Adventures in Crypto, welcome. RAOUL PAL: It's great, Ash. We never get a chance   to have a long form conversation. So, we're always  snatching half an hour on the Daily Briefing.   So, it's just good for you and me to properly  catch up with what the hell is going on.  ASH BENNINGTON: Yeah, absolutely. There's been  so much material that you've covered on the show   since September 10th. So, if you've missed  any episodes or if you're totally new,   we're going to set the counter back to zero,  start from the beginning and tell the whole story.  RAOUL PAL: This whole show, Raoul's Adventures  in Crypto, is basically my learning journey.   I am learning along with everybody  else and I'm taking everybody with   me through it and there are answers here. This  is not like the macro world where you know how   things work. And it's deciding which way it's  going to go, is it this path or that path?   This is like it's an unknown future and we all  have to figure it out while sprinting a marathon.  So, it's immensely hard work. There's incredible  amounts of input of new information coming that   it's overwhelming us all. So, what I'm  trying to do is build this framework   in my head that allows me to take into  account all the things that are happening   without having to be an expert on all of them. And  I want to be an expert in some of them. So, that's   how I'm approaching it. It's impossible to be an  expert on everything and anybody who tries will   just die of overwork. So, the best thing is that. So, what am I looking at? Let's start first with,   okay, I've explained to everybody now that  this is the fastest adoption of any technology   in all recorded history. So, the  chart you can see on the screen now   shows that the Internet back in 1997, when it  had 150 million users, was growing at 63% a year.   150 million users in crypto is present  day and it's growing at 113% a year.  So, this is why it's so hard for us all to catch  up because it's growing at a ridiculous pace.   And it's only accelerating. I mean,  we've seen in the last year alone   the rise of defi, NFTs, DAOs,  Central Bank Digital Currencies,   stablecoins in a way that none of us could have  expected. It just happened so fast at such scale.   And that's only going to continue. And that's  the core philosophy of the exponential age.  How I look at this, to frame it simply, is  this is currently a $2.5 trillion asset class.   If you compare the other asset classes, they're  between 150 trillion and 300 trillion until you   get to derivatives which are one quadrillion. Then  when you get to FX, it's multiple quadrillions.   So, the reality is if we continue this rate  of adoption, we should get to an equivalent   size asset class in these digital assets.  And that would make them worth 200 trillion.  We have never in all of human history been  given an opportunity that an entire asset class,   not a stock, not a single token, an entire  asset class goes up 100x in value probably   by the end of this decade. So, I've talked  about before, this is I think the largest   distribution of wealth and fastest distribution  of wealth in all recorded history. Because unlike   most other wealth distributions, things like  railroads, phones, even computers, and even the   internet, they accrue to giant companies. This is accruing to tokens which anybody   can participate in, because you can own a  fraction of a token. So, Bitcoin as of today   is 60,000-something, but when this interview comes  out, my guess is it's going to be a bit higher.   But you can own a small fraction. You can  have $10 in it, so everybody can participate   in this. This is incredible. And this is  why I'm so passionate about this space is   I was driven on a mission after  2008 and 2012 European crisis   to tell people about the risks and opportunities. I didn't want somebody to come to me and said,   why didn't I know? My job, the whole  job of Real Vision is to make sure   everybody knows. So, I've been banging the  table as loudly as possible saying, look,   there are no certainties in this world, but  this is the highest probability opportunity   I've ever seen and the biggest magnitude of any  opportunity I've ever seen in my entire career,   or I've ever heard about. So, that's the scale.  And that's why I am crazy interested in this.  I have been following Metcalfe's Law as my guide  for this. Metcalfe's Law is about how do you value   a network. And it's about basically the number  of people on the network, plus the number of   connections between those people. And the more  connections and the more applications built on   top of those people, the more valuable it is.  So, the biggest network is currently Bitcoin.   And Bitcoin has less applications built on it  than Ethereum does. But it has more users. So,   it's immensely valuable. It has the store value  proposition that most people are familiar with.  What is interesting is adoption  effects seem to repeat themselves.   It seems to be a human behavioral thing.  So, if you look at this next chart,   Bitcoin now is basically exactly following  Bitcoin 2013 in price structure. It's weird.  And this is not a chart I've just pulled up today.  I've been following this for a year and a half,   once I first started discovering Metcalfe's  Law. And I'm like, bloody hell, this is weird.   But it gives you a rough idea. I don't expect  it to be perfect, but it gives you a rough   idea. And what I'm expecting is a gigantic  rally into yearend. And we'll talk a bit   about it in an extended cycle in a sec. ASH BENNINGTON: It's a spooky chart.   It's a fractal chart. It shows the  self-similarity of growth within   Bitcoin at different points in the adoption cycle. RAOUL PAL: Yeah, and if you remember, 2013 was a   hell of an adoption cycle. It was the initial one,  and it had some violent moves. It's suggesting   violent moves. Just by using that chart, it gets  me somewhere like 300,000 Bitcoin price range.   Okay, that's above most people's expectations  but I don't see any reason why the chart's not   going to work. And we'll come a bit more  about how the cycle plays out in a sec.  But the other killer chart is once  I start discovering Metcalfe's law,   I start realizing that Ethereum is exactly  following Bitcoin's last cycle. And it's like, oh,   my God, this is spooky. I mean, I've got actually  on my Bloomberg in real time, and it almost works,   tick for tick. I've never seen anything  like it. And that gives a cycle projection   for Ethereum of 20,000. And again, I  actually think it's going to overshoot.  But I thought, well, if my logic about Metcalfe's  Law is right, then these layer-ones that we'll   talk about later should also fit. And bizarrely,  here's the chart of Solana against Ethereum   in the last cycle, when the Ethereum  was the darling, the new breakthrough.   It's exactly following. And the same is true of  Terra. It's exactly following. It's like, wow.  So as these different protocols get adoption,  they're all behaving in the same way. Well,   Bitcoin is repeating its early cycle of massive  adoption. So, for me this is super interesting.   And again, I don't expect these to be perfect  but they're contextualizing network adoption,   which is I think everything in this space for the  time being, until we start moving into some of   the other things. So, how do I think this plays  out, because that's what everybody cares about?  I honestly think we're going  to have a ridiculous yearend.   But here's the rub, is we've got different  people, actors in the business now.   So, if you are BlackRock or you are Tudor   and you have Bitcoin at end of year, if you are  BlackRock and let's say I'm right and Bitcoin   goes up 4x into the end of year or 3x, you  are going to rebalance and sell some Bitcoin.   If you are Tudor, you come into the end of the  year, you want to lock in your gains because you   get paid your annual performance fee in January,  so you will probably flatten out your P&L.  So, what happens is we might see selling  towards the end of December which   the market is going to go, the cycle's  finished. Because everybody's expecting   a December end because it was 2013 and 2017,  where the Bitcoin cycle ended in December.   However, I think the structure has changed.  I think there's a couple of things going on   that will elongate the cycle. One is everybody  is onboarding. The more the price goes up,   the more the institutions onboard. Institutions  are weird based they tend to operate quarterly.  So, you come into January, everybody's got  approval. It's going to start onboarding   and allocating January, February, March. So,  that selloff from the rebalancing will be   bought by the new institutions entering the  space as they increase their allocations.   Additionally, hedge funds have a brand-new P&L on  January 1st, and what they like to do is put on   risk. And this will be the bet that they'll  put on. So, my guess is we see more of that   and that drives prices further than we expect. I'm thinking that is a probability,   a reasonable probability, call it a 30%, 40%  chance that Ethereum gets to 40,000. And Bitcoin,   whether it gets to 300 or 400, I don't know.  And there's even enough chance of more.   I think we've got a spot ETF that comes in the  middle of that, and probably an Ethereum ETF that   comes. Then we've got the other big game in town,  which is the fact that Ethereum has no supply.   There's about 10% or 11% of all  available Ethereum on exchanges.  Everything else is locked away in smart contracts,  cold storage, defi, NFTs, and then staking.   Because everybody wants the ETH 2.0 to come,  so everybody's staking their ETH for the yield.   That takes it off and locks it away until  after that, and then that ETH comes onto   the market gradually. So, I think the  cycle probably goes on till the summer.   I think almost certainly till  March but possibly to the summer,   which will give us higher prices and a different  cycle structure than we've seen before.  I could be wrong. I'm not betting the entire ranch  on it. But that's how I think it plays out. And if   I'm right about the network adoption, then these  other layer-ones like Solana, Terra, Avalanche,   Cardano, and some of the others are going to  be super explosive. But in a risk reward basis,   they're riskier. They're not as deeper network as  Ethereum is. Ethereum to me remains the best bet   in the world from a risk-adjusted standpoint. It may not do the most impressive of all,   but for a major asset, my guess is it gets pretty  close to Bitcoin's market cap. So, I think it   probably in the end somewhere doubles in relative  valuation versus Bitcoin. I don't think the market   quite expects that. But maybe that short period  of the flippening would be the end of the cycle,   when everybody punches the air, all the  Bitcoin guys get pissed off because Ethereum   outperformed. Then we get a larger correction. But anyway, that's how I see it and that's a   lot of work that I've been writing in Global Macro  Investor, in Real Vision Pro, for Macro Insiders,   from speaking to people, understanding the  structure from people like the on-chain analysis,   from Will Clemente and Willy Woo and others.  Looking at the technical analysts that we've   had on Real Vision, CryptoSniper, all of these  people, getting a distillation from Plan B's stock   to flow. And so, I'm forming a whole macro  view around the space the next six to nine   months in the space from all of these kinds of  conversations that are happening on Real Vision.  ASH BENNINGTON: One of the interesting parts  about your journey is that you're no longer   just thinking about this in terms of Bitcoin and  Ethereum. You're looking at DAOs, the Metaverse,   NFTs, give us a little sense of that journey. RAOUL PAL: This is a journey I'm hurtling down.   And I'm trying to figure this out because this  shit is moving fast. And it's wildly complex.   It's coming from small seeds of ideas that are  exploding. And nobody knows where they're going   either, but people are contextualizing them. The  first one that I've been trying to figure out   is social tokens. That's something that Kevin  Kelly, I asked him, because him and I share a same   fascination. We think it's going to be literally  the [?] disruptor, the big mass market consumer   adoption of everything, which right now is NFTs,  but I think it's going to be social tokens.  So, I've asked Kevin to go and research  into this. And I've also been talking to   all sorts of people to find out where  this is going. And what is making me   understand is that culture is becoming  the investments. Yat Siu on his interview,   the chairman of Animoca, which  was unbelievable interview,   talked about that this could create universal  basic equity. So, I've been talking in the past   about the ability to have digital identity can  give us a chance of having universal basic income,   because you can sell your data or identity to  platforms that currently just harvest it for free.  I think that's coming. But maybe it's not as  big as universal basic equity, which means   that communities that you're involved with, you  have a token in. And if the community is vibrant,   then the value of that token rises over time.  So, your cultural interests align with your   investment interests, align with your business  interests, align with all of your activities.   We're seeing that with things like  Chiliz which is still pretty nascent   and its tokenization of sports clubs. I mean, those tokens still aren't worth a   lot of money considering the fan base of-- what is  Man United's fan base? A billion people? And their   token's probably worth 50 million? So, it's really  early days as people are trying to understand   how these tokenized communities can work. And how  do you actually add value because it can't be a   cash grab. It's got to be a participation. So,  I've been going down that journey, understanding   the music industry, the media industry, sports  teams, all of these things to try and understand,   okay, what the hell is coming here? But what I understand is these people have   communities that are gigantic. They have to rent  that community back of Facebook, Google and other   things. They have no direct relationship with a  customer. So, if you think of a football club,   the football club's direct relationship with the  customer really is the 80,000 people who can come   to a game on a Saturday. Even the t-shirt sales  and stuff like that, they've lost connection.   So, they have no real connection  with these gigantic fan bases.  But I think that brand is becoming a tangible  asset as opposed to an intangible asset.   And the tangibility is the fact that these  social tokens and NFTs will reflect that.   That's a gigantic change. So, what is Man  United's brand worth, does it sit in equity,   or does it sit in community? I think a lot of it's  going to sit it in community. So, that token to me   should be worth a few billion.   And that's where I think this is going. So, maybe those tokens in the football clubs,   if they tokenize in the right way and create the  right experiences and create the right community,   you can be a fan and make money from being a  fan. And you'll be able to build businesses   on these networks too. And that applies to  musicians, and even mega brands, fashion   brands, particularly things that have cultural  significance. So, this is a really huge thing.  ASH BENNINGTON: It's not just a huge  thing, Raoul, it's a democratizing thing.   The world that you're describing is one where  the big platforms, the Facebook's of the world,   become middlemen who are set up to be  disintermediated by the folks who actually own   the direct relationships with their own community. RAOUL PAL: Yeah, but the war is not over.   And this is where people need to  understand where this is going.   What we are creating is digital sovereign  states, multiple of different sizes.   So, we are fracturing the online world, and  we'll talk about the metaverse and where   this all going later. We've fractionalizing  communities into separate states. So, complex   adaptive societies, like human societies,  organized religions, all of this stuff,   generally have an organizing set  of principles, a mission statement,   leadership, and then a method of value exchange,  money or things like in religion is like if you do   these things, you'll go to heaven. If you do these  things, you'll go to hell. It's a value exchange.  What tokenization has done as allow every  community to create a value exchange around   these same principles. So, you organize groups  of humans, that's how old humans organized.   It's as old as humans are. But the supercharging  is the fact that you own a part of the network   like you don't own dollars. Yes, you can  earn more of them, but they don't have   necessarily the same output. Maybe they do. I  haven't really thought that through, because   the dollar can get printed. While here, you own a  scarce resource which is a part of that network.  And Facebook is doing a number of things, but  it has the largest community on Earth. It's a   disparate community of communities that all of  these brands are having to use. But if you unify   them with Facebook Diem, which is a stablecoin,  which is no different than El Salvador's currency   board or the currency board here in the Cayman  Islands. It's a stablecoin, essentially, but for   use on Facebook. So, what have you created? You've  created the largest sovereign state in the world   with the largest number of people. And like all sovereign states, the US has   got millions of different communities and groups  and interests and blah, blah, blah. That's what   Facebook is. It's a sovereign state. There is no  surprise that Zuckerberg is seeing the metaverse.   That is the kind of power that they want in this  equation. So, the battle of who owns what state   in the digital world is still to be fought. And  it will be a multi-state world. But in the digital   sovereign state world, you get the choice  to move from one community to the other.   And your token is the vote. I don't want to participate in Facebook's world.   I'm going to sell my token, and I'm going to move  across to somebody else's world. I mean, this is   democracy. It's also something really exciting  to me. The world is wildly polarized right now,   left and right. But I think what this  is doing, we'll come into DAOs in a sec   and NFTs because they're all part of this, is  actually creating something that only exists in   some places. Which is, it is progressive because  it allows participation of everybody in a society,   and it allows society to set rules. But it's  also free market capitalism at the same time.  It's like putting these two things  together that are being fought over.   You're a progressive. You're  a right wing. It's ridiculous.   What this is, is a pragmatic elegantly engineered  solution to many of the issues the world faces.   Now, that doesn't mean it's utopian because  you can have cesspool communities. You can   have communities you don't agree with. Humans are  humans. We all do this shit all day endlessly.   We all divide and conquer. Do all of this stuff. But basically, right now, you're in the United   States. I'm in the Cayman Islands, we have  to abide by the rules of society here.   And society taxes us. And we do get taxed in the  Cayman Islands, contrary to everybody's belief,   but in different ways. They tax us for the  good of society. Some people don't want that.   Well, you don't have a choice to leave,  or if you do, it's a pain in the ass.   In digital sovereign states, you will decide, do  you want to benefit society because this community   believes in benefiting society? And others  believe in arco libertarianism? Fine, do it.  But my guess is that we are going to coalesce  around the ideas of we can look after society   and have free markets. And that's what  Bitcoin has done. Bitcoin is the social token   if you think of it. If you ignore the narratives  around store of value and everything else because   it's following Metcalfe's Law, it's not  following a store of value thing. Yes,   the stock to flow does work in some respects. But  what is Bitcoin? It's a group of communities that   share a vision about hard money, and some  elements of economic and monetary freedom.  There's also a group that share a belief in wealth  distribution. And so, what you've got is a bunch   of beliefs that are on this network that everybody  participates in. And it's a strong narrative,   and so it does well. And should you decide,  as I did, that I was getting uncomfortable   with that community and society, because  they were not being accepting of people with   broader views, I sell some of my Bitcoin tokens  and moved across the Ethereum ecosystem where   everybody uses the words GM for good morning  and good night, and everybody's lovely to you.   It's like that is sovereign freedom. This is a fascinating concept that   I'm getting my head around. I don't  think most people have figured out yet.   And this is where DAOs and NFTs fit in. And again,  I had no idea really how to think about this   stuff. Hence, why I started interviewing people.  And Kevin Kelly's been doing a bunch of that   for me. But also, I've been doing a bunch of NFT  stuff. Because I can see that DAOs are basically   a way of getting agreements amongst  people on how things should be done   in a weirdly democratic way. Will it work fully? I  have no fucking clue. But it's really interesting.  As Jamie Burke mentioned to me, he's like, what  is interesting here is this like the world's   biggest economic experiment in real time. There  are literally thousands or tens of thousands of   economic experiments about economic ecosystems  all being run. Some collapsed, some succeed.   I mean, that's amazing. Because economics was a model-based thing.   Now, we're running experiments  with real data and real money   and seeing what survives and what doesn't.  And DAOs will go through the same.  What is going to work in that structure? I have  no idea. But it's a way of organizing complex   adaptive societies. The DAO is basically the  set of rules by which the society will operate.   This is big stuff, right? ASH BENNINGTON: What strikes me is just how   comprehensive this view of the space is, talking  about reengineering, not just organizations but   the nation state, society, social organization  more broadly, it's a hard thing to get your   head around. Where do you think this goes? RAOUL PAL: I don't know. But the more I reread The   Fourth Turning, the more prophetic the bloody book  is. And it says that all institutions will get   rebuilt from the ground up. With  rebuilding, states, corporations,   communities, money, store of value,  economics, all at the same time, done by   hundreds of thousands if not millions of people  of the smartest people in to engineer. Economists,   finance guys, technologists, developers,  mathematicians, everybody is working on this.  It's one of the most beautiful things I've seen,  is mankind saying, fuck it, we'll do it ourselves.   And we will figure it out. And we don't know  the answers. Everybody in the space except   the hardest core maximalist said we do not  know the answers. But we're going to try our   damnedest to see how far we can get. I love  this. This is how it should be. This is one   of the greatest movements I've ever seen, if not  the greatest movement, because it's political,   it's economic, it's financial, it's cultural,  it's everything all rolled into one damn thing.  And the market's splitting, the guys who are  interested in DAOs and what we can do with that?   The social tokens, the communities, the protocols,  the defi guys will come on to some of these, the   layer-ones, the transaction people and everybody's  going, alright, we're going to solve this one.   And we might fail but those guys might learn  something from us, and they'll take the baton,   but we're all sprinting as fast as we damn  well can to create this opportunity. And   this asset class is unstoppable because  of its distributed nature of intelligence.  The network effects of that power of intelligence  and the sheer number of doggedly determined people   doing things is unprecedented. We saw it with  open-source software. We saw it with the internet.   But this has the powerful incentives built in that  if you are a participant, you're not owning the   equity in a company, you're owning a stake in the  network, which never has happened before. So, it   is of a different order of magnitude. And still, I  still see people struggling to get across the line   with Bitcoin or whatever it is, when actually  we're hurtling into something much bigger.  The other thing that made me think about this  was NFTs. We've all seen the rise of NFTs. We   all understand part of it is memes, part of it  is communities, part of it is social identifiers,   part of it is social identity. And I got that,  and it's impossible to navigate. Unless you're   on Discord all day. I physically don't have the  time. I'm watching the Real Vision bot guys,   they're developing stuff. So, I'm learning  from them because they're too very smart guys.  I'm learning from all sorts  of people on NFTs. Again,   yes, you gave me some great feedback and  there's a whole bunch of people. I've   been speaking to people like Bill Tai about  this as well. NFTs are a cultural phenomenon   where people are organizing around these groups of  like-minded people. And the NFT is the identifier.   Some of it I don't quite like yet, because I  think to be a CryptoPunk is now an elitist group.   Because you can't fractionalize these things. You  can if you put them in a different structure, but   basically you can't fractionalize a  CryptoPunks, you will own it outright.  So, you're basically saying I've spent  three and a half million on my JPEG.   And therefore, I'm one of this crowd. That's  the same as me wearing a Cartier watch saying,   I can afford a fancy watch. I don't  think it's the right thing for the space,   but I don't care. Who am I to judge, right?  This is what people want to do. I buy social   identifiers all the time. Everything we all  do. My house is a social identifier. I mean,   we're humans. This is what we do. So, I don't really have a problem but   it's interesting. But I'm seeing really  interesting stuff. When we spoke to Gary Vee,   he's trying to build a media company  from the ground up, as is Ashton Kutcher,   as is Micah Johnson. That was a fantastic under  watched interview with Micah Johnson about what   Micah is doing with Aku which is incredible.  He's basically NFT-ing from the ground up   a cartoon. So, it's built on the blockchain. And  it turns into a whole media property. And he's   already got TV rights or film rights for it. ASH BENNINGTON: I should say this is on   Cryptovoxels. And it's available right now  for anyone who wants to go take a look.  RAOUL PAL: Yeah, and just search for it in  Cryptovoxels. But we'll make it more available   to everybody. We'll give you a tab on the page  and you can go and kick around our headquarters   because it's fun. So, these NFTs, there's  many things happening with them. And what   is interesting is there's some real projects like  Loot, of which it's really vague on what it is.   But what they're doing is building a movement  of people around these DAOs and these things.  Then that guy, and I'm not sure, it's like Punk  9526 or whatever, anonymous. I know a bit about   who he is, not who he is. And he's a very serious  guy. And he started writing these incredible long   threads about the social importance of what this  is, this cultural movement. How because NFTs   can't be thought of as securities and they're  probably protected under freedom of speech,   and they're immutable, and they're on  the blockchain, they become something   extremely precious in this world. The thing  that we've all lost, our own digital self.  And I'm starting to explore what this all  means too, because it's bigger than I know   that I'm yet understanding and that most people  are understanding. And it's very early phase.   I'm sure that we will have a NFT winter  and bunch of this stuff goes to zero,   but a bunch of stuff won't. What is that going to  be? Which of these projects are going to succeed?   Which are going to remain classic identifiers?  Will CryptoPunks, probably? Bored Apes, possibly?   But then you'll find there'll be subgroups. We're going to play with NFTs at Real Vision.   Not to extract value from the community  but by giving people a sense of identity.   Because we've got a very, very, very strong  community at Real Vision. And they want  to be identified as Real Vision people. So,  that's part of what NFTs are. And maybe they   are your identifier to log in to stuff. Maybe  it's your identity for affiliates. I have no   idea. But Real Vision is going to go the social  token as well. And again, I don't know where it's   all going. I'm certainly not going to stand up  and say, we're going to make you rich. No, no, no.  What we're going to do is create a utility token  that allows people to participate in the network.   And it's up to everybody who's on the  network to drive value to the network.   It's not about us trying to make people rich,  it's about driving utility and use case to the   network by all participants. And we'll see. It's  a brand experiment but I think it's going to work.   And I think it's going to tie people together and  have a great understanding of where this is going.  So, we've talked about cryptocurrency,  blockchain itself. We've talked about   social tokens, communities, digital sovereign  states, NFTs, DAOs. These are all the   conversations I'm having on Raoul's Adventures in  Crypto and getting other people to have for me.   Conversations that you're having for me and  Santiago Velez, it's all part of this big fucking   learning journey. Because I know this is the  biggest thing, and I'm trying to understand it.   I had a fantastic conversation with Jamie Burke. And Jamie and I came around to the idea   that we're both using the metaverse as  our framing of an End State. And again,   none of us know what the metaverse is, where  it's going. It's this digitally fluid world   between the physical and the digital world where  you can move around, live, exist, work, earn, etc.   But if you conceptualize the metaverse as  an End State or the start of an End State,   it allows you to hold all of  these thoughts in your head.  A digital financial system. Defi, a digital  system of organisms and corporations. DAOs,   social tokens, system of money for the communities  that you're in. NFTs, digital identifies and   stores of value within the digital world and  interoperability and transferability of that value   across various digital properties. All of that  becomes the metaverse. This is all this Web 3.0,   the metaverse, that gigantic change. So, the  metaverse is not to me, who's going to win?   Tim Sweeney, Mark Zuckerberg?  That's just not going to happen.  Apple is in the game. Google's in the game. Apple  are going to give you an ability because they own   this, which is a supercomputer in your  hand. They're going to have the ability   that those glasses you're wearing today,  Ash, will give you augmented reality.   So, what does augmented reality means? Does it  mean Google tells you what road to take when   you're walking through Manhattan? Sure. But it  also means that I can have a piece of NFT art in   my living room that doesn't exist in the physical  world but does to anybody I want to show it to.  It's Pokémon GO as a world where these  digital and physical things coexist. And we   can have different experiences. I can leave you  a digital map of my house because you're coming   over too little Cayman. And I say, it's only  available for you. And you stick on your glasses,   you've been permissioned because you've got the  token and you look at it. So, all of these things   plus what everybody's doing. I think I'm  speaking to the guys who are building Wiles.   They're doing it on Zero. What Tim Sweeney, who's building on Unreal Engine.   What people like Alexandria Fernandez is  doing? He's creating metaverses for companies   and organizations. We've got giant corporations.  We've got small people. We've got Cryptovoxels,   Decentraland. They're not going to be one  or the other. It's the same way as these   communities. We will be interoperable. We'll  be able to move fluidly between places that   better suit our needs, desires, communities, etc. There'll be some giant winners from this. Gigantic   trillion-dollar winners. I don't know who they  are. It's hard to invest on it. You can bet on   some of this social tokens. There's like three  or four companies that are platforms for that.   And I talked about those people like Rally,  Flow. I think Lukso is coming through, Chiliz.   NFTs, you can get involved in but it's really hard  because there's so many. It's the opposite social   token platforms where there's few. NFTs, it's  millions. So, you just have to suck it and see.  DAOs, they're still early. There's a few DAOs.  People are investing in things like Friends   With Benefits. It's super interesting. And the  metaverse, how the hell do we invest in this?   I don't know yet. There are some opportunities.  You can buy Decentraland, Sandbox. Sandbox is   a very interesting. There are lots of people  buying. Actually, Snoop Dogg land in Sandbox.   There's all sorts of stuff going on. So, I  think of this, the metaverse as the End State   and it allows you to hold all of these things  in your head without having to be the expert.  But it's the macro way, is  here's the probabilistic path.   Because then if not, you end up trying to argue  and everything, how do DAOs-- well, I don't know   how they're going to evolve, and that's okay.  But I just do know that they're going to evolve.   So, that's how I'm thinking this. This is why I'm  fascinated with the metaverse. Not some dystopian,   utopian, how's it going to play out? Is this  ready to play? I don't give a shit about that.   There's too many people working  on too many different ways. We   will get our choice in how we want to live. And my guess is once we have digital identifiers   that have things like zero-knowledge proofs  in them, something we haven't really explored   in Real Vision yet, because it's still pretty  early. But zero-knowledge proofs basically give   you a cryptographic block between your data and  the authentication. So, it can be authenticated   without question, trusted authentication,  without actually seeing my data.   So, that allows us to operate  anonymously in a digital world.  Now, our government is going to adopt  that for their wallets for CBDCs.   Our government's going to have their set  of documents that are publicly available,   and other things that we want privately,  but who the hell knows. But I do know is the   other end state is everything's going on this,  everything. Your communities you're a member of   will be in your wallet, and they will go up and  down in value if your community is thriving.   You will have the cryptocurrency bet, but I  think of those communities too, as well now.  So, I've given up the whole idea that these are  different things. They're all the same thing.   And those will go up and down in value. You  will have your digital identifier that I can   share with you. And what's really powerful is  what defi is going to do for everybody too.   And people are like, I'm struggling to get my  head around defi because it's moving and it's   failing and it's succeeding, it's all of these  things. They're all of these economic experiments.  But basically, stuff like Terra Network, you can  just put money to stake in the network and get   20%. Then basically risk free if you want to  own that network. Same with Ethereum. This is   mind-blowing. So, you can just quickly  park your assets by flicking up screen   and get different yields. Then there's going to be  yield farming, all the different ways of getting   multiple yield products. And eventually,  we'll get to a system of risk weighting.  This is a high risk 20% yield. This is a low risk  3% yield. You just do it accordingly. There's   no middlemen. It's just applications layers  being built on defi. And defi is borrowing,   it's lending. You'll be able to borrow  against your token holdings and say, look,   my portfolio token holding's worth 200 grand. Can  I use that as a deposit for a house? Yes, you can.   Because of the beauty of these digital assets, and  how they're recorded, and who's got the ownership.  This is where this is all going. And it's going  to happen at lightning fucking speed because the   central bank digital currencies enable all of  this, which is what people don't think. They   think, well, we don't want more- - no more  fiat. Forget it. Fiat is a sovereign state.   That's how they want to run their currency  regime. That's fine. You don't need to keep   all of your money in that currency regime. This  is the new world. In fact, you don't need to   anyway. You can switch between yen and Francs and  whatever you want anyway. And you can buy gold.   This is just an extension of that. They want their taxes because you live in   a society where somebody believes that the right  answer is societal benefits. So, society together   stronger if they share some of the wealth amongst  others, so other people get a support. I believe   in that, too. I know it's wildly unfashionable  with some people in the Bitcoin space. I have   no problem. I'm European. I believe in society.  How we make that society is up to society itself.   So, this is how big this all is, Ash. I mean,  it's ridiculous. And you can see my thinking just   moves on and on and on. I mean, I'm now so excited  about all of this. I just can't unsee any of it.  ASH BENNINGTON: One of the fascinating things  to me as someone who's doing this journey   alongside of you, talking to people, is just how  infrequently people from different silos of these   worlds talk to each other. And the $100 trillion  question is something you alluded to, is how all   the puzzle pieces ultimately fit together. RAOUL PAL: But it's like AI doing it. It's   the hive mind, right? I passionately talk about  the hive mind. This is the hive mind. As I said,   engineers, developers, mathematicians, economists,  finance people, all coming together and working   on the same project independently, running  experiments. I mean, get your head around   that. We've seen the power of the hive mind  in Real Vision. Something we're going to do   more as we start moving towards Web 3.0 world  for Real Vision, which we're hurtling towards.  The hive mind allocates capital better than  individuals do. That's mind-blowing. The Real   Vision bot portfolio which is voted on by the Real  Vision community has outperformed Bitcoin. It's   outperformed the algorithms that the bot produces.  And it's the same with the macro portfolio.   And those portfolios aren't run in a way that  a portfolio person would tell you to run them.   One day, Terra's right and then the next day, it's  out on Cardano. It's like, this is no way to run   a portfolio. Guess what? The crowd is smarter. And when you put millions of people onto solving   issues, then we get outcomes. So, like regulation  is a big issue, we need to get it right.   So, what do the guys on the Terra network do?  We're going to go to court. What the Ripple do?   We're going to go to court. What a Coinbase do?  We're going to stand up and fight. What you're   doing is creating and then individuals, went to  senators and congressmen and everybody is saying,   no, it's the power of all of these people in this  network is unbelievable. Nobody's going to go   against them, because the vote's in their money. It's like, I can't get my head around how magical   this is. And again, we're humans. We will  fuck it up relentlessly. We will create awful   things. We will abuse power. We will create  monopolies. All of that but this is a new way.   And a new way, maybe it can give us another 200  years of renaissance. A new renaissance. That's   what I think's coming. Well, the other journey  I'm doing on Real Vision is the exponential age   in its broadest context, which is then the rise  of computational power, AI, genetic sciences, 5G,   network, all of these things, EV, green  energy, all of these massive exponential   trends of which crypto is part of this. And it's all coming together into an entirely   new world. We're living in probably  the greatest time in all human history.   And exactly like the Fourth Turning, it also  feels like the worst time in human history,   where the worst of humanity has come out. And  we're seeing nations and people ripped apart.   But from that, we're building a new world. ASH BENNINGTON: So, talking about this   renaissance, one question that I know Real  Vision community members are going to have   is how does this influence your view of  Real Vision, and what our role is going   to be as we move forward into this space? RAOUL PAL: It was about two years ago that   I started to realize that it was pointless to be  just a media company creating video. And actually,   we created something better which is we created a  community. And it's an incredible community. Now,   I just got an email today, typical Real  Vision. Somebody who designs nuclear submarines   is right so saying, you've changed my life. And  we've had that from incredible people, our hive   mind is almost unparalleled. I think, probably  within any community I've ever seen. And I don't   say that because I'm a co-founder of Real Vision.  I say it because it's true. It's ridiculous.  And people have been telling us, we want to be  more part of Real Vision. We want to be part   of this community. We want to be part of this  network. We want to help the business. We want   to just drive this mission and believe in what  that is. And that's lending itself to Web 3.0, is   how do you get the community to be really part of  Real Vision? How do they share in it? And that's,   as I said, probably a social token, that's NFTs. I want to reinvent how brokerage is done. I want   to reinvent how asset management is done, by the  community, for the community, for the benefit. I   want to use AI in a way that's not being done  by others, which is to use AI to give back to   the community as opposed to extract from the  community to serve ads. I want to do stuff that   nobody's done before. And we're working on so many  secret projects. And there's some game changing.  The other thing that's not secret is  we're working hard and fast on education,   because we need to educate people. Get them up  to speed. I don't want people to say why didn't   we know? I'm trying to give everybody the tools,  everybody the understanding, and then everybody   the place, the community they could hang out where  they feel safe to ask questions or give ideas   and build the community, the knowledge of the  community together. That's what I want to do here.  Because then, we've got the world's most powerful  community, and the community of the people   who have the power, not some corporation. So,  that's what I'm thinking of. Other exciting things   we're up to as well is we've just started our show  with The Defiant. The Defiant, a fantastic group.   They're the cutting edge of crypto media.  Their focus has been on defi which is very   applicable to our audience who are interested in  finance and defi is hard to get your head around.   And I wanted to bring the macro, the defi,  the crypto world altogether. And that's that.  And that's what we're doing there is  bringing new people into our community.   And there's going to be other announcements about  communities that we're bringing into the Real   Vision community as well. Which are going to be  very exciting. So, there's a shit ton going on,   which is I think the official measure of how much  is going on. There's a lot of change to come.   But the idea is to create the best place to learn,  accumulate knowledge, disseminate knowledge,   and understand what's going on, and how to best  benefit from it. That's what I want to get to,   the vision of the future. ASH BENNINGTON: Raoul,   talking of community, one of the things that we're  passionate about here at Real Vision is opening up   the conversation to the community. We've got  a lot of questions here from an AMA. What do   you say? Want to do a quick speed round? RAOUL PAL: Yeah, let's do it. I always   love the questions from everybody.  Because again, it personalizes it.   It's not me behind the camera being the voice of  God. It's like, we're all in this together. We're   all trying to figure it out. So, yeah, let's go. ASH BENNINGTON: Alright, here we go. First   question comes to us from Fabrizio T. What is  the single most important factor that will drive   financial institutions to adopt crypto? RAOUL PAL: Price.   It's simple. The number go up, more get involved.  Then after that is regulatory clarity, which is   happening. We've just seen that I think it was the  SEC, not the SEC, I can't remember who the hell   has just said that they can hold crypto on their  balance sheets, which allows them market making   functions and prime broking. Well, they're not  going to hold on their balance sheet because the   risk weighting. It's not about having as an asset  on the balance sheet, it's about having a bloody   prime brokerage and offering it to hedge funds. ASH BENNINGTON: Alan asked, Raoul, what do you   think are the three biggest day-to-day  impacts of blockchain technology on   people's lives in the next 5 to 10 years? RAOUL PAL: Honestly, within 5 to 10 years,   I think it will be our digital identity, our store  of value, our way of digital method of ownership,   our ownership of rights, IP rights.  I think it'll spread to insurance  contracts. It'll be the way you earn money,  yield. The way you borrow, and how you   identify yourself within the communities within  which you live these digital sovereign states.   So, apart from that, it's very little impact. ASH BENNINGTON: A great and very nuanced   question comes to us from Janis about The Fourth  Turning. I'm just going to simplify it here.   For people who may not be familiar with  the book, give us a sense of what The   Fourth Turning is about and how you see it as  being relevant to the exponential age thesis?  RAOUL PAL: So, The Fourth Turning is a book  about demographics, and how demographic cycles   repeat themselves. And Neil Howe and William  Strauss went through in great detail back in the   1990s these demographic transitions through  time. And you get these turning points,   where basically a full group of full three or  four generations of people have gone through. And   you get a moment of change. And the transition from baby   boomers to millennials is a moment of gigantic  change, because the millennials know nothing   of the lives that the boomers live, which was  the relationship to World War II and then the   1950s and all of that. So, it's all it breaks.  And what happens is, the world is not fit   for the new entrants, so the zoomers and the  millennials want the world made a different way.  And so, usually you get societal change  writ large. Sometimes it can be catastrophic   change. It can be warfare. Other times it can  be social change. And their argument has proved   prophetic on where this is going, how you ends  with financial crashes. And out of the financial   crashes, comes people realizing we need to do  things differently. And generally speaking, even   the previous two elections are pretty much in the  book, even though it was written 20-odd years ago.  And the idea is from all of this, innovation  accelerates, if it's the right answers to the   fourth turning and not war. Innovation accelerates  as everybody reinvents a new set of institutions.   So, if you remember, most of the institutions  that we have in our world came out both World   War I and World War II. The rules based global  order system. All of that is going to get thrown   out and changed. That doesn't mean we reject the  rule based global order system, but we have to   adopt it for a modern world. And that's why I've  spent a lot of this interview talking about today   is the magnitude of these changes. ASH BENNINGTON: Yeah. J. Michael, we're   hearing so much about the impending bull market,  and it should last roughly three to six months.   After that time, is the market expected to  largely recede, or are we entering a time where   technology will continue to push it ever upward? RAOUL PAL: It's a good question. And I don't know.   I really don't know. Obviously, it's a very  volatile asset class. It's a logarithmic, so you   can have these 50% pullbacks within the same trend  much like Amazon, Apple, and stuff like that.   There is also periods of Amazon and Apple that  have gone sideways for two or three years after   a 50% correction, something like that. I don't  think the corrections will be as deep in the main   protocols. In other stuff, it will be. It's  a risk curve, it's what normally happens.  My guess is either the corrections are   shorter and sharper. Actually, I don't know.  Shorter and sharper, or just shallower and longer,   or none of the above. I don't know. It  makes it really hard to navigate. But I'm  actually on the side turning up a fund  of funds to exactly deal with this issue,   because it's impossible to know what to do. ASH BENNINGTON: Well, as we start all of that out,   here's a question from Mike H.  about the data. Raoul, where do   you get your crypto adoption statistics from? RAOUL PAL: Remi Tetot. Remi is my co-founder   of Real Vision and also, my macro analyst who  runs the massive database that we have. And   Remi builds out all these models.  So, he's the front of all knowledge.  ASH BENNINGTON: Jorge A., how do you see the  transition from a bank credit system with all   its moving parts, credit bureaus, scores, stores,  etc., to a collateralized or not cryptosystem like   the one we are experiencing in defi right now? RAOUL PAL: It's a migration. Don't expect the   lights to go on, lights go off. It's a  migration. It just happens over time.   So, it's happening already. It's just not consumer  friendly yet. I mean, still way from the space   right now. But I think defi explodes in the next  bear market or sideways market for crypto. Let's   say crypto trade sideways for two years. We're  all going to be staking, looking for yield,   looking for opportunities to make money  out of our coins over that period of time.  And there are risks with that too, as there  are with all yields and all returns. So, we   just have to navigate that world too. What's the  risk? Half of us don't know. Stuff gets hacked.   Some of these protocols don't work in defi world  because it's all experimentational. Nobody is   saying I've got the perfect solution here.  It's, as I said, one of the millions of   economic experiments being run in real time. ASH BENNINGTON: Carl C., hi, Raoul. Besides   the ETH 2.0 transition, can you go into more  depth about why you believe the crypto peak in   this cycle will be Q1 or Q2 of 2022? Will hedge  funds institutions, sovereign wealth funds, etc.,   be the main catalyst for that? RAOUL PAL: Yeah, I think I covered   this at the beginning of this interview. I think  yes, the change in the nature of the participants   will change this. But we're going to get through  a selling cycle first, a bunch people need to pay   a lot of tax bills. There's a bunch of people who  need to reallocate their assets because crypto has   gone up a lot. And there's a bunch of hedge funds  that want to close their P&L at yearend. So, it's   going to get volatile towards the end of the year.  That was going to call the end of the cycle. Then   I think we're going to see a face ripping rally. ASH BENNINGTON: Talking of which, here's a nice   cheery one from Daniel. What is the biggest  risk in crypto now that nobody is talking   about? And what is the worst-case  scenario for crypto being regulated?  RAOUL PAL: I don't think  there's a worst-case scenario.   I think there's too much money, too many voters,  too many people. And I've talked about this,   there was a grand compromise will happen. And  it'll be a new set of digital asset laws. And   that'll be another fourth turning. That's  moving away from Securities Laws of 1934.   That's the previous turning where we had the  world wars and we're now going to a different one.  So, what is the risk? The risk is going  to be a boom bust cycle. The risk is we   get a ridiculous extended bubble in this cycle,  and then a collapse. Like entrants get hurt.   It's that. I don't think there's any real risks  of this whole thing. I just don't see it. I just   don't see any of the FUD. Tether, solvable,  just go to a different stablecoin. Regulation,   just to go to a different country. There's  no stopping this. There is no stopping this.  ASH BENNINGTON: It's one from Tim L., what effect  will the Fed tapering have on crypto prices going   forward, especially Bitcoin and Ether? RAOUL PAL: Over time, once the economy   gets through a tightening, partial tightening,  and REITs which trend rate of growth which I   suspect is 1% or so, my guess is there will be  other assets that will start to perform that will   get investments. And I think the exponential age  stocks, for example, will do very well over time,   and they will have a competition for crypto.  And crypto will be just not the only game   in town. So, that's how I think about it. A credit cycle, most people in the crypto   market aren't involved in the credit cycle  so much. So, it's not a credit market thing.   But at the margin, it will take hedge  funds out, institutions out. So,   credit cycle, the business cycle still rules most  things, but in these exponential adoption curves,   it has a much lesser pronounced effect. ASH BENNINGTON: Final question, Raoul,   and this is my favorite one. It comes to us from  Gurekam, I'm going to paraphrase a little bit,   but he wants to know what our advice would be to a  25-year-old right now? Here's my answer. I've got   two. Number one, learning is a lifelong process. I  know that may sound a little onerous to you at 25   but it's actually just the opposite. It takes the  pressure off of you. This is something that you   are going to be learning, experiencing for decades  and decades to come. It's one of the reasons why   Real Vision is betting so big on education  and something we're so passionate about.  And second, Raoul, this is a lesson I  learned actually directly from you. So,   it's probably a fitting note to end on, which is  you can't be paralyzed by perfection, by the need   for certainty, the need to always be right. You  have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Get   comfortable taking risk. Get comfortable managing  risk and understanding the limitations of risk.   I think for me, that's probably the most  valuable lesson I've learned in the last year.   Raoul, what are you thinking about?  What's your advice for a 25-year- old?  RAOUL PAL: On that point, I've  said it before. There's two zones.   One is the comfort zone. And the other is  where the magic happens. They don't overlap.   Once you've learned that lesson in life, the  magic happens outside your comfort zone always.   So, for the 25-year-old, you have  a massive advantage over all of us.   Culture as an investment is something you grew  up with. You will spot the cultural trends   that you can get involved in, and you will  make money from it. This is a different world.  You don't have to be the guy and  needs to understand stock markets or   currencies or yield curves. You don't have  to be that person anymore. You're liberated   to say, I've seen this trend on TikTok and I  think this is big. And you can be part of it   because of the tokenization of the world or  the NFTs. So, you have an advantage over me,   over Ash, over anybody. It's an incredible  opportunity to rewrite the rules based around  how you see the world. At 25 years old, you grew  up in games. You grew up in a digital world.   You understand digital value. Use your advantage. ASH BENNINGTON:   Raoul, as we wrap here, final thoughts? RAOUL PAL: I think people now can understand   what it is we're trying to do here. We're  trying to understand this new world,   the digital asset world, along with the macro  world, because they are the same world. They're   just different areas of it. It's important  as important to understand the gold market,   the industrial commodities market, the  currency markets, or the crypto market. I just   think that the crypto markets offer the biggest  catalyst of change and the biggest opportunity.  I have no idea where this is actually going. So,  what you're doing when you're watching me do this,   or you do this, Ash, and all of the people  we are inviting, we're just learning.   We're trying to figure it out. We're trying  to figure out the world's biggest opportunity   so nobody can say I didn't know. We want to give  everybody the tools, democratize that information,   and allow people to participate in  literally the biggest economic cultural   revolution the world's ever seen. ASH BENNINGTON: Well, there you have it,   the macro view, the biggest big picture.  Raoul, thank you so much for joining me.  RAOUL PAL: That's lots of fun. It's the first time  I've really managed to get the whole thing across.   So, hopefully people found it useful. ASH BENNINGTON: Absolutely.   Thanks for watching everyone. RAOUL PAL: The world of crypto   is an incredibly exciting journey that we're  all going on together. We don't know where   it's leading to, but we know it's going to  be absolutely massive. Join me, Raoul Pal,   as I guide you on our adventure to discover  just what this new world will look like.
Channel: Real Vision Finance
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Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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